294 resultados para blood volume expansion
This work aimed to evaluate cardiac morphology/function and histological changes induced by bone marrow cells (BMCs) and cultured mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) injected at the myocardium of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) submitted to surgical coronary occlusion. Female syngeneic adult SHR, submitted (MI) or not (C) to coronary occlusion, were treated 24 h later with in situ injections of normal medium (NM), or with MSCs (MSC) or BMCs (BM) from male rats. The animals were evaluated after 1 and 30 days by echocardiography, histology of heart sections and PCR for the Y chromosome. Improved ejection fraction and reduced left ventricle infarcted area were observed in MSC rats as compared to the other experimental groups. Treated groups had significantly reduced lesion tissue score, increased capillary density and normal (not-atrophied) myocytes, as compared to NM and C groups. The survival rate was higher in C, NM and MSC groups as compared to MI and BM groups. In situ injection of both MSCs and BMCs resulted in improved cardiac morphology, in a more physiological model of myocardial infarction represented by surgical coronary occlusion of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Only treatment with MSCs, however, ameliorated left ventricle dysfunction, suggesting a positive role of these cells in heart remodeling in infarcted hypertensive subjects.
Physical exercise protects against the development of cardiovascular disease, partly by lowering plasmatic total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and increased HDL-cholesterol levels. In addition, it is now established that reduction plasmatic adiponectin and increased C-reactive protein (CRP) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels play a role in the maintenance of an inflammatory state and in the development of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to examine plasma lipid profile and inflammatory markers levels in individual with sedentary lifestyle and/or highly trained athletes at rest. Methods: Fourteen male subjects (sedentary lifestyle n = 7 and highly trained athletes n = 7) were recruited. Blood samples were collected after an overnight fast (similar to 12 h). The plasmatic lipid profile (Triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, LDL-oxidized and total cholesterol/HDL-c ratio), glucose, adiponectin, C - reactive protein and PAI-1 levels were determined. Results: Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, TG and PAI-1 levels were lower in highly trained athletes group in relation to sedentary subjects (p < 0.01). In addition, we observed a positive correlation between PAI-1 and total cholesterol (r = 0.78; p < 0.0009), PAI-1 and LDL-c (r = 0.69; p < 0.006) and PAI-1 and TG levels (r = 0.56; p < 0.03). The plasma concentration of adiponectin, CRP, glucose, HDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL-c ratio levels were not different. These results indicate that lifestyle associated with high intensity and high volume exercise induces changes favourable in the lipid profile and PAI-1 levels and may reduce risk cardiovascular diseases.
Background: It has been speculated that the biostimulatory effect of Low Level Laser Therapy could cause undesirable enhancement of tumor growth in neoplastic diseases. The aim of the present study is to analyze the behavior of melanoma cells (B16F10) in vitro and the in vivo development of melanoma in mice after laser irradiation. Methods: We performed a controlled in vitro study on B16F10 melanoma cells to investigate cell viability and cell cycle changes by the Tripan Blue, MTT and cell quest histogram tests at 24, 48 and 72 h post irradiation. The in vivo mouse model (male Balb C, n = 21) of melanoma was used to analyze tumor volume and histological characteristics. Laser irradiation was performed three times (once a day for three consecutive days) with a 660 nm 50 mW CW laser, beam spot size 2 mm(2), irradiance 2.5 W/cm(2) and irradiation times of 60s (dose 150 J/cm(2)) and 420s (dose 1050 J/cm(2)) respectively. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the in vitro groups, except for an increase in the hypodiploid melanoma cells (8.48 +/- 1.40% and 4.26 +/- 0.60%) at 72 h postirradiation. This cancer-protective effect was not reproduced in the in vivo experiment where outcome measures for the 150 J/cm(2) dose group were not significantly different from controls. For the 1050 J/cm(2) dose group, there were significant increases in tumor volume, blood vessels and cell abnormalities compared to the other groups. Conclusion: LLLT Irradiation should be avoided over melanomas as the combination of high irradiance (2.5 W/cm(2)) and high dose (1050 J/cm(2)) significantly increases melanoma tumor growth in vivo.
