116 resultados para prosthesis fitting
The knowledge of soil water storage (SWS) of soil profiles is crucial for the adoption of vegetation restoration practices. With the aim of identifying representative sites to obtain the mean SWS of a watershed, a time stability analysis of neutron probe evaluations of SWS was performed by the means of relative differences and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. At the same time, the effects of different neutron probe calibration procedures were explored on time stability analysis. mean SWS estimation. and preservation of the spatial variability of SWS. The selected watershed, with deep gullies and undulating slopes which cover an area of 20 ha, is characterized by an Ust-Sandiic Entisol and an Aeolian sandy soil. The dominant vegetation species are bunge needlegrass (Stipa bungeana Trim) and korshinsk peashrub (Carugano Korshinskii kom.). From June 11, 2007 to July 23,2008, SWS of the top1 m soil layer was evaluated for 20 dates, based on neutron probe data of 12 sampling sites. Three calibration procedures were employed: type 1, most complete, with each site having its own linear calibration equation (TrE); type II. with TrE equations extended over the whole field: and type III, with one single linear calibration curve for the whole field (UnE) and also correcting its intercept based on site specific relative difference analysis (RdE) and on linear fitting of data (RcE), both maintaining the same slope. A strong time stability of SWS estimated by TrE equations was identified. Soil particle size and soil organic matter content were recognized as the influencing factors for spatial variability of SWS. Land use influenced neither the spatial variability nor the time stability of SWS. Time stability analysis identified one site to represent the mean SWS of the whole watershed with mean absolute percentage errors of less than 10%, therefore. this site can be used as a predictor for the mean SWS of the watershed. Some equations of type II were found to be unsatisfactory to yield reliable mean SWS values or in preserving the associated soil spatial variability. Hence, it is recommended to be cautious in extending calibration equations to other sites since they might not consider the field variability. For the equations with corrected intercept (type III), which consider the spatial variability of calibration in a different way in relation to TrE, it was found that they can yield satisfactory means and standard deviation of SWS, except for the RdE equations, which largely leveled off the SWS values in the watershed. Correlation analysis showed that the neutron probe calibration was linked to soil bulk density and to organic matter content. Therefore, spatial variability of soil properties should be taken into account during the process of neutron probe calibration. This study provides useful information on the mean SWS observation with a time stable site and on distinct neutron probe calibration procedures, and it should be extended to soil water management studies with neutron probes, e.g., the process of vegetation restoration in wider area and soil types of the Loess Plateau in China. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we present various diagnostic methods for polyhazard models. Polyhazard models are a flexible family for fitting lifetime data. Their main advantage over the single hazard models, such as the Weibull and the log-logistic models, is to include a large amount of nonmonotone hazard shapes, as bathtub and multimodal curves. Some influence methods, such as the local influence and total local influence of an individual are derived, analyzed and discussed. A discussion of the computation of the likelihood displacement as well as the normal curvature in the local influence method are presented. Finally, an example with real data is given for illustration.
The application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) technologies in forest inventories has shown great potential to improve the efficiency of forest planning activities. Precise estimates, fast assessment and relatively low complexity can explain the good results in terms of efficiency. The evolution of GPS and inertial measurement technologies, as well as the observed lower assessment costs when these technologies are applied to large scale studies, can explain the increasing dissemination of ALS technologies. The observed good quality of results can be expressed by estimates of volumes and basal area with estimated error below the level of 8.4%, depending on the size of sampled area, the quantity of laser pulses per square meter and the number of control plots. This paper analyzes the potential of an ALS assessment to produce certain forest inventory statistics in plantations of cloned Eucalyptus spp with precision equal of superior to conventional methods. The statistics of interest in this case were: volume, basal area, mean height and dominant trees mean height. The ALS flight for data assessment covered two strips of approximately 2 by 20 Km, in which clouds of points were sampled in circular plots with a radius of 13 m. Plots were sampled in different parts of the strips to cover different stand ages. The clouds of points generated by the ALS assessment: overall height mean, standard error, five percentiles (height under which we can find 10%, 30%, 50%,70% and 90% of the ALS points above ground level in the cloud), and density of points above ground level in each percentile were calculated. The ALS statistics were used in regression models to estimate mean diameter, mean height, mean height of dominant trees, basal area and volume. Conventional forest inventory sample plots provided real data. For volume, an exploratory assessment involving different combinations of ALS statistics allowed for the definition of the most promising relationships and fitting tests based on well known forest biometric models. The models based on ALS statistics that produced the best results involved: the 30% percentile to estimate mean diameter (R(2)=0,88 and MQE%=0,0004); the 10% and 90% percentiles to estimate mean height (R(2)=0,94 and MQE%=0,0003); the 90% percentile to estimate dominant height (R(2)=0,96 and MQE%=0,0003); the 10% percentile and mean height of ALS points to estimate basal area (R(2)=0,92 and MQE%=0,0016); and, to estimate volume, age and the 30% and 90% percentiles (R(2)=0,95 MQE%=0,002). Among the tested forest biometric models, the best fits were provided by the modified Schumacher using age and the 90% percentile, modified Clutter using age, mean height of ALS points and the 70% percentile, and modified Buckman using age, mean height of ALS points and the 10% percentile.
