139 resultados para adventitious roots


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Experimental results obtained from a greenhouse trial with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) plants performed to test model hypotheses regarding the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions and the shape of the transpiration reduction curve in the falling rate phase are presented. According to these hypotheses based on simulations with an upscaled single-root model, the matric flux potential at the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions is as a function of root length density and potential transpiration rate, while the relative transpiration in the falling rate phase equals the relative matric flux potential. Transpiration of bean plants in water stressed pots with four different soils was determined daily by weighing and compared to values obtained from non-stressed pots. This procedure allowed determining the onset of the falling rate phase and corresponding soil hydraulic conditions. At the onset of the falling rate phase, the value of matric flux potential M(I) showed to differ in order of magnitude from the model predicted value for three out of four soils. This difference between model and experiment can be explained by the heterogeneity of the root distribution which is not considered by the model. An empirical factor to deal with this heterogeneity should be included in the model to improve predictions. Comparing the predictions of relative transpiration in the falling rate phase using a linear shape with water content, pressure head or matric flux potential, the matric flux potential based reduction function, in agreement with the hypothesis, showed the best performance, while the pressure head based equation resulted in the highest deviations between observed and predicted values of relative transpiration rates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Beneficial bacteria interact with plants by colonizing the rhizosphere and roots followed by further spread through the inner tissues, resulting in endophytic colonization. The major factors contributing to these interactions are not always well understood for most bacterial and plant species. It is believed that specific bacterial functions are required for plant colonization, but also from the plant side specific features are needed, such as plant genotype (cultivar) and developmental stage. Via multivariate analysis we present a quantification of the roles of these components on the composition of root-associated and endophytic bacterial communities in potato plants, by weighing the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage. Spontaneous rifampicin resistant mutants of two bacterial endophytes, Paenibacillus sp. strain E119 and Methylobacterium mesophilicum strain SR1.6/6, were introduced into potato plants of three different cultivars (Eersteling, Robijn and Karnico). Densities of both strains in, or attached to potato plants were measured by selective plating, while the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage on the composition of bacterial, Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus species were determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel-electrophoresis (DGGE). Multivariate analyses revealed that the composition of bacterial communities was mainly driven by cultivar type and plant developmental stage, while Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus communities were mainly influenced by bacterial inoculation. These results are important for better understanding the effects of bacterial inoculations to plants and their possible effects on the indigenous bacterial communities in relation with other plant factors such as genotype and growth stage.


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Pseudomonas putida strain P9 is a novel competent endophyte from potato. P9 causes cultivar-dependent suppression of Phytophthora infestans. Colonization of the rhizoplane and endosphere of potato plants by P9 and its rifampin-resistant derivative P9R was studied. The purposes of this work were to follow the fate of P9 inside growing potato plants and to establish its effect on associated microbial communities. The effects of P9 and P9R inoculation were studied in two separate experiments. The roots of transplants of three different cultivars of potato were dipped in suspensions of P9 or P9R cells, and the plants were planted in soil. The fate of both strains was followed by examining colony growth and by performing PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Colonies of both strains were recovered from rhizoplane and endosphere samples of all three cultivars at two growth stages. A conspicuous band, representing P9 and P9R, was found in all Pseudomonas PCR-DGGE fingerprints for treated plants. The numbers of P9R CFU and the P9R-specific band intensities for the different replicate samples were positively correlated, as determined by linear regression analysis. The effects of plant growth stage, genotype, and the presence of P9R on associated microbial communities were examined by multivariate and unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analyses of PCR-DGGE fingerprints. The presence of strain P9R had an effect on bacterial groups identified as Pseudomonas azotoformans, Pseudomonas veronii, and Pseudomonas syringae. In conclusion, strain P9 is an avid colonizer of potato plants, competing with microbial populations indigenous to the potato phytosphere. Bacterization with a biocontrol agent has an important and previously unexplored effect on plant-associated communities.