The pivotal role of spleen CD4(+) T cells in the development of both malaria pathogenesis and protective immunity makes necessary a profound comprehension of the mechanisms involved in their activation and regulation during Plasmodium infection. Herein, we examined in detail the behaviour of non-conventional and conventional splenic CD4(+) T cells during P. chabaudi malaria. We took advantage of the fact that a great proportion of CD4(+) T cells generated in CD1d(-/-) mice are I-A(b)-restricted (conventional cells), while their counterparts in I-Ab(-/-) mice are restricted by CD1d and other class IB major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (non-conventional cells). We found that conventional CD4(+) T cells are the main protagonists of the immune response to infection, which develops in two consecutive phases concomitant with acute and chronic parasitaemias. The early phase of the conventional CD4(+) T cell response is intense and short lasting, rapidly providing large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and helping follicular and marginal zone B cells to secrete polyclonal immunoglobulin. Both TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma production depend mostly on conventional CD4(+) T cells. IFN-gamma is produced simultaneously by non-conventional and conventional CD4(+) T cells. The early phase of the response finishes after a week of infection, with the elimination of a large proportion of CD4(+) T cells, which then gives opportunity to the development of acquired immunity. Unexpectedly, the major contribution of CD1d-restricted CD4(+) T cells occurs at the beginning of the second phase of the response, but not earlier, helping both IFN-gamma and parasite-specific antibody production. We concluded that conventional CD4(+) T cells have a central role from the onset of P. chabaudi malaria, acting in parallel with non-conventional CD4(+) T cells as a link between innate and acquired immunity. This study contributes to the understanding of malaria immunology and opens a perspective for future studies designed to decipher the molecular mechanisms behind immune responses to Plasmodium infection.
Intravenous challenge with Trypanosoma cruzi can be used to investigate the process and consequences of blood parasite clearance in experimental Chagas disease. One hour after intravenous challenge of chronically infected mice with 5610 6 trypomastigotes, the liver constituted a major site of parasite accumulation, as revealed by PCR. Intact parasites and/or parasite remnants were visualized at this time point scattered in the liver parenchyma. Moreover, at this time, many of liver-cleared parasites were viable, as estimated by the frequency of positive cultures, which considerably diminished after 48 h. Following clearance, the number of infiltrating cells in the hepatic tissue notably increased: initially (at 24 h) as diffuse infiltrates affecting the whole parenchyma, and at 48 h, in the form of large focal infiltrates in both the parenchyma and perivascular spaces. Phenotypic characterization of liver-infiltrating cells 24 h after challenge revealed an increase in Mac1(+), CD8(+) and CD4(+) cells, followed by natural killer (NK) cells. As evidence that liver-infiltrating CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells were activated, increased frequencies of CD69(+) CD8(+), CD69(+) CD4(+) and CD25(+) CD122(+) CD4(+) cells were observed at 24 and 48 h after challenge, and of CD25(-)CD122(+)CD4(+) cells at 48 h. The major role of CD4(+) cells in liver protection was suggested by data showing a very high frequency of interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing CD4(+) cells 24 h after challenge. In contrast, liver CD8(+) cells produced little IFN-gamma, even though they showed an enhanced potential for secreting this cytokine, as revealed by in vitro T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. Confirming the effectiveness of the liver immune response in blood parasite control during the chronic phase of infection, no live parasites were detected in this organ 7 days after challenge.
We study the 1/N expansion in noncommutative quantum mechanics for the anharmonic and Coulombian potentials. The expansion for the anharmonic oscillator presented good convergence properties, but for the Coulombian potential, we found a divergent large N expansion when using the usual noncommutative generalization of the potential. We proposed a modified version of the noncommutative Coulombian potential which provides a well-behaved 1/N expansion.
This paper makes two points. First, we show that the line-of-sight solution to cosmic microwave anisotropies in Fourier space, even though formally defined for arbitrarily large wavelengths, leads to position-space solutions which only depend on the sources of anisotropies inside the past light cone of the observer. This foretold manifestation of causality in position (real) space happens order by order in a series expansion in powers of the visibility gamma = e(-mu), where mu is the optical depth to Thomson scattering. We show that the contributions of order gamma(N) to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies are regulated by spacetime window functions which have support only inside the past light cone of the point of observation. Second, we show that the Fourier-Bessel expansion of the physical fields (including the temperature and polarization momenta) is an alternative to the usual Fourier basis as a framework to compute the anisotropies. The viability of the Fourier-Bessel series for treating the CMB is a consequence of the fact that the visibility function becomes exponentially small at redshifts z >> 10(3), effectively cutting off the past light cone and introducing a finite radius inside which initial conditions can affect physical observables measured at our position (x) over right arrow = 0 and time t(0). Hence, for each multipole l there is a discrete tower of momenta k(il) (not a continuum) which can affect physical observables, with the smallest momenta being k(1l) similar to l. The Fourier-Bessel modes take into account precisely the information from the sources of anisotropies that propagates from the initial value surface to the point of observation-no more, no less. We also show that the physical observables (the temperature and polarization maps), and hence the angular power spectra, are unaffected by that choice of basis. This implies that the Fourier-Bessel expansion is the optimal scheme with which one can compute CMB anisotropies.
