96 resultados para Thin-wall


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The deposition and characterization of Se films doped with Pb underpotentially deposited (UPD) ad-atoms was studied in this work. The employed experimental techniques were cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The initial deposition of Se film by chronoamperometry yielded a thin film composed of approximately 700 layers. The Pb UPD on Se was achieved by chronoamperometry in a potential value previously determined in voltammetric experiments. This deposition yielded a deposition charge of approximately 7.5% of the total one. The film resistance altered from 320 Omega cm(2) for Se to 65 Omega cm(2) for the Se/Pb one. Flat band potential values and number of acceptors and donors were also calculated for both films and the values obtained were + 0.95 and -0.51 V for Se and Se/Pb, respectively. The Se coating presented 1.2 x 10(17) cm(3) acceptors while the Se/Pb one presented 3.2 x 10(17) cm(3) donors. The band gap values for both films were 2.4 eV and 1.9 eV, correspondingly. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The time dependence of the concentration of CO2 in an electrochemical thin layer cavity is studied with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in order to evaluate the extent to which the thin layer cavity is diffusionally decoupled from the surrounding bulk electrolyte. For the model system of CO on Pt(111) in 0.1 M HClO4, it is found that the concentration of CO2, formed by electro-oxidation of CO, equilibrates rapidly with the surrounding bulk electrolyte. This rapid equilibration indicates that there is diffusion out of the thin layer, even on the short time scales of typical infrared experiments (1-3 min). However, since the measured CO2 absorbance intensity as a function of time is reproducible to within 10%, a new time-dependent method for surface coverage calibration using solution-phase species is proposed.


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The concern related to the environmental degradation and to the exhaustion of natural resources has induced the research on biodegradable materials obtained from renewable sources, which involves fundamental properties and general application. In this context, we have fabricated thin films of lignins, which were extracted from sugar cane bagasse via modified organosolv process using ethanol as organic solvent. The films were made using the vacuum thermal evaporation technique (PVD, physical vapor deposition) grown up to 120 nm. The main objective was to explore basic properties such as electrical and surface morphology and the sensing performance of these lignins as transducers. The PVD film growth was monitored via ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance, revealing a linear relationship between absorbance and film thickness. The 120 nm lignin PVD film morphology presented small aggregates spread all over the film surface on the nanometer scale (atomic force microscopy, AFM) and homogeneous on the micrometer scale (optical microscopy). The PVD films were deposited onto Au interdigitated electrode (IDE) for both electrical characterization and sensing experiments. In the case of electrical characterization, current versus voltage (I vs V) dc measurements were carried out for the Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film, leading to a conductivity of 3.6 x 10(-10) S/m. Using impedance spectroscopy, also for the Au IDE coated with the 120 nm lignin PVD film, dielectric constant of 8.0, tan delta of 3.9 x 10(-3)) and conductivity of 1.75 x 10(-9) S/m were calculated at 1 kHz. As a proof-of-principle, the application of these lignins as transducers in sensing devices was monitored by both impedance spectroscopy (capacitance vs frequency) and I versus time dc measurements toward aniline vapor (saturated atmosphere). The electrical responses showed that the sensing units are sensible to aniline vapor with the process being reversible. AFM images conducted directly onto the sensing units (Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film) before and after the sensing experiments showed a decrease in the PVD film roughness from 5.8 to 3.2 nm after exposing to aniline.


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In this paper we report here new considerations about the relationship between the mass and charge variations (m/z relationship) in underpotential deposition (UPD), bulk deposition and also in the H(2)Se formation reaction. Nanogravimetric experiments were able to show the adsorption of H(2)SeO(3) on the AuO surface prior to the voltammetric sweep and that, after the AuO reduction, 0.40 monolayer of H(2)SeO(3) remains adsorbed on the newly reduced Au surface, which was enough to gives rise to the UPD layer. The UPD results indicate that the maximum coverage with Se(ads) on polycrystalline gold surface corresponds to approximately 0.40 monolayer, in good agreement with charge density results. The cyclic voltammetry experiments demonstrated that the amount of bulk Se obtained during the potential scan to approximately 2 Se monolayers, which was further confirmed by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) measurements that pointed out a mass variation corresponding of 3 monolayers of Se. In addition, the Se thin films were obtained by chronoamperometric experiments, where the Au electrode was polarized at +0.10V during different times in 1.0 M H(2)SO(4) + 1.0 mM SeO(2). The topologic aspects of the electrodeposits were observed in Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements. Finally, in highly negative potential polarizations, the H(2)Se formation was analyzed by voltammetric and nanogravimetric measurements. These finding brings a new light on the selenium electrodeposition and point up to a proposed electrochemical model for molecule controlled surface engineering. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics and the thermodynamics of electrochemical intercalation of lithium into CeO(2)-TiO(2) films prepared by the sol-gel process were studied by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) as function of the depth of lithium intercalation. The open-circuit-potential versus x in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) curve consists of two straight lines with different slopes, one in the range of 0.03 <= x <= 0.09 and the other of 0.09 < x <= 0.15. The standard Gibbs energy for lithium intercalation Delta G(1)(0) was 6kJ/mol for x = 0.09 in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) at room temperature. The chemical diffusion coefficient value, D(Li+), of lithium intercalation into thin film oxide was 2.14.10(-11) cm(2)/s at x = 0.15, and the value of the component diffusion coefficient D(Li+),(k) was about one order of magnitude lower than the coefficient of chemical diffusion.


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Single-phase perovskite structure Pb(1-x)Ba(x)TiO(3) thin films (x = 0.30, 0.50 and 0.70) were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO(2)/Si substrates by the spin-coating technique. The dielectric study reveals that the thin films undergo a diffuse type ferroelectric phase transition, which shows a broad peak. An increase of the diffusivity degree with the increasing Barium contents was observed, and it was associated to a grain decrease in the studied composition range. The temperature dependence of the phonon frequencies was used to characterize the phase transition temperatures. Raman modes persist above tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive. The origin of these modes was interpreted in terms of breakdown of the local cubic symmetry by chemical disorder. The absence of a well-defined transition temperature and the presence of broad bands in some interval temperature above FE-PE phase transition temperature Suggested a diffuse type phase transition. This result corroborates the dielectric constant versus temperature data, which showed a broad ferroelectric phase transition in these thin films. The leakage Current density of the PBT thin films was studied at different temperatures and the data follow the Schottky emission model. Through this analysis the Schottky barrier height values 0.75, 0.53 and 0.34 eV were obtained to the PBT70, PBT50 and PBT30 thin films, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.