The van Genuchten expressions for the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties, first published in 1980, are used frequently in various vadose zone flow and transport applications assuming a specific relationship between the m and n soil hydraulic parameters. By comparison, probably because of the complexity of the hydraulic conductivity equations, the more general solutions with independent m and n values are rarely used. We expressed the general van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity equations in terms of hypergeometric functions, which can be approximated by infinite series that converge rapidly for relatively large values of the van Genuchten-Mualem parameter n but only very slowly when n is close to one. Alternative equations were derived that provide very close approximations of the analytical results. The newly proposed equations allow the use of independent values of the parameters m and n in the soil water retention model of van Genuchten for subsequent prediction of the van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity models, thus providing more flexibility in fitting experimental pressure-head-dependent water content, theta(h), and hydraulic conductivity, K(h), or K(theta) data.
Agricultural reuse of treated sewage effluent (TSE) is an environmental and economic practice; however, little is known about its effects on the characteristics and microbial function in tropical soils. The effect of surplus irrigation of a pasture with TSE, in a period of 18 months, was investigated, considering the effect of 0% surplus irrigation with TSE as a control. In addition, the experiment consisted of three surplus treatments (25%, 50%, and 100% excess) and a nonirrigated pasture area (SE) to compare the soil microbial community level physiological profiles, using the Biolog method. The TSE application increased the average substrate consumption of the soil microbial community, based on the kinetic parameters of the average well color development curve fitting. There were no significant differences between the levels of surplus irrigation treatments. Surplus TSE pasture irrigation caused minor increases in the physiological status of the soil microbial community but no detectable damage to the pasture or soil.
The objective of the present study was to estimate milk yield genetic parameters applying random regression models and parametric correlation functions combined with a variance function to model animal permanent environmental effects. A total of 152,145 test-day milk yields from 7,317 first lactations of Holstein cows belonging to herds located in the southeastern region of Brazil were analyzed. Test-day milk yields were divided into 44 weekly classes of days in milk. Contemporary groups were defined by herd-test-day comprising a total of 2,539 classes. The model included direct additive genetic, permanent environmental, and residual random effects. The following fixed effects were considered: contemporary group, age of cow at calving (linear and quadratic regressions), and the population average lactation curve modeled by fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomial. Additive genetic effects were modeled by random regression on orthogonal Legendre polynomials of days in milk, whereas permanent environmental effects were estimated using a stationary or nonstationary parametric correlation function combined with a variance function of different orders. The structure of residual variances was modeled using a step function containing 6 variance classes. The genetic parameter estimates obtained with the model using a stationary correlation function associated with a variance function to model permanent environmental effects were similar to those obtained with models employing orthogonal Legendre polynomials for the same effect. A model using a sixth-order polynomial for additive effects and a stationary parametric correlation function associated with a seventh-order variance function to model permanent environmental effects would be sufficient for data fitting.
The bacteriocin-producing strain Enterococcus faecium ST5Ha was isolated from smoked salmon and identified by biomolecular techniques. Ent. faecium ST5Ha produces a pediocin-like bacteriocin with activity against several lactic acid bacteria, Listeria spp. and some other human and food pathogens, and remarkably against HSV-1 virus. Bacteriocin ST5Ha was produced at high levels in MRS broth at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C, reaching a maximum production of 1.0 x 10(9) AU/ml, checked against Listeria ivanovii ATCC19119 as target strain and surrogate of pathogenic strain Listeria monocytogenes. The molecular weight of bacteriocin ST5Ha was estimated to be 4.5 kDa according to tricine-SDS-PAGE data. Ent. faecium ST5Ha harbors a 1.044 kb chromosomal DNA fragment fitting in size to that of pediocin PA-1/AcH. In addition, the sequencing of bacteriocin ST5Ha gene indicated 99% of DNA homology to pediocin PA-1/AcH. The combined application of low levels (below MIC) of ciprofloxacin and bacteriocin ST5Ha resulted in a synergetic effect in the inhibition of target strain L ivanovii ATCC19119. Bacteriocin ST5Ha displayed antiviral activity against HSV-1, an important human pathogen, with a selectivity index of 173. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on Ent. faecium as a potential producer of pediocin-like bacteriocin with antiviral activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, an investigation of the electrical and electrochemical properties responsible for the energy storage capability of nanocomposites has been carried out. We demonstrate that, in the case of the V2O5 xerogel and the nanocomposites polypyrrole (Ppy)/V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI)/V2O5, the quadratic logistic equation (QLE) can be used to fit the inverse of the resistance values as a function of the injected charge in non-steady-state conditions. This contributes to a phenomenological understanding of the lithium ion and electron transport. The departure of the experimental curve from the fitting observed for the V2O5 xerogel can be attributed to the trapping sites formed during the lithium electroinsertion, which was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The amount of trapping sites was obtained on the basis of the QLE. Similar values used to fit the inverse of the resistance were also used to fit the absorbance changes, which is also associated with the small polaron hopping from the V(IV) to the V(V) sites. On the other hand, there was good agreement between the experimental and the theoretical data when the profile of the inverse of the resistance as a function of the amount of inserted lithium ions of the nanocomposites Ppy/V2O5 and PANI/ V2O5 was concerned. We suggest that the presence of the conducting polymers is responsible for the different electrical profile of the V2O5 xerogel compared with those of the nanocomposites. In the latter case, interactions between the lithium ions and oxygen atoms from V2O5 are shielded, thus decreasing the trapping effect of lithium ions in the V2O5 sites. The different values of the lithium ion diffusion coefficient into these intercalation materials are in agreement with this hypothesis.
