128 resultados para Pseudocreadium Maturini Sp Nov.


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Plasmids are mobile genetic elements of bacteria that can impart important adaptive traits, such as increased virulence or antibiotic resistance. We report the existence of plasmids in Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae) species, including Rickettsia akari, ""Candidatus Rickettsia amblyommii,"" R. bellii, R. rhipicephali, and REIS, the rickettsial endosymbiont of Ixodes scapularis. All of the rickettsiae were isolated from humans or North and South American ticks. R. parkeri isolates from both continents did not possess plasmids. We have now demonstrated plasmids in nearly all Rickettsia species that we have surveyed from three continents, which represent three of the four major proposed phylogenetic groups associated with blood-feeding arthropods. Gel-based evidence consistent with the existence of multiple plasmids in some species was confirmed by cloning plasmids with very different sequences from each of two ""Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii"" isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of rickettsial ParA plasmid partitioning proteins indicated multiple parA gene origins and plasmid incompatibility groups, consistent with possible multiple plasmid origins. Phylogenetic analysis of potentially host-adaptive rickettsial small heat shock proteins showed that hsp2 genes were plasmid specific and that hsp1 genes, found only on plasmids of ""Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii,"" R. felis, R. monacensis, and R. peacockii, were probably acquired independently of the hsp2 genes. Plasmid copy numbers in seven Rickettsia species ranged from 2.4 to 9.2 per chromosomal equivalent, as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Plasmids may be of significance in rickettsial evolution and epidemiology by conferring genetic plasticity and host-adaptive traits via horizontal gene transfer that counteracts the reductive genome evolution typical of obligate intracellular bacteria.


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The rickettsial infections in 174 Amblyomma nodosum found on passeriform birds in the Atlantic forest, eastern Brazil, have recently been evaluated. Rickettsiae were successfully isolated from two ticks, using cultures of Vero cells. Both isolates were molecularly characterised, using the rickettsial genes gltA and htrA and, when possible, also ompA and ompB. Portions of the gltA and htrA genes from one of the rickettsial isolates were found be closely match the corresponding GenBank sequences for Rickettsia bellii, with 99.9% and 100% homology, respectively. This isolate was named R. bellii strain Pontal. Portions of the gltA, htrA and ompB genes from the second isolate most closely matched the corresponding sequences of R. parkeri, whereas a portion of the ompA gene from this isolate was closest to the relevant sequence of Rickettsia sp. strain COOPERI (which has been considered to be a strain of R. parkeri in Brazil). The second isolate was named R. parkeri strain NOD. Further investigation of the 172 ticks from which isolates were not recovered revealed R. parkeri strain NOD in 40 and R. bellii strain Pontal in nine, giving overall infection prevalences of 23.6% (41/174) and 5.7% (10/174), respectively. This appears to be the first report of R. bellii and R. parkeri in A. nodosum.


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Morphological and molecular studies were carried out on Palisada papillosa and P. perforata from the Canary Islands (type locality of P. perforata), Mexico and Brazil. The two species have been distinguished by features of their external morphology such as size and degree of compactness of the thalli, presence or absence of arcuate branches, branching pattern and basal system. A detailed morphological comparison between these taxa showed that none of the vegetative anatomical or reproductive characters was sufficient to separate these species. The presence or absence of cortical cells in a palisade-like arrangement, also previously used to. distinguish these species, is not applicable. The species present all characters typical of the genus, and both share production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast, production of two fertile pericentral cells (the second and the third additional, the first remaining sterile), spermatangial branches produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of trichoblasts, and the procarpbearing segment with four pericentral cells. Details of the procarp are described for the species for the first time. The phylogenetic position of these species was inferred by analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 39 taxa, using one other Rhodomelacean taxon and two Ceramiaceae as outgroups. Relationships within the clade formed by P. papillosa and P. perforata have not been resolved due to the low level of genetic variation in their rbcL sequences (0-0.4%). Considering this and the morphological similarities, we conclude that P. papillosa is a taxonomic synonym of P. perforata. The phylogenetic analyses also supported the nomenclatural transfer of two species of Chondrophycus to Palisada, namely, P. patentiramea (Montagne) Cassano, Senties, Gil-Rodriguez & M.T. Fujii comb. nov. and P. thuyoides (Kutzing) Cassano, Senties, Gil-Rodriguez & M.T. Fujii comb. nov.


