284 resultados para MASS DETECTION
The exact composition of a specific class of compact stars, historically referred to as ""neutron stars,'' is still quite unknown. Possibilities ranging from hadronic to quark degrees of freedom, including self-bound versions of the latter, have been proposed. We specifically address the suitability of strange star models (including pairing interactions) in this work, in the light of new measurements available for four compact stars. The analysis shows that these data might be explained by such an exotic equation of state, actually selecting a small window in parameter space, but still new precise measurements and also further theoretical developments are needed to settle the subject.
This study presents the mass distribution for a sample of 18 late-type galaxies in nine Hickson compact groups. We used Ha rotation curves (RCs) from high-resolution two-dimensional velocity fields of Fabry-Perot observations and the J-band photometry from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, in order to determine the dark halo and the visible matter distributions. The study compares two halo density profiles, an isothermal core-like distribution, and a cuspy one. We also compare their visible and dark matter distributions with those of galaxies belonging to cluster and field galaxies coming from two samples: 40 cluster galaxies of Barnes et al. and 35 field galaxies of Spano et al. The central halo surface density is found to be constant with respect to the total absolute magnitude similar to what is found for the isolated galaxies. This suggests that the halo density is independent of galaxy type and environment. We have found that core-like density profiles better fit the RCs than cuspy-like ones. No major differences have been found between field, cluster, and compact group galaxies with respect to their dark halo density profiles.
Context. Tight binaries discovered in young, nearby associations are ideal targets for providing dynamical mass measurements to test the physics of evolutionary models at young ages and very low masses. Aims. We report the binarity of TWA22 for the first time. We aim at monitoring the orbit of this young and tight system to determine its total dynamical mass using an accurate distance determination. We also intend to characterize the physical properties (luminosity, effective temperature, and surface gravity) of each component based on near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations. Methods. We used the adaptive-optics assisted imager NACO to resolve the components, to monitor the complete orbit and to obtain the relative near-infrared photometry of TWA22 AB. The adaptive-optics assisted integral field spectrometer SINFONI was also used to obtain medium-resolution (R(lambda) = 1500-2000) spectra in JHK bands. Comparison with empirical and synthetic librairies were necessary for deriving the spectral type, the effective temperature, and the surface gravity for each component of the system. Results. Based on an accurate trigonometric distance (17.5 +/- 0.2 pc) determination, we infer a total dynamical mass of 220 +/- 21 M(Jup) for the system. From the complete set of spectra, we find an effective temperature T(eff) = 2900(-200)(+200) K for TWA22A and T(eff) = 2900(-100)(+200) for TWA22 B and surface gravities between 4.0 and 5.5 dex. From our photometry and an M6 +/- 1 spectral type for both components, we find luminosities of log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.11 +/- 0.13 dex and log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.30 +/- 0.16 dex for TWA22 A and B, respectively. By comparing these parameters with evolutionary models, we question the age and the multiplicity of this system. We also discuss a possible underestimation of the mass predicted by evolutionary models for young stars close to the substellar boundary.
Aims. We report the discovery of very shallow (Delta F/F approximate to 3.4 x 10(-4)), periodic dips in the light curve of an active V = 11.7 G9V star observed by the CoRoT satellite, which we interpret as caused by a transiting companion. We describe the 3-colour CoRoT data and complementary ground-based observations that support the planetary nature of the companion. Methods. We used CoRoT colours information, good angular resolution ground-based photometric observations in- and out- of transit, adaptive optics imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, and preliminary results from radial velocity measurements, to test the diluted eclipsing binary scenarios. The parameters of the host star were derived from optical spectra, which were then combined with the CoRoT light curve to derive parameters of the companion. Results. We examined all conceivable cases of false positives carefully, and all the tests support the planetary hypothesis. Blends with separation >0.40 '' or triple systems are almost excluded with a 8 x 10(-4) risk left. We conclude that, inasmuch we have been exhaustive, we have discovered a planetary companion, named CoRoT-7b, for which we derive a period of 0.853 59 +/- 3 x 10(-5) day and a radius of R(p) = 1.68 +/- 0.09 R(Earth). Analysis of preliminary radial velocity data yields an upper limit of 21 M(Earth) for the companion mass, supporting the finding. Conclusions. CoRoT-7b is very likely the first Super-Earth with a measured radius. This object illustrates what will probably become a common situation with missions such as Kepler, namely the need to establish the planetary origin of transits in the absence of a firm radial velocity detection and mass measurement. The composition of CoRoT-7b remains loosely constrained without a precise mass. A very high surface temperature on its irradiated face, approximate to 1800-2600 K at the substellar point, and a very low one, approximate to 50 K, on its dark face assuming no atmosphere, have been derived.
