330 resultados para free tissue transfer


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Dental implant materials are required to enable good apposition of bone and soft tissues. They must show sufficient resistance to chemical, physical and biological stress in the oral cavity to achieve good long-term outcomes. A critical issue is the apposition of the soft tissues, as they have provided a quasi-physiological closure of oral cavity. The present experiment was performed to study the peri-implant tissue response to non-submerged (1-stage) implant installation procedures. Two different implants types (NobelBiocare, NobelReplace (R) Tapered Groovy 4.3 x 10 mm and Replace (R) Select Tapered TiU RP 4.3 x 10 mm) were inserted into the right and left sides of 8 domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) mandibles, between canines and premolars and immediately provided with a ceramic crown. Primary implant stability was determined using ressonance frequency analysis. Soft tissue parameters were assessed: sulcus depth (SDI) and junctional epithelium (JE). Following 70 days of healing, jaw sections were processed for histology and histomorphometric examination. Undecalcified histological sections demonstrated osseointegration with direct bone contact. The soft tissue parameters revealed no significant differences between the two implant types. The peri-implant soft tissues appear to behave similarly in both implant types.


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Background: Chrysotile is considered less harmful to human health than other types of asbestos fibers. Its clearance from the lung is faster and, in comparison to amphibole forms of asbestos, chrysotile asbestos fail to accumulate in the lung tissue due to a mechanism involving fibers fragmentation in short pieces. Short exposure to chrysotile has not been associated with any histopathological alteration of lung tissue. Methods: The present work focuses on the association of small chrysotile fibers with interphasic and mitotic human lung cancer cells in culture, using for analyses confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D reconstructions. The main goal was to perform the analysis of abnormalities in mitosis of fibers-containing cells as well as to quantify nuclear DNA content of treated cells during their recovery in fiber-free culture medium. Results: HK2 cells treated with chrysotile for 48 h and recovered in additional periods of 24, 48 and 72 h in normal medium showed increased frequency of multinucleated and apoptotic cells. DNA ploidy of the cells submitted to the same chrysotile treatment schedules showed enhanced aneuploidy values. The results were consistent with the high frequency of multipolar spindles observed and with the presence of fibers in the intercellular bridge during cytokinesis. Conclusion: The present data show that 48 h chrysotile exposure can cause centrosome amplification, apoptosis and aneuploid cell formation even when long periods of recovery were provided. Internalized fibers seem to interact with the chromatin during mitosis, and they could also interfere in cytokinesis, leading to cytokinesis failure which forms aneuploid or multinucleated cells with centrosome amplification.


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Background: Reactivation of p53 by either gene transfer or pharmacologic approaches may compensate for loss of p19Arf or excess mdm2 expression, common events in melanoma and glioma. In our previous work, we constructed the pCLPG retroviral vector where transgene expression is controlled by p53 through a p53-responsive promoter. The use of this vector to introduce p19Arf into tumor cells that harbor p53wt should yield viral expression of p19Arf which, in turn, would activate the endogenous p53 and result in enhanced vector expression and tumor suppression. Since nutlin-3 can activate p53 by blocking its interaction with mdm2, we explored the possibility that the combination of p19Arf gene transfer and nutlin-3 drug treatment may provide an additive benefit in stimulating p53 function. Methods: B16 (mouse melanoma) and C6 (rat glioma) cell lines, which harbor p53wt, were transduced with pCLPGp19 and these were additionally treated with nutlin-3 or the DNA damaging agent, doxorubicin. Viral expression was confirmed by Western, Northern and immunofluorescence assays. p53 function was assessed by reporter gene activity provided by a p53-responsive construct. Alterations in proliferation and viability were measured by colony formation, growth curve, cell cycle and MTT assays. In an animal model, B16 cells were treated with the pCLPGp19 virus and/or drugs before subcutaneous injection in C57BL/6 mice, observation of tumor progression and histopathologic analyses. Results: Here we show that the functional activation of endogenous p53wt in B16 was particularly challenging, but accomplished when combined gene transfer and drug treatments were applied, resulting in increased transactivation by p53, marked cell cycle alteration and reduced viability in culture. In an animal model, B16 cells treated with both p19Arf and nutlin-3 yielded increased necrosis and decreased BrdU marking. In comparison, C6 cells were quite susceptible to either treatment, yet p53 was further activated by the combination of p19Arf and nutlin-3. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to apply both p19Arf and nutlin-3 for the stimulation of p53 activity. These results support the notion that a p53 responsive vector may prove to be an interesting gene transfer tool, especially when combined with p53- activating agents, for the treatment of tumors that retain wild-type p53.