In the current work, we studied the effect of the nonionic detergent dodecyloctaethyleneglycol, C(12)E(8), on the structure and oligomeric form of the Na,K-ATPase membrane enzyme (sodium-potassium pump) in aqueous suspension, by means of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Samples composed of 2 mg/mL of Na,K-ATPase, extracted from rabbit kidney medulla, in the presence of a small amount of C(12)E(8) (0.005 mg/mL) and in larger concentrations ranging from 2.7 to 27 mg/mL did not present catalytic activity. Under this condition, an oligomerization of the alpha subunits is expected. SAXS data were analyzed by means of a global fitting procedure supposing that the scattering is due to two independent contributions: one coming from the enzyme and the other one from C(12)E(8) micelles. In the small detergent content (0.005 mg/mL), the SAXS results evidenced that Na,K-ATPase is associated into aggregates larger than (alpha beta)(2) form. When 2.7 mg/mL of C(12)E(8) is added, the data analysis revealed the presence of alpha(4) aggregates in the solution and some free micelles. Increasing the detergent amount up to 27 mg/mL does not disturb the alpha(4) aggregate: just more micelles of the same size and shape are proportionally formed in solution. We believe that our results shed light on a better understanding of how nonionic detergents induce subunit dissociation and reassembling to minimize the exposure of hydrophobic residues to the aqueous solvent.
After massive weight loss, one of the stigmas that afflict women is the remaining deformity of the breasts which become flaccid and ptotic, with an absent or flat upper pole. The authors propose the use of a well-established mammaplasty technique to fill the upper pole, reshape the breast cone, and correct ptosis with nipple-areola complex (NAC) repositioning. A total of 16 patients were analyzed; all underwent gastroplasty between 18 and 24 months prior to mammaplasty. The mean age was 41.6 years (range = 26-62) and the mean BMI previous to the mammaplasty was 29.2 kg/m(2) (range = 24.9-38.9). The technique included a dermo-lipo glandular flap pedicled on the inframammary fold (IMF) together with a superior flap containing the NAC. All patients who underwent surgery were satisfied with the outcomes since a more aesthetic breast shape was achieved, with projection of the upper pole and correction of ptosis. Adverse events included dehiscence at the junction point of the flaps in the inframammary fold, which resolved with secondary-intention wound healing in three patients; partial necrosis of the areola in one patient; epidermolysis in one of the NACs in one patient; and infection in one of the breasts in one patient, which resolved with proper antibiotic therapy. When compared to the current mammaplasty techniques performed in formerly obese patients, this is a good surgical option because it uses tissues adjacent to the breast itself and does not require silicone prosthesis for breast augmentation. The patients reported increased self-esteem and improvement in their quality of life.
Although many mathematical models exist predicting the dynamics of transposable elements (TEs), there is a lack of available empirical data to validate these models and inherent assumptions. Genomes can provide a snapshot of several TE families in a single organism, and these could have their demographics inferred by coalescent analysis, allowing for the testing of theories on TE amplification dynamics. Using the available genomes of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, we indicate that such an approach is feasible. Our analysis follows four steps: (1) mining the two mosquito genomes currently available in search of TE families; (2) fitting, to selected families found in (1), a phylogeny tree under the general time-reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model with an uncorrelated lognormal (UCLN) relaxed clock and a nonparametric demographic model; (3) fitting a nonparametric coalescent model to the tree generated in (2); and (4) fitting parametric models motivated by ecological theories to the curve generated in (3).