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A new genus and species of Cyphophthalmi, Canga renatae gen. nov., sp. nov., is described in the family Neogoveidae from a system of caves in the Serra de Carajas, Para State, Brazil. Canga can be easily distinguished from other neogoveid genera by the presence of a dentate claw on leg I, a unique character among known cyphophthalmid species, and by the free coxa II, which is fused to coxae III and IV in all the other neogoveid species except for the North American Metasiro. The new genus also differs from other Neotropical neogoveids in the lack of a dorsal crest on the chelicerae and in the lack of opisthosomal glands. The finding of a neogoveid in the Para State greatly increases the known distribution of South American cyphophtalmids into the Eastern Brazilian Amazon forest.


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The morphology of terebelliform polychaetes was investigated for a phylogenetic study focused on Terebellidae. For this study, specimens belonging to 147 taxa, preferably type material or specimens from type localities or areas close to them, were examined under stereo, light and scanning electron microscopes. The taxa examined were 1 Pectinariidae, 2 Ampharetidae, 2 Alvinellidae, 8 Trichobranchidae, and 134 Terebellidae, which included 8 Polycirrinae, 15 Thelepodinae, and 111 Terebellinae. A comparison of the morphology, including prostomium, peristomium, anterior segments and lobes, branchiae, glandular venter, nephridial and genital papillae, notopodia and notochaetae, neuropodia and neurochaetae, and posterior end, was made of all the currently recognized families of terebelliform polychaetes, with special emphasis on Terebellidae. A discussion of the characters useful to distinguish between genera is given. This character set will be used in a subsequent phylogenetic study (Nogueira & Hutchings in prep.)


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Four new species of terebellid polychaetes were collected at the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel da Ponta de Tubarao, State of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. These species are Streblosoma patriciae sp. nov., Terebella leslieae sp. nov., Nicolea ceciliae sp. nov., and Pista alonsae sp. nov. All these species are herein described and compared with the morphologically most similar congeners.


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In studies carried out off the north-eastern and south-eastern coast of Brazil, three species of Prosphaerosyllis were found: P. isabellae, which was already recorded for Brazilian waters; P. xarifae, a newly recorded species for the area; and P. brachycephala sp. nov., a new to science species. Prosphaerosyllis brachycephala sp. nov., is characterized by having swollen anterior part of the body, prostomium retractable within the peristomium and anterior segments, short antennae, short peristomial and dorsal cirri, and falcigers with short, unidentate blades throughout. All these species are herein described and compared to the most similar congeners.


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A new species of Stygnidae is described from the state of Bahia, Brazil. Protimesius bahiensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from the remaining species of the genus by the combination of: male femur IV unarmed and cylindrical; male patella IV with a row of large dorsal acute tubercles, increasing in size distally and male tibia IV with one mesodistal tubercle; ventral plate of the penis with three pairs of distal curved setae and one pair of intermediate setae, smaller than the rest. A cladistic analysis of the subfamily is presented. Stygninae is divided in two groups of genera: (Ricstygnus, Stygnus, Sickesia), with a wide distribution and (Pickeliana (Protimesius (Phareus (Stenophareus (Auranus (Verrucastygnus, Stenostygnoides)))))), associated to the Guiana Shield, Amazon basin and Northeastern Brazil. The monophyly of Protimesius is supported by the apex of pedipalpal tibia sockets bifid (homoplastically present in Verrucastygnus and Stenostygnoides) and by the presence of scopulae with non-spatulated hairs.


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A new species of Amphisbaena is described from Fazenda Porto Seguro, municipality of Buique, state of Pernambuco, in the Caatingas of northeastern Brazil based on four specimens. The new species is a small and slender amphisbaenian with four precloacal pores, 333-337 body annuli, 22-23 tail annuli with discrete evidence of an autotomic site on the 10-12 tail annuli, and 14 dorsal and 17-18 ventral segments per annuli at midbody. The high number of body annuli, the presence of chevron-shaped anterior body annuli, and the fusion of frontal scales distinguish Amphisbaena supernumeraria sp. nov. from its congeners.


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Four taxa of terebellines with problematic taxonomic histories are redescribed. One is a new species that has been mis-identified for the last 37 years and one is allocated to a different genus from that to which it was previously assigned. Pista corrientis McIntosh, 1885 was described from Argentina and has been reported from several localities along the Brazilian coast. Examination of the holotype of P. corrientis revealed that the Brazilian specimens belong to a separate species, herein described as P. nonatoi sp. nov., and a redescription of the holotype of P. corrientis is provided. Pista sombreriana (McIntosh, 1885) was considered indeterminable due to the poor condition of the holotype. Our examination of the holotype showed that although it is poorly preserved most taxonomic characters are visible. The morphology of the lobes on anterior segments, especially those of segments 3-4, is closer to Lanicides than to Pista but considering that Lanicides is also poorly defined we redescribe P. sombreriana under its original designation. Finally, Eupolymnia turgidula (Ehlers, 1887) has been considered as a junior synonym of E. crassicornis (Schmarda, 1861) but a recent study resurrected it as a valid species of Terebella, which was the original generic designation. According to our examination of the holotype, E. turgidula does belong to Eupolymnia, but it is uncertain as to whether it is a valid species or a synonym of either E. crassicornis or E. magnifica (Webster, 1884).