In this paper we argue that the effects of irregular chaotic motion of particles transported by blood can play a major role in the development of serious circulatory diseases. Vessel wall irregularities modify the flow field, changing in a nontrivial way the transport and activation of biochemically active particles. We argue that blood particle transport is often chaotic in realistic physiological conditions. We also argue that this chaotic behavior of the flow has crucial consequences for the dynamics of important processes in the blood, such as the activation of platelets which are involved in the thrombus formation.
High-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single crystalline and powder samples of BiMn(2)O(5). A linear temperature dependence of the unit cell volume was found between T(N)=38 and 100 K, suggesting that a low-energy lattice excitation may be responsible for the lattice expansion in this temperature range. Between T(*)similar to 65 K and T(N), all lattice parameters showed incipient magnetoelastic effects, due to short-range spin correlations. An anisotropic strain along the a direction was also observed below T(*). Below T(N), a relatively large contraction of the a parameter following the square of the average sublattice magnetization of Mn was found, indicating that a second-order spin Hamiltonian accounts for the magnetic interactions along this direction. On the other hand, the more complex behaviors found for b and c suggest additional magnetic transitions below T(N) and perhaps higher-order terms in the spin Hamiltonian. Polycrystalline samples grown by distinct routes and with nearly homogeneous crystal structure above T(N) presented structural phase coexistence below T(N), indicating a close competition amongst distinct magnetostructural states in this compound.
Background: Worldwide distribution of surgical interventions is unequal. Developed countries account for the majority of surgeries and information about non-cardiac operations in developing countries is scarce. The purpose of our study was to describe the epidemiological data of non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in the last years. Methods and Findings: This is a retrospective cohort study that investigated the time window from 1995 to 2007. We collected information from DATASUS, a national public health system database. The following variables were studied: number of surgeries, in-hospital expenses, blood transfusion related costs, length of stay and case fatality rates. The results were presented as sum, average and percentage. The trend analysis was performed by linear regression model. There were 32,659,513 non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in thirteen years. An increment of 20.42% was observed in the number of surgeries in this period and nowadays nearly 3 million operations are performed annually. The cost of these procedures has increased tremendously in the last years. The increment of surgical cost was almost 200%. The total expenses related to surgical hospitalizations were more than $10 billion in all these years. The yearly cost of surgical procedures to public health system was more than $1.27 billion for all surgical hospitalizations, and in average, U$445.24 per surgical procedure. The total cost of blood transfusion was near $98 million in all years and annually approximately $10 million were spent in perioperative transfusion. The surgical mortality had an increment of 31.11% in the period. Actually, in 2007, the surgical mortality in Brazil was 1.77%. All the variables had a significant increment along the studied period: r square (r(2)) = 0.447 for the number of surgeries (P = 0.012), r(2) = 0.439 for in-hospital expenses (P = 0.014) and r(2) = 0.907 for surgical mortality (P = 0.0055). Conclusion: The volume of surgical procedures has increased substantially in Brazil through the past years. The expenditure related to these procedures and its mortality has also increased as the number of operations. Better planning of public health resource and strategies of investment are needed to supply the crescent demand of surgery in Brazil.
A novel solid phase extraction technique is described where DNA is bound and eluted from magnetic silica beads in a manner where efficiency is dependent on the magnetic manipulation of the beads and not on the flow of solution through a packed bed. The utility of this technique in the isolation of reasonably pure, PCR-amplifiable DNA from complex samples is shown by isolating DNA from whole human blood, and subsequently amplifying a fragment of the beta-globin gene. By effectively controlling the movement of the solid phase in the presence of a static sample, the issues associated with reproducibly packing a solid phase in a microchannel and maintaining consistent flow rates are eliminated. The technique described here is rapid, simple, and efficient, allowing for recovery of more than 60% of DNA from 0.6 mu L of blood at a concentration which is suitable for PCR amplification. In addition, the technique presented here requires inexpensive, common laboratory equipment, making it easily adopted for both clinical point-of-care applications and on-site forensic sample analysis.