Marine turtles are increasingly being threatened worldwide by anthropogenic activities. Better understanding of their life cycle, behavior and population structure is imperative for the design of adequate conservation strategies. The mtDNA control region is a fast-evolving matrilineal marker that has been employed in the study of marine turtle populations. We developed and tested a simple molecular tracing system for Caretta caretta mtDNA haplotypes by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP). Using this technique, we were able to distinguish the SSCP patterns of 18 individuals of the haplotypes CC-A4, CC-A24 and CCxLO, which are commonly found in turtles sampled on the Brazilian coast. When we analyzed 15 turtles with previously unknown sequences, we detected two other haplotypes, in addition to the other four. Based on DNA sequencing, they were identified as the CC-A17 and CC-A1 haplotypes. Further analyses were made with the sea turtles, Chelonia mydas (N = 8), Lepidochelys olivacea (N = 3) and Eretmochelys imbricata (N = 1), demonstrating that the PCR-SSCP technique is able to distinguish intra-and interspecific variation in the family Cheloniidae. We found that this technique can be useful for identifying sea turtle mtDNA haplotypes, reducing the need for sequencing.
Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)[06/56855-0]
In many real situations, randomness is considered to be uncertainty or even confusion which impedes human beings from making a correct decision. Here we study the combined role of randomness and determinism in particle dynamics for complex network community detection. In the proposed model, particles walk in the network and compete with each other in such a way that each of them tries to possess as many nodes as possible. Moreover, we introduce a rule to adjust the level of randomness of particle walking in the network, and we have found that a portion of randomness can largely improve the community detection rate. Computer simulations show that the model has good community detection performance and at the same time presents low computational complexity. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We searched for a sidereal modulation in the MINOS far detector neutrino rate. Such a signal would be a consequence of Lorentz and CPT violation as described by the standard-model extension framework. It also would be the first detection of a perturbative effect to conventional neutrino mass oscillations. We found no evidence for this sidereal signature, and the upper limits placed on the magnitudes of the Lorentz and CPT violating coefficients describing the theory are an improvement by factors of 20-510 over the current best limits found by using the MINOS near detector.
Measurements of neutrino oscillations using the disappearance of muon neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI neutrino beam as observed by the two MINOS detectors are reported. New analysis methods have been applied to an enlarged data sample from an exposure of 7.25 x 10(20) protons on target. A fit to neutrino oscillations yields values of vertical bar Delta m(2)vertical bar = (2.32(-0.08)(+0.12) x 10(-3) eV(2) for the atmospheric mass splitting and sin(2)(2 theta) > 0.90 (90% C.L.) for the mixing angle. Pure neutrino decay and quantum decoherence hypotheses are excluded at 7 and 9 standard deviations, respectively.
We investigate a neutrino mass model in which the neutrino data is accounted for by bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetry with anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We focus on the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) phenomenology, studying the reach of generic supersymmetry search channels with leptons, missing energy and jets. A special feature of this model is the existence of long-lived neutralinos and charginos which decay inside the detector leading to detached vertices. We demonstrate that the largest reach is obtained in the displaced vertices channel and that practically all of the reasonable parameter space will be covered with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1). We also compare the displaced vertex reaches of the LHC and Tevatron.