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A new species of gekkonid lizard genus Gymnodactylus Spix, 1825 is described on the basis of material collected in the ""campos rupestres"" (open rocky communities) of Mucuge municipality, northeastern Brazil. G. vanzolinii sp. nov. differs from its congeners in the number of transverse and longitudinal rows of dorsal tubercles and color pattern. It is thought to be closer to G. guttulatus which also occurs and is restricted to the rocky communities from highland open areas in the Espinhaco mountain range. The discovery leads to a reevaluation of the taxonomic status of G. carvalhoi Vanzolini, 2005, which is here considered a synonym of G. amarali Barbour, 1925.


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Hydrocoryne iemanja sp. nov. was found in an aquarium, growing on rhodoliths of coralline algae collected on the southeastern coast of Brazil (20 degrees 40`S 40 degrees 2`W). The colonies were reared through maturity in the laboratory. Each colony had up to 7 sessile, long and thin monomorphic zooids, very extensible and flexible, arising from a chitinous, hard dark-brown plate with minute spines. Medusae budded from near the basal part of hydrocaulus, and were released in immature condition, acquiring fully developed interradial gonads 5-7 days after release. Asexual reproduction by longitudinal fission was observed on the hydrocaulus of the polyps, both for those in normal condition and those with injuries. Fission started at the oral region, extending aborally, with a new hard plate formed in the basal part of hydrocaulus. When fission reached the new hard plate, the new polyp detached, becoming free and sinking to the bottom, starting a new colony. Detached polyps were morphologically indistinguishable from other polyps, being able to produce medusae. Mother and daughter polyps undertook subsequent fissions. This mode of longitudinal fission is distinct from other modes of longitudinal fission, a process known for a few species Of cnidarians. Further studies of this process may shed light on the understanding of the evolutionary pathways in Cnidaria and animals. Hydrocoryne iemanja sp. nov. is distinguishable from its two congeners by the distinct marginal tentacles of the medusae-short and with a median nematocyst knob-an unambiguous character useful even for the identification Of newly liberated medusae.


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In a study investigating the composition and spatial and temporal variation of the benthic macrofauna associated to the discharge of domestic sewage off Fortaleza, north-eastern Brazil, a new species of Syllis was found. This new species, S. guidae sp. nov., is characterized by having blades of falcigers with subdistal tooth about same length as distal tooth, but stouter than it, with spines on cutting edge almost reaching the tip of subdistal tooth, blades of falcigers with conspicuous subdistal triangular process and unusually long anal papilla between anal cirri, measuring about one-quarter of their length. Syllis guidae sp. nov., is herein described and compared with the most similar congeners.


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A new species of Trypanosyllis was found in a collection of polychaetes living on algae, sponges, ascidians and sabelariid reef; at the intertidal zone of a rocky shore, at Praia do Guarau, south-eastern Brazil. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is characterized by having an orange body in life, with dark red antennae and cirri throughout, falcigers with short, sub-bidentate blades, and parapodia with thick, distally sharp, protruding aciculae, two to three aciculae on each anterior parapodium, two aciculae on midbody segments, single acicula per parapodium on posteriormost chaetigers. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is compared with the most similar congeners and a redescription of Trypanosyllis zebra, based on Brazilian specimens collected from similar environments at nearby beaches, is given.


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Protimesius osvaldoi sp. nov. is described from the Reserva Biologica de Sooretama, state of Espirito Santo, Southeastern Brazil, being the First record of Stygnidae from this State and the southernmost record of the family in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (hitherto, the family was recorded down to Bahia only), extending in 210 km south of the previously known distribution. This is a large species, with armature of leg IV very reduced and penial morphology differing from the closest counterparts mainly in the ventral plate, which recedes deeply at the lateral borders and has the distal margin curved ventrally and by the presence of two small intermediate setae. Protimesius Roewer, 1913 consisted hitherto of 17 species, recorded from northern/northeastern Brazil and Amazonia of adjacent Countries. A key is given for the 17 species of Protimesius for which males are known.