97 resultados para Asymmetric Coplanar Strip
The purpose of this study was to describe the patterns of pelvic rotational asymmetry in the transverse plane and identify the possible factors related to this problem. One thousand and forty-five patients with cerebral palsy (CP) and complete documentation in the gait laboratory were reviewed in a retrospective study. Pelvic asymmetry in the transverse plane was observed in 52.7% of the patients; and to identify the possible causes of pelvic retraction, clinical (Thomas test, popliteal angle, and gastrocnemius tightness) and dynamic parameters (mean rotation of the hip in stance, minimum hip flexion, minimum knee flexion, and peak ankle dorsiflexion) were evaluated. The association between these parameters and pelvic retraction was assessed statistically. The results showed that 75.7% of patients with asymmetric pattern of the pelvis had clinical diagnosis of diplegic spastic CP. Among the patients with asymmetrical CP, the most common pattern was pelvic retraction on the affected side. The relationship between pelvic retraction and internal hip rotation was stronger in patients with asymmetrical diplegic CP than in those with hemiplegic (P<0.001) or symmetrical diplegic CP (P=0.014). All of the patients exhibited a significant association among clinical parameters (Thomas test, popliteal angle, and gastrocnemius tightness) and pelvic retraction. In conclusion, pelvic retraction seems to be a multifactorial problem, and the etiology can change according to topographic classification, which must be taken into account during the decision-making process in patients with CP. J Pediatr Orthop B 18:320-324 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The absence of an eyebrow, either partial or total, has been observed in patients with craniofacial clefts, such as the Tessier 9 to 13 cleft. Several techniques have been used to improve the appearance of the region, such as island scalp flaps and scalp strip grafting, with limited or marginally satisfactory aesthetic results. The authors report 2 patients with craniofacial clefts in whom a novel technique combining 2 separate surgical approaches, micrografting and tattooing, was used. The use of micrografting with single or double hair units, properly angulated, produces natural-looking and satisfactory results with a minimum of morbidity. Excellent volume and appearance of the eyebrow may be achieved in a single session using this technique. Tattooing performed subsequently over the microimplanted hairs provides the illusion of greater density to the eyebrow, resulting in an appearance closer to normal.
This prospective study analyzed the frequency of HLA-B27 and its alleles in 102 Brazilian patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The association of the HLA-B27 alleles with these variants was compared to a control healthy HLA-B27 positive group of 111 individuals. There was a predominance of male gender (59.8%), Caucasian race (89.2%), and negative HLA-B27 (79.4%) patients. Asymmetric oligoarthritis (62.7%) was the most frequently observed clinical PsA subgroup, followed by spondylitis (16.7%), and polyarthritis (15.7%). Male gender and the spondylitis subgroup were statistically associated to the positive HLA-B27, and the oligoarthritis subgroup was associated to the negative HLA-B27. Among the 21 HLA-B27-positive PsA patients, there was a significant prevalence of the HLA-B*2705 allele (90.5%), similar to that observed in the control group (80.2%); HLA-B*2703 and HLA-B*2707 were statistically associated to the control group.
Background: Recent studies have suggested that impaired nitric oxide (NO) formation in preeclampsia may result from increased concentrations of an endogenous NO synthase inhibitor, the asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). However, no previous study has examined whether a negative association exists between ADMA and nitrite concentrations in preeclampsia. Moreover, no previous study has compared ADMA and nitrite levels in black and white preeclamptic pregnant women. Methods: We measured plasma nitrite concentrations using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay, and plasma ADMA levels using enzyme immunoassays in 94 pregnant (47 healthy pregnant: 16 blacks and 31 whites; and 47 preeclamptic: 14 blacks and 33 whites). Results: We found higher ADMA (2.199 +/- 0.016 mu mol/l vs. 2.112 +/- 0.012 mu mol/l; P < 0.0001) and lower plasma nitrite levels (102 +/- 7.1 nmol/l vs. 214.8 +/- 26.1 nmol/l; P<0.0001) in preeclamptic compared with healthy pregnant women. Black pregnant had higher ADMA levels than white pregnant women (P<0.05), both in preeclamptic (2.239 +/- 0.020 mu mol/l vs. 2.144 +/- 0.019 mu mol/l) and in healthy pregnant (2.172 +/- 0.025 mu mol/l vs. 2.077 +/- 0.018 mu mol/l). Conversely, we found no significant effects of ethnicity on the plasma nitrite levels, both in healthy pregnant and in preeclamptic women (P>0.05). We found a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between these markers (r = 0.28; P<0.05). Conclusions: Our findings show higher ADMA and lower nitrite levels in preeclamptic compared with healthy pregnant, and the concentrations of these biomarkers are inversely associated. While ethnicity affected ADMA concentrations, no such effect was found with respect to nitrite levels. These results may have important implications for studies on NO biology and therapeutic approaches of preeclampsia. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The normalized electromyographic characteristics of masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) and healthy controls were compared. Thirty TMD patients (15 men, 15 women, mean age 23 years) with long lasting pain (more than 6 months), and 20 control subjects matched for sex and age were examined. All patients had arthrogenous TMD according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD). Surface electromyography of masseter and temporal muscles was performed during maximum teeth clenching either on cotton rolls or in intercuspal position. Standardized EMG indices and the median power frequency were obtained, and compared between the two groups and sexes using ANOVAs. During clenching, the TMD patients had larger asymmetry in their temporalis muscles, larger temporalis activity relative to masseter, and reduced mean power frequencies than the control subjects (p < 0.05, ANOVA). In both groups, the mean power frequencies of the temporalis muscles were larger than those of the masseter muscles (p < 0.001). No sex related differences, and no sex x group interactions were found. In conclusion, young adult patients with long lasting TMD have an increased and more asymmetric standardized activity of their temporalis anterior muscle, and reduced mean power frequencies, relative to healthy controls. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of otologic symptoms and their relationship to orofacial signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD), and the effect of orofacial myofunctional therapy. The study was conducted on eight asymptomatic subjects (Group C) and 20 subjects with articular TMD, randomly distributed over two groups: one treated using orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT Group) and a control group with TMD (Group CTMD). Patient selection was based upon the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD). All subjects submitted to a clinical examination with self-reporting of symptom severity, and to orofacial myofunctional and electromyographic evaluation at diagnosis and again, at the end of the study. Correlations were calculated using the Pearson test and inter- and intragroup comparisons were made (p<0.05). In the diagnosis phase, subjects with TMD reported earache (65%), tinnitus (60%), ear fullness (90%), and 25% of the asymptomatic subjects reported tinnitus. The otologic symptoms were correlated with tenderness to palpation of the temporomandibular muscles and joints and with orofacial symptoms. Only the OMT group showed a reduction of otologic and orofacial symptoms, of tenderness to palpation and of the asymmetric index between muscles. OMT may help with muscle coordination and a remission of TMD symptoms.
This case report describes the treatment of a patient with a Class II Division 1 subdivision right malocclusion with 8 congenitally missing teeth, incompetent lips, and incisor protrusion. The treatment plan included extractions and space closure with retraction of the anterior teeth; symmetric mechanics were used in the mandibular arch and asymmetric mechanics in the maxillary arch. Because of the mechanics used, some midline deviations were expected. Knowledge of diagnosis and treatment planning of asymmetric malocclusions and dental esthetics are essential for success when correcting asymmetic problems, but, even so, small clinical compromises should be expected. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 135: 663-70)