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The Fungal Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (F-RISA) was used to characterize soil fungal communities from three ecosystems of Araucaria angustifolia from Brazil: a native forest and two replanted forest ecosystems, one of them with a past history of wildfire. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) infection was evaluated in Araucaria roots of 18-month-old axenic plants previously inoculated with soils collected from those areas in a greenhouse experiment. The principal component analysis of F-RISA profiles showed different soil fungal community between the three studied areas. Sixty three percent of F-RISA fragments amplified in the soil and the substrate samples presented lengths between 500 and 700 bp. The number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) was 34 for soil and 38 for substrate, however, more fragments were detected in soil (214) than in substrate (163). An in silico F-RISA analysis to compare our data with ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences from NCBI database showed the presence of Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Glomeromycota among the soil and substrate fungal communities. AMF infection was higher in plants inoculated with soil from the native forest and the replanted forest with wildfire, both presenting similar chemical characteristics but with different disturbance levels. These results indicate that soil chemical composition may influence the soil fungal community structures rather than the anthropogenic or fire disturbances.


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The controlled disposal of tannery sludge in agricultural soils is a viable alternative for recycling such waste; however, the impact of this practice on the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities is not well understood. We studied the effects of low-chromium tannery sludge amendment in soils on AMF spore density, species richness and diversity, and root colonization levels. Sludge was applied at four doses to an agricultural field in Rolandia, Parana state, Brazil. The sludge was left undisturbed on the soil surface and then the area was harrowed and planted with corn. The soil was sampled at four intervals and corn roots once within a year (2007/2008). AMF spore density was low (1 to 49 spores per 50 cm(3) of soil) and decreased as doses of tannery sludge increased. AMF root colonization was high (64%) and unaffected by tannery sludge. Eighteen AMF species belonging to six genera (Acaulospora, Glomus, Gigaspora, Scutellospora, Paraglomus, and Ambispora) were recorded. At the sludge doses of 9.0 and 22.6 Mg ha(-1), we observed a decrease in AMF species richness and diversity, and changes in their relative frequencies. Hierarchical grouping analysis showed that adding tannery waste to the soil altered AMF spore community in relation to the control, modifying the mycorrhizal status of soil and selectively favoring the sporulation of certain species.


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Harmless bacteria inhabiting inner plant tissues are termed endophytes. Population fluctuations in the endophytic bacterium Pantoea agglomerans associated with two species of field cultured citrus plants were monitored over a two-year period. The results demonstrated that populations of P. agglomerans fluctuated in Citrus reticulata but not C. sinensis. A cryptic plasmid pPA3.0 (2.9 kb) was identified in 35 out of 44 endophytic isolates of P. agglomerans and was subsequently sequenced. The origins of replication were identified and nine out of 18 open reading frames (ORFs) revealed homology with described proteins. Notably, two ORFs were related to cellular transport systems and plasmid maintenance. Plasmid pPA3.0 was cloned and the gfp gene inserted to generate the pPAGFP vector. The vector was introduced into P. agglomerans isolates and revealed stability was dependent on the isolate genotype, ninety-percent stability values were reached after 60 hours of bacterial cultivation in most evaluated isolates. In order to definitively establish P. agglomerans as an endophyte, the non-transformed bacterium was reintroduced into in vitro cultivated seedlings and the density of inner tissue colonization in inoculated plants was estimated by bacterium re-isolation, while the tissue niches preferred by the bacterium were investigated by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Cells from P. agglomerans (strain ARB18) at similar densities were re-isolated from roots, stems and leaves and colonization of parenchyma and xylem tissues were observed. Data suggested that P. agglomerans is a ubiquitous citrus endophyte harboring cryptic plasmids. These characteristics suggest the potential to use the bacterium as a vehicle to introduce new genes in host plants via endophytic bacterial transformation.


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This study reports for the first time the presence of diazotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Achromobacter and Zoogloea associated with wheat plants. These bacterial strains were identified by the analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. The bacterium IAC-AT-8 was identified as Azospirillum brasiliense, whereas isolates IAC-HT-11 and IAC-HT-12 were identified as Achromobacter insolitus and Zoogloea ramigera, respectively. A greenhouse experiment involving a non-sterilized soil was carried out with the aim to study the endophytic feature of these strains. After 40 days from inoculation, all the strains were in the inner of roots, but they were not detected in soil. In order to assess the location inside wheat plants, an experiment was conducted under axenic conditions. Fifteen days after inoculation, preparations of inoculated plants were observed by the scanning electron microscope, using the cryofracture technique, and by the transmission electron microscope. It was observed that all isolates were present on the external part of the roots and in the inner part at the elongation region, in cortex cells, but not in the endodermis or in the vascular bundle region. No colonizing bacterial cells were observed in wheat leaves.