Since 2000, the southwestern Brazilian Amazon has undergone a rapid transformation from natural vegetation and pastures to row-crop agricultural with the potential to affect regional biogeochemistry. The goals of this research are to assess wavelet algorithms applied to MODIS time series to determine expansion of row-crops and intensification of the number of crops grown. MODIS provides data from February 2000 to present, a period of agricultural expansion and intensification in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. We have selected a study area near Comodoro, Mato Grosso because of the rapid growth of row-crop agriculture and availability of ground truth data of agricultural land-use history. We used a 90% power wavelet transform to create a wavelet-smoothed time series for five years of MODIS EVI data. From this wavelet-smoothed time series we determine characteristic phenology of single and double crops. We estimate that over 3200 km(2) were converted from native vegetation and pasture to row-crop agriculture from 2000 to 2005 in our study area encompassing 40,000 km(2). We observe an increase of 2000 km(2) of agricultural intensification, where areas of single crops were converted to double crops during the study period. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aims of the present study were to compare the effects of two periodization models on metabolic syndrome risk factors in obese adolescents and verify whether the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genotype is important in establishing these effects. A total of 32 postpuberty obese adolescents were submitted to aerobic training (AT) and resistance training (RT) for 14 weeks. The subjects were divided into linear periodization (LP, n = 16) or daily undulating periodization (DUP, n = 16). Body composition, visceral and subcutaneous fat, glycemia, insulinemia, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), lipid profiles, blood pressure, maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2max)), resting metabolic rate (RMR), muscular endurance were analyzed at baseline and after intervention. Both groups demonstrated a significant reduction in body mass, BMI, body fat, visceral and subcutaneous fat, total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure and an increase in fat-free mass, VO(2max), and muscular endurance. However, only DUP promoted a reduction in insulin concentrations and HOMA-IR. It is important to emphasize that there was no statics difference between LP and DUP groups; however, it appears that there may be bigger changes in the DUP than LP group in some of the metabolic syndrome risk factors in obese adolescents with regard to the effect size (ES). Both periodization models presented a large effect on muscular endurance. Despite the limitation of sample size, our results suggested that the ACE genotype may influence the functional and metabolic characteristics of obese adolescents and may be considered in the future strategies for massive obesity control.
This study compared four different intensities of a bench press exercise for muscle soreness, creatine kinase activity, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations in the blood. Thirty-five male Brazilian Army soldiers were randomly assigned to one of five groups: 50% one-repetition maximum (1-RM), 75% 1-RM, 90% 1-RM, 110% 1-RM, and a control group that did not perform the exercise. The total volume (setsrepetitionsload) of the exercise was matched among the exercise groups. Muscle soreness and plasma creatine kinase activity increased markedly (P0.05) after exercise, with no significant differences among the groups. Serum PGE2 concentration also increased markedly (P0.05) after exercise, with a significantly (P0.05) greater increase in the 110% 1-RM group compared with the other groups. A weak but significant (P0.05) correlation was found between peak muscle soreness and peak PGE2 concentration, but no significant correlation was evident between peak muscle soreness and peak creatine kinase activity, or peak creatine kinase activity and peak PGE2 concentration. All groups showed no changes in IL-1, IL-6 or TNF-. Our results suggest that the intensity of bench press exercise does not affect the magnitude of muscle soreness and blood markers of muscle damage and inflammation.
Aim. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of different resistance training systems (Multiple-set [MS] and Pyramid [P]) on hormonal, metabolic and perceptual markers of internal load. Methods. Ten healthy men performed two resistance training sessions (MS and P) which consisted of three exercises (bench press, peck deck and decline bench press) with the same total volume of load lifted. The training sessions were performed 14 days apart and allocated in a counter-balanced order. Hormonal (plasma insulin, growth hormone [GH], testosterone and cortisol) and metabolic (blood glucose and lactate) responses were assessed before and after each exercise bout. Session rating of perceived exertion (session RPE) was taken 30-min following each bout. Results. No difference was observed for session-RPE between P and MS bouts (P>0.05). Plasma GH, cortisol and lactate increased significantly after exercise both bouts (P<0.01), but there were no significant changes between MS and P (P>0.05). Conclusion. It is concluded that the acute bout of resistance exercise following MS and P systems provide similar training strain when the total volume of load lifted is matched.