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Background: Envenoming by viper snakes constitutes an important public health problem in Brazil and other developing countries. Local hemorrhage is an important symptom of these accidents and is correlated with the action of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs). The degradation of vascular basement membrane has been proposed as a key event for the capillary vessel disruption. However, SVMPs that present similar catalytic activity towards extracellular matrix proteins differ in their hemorrhagic activity, suggesting that other mechanisms might be contributing to the accumulation of SVMPs at the snakebite area allowing capillary disruption. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this work, we compared the tissue distribution and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins induced by jararhagin (highly hemorrhagic SVMP) and BnP1 (weakly hemorrhagic SVMP) using the mouse skin as experimental model. Jararhagin induced strong hemorrhage accompanied by hydrolysis of collagen fibers in the hypodermis and a marked degradation of type IV collagen at the vascular basement membrane. In contrast, BnP1 induced only a mild hemorrhage and did not disrupt collagen fibers or type IV collagen. Injection of Alexa488-labeled jararhagin revealed fluorescent staining around capillary vessels and co-localization with basement membrane type IV collagen. The same distribution pattern was detected with jararhagin-C (disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich domains of jararhagin). In opposition, BnP1 did not accumulate in the tissues. Conclusions/Significance: These results show a particular tissue distribution of hemorrhagic toxins accumulating at the basement membrane. This probably occurs through binding to collagens, which are drastically hydrolyzed at the sites of hemorrhagic lesions. Toxin accumulation near blood vessels explains enhanced catalysis of basement membrane components, resulting in the strong hemorrhagic activity of SVMPs. This is a novel mechanism that underlies the difference between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic SVMPs, improving the understanding of snakebite pathology.


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We report on an experimental study of the structures presented by urethane/urea elastomeric films without and with ferromagnetic nanoparticles incorporated. The study is made by using the X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), optical, atomic and magnetic force (MFM) microscopy techniques, and mechanical assays. The structure of the elastomeric matrix is characterized by a distance of 0.46 nm between neighboring molecular segments, almost independent on the stretching applied. The shear casting performed in order to obtain the elastomeric films tends to orient the molecules parallel to the flow direction thus introducing anisotropy in the molecular network which is reflected on the values obtained for the orientational order parameter and its increase for the stretched films. In the case of nanoparticles-doped samples, the structure remains nearly unchanged although the local order parameter is clearly larger for the undoped films. NMR experiments evidence modifications in the molecular network local ordering. Micrometer size clusters were observed by MFM for even small concentration of magnetic particles.


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We derive a closed form expression for the sum of all the infrared divergent contributions to the free energy of a gas of gravitons. An important ingredient of our calculation is the use of a gauge fixing procedure such that the graviton propagator becomes both traceless and transverse. This has been shown to be possible, in a previous work, using a general gauge fixing procedure, in the context of the lowest order expansion of the Einstein-Hilbert action, describing noninteracting spin-two fields. In order to encompass the problems involving thermal loops, such as the resummation of the free energy, in the present work, we have extended this procedure to the situations when the interactions are taken into account.


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In this paper we study the one-and two-loop contribution to the free energy in QED with Lorentz symmetry breaking introduced via constant CPT-even Lorentz-breaking parameters at the high temperature limit. We find the impact of the Lorentz-violating term for the free energy and carry out a numerical estimation for the Lorentz-breaking parameter.


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Using ab initio methods, we propose a simple and effective way to substitutionally dope graphene sheets with boron. The method consists of selectively exposing each side of the graphene sheet to different elements. We first expose one side of the membrane to boron while the other side is exposed to nitrogen. Proceeding this way, the B atoms will be spontaneously incorporated into the graphene membrane without any activation barrier. In a second step, the system should be exposed to a H-rich environment, which will remove the CN radical from the layer and form HCN, leading to a perfect substitutional doping.


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The longitudinal spin transfer, D(LL), from high energy polarized protons to Lambda and Lambda hyperons has been measured for the first time in proton-proton collisions at s=200 GeV with the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The measurements cover pseudorapidity, eta, in the range |eta|< 1.2 and transverse momenta, p(T), up to 4 GeV/c. The longitudinal spin transfer is found to be D(LL)=-0.03 +/- 0.13(stat)+/- 0.04(syst) for inclusive Lambda and D(LL)=-0.12 +/- 0.08(stat)+/- 0.03(syst) for inclusive Lambda hyperons with <>=0.5 and << p(T)>>=3.7 GeV/c. The dependence on eta and p(T) is presented.