Several quantum paramagnets exhibit magnetic-field-induced quantum phase transitions to an anti-ferromagnetic state that exists for H(c1) <= H <= H(c2). For some of these compounds, there is a significant asymmetry between the low-and high-field transitions. We present specific heat and thermal conductivity measurements in NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), together with calculations which show that the asymmetry is caused by a strong mass renormalization due to quantum fluctuations for H <= H(c1) that are absent for H >= H(c2). We argue that the enigmatic lack of asymmetry in thermal conductivity is due to a concomitant renormalization of the impurity scattering.
The masses of neutron-deficient nuclides near the N=Z line with A=64-80 have been determined using a direct time-of-flight technique which employed a cyclotron as a high-resolution spectrometer. The measured atomic masses for (68)Se and (80)Y were 67.9421(3) u and 79.9344(2) u, respectively. The new values agree with the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation. The result for (68)Se confirms that this nucleus is a waiting point of the rp-process, and that for (80)Y resolves the conflict between earlier measurements. Using the present results and the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation compilation, the empirical interaction between the last proton and the last neutron in N=Z nuclei has been revisited and extended.
Aims. Given that in most cases just thermal pressure is taken into account in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to estimate galaxy cluster mass, the main purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of all three non-thermal components to total mass measurements. The non-thermal pressure is composed by cosmic rays, turbulence and magnetic pressures. Methods. To estimate the thermal pressure we used public XMM-Newton archival data of five Abell clusters to derive temperature and density profiles. To describe the magnetic pressure, we assume a radial distribution for the magnetic field, B(r) proportional to rho(alpha)(g). To seek generality we assume alpha within the range of 0.5 to 0.9, as indicated by observations and numerical simulations. Turbulent motions and bulk velocities add a turbulent pressure, which is considered using an estimate from numerical simulations. For this component, we assume an isotropic pressure, P(turb) = 1/3 rho(g)(sigma(2)(r) + sigma(2)(t)). We also consider the contribution of cosmic ray pressure, P(cr) proportional to r(-0.5). Thus, besides the gas (thermal) pressure, we include these three non-thermal components in the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium equation and compare the total mass estimates with the values obtained without them. Results. A consistent description for the non-thermal component could yield a variation in mass estimates that extends from 10% to similar to 30%. We verified that in the inner parts of cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while in non-cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is dominant. For cool core clusters the magnetic pressure is the dominant component, contributing more than 50% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure components. However, for non-cool core clusters, the major influence comes from the cosmic ray pressure that accounts for more than 80% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure effects. For our sample, the maximum influence of the turbulent component to the total mass variation can be almost 20%. Although all of the assumptions agree with previous works, it is important to notice that our results rely on the specific parametrization adopted in this work. We show that this analysis can be regarded as a starting point for a more detailed and refined exploration of the influence of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium (ICM).
In this work we study the dynamical generation of mass in the massless N = 1 Wess-Zumino model in a three-dimensional spacetime. Using the tadpole method to compute the effective potential, we observe that supersymmetry is dynamically broken together with the discrete symmetry A(x) -> A(x). We show that this model, different from nonsupersymmetric scalar models, exhibits a consistent perturbative dynamical generation of mass after two-loop corrections to the effective potential.
We investigate the detection of exotic massive strongly interacting hadrons (uhecrons) in ultrahigh energy cosmic ray telescopes. The conclusion is that experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory have the potential to detect these particles. It is shown that uhecron showers have clear distinctive features when compared to proton and nuclear showers. The simulation of uhecron air showers, and its detection and reconstruction by fluorescence telescopes, is described. We determine basic cuts in observables that will separate uhecrons from the cosmic ray bulk, assuming this is composed by protons. If these are composed by a heavier nucleus, the separation will be much improved. We also discuss photon induced showers. The complementarity between uhecron detection in accelerator experiments is discussed.