149 resultados para Tura, Montserrat -- Interviews
In South Africa, and especially in Johannesburg, apartheid's ""racial"" paradigms are being transformed. Fifteen years after the end of apartheid and the elimination of all forms of inequity based on notion of ""race,"" including the abolition of the Immorality Act of 1949 that prohibited mixed marriages, the discourses of youth challenge preestablished boundaries. Today, the South African Constitution gives people the right to proclaim their sexual orientation and to shape their own identities. Through ethnographic observations carried out in Johannesburg and in-depth interviews with young people, this paper explores transforming notions of identity based on ""race/color/ethnicity,"" gender, class, and sexuality. The dynamics and challenges faced by young people with regards to mixed interactions in post-apartheid Johannesburg are analyzed and the paper looks at how "" race,"" gender, and sexuality interact in the various spaces in Johannesburg and how they affect young people's lives, particularly their perceptions of risk, violence, and HIV/AIDS vulnerability.
The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for subsequent statistical treatment. Proposals made to this end generally entail counting lexical occurrences which, since they are founded on previously established meanings, fail to include semantic associations made by interviews. This article aims to present an analysis tool comprising a set of techniques apt to generate linguistic units that can be statistically described, compared, modeled and inferred: the Quantitative Propositional Analysis (QPA), Its main difference from other such methods lies in the choice of a proposition - and not the lexical unit - as analysis unit. We present the application of this method through a study about the international expansion of retail firms.
The goal of this paper is to show the diffusion, reception, and utilization of Omar Catunda's book Course of Mathematical Analysis for mathematics and engineering teaching in Brazilian universities, e. g., University of Sao Paulo and the University of Bahia from 1950 to 1976. We used interviews of some ex-alumni or users of his book. We also present some signs of the influence of his book and of Catunda himself at University of Rio Grande do Sul. We argue that Catunda and his book were important agents of process of modernizing the teaching of calculus and analysis, through his classes as well as his book.
Background: Major depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, yet epidemiologic data are not available for many countries, particularly low- to middle-income countries. In this paper, we present data on the prevalence, impairment and demographic correlates of depression from 18 high and low-to middle-income countries in the World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Methods: Major depressive episodes (MDE) as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DMS-IV) were evaluated in face-to-face interviews using the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Data from 18 countries were analyzed in this report (n = 89,037). All countries surveyed representative, population-based samples of adults. Results: The average lifetime and 12-month prevalence estimates of DSM-IV MDE were 14.6% and 5.5% in the ten high-income and 11.1% and 5.9% in the eight low- to middle-income countries. The average age of onset ascertained retrospectively was 25.7 in the high-income and 24.0 in low- to middle-income countries. Functional impairment was associated with recency of MDE. The female: male ratio was about 2: 1. In high-income countries, younger age was associated with higher 12-month prevalence; by contrast, in several low-to middle-income countries, older age was associated with greater likelihood of MDE. The strongest demographic correlate in high-income countries was being separated from a partner, and in low- to middle-income countries, was being divorced or widowed. Conclusions: MDE is a significant public-health concern across all regions of the world and is strongly linked to social conditions. Future research is needed to investigate the combination of demographic risk factors that are most strongly associated with MDE in the specific countries included in the WMH.
Background The Family Health Strategy (FHS) has been implemented as a strategy for primary care improvement in Brazil. Working with teams that include one doctor, one nurse, auxiliary nurses and community health workers in predefined areas, the FHS began in 1994 (known then as the Family Health Program) and has since grown considerably. The programme has only recently undergone assessment of outcomes, in contrast to more routine evaluations of infrastructure and process. Methods In 2001, a health survey was carried out in two administrative districts (with 190 000 inhabitants) on the outskirts of the city of Sao Paulo, both partially served by the FHS. Chronic morbidity (hypertension, diabetes and ischaemic heart disease) of individuals aged 15 or older was studied in areas covered and not covered by the programme. Stratified univariate analysis was applied for sex, age, education, income, working status and social insurance of these populations. Multivariate analysis was applied where applicable. Results There was a distinct pattern in the morbidity profile of these populations, suggesting differentiated self-knowledge on chronic disease status in the areas served by the FHS. Conclusion The FHS can increase population awareness of chronic diseases, possibly through increasing access to primary care.
Background: Community and clinical data have suggested there is an association between trauma exposure and suicidal behavior (i.e., suicide ideation, plans and attempts). However, few studies have assessed which traumas are uniquely predictive of: the first onset of suicidal behavior, the progression from suicide ideation to plans and attempts, or the persistence of each form of suicidal behavior over time. Moreover, few data are available on such associations in developing countries. The current study addresses each of these issues. Methodology/Principal Findings: Data on trauma exposure and subsequent first onset of suicidal behavior were collected via structured interviews conducted in the households of 102,245 (age 18+) respondents from 21 countries participating in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Bivariate and multivariate survival models tested the relationship between the type and number of traumatic events and subsequent suicidal behavior. A range of traumatic events are associated with suicidal behavior, with sexual and interpersonal violence consistently showing the strongest effects. There is a dose-response relationship between the number of traumatic events and suicide ideation/attempt; however, there is decay in the strength of the association with more events. Although a range of traumatic events are associated with the onset of suicide ideation, fewer events predict which people with suicide ideation progress to suicide plan and attempt, or the persistence of suicidal behavior over time. Associations generally are consistent across high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides more detailed information than previously available on the relationship between traumatic events and suicidal behavior and indicates that this association is fairly consistent across developed and developing countries. These data reinforce the importance of psychological trauma as a major public health problem, and highlight the significance of screening for the presence and accumulation of traumatic exposures as a risk factor for suicide ideation and attempt.
Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. Mental disorders are among the strongest predictors of suicide; however, little is known about which disorders are uniquely predictive of suicidal behavior, the extent to which disorders predict suicide attempts beyond their association with suicidal thoughts, and whether these associations are similar across developed and developing countries. This study was designed to test each of these questions with a focus on nonfatal suicide attempts. Methods and Findings: Data on the lifetime presence and age-of-onset of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) mental disorders and nonfatal suicidal behaviors were collected via structured face-to-face interviews with 108,664 respondents from 21 countries participating in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. The results show that each lifetime disorder examined significantly predicts the subsequent first onset of suicide attempt (odds ratios [ORs] = 2.9-8.9). After controlling for comorbidity, these associations decreased substantially (ORs = 1.5-5.6) but remained significant in most cases. Overall, mental disorders were equally predictive in developed and developing countries, with a key difference being that the strongest predictors of suicide attempts in developed countries were mood disorders, whereas in developing countries impulse-control, substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorders were most predictive. Disaggregation of the associations between mental disorders and nonfatal suicide attempts showed that these associations are largely due to disorders predicting the onset of suicidal thoughts rather than predicting progression from thoughts to attempts. In the few instances where mental disorders predicted the transition from suicidal thoughts to attempts, the significant disorders are characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control. The limitations of this study include the use of retrospective self-reports of lifetime occurrence and age-of-onset of mental disorders and suicidal behaviors, as well as the narrow focus on mental disorders as predictors of nonfatal suicidal behaviors, each of which must be addressed in future studies. Conclusions: This study found that a wide range of mental disorders increased the odds of experiencing suicide ideation. However, after controlling for psychiatric comorbidity, only disorders characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control predict which people with suicide ideation act on such thoughts. These findings provide a more fine-grained understanding of the associations between mental disorders and subsequent suicidal behavior than previously available and indicate that mental disorders predict suicidal behaviors similarly in both developed and developing countries. Future research is needed to delineate the mechanisms through which people come to think about suicide and subsequently progress from ideation to attempts.
Objectives: Amazonian populations are experiencing dietary changes characteristic of the nutrition transition. However, the degree of change appears to vary between urban and rural settings. To investigate this process, we determined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in fingernails and dietary intake of Amazonian populations living along a rural to urban continuum along the Solimoes River in Brazil. Methods: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were analyzed from the fingernails of 431 volunteer subjects living in different settings ranging from rural villages, small towns to urban centers along the Solimoes River. Data from 200 dietary intake surveys were also collected using food frequency questionnaires and 24-h recall interviews in an effort to determine qualitative aspects of diet composition. Results: Fingernail delta(13)C values (mean standard deviation) were -23.2 +/- 1.3, 20.2 +/- 1.5, and 17.4 +/- 1.3 parts per thousand and delta(15)N values were 11.8 +/- 0.6, 10.4 +/- 0.8, and 10.8 +/- 0.7 parts per thousand for those living in rural villages, small towns, and major cities, respectively. We found a gradual increase in the number of food items derived from C(4) plant types (meat and sugar) and the replacement of food items derived from C(3) plant types (fish and manioc flour) with increasing size of urban centers. Conclusion: Increasing urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon is associated with a significant change in food habits with processed and industrialized products playing an increasingly important role in the diet and contributing to the nutrition transition in the region. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 23:642-650, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The project of Information Architecture is one of the initial stages of the project of a website, thus the detection and correction of errors in this stage are easier and time-saving than in the following stages. However, to minimize errors for the projects of information architecture, a methodology is necessary to organize the work of the professional and guarantee the final product quality. The profile of the professional who works with Information Architecture in Brazil has been analyzed (quantitative research by means of a questionnaire on-line) as well as the difficulties, techniques and methodologies found in his projects (qualitative research by means of interviews in depth with support of the approaches of the Sense-Making). One concludes that the methodologies of projects of information architecture need to develop the adoption of the approaches of Design Centered in the User and in the ways to evaluate its results.