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The rhizosphere constitutes a complex niche that may be exploited by a wide variety of bacteria. Bacterium-plant interactions in this niche can be influenced by factors such as the expression of heterologous genes in the plant. The objective of this work was to describe the bacterial communities associated with the rhizosphere and rhizoplane regions of tobacco plants, and to compare communities from transgenic tobacco lines (CAB1, CAB2 and TRP) with those found in wild-type (WT) plants. Samples were collected at two stages of plant development, the vegetative and flowering stages (1 and 3 months after germination). The diversity of the culturable microbial community was assessed by isolation and further characterization of isolates by amplified ribosomal RNA gene restriction analysis (ARDRA) and 16S rRNA sequencing. These analyses revealed the presence of fairly common rhizosphere organisms with the main groups Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacilli. Analysis of the total bacterial communities using PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) revealed that shifts in bacterial communities occurred during early plant development, but the reestablishment of original community structure was observed over time. The effects were smaller in rhizosphere than in rhizoplane samples, where selection of specific bacterial groups by the different plant lines was demonstrated. Clustering patterns and principal components analysis (PCA) were used to distinguish the plant lines according to the fingerprint of their associated bacterial communities. Bands differentially detected in plant lines were found to be affiliated with the genera Pantoea, Bacillus and Burkholderia in WT, CAB and TRP plants, respectively. The data revealed that, although rhizosphere/rhizoplane microbial communities can be affected by the cultivation of transgenic plants, soil resilience may be able to restore the original bacterial diversity after one cycle of plant cultivation.


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Rapid alkalinization factor (RALF) is part of a growing family of small peptides with hormone characteristics in plants. Initially isolated from leaves of tobacco plants, RALF peptides can be found throughout the plant kingdom and they are expressed ubiquitously in plants. We took advantage of the small gene family size of RALF genes in sugarcane and the ordered cellular growth of the grass sugarcane leaves to gain information about the function of RALF peptides in plants. Here we report the isolation of two RALF peptides from leaves of sugarcane plants using the alkalinization assay. SacRALF1 was the most abundant and, when added to culture media, inhibited growth of microcalli derived from cell suspension cultures at concentrations as low as 0.1 mu M. Microcalli exposed to exogenous SacRALF1 for 5 days showed a reduced number of elongated cells. Only four copies of SacRALF genes were found in sugarcane plants. All four SacRALF genes are highly expressed in young and expanding leaves and show a low or undetectable level of expression in expanded leaves. In half-emerged leaf blades, SacRALF transcripts were found at high levels at the basal portion of the leaf and at low levels at the apical portion. Gene expression analyzes localize SacRALF genes in elongation zones of roots and leaves. Mature leaves, which are devoid of expanding cells, do not show considerable expression of SacRALF genes. Our findings are consistent with SacRALF genes playing a role in plant development potentially regulating tissue expansion.


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Correct modeling of root water uptake partitioning over depth is an important issue in hydrological and crop growth models. Recently a physically based model to describe root water uptake was developed at single root scale and upscaled to the root system scale considering a homogeneous distribution of roots per soil layer. Root water uptake partitioning is calculated over soil layers or compartments as a function of respective soil hydraulic conditions, specifically the soil matric flux potential, root characteristics and a root system efficiency factor to compensate for within-layer root system heterogeneities. The performance of this model was tested in an experiment performed in two-compartment split-pot lysimeters with sorghum plants. The compartments were submitted to different irrigation cycles resulting in contrasting water contents over time. The root system efficiency factor was determined to be about 0.05. Release of water from roots to soil was predicted and observed on several occasions during the experiment; however, model predictions suggested root water release to occur more often and at a higher rate than observed. This may be due to not considering internal root system resistances, thus overestimating the ease with which roots can act as conductors of water. Excluding these erroneous predictions from the dataset, statistical indices show model performance to be of good quality.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of IBA (indolbutyric acid) in the rooting and growth of Eucalyptus urophylla cuttings. The experimental design used was the randomized blocks, in factorial with an arrangement of split plots, with three concentrations of IBA (2.000; 5.000 and 8.000 mg L(-1)), two ways of the application of plant gowth regulators (paste and powder), and three period of evaluations (30, 45 and 60 days). The experiment was carried out