Objective: To assess, in patients undergoing glossectomy, the influence of the palatal augmentation prosthesis on the speech intelligibility and acoustic spectrographic characteristics of the formants of oral vowels in Brazilian Portuguese, specifically the first 3 formants (F1 [/a,e,u/], F2 [/o,o,u/], and F3 [/a,o/]). Design: Speech evaluation with and without a palatal augmentation prosthesis using blinded randomized listener judgments. Setting: Tertiary referral center. Patients: Thirty-six patients (33 men and 3 women) aged 30 to 80 (mean [SD], 53.9 [10.5]) years underwent glossectomy (14, total glossectomy; 12, total glossectomy and partial mandibulectomy; 6, hemiglossectomy; and 4, subtotal glossectomy) with use of the augmentation prosthesis for at least 3 months before inclusion in the study. Main Outcome Measures: Spontaneous speech intel-ligibility (assessed by expert listeners using a 4-category scale) and spectrographic formants assessment. Results: We found a statistically significant improvement of spontaneous speech intelligibility and the average number of correctly identified syllables with the use of the prosthesis (P < .05). Statistically significant differences occurred for the F1 values of the vowels /a,e,u/; for F2 values, there was a significant difference of the vowels /o,o,u/; and for F3 values, there was a significant difference of the vowels la,61 (P < .001). Conclusions: The palatal augmentation prosthesis improved the intelligibility of spontaneous speech and syllables for patients who underwent glossectomy. It also increased the F2 and F3 values for all vowels and the F I values for the vowels /o,o,u/. This effect brought the values of many vowel formants closer to normal.
Femoral and acetabular loosening call be attributed different factors, but the Causes and mechanism of early failure are still obscure, The objective of this Study was to investigate the relationship between gene polymorphisms and early implant failure. Fifty-eight patients older than 50 years was recruited for analysis of MMP-1 promoter polymorphisms in early osseointegrated implant failure. The results showed in control group a frequency of 20.97% of 2G allele and 67.74% the genotype 1G/1G whereas, in the test group, a frequency of 83.33% of 2G allele and 66.66% the genotype 2G/2G. These results indicate that the polymorphism ill the promoter of the MMP-1 gene could be it risk factor for early implant failure of total hip arthroplasty.
Introduction: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) imposes many risks. TKA infection is not the most frequent complication, but is probably the most serious one. Two-step review is the procedure of choice in deep knee prosthesis infection. On the other hand, aseptic prosthesis detachment represents almost half of the primary arthroplasty review indications, Patient`s satisfaction level might diminish after reviews. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the quality of life and final result of TKA review for septic and aseptic failures. Methods: The patients were assessed using the HSS and SF-36 scores. The patients were divided in two groups: one group submitted to two-step review (septic) and the other to one-step review (aseptic). The analysis of the data obtained shows better scores for the second group in HSS and in 06 of 08 domains of SF-36 classification. Conclusions: The on-step review of total knee arthroplasty leads to better functional outcomes.
Background: In this study, we analyzed the time course of hemodynamic efficiency and follow-up in Fontan candidates who underwent the bidirectional Glenn procedure for staged intracardiac cavopulmonary connection (ICPC). Methods: Between 1991 and 2008, 52 patients with univentricular heart (mean age, 3.3 years; range, 2-8 years; 27 female patients [51.9%]) underwent ICPC. The cardiac malformations were as follows: tricuspid atresia, 25 cases (48.0%); common ventricle, 16 cases (30.7%); and pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, 11 cases (21.1%). The intracardiac cavopulmonary procedure was indicated for all 52 cases. In 42 patients (80.7%), an intra-atrial lateral tunnel was constructed with a bovine pericardium patch. In the last 10 consecutive cases (19.3%), we performed a modified surgical technique in which we implanted an intra-atrial corrugated bovine pericardium tube sutured around the superior and inferior vena cava ostium. In all cases, a 4-mm fenestration was made to reduce the intratunnel pressure. All 52 patients had previously undergone a Glenn operation. Results: There were 2 hospital deaths (3.8%) and no recorded late deaths. During the follow-up, all patients were medicated with antiplatelet drugs. To evaluate the hemodynamic performance, we used Doppler echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic nuclear resonance studies. There were no prosthesis thromboses during this follow-up period. To evaluate cardiac arrhythmias, we conducted a Holter study. The last 10 patients with an intra-atrial conduit (IAC) presented with sinus rhythm and no arrhythmias during the last 4 years. The 50 surviving patients (96.1%) have been followed up for 6 to 204 months; all these patients are free of reoperation. Conclusion: The Glenn operation, which is performed at an early age, prepares the pulmonary bed to receive the ICPC. The midterm results of the intracardiac Fontan procedure seem to be good. The modified surgical procedure (IAC) can be a good alternative technique to the Fontan procedure in suitable patients.