Background: This paper explores and analyses the experiences of school-age street children. It specifically addresses the relationship of the street children who live on the streets of Sao Paulo (a large Brazilian metropolis), in relation to their experiences, with the policemen. Methods: The paper is a secondary analysis of date previously collected in 1999. The data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews, with 14 school-age children frequenting two city public refuges, with their legal guardians` consent. The text from transcribed interviews was organized according to the validity norms of `thematic analysis`, a technique of contents analysis method. The decomposing and reconstructing process of that analysis gave rise to thematic categories (among which `the police category`) that represented the reconstruction of the difficulties faced by the children in their development. Results and discussion: The children portrayed the police as an enemy, a fearful figure and one of the most agonizing street experiences. Rarely did the police have a positive image to them. According to the children, police violence occurs in three forms: through systematic police persecution in an effort to remove the children from the streets against their will; actions that had the deliberate intent to humiliate them with verbal or physical aggression; and through alleged sexual abuse, revealed by the children in a veiled manner. The authority that is supposedly intended to protect them is portrayed as one of the most feared social agents. Conclusion: The reported hostile behaviour of the policemen shows the state of vulnerability of those children living on the street. This situation must be focused like a health problem because it causes injury to development of children. Nurses can help them through organizing assistance to children in situation of personal and social risk in the school nursing and health institution.
The aim of this study was to develop the concept of the dignified death of children in Brazilian pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). The Hybrid Model for Concept Development was used to develop a conceptual structure of dignified death in PICUs in an attempt to define the concept. The fieldwork study was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with nine nurses and seven physicians working in PICUs. Not unexpectedly, the concept of dignified death was found to be a complex phenomenon involving aspects related to decisions made by the multidisciplinary team as well as those related to care of the child and the family. Knowledge of the concept`s dimensions can promote reflection on the part of healthcare professionals regarding the values and beliefs underlying their conduct in end-of-life situations. Our hope is that this study may contribute to theoretic and methodological development in the area of end-of-life care.
Nursing is at the same time a vocation, a profession and a job. By nature, nursing is a moral endeavor, and being a `good nurse` is an issue and an aspiration for professionals. The aim of our qualitative research project carried out with 18 nurse teachers at a university nursing school in Brazil was to identify the ethical image of nursing. In semistructured interviews the participants were asked to choose one of several pictures, to justify their choice and explain what they meant by an ethical nurse. Five different perspectives were revealed: good nurses fulfill their duties correctly; they are proactive patient advocates; they are prepared and available to welcome others as persons; they are talented, competent, and carry out professional duties excellently; and they combine authority with power sharing in patient care. The results point to a transition phase from a historical introjection of religious values of obedience and service to a new sense of a secular, proactive, scientific and professional identity.
Objectives: Main Objective: to identify ethical problems in primary care according to nurses` and doctors` perceptions. Secondary Objective: to know ethical issues of patient-professional relationships in primary care. Design: Synthesis to integrate and reinterpret primary results of qualitative studies. Setting: Primary healthcare centers, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Participants and/or context: Incidental sample of 34 nurses and 36 medical doctors working in primary healthcare centers selected by convenience. Methods: Individual, semi-structured interviews to identity situations considered as sources of ethical problems. The sample is socially representative of primary care health centers and professionals. Data collection assured discourse saturation. Hermeneutic-dialectical discourse analysis was used to study the results. Results: Patient-professional relationships and team work were the main sources of ethical problems. The most important problems were patient information, privacy, confidentiality, interpersonal relationship, linkage and patient autonomy. These issues reflect the recent changes in clinical relation ships and show the peculiarities of primary care with its continuous care which lasts a long time. Healthcare involves multiprofessional team work in the midst of the patient claims for autonomy. Good care of patients needs requires a relationship based on communication and cooperation, and includes feelings and values, with communication skills. Conclusions: Ethical problems in primary care are common situations. For quality and humane primary care the relationship should consist of dialogue, trust and cooperation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Aim To describe the perceptions and attitudes of registered nurses (RNs) towards adverse events (AEs) in nursing care. Background The professionals` subjective perspectives should be taken into account for the prevention of AEs in care settings. Method Schutz`s social phenomenology was developed. Interviews were conducted with nine Intensive Care Unit RNs. Results The following five descriptive categories emerged: (1) the occurrence of AEs is inherent to the human condition but provokes a feeling of insecurity, (2) the occurrence of AEs indicates the existence of failures in health care systematization, (3) the professionals` attitudes towards AEs should be permeated by ethical principles; (4) the priority regarding AEs should be the mitigation of harm to patients, and (5) decisions regarding the communication of AEs were determined by the severity of the error. Conclusions The various subjective perspectives related to the occurrence of AEs requires a health care systematization with a focus on prevention. Ethical behaviour is essential for the patients` safety. Implications for nursing management Activities aimed at the prevention of AEs should be integrated jointly with both the professionals and the health care institution. A culture of safety, not punishment, and improvement in the quality of care provided to patients should be priorities.
The present study sought to identify the perception of a given group of users of the Brazilian Public Health System (Sistema Unico de Saude) regarding organ donation and to implement an educational policy. Structured interviews were conducted with the aim of describing the profile of donor and nondonor subjects, the importance of organ donation, and the knowledge regarding donation and brain death. One hundred subjects were interviewed: 33% of them considered themselves potential donors; 40% were donors; 13% were nondonors; and 14% were ill-informed potential donors. However, only 40% of users have already officially expressed to their families a willingness to donate. Regarding their knowledge about the propitious moment for organ donation, only 64% of them associated the donation act with brain death. Although the present results revealed that users of the Brazilian Public Health System are prone to organ donation, there actually was a high amount of refusals, which may be due to lack of information and knowledge regarding the donation-transplantation process.