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Precise quasielastic and alpha-transfer excitation functions, at theta(lab) = 161 degrees, have been measured at energies near the Coulomb barrier for the (16)O + (63)Cu system. This is the first time reported quasielastic barrier distribution for a medium odd-A nucleus target deduced from the data. Additional elastic scattering angular distributions data available in the literature for this system were also used in the investigation of the role of several individual channels in the reaction dynamics, by comparing the data with free-parameter coupled-channels calculations. In order to do so, the nucleus-nucleus bare potential has a double-folding potential as the real component and only a very short-range imaginary potential. The quasielastic barrier distribution has been shown to be a powerful tool in this analysis at the barrier region. A high collectivity of the (63)Cu was observed, mainly due to the strong influence of its 5/2-and 7/2-states on all reaction channels investigated. A striking influence of the reorientation of the ground-state target-spin on the elastic cross sections, taken at backward angles, was also observed.


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Angular distributions for the (9)Be((8)Li, (9)Be) (8)Li elastic-transfer reaction have been measured with a 27-MeV (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for the <(9)Be vertical bar(8)Li + p > bound system were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross sections and finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations made with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors so obtained are compared with shell-model calculations and other experimental values. Using the present value for the spectroscopic factors, cross sections and reaction rates for the (8)Li(p,gamma) (9)Be direct proton-capture reaction of astrophysical interest were calculated in the framework of the potential model.


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We present a scheme for quasiperfect transfer of polariton states from a sender to a spatially separated receiver, both composed of high-quality cavities filled by atomic samples. The sender and the receiver are connected by a nonideal transmission channel -the data bus- modelled by a network of lossy empty cavities. In particular, we analyze the influence of a large class of data-bus topologies on the fidelity and transfer time of the polariton state. Moreover, we also assume dispersive couplings between the polariton fields and the data-bus normal modes in order to achieve a tunneling-like state transfer. Such a tunneling-transfer mechanism, by which the excitation energy of the polariton effectively does not populate the data-bus cavities, is capable of attenuating appreciably the dissipative effects of the data-bus cavities. After deriving a Hamiltonian for the effective coupling between the sender and the receiver, we show that the decay rate of the fidelity is proportional to a cooperativity parameter that weighs the cost of the dissipation rate against the benefit of the effective coupling strength. The increase of the fidelity of the transfer process can be achieved at the expense of longer transfer times. We also show that the dependence of both the fidelity and the transfer time on the network topology is analyzed in detail for distinct regimes of parameters. It follows that the data-bus topology can be explored to control the time of the state-transfer process.


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In this paper we detail some results advanced in a recent letter [Prado et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073008 (2009).] showing how to engineer reservoirs for two-level systems at absolute zero by means of a time-dependent master equation leading to a nonstationary superposition equilibrium state. We also present a general recipe showing how to build nonadiabatic coherent evolutions of a fermionic system interacting with a bosonic mode and investigate the influence of thermal reservoirs at finite temperature on the fidelity of the protected superposition state. Our analytical results are supported by numerical analysis of the full Hamiltonian model.


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We report a study of dynamic effects detected in the time-resolved emission from quantum dot ensembles. Experimental procedures were developed to search for common behaviors found in quantum dot systems independently of their composition: three quantum dot samples were experimentally characterized. Systems with contrasting interdot coupling are compared and their sensitivity to the excitation energy is analyzed. Our experimental results are compared and contrasted with other results available in literature. The optical recombination time dependence on system parameters is derived and compared to the experimental findings. We discuss the effects of occupation of the ground state in both valence and conduction bands of semiconductor quantum dots in the dynamics of the system relaxation as well as the nonlinear effects.


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We investigate the role of the dc Stark effect in multilevel pairwise interactions between cold Rydberg atoms. We have observed the decay of nD + nD quasi-molecules by detecting the products in the (n + 2) P state after pulsed excitation for 29 <= n <= 41. The decay rate can be manipulated with a dc electric field and requires a consideration of the multilevel nature of the process to explain the observations. The time dependence of the (n + 2) P signal is found to support a time-dependent picture of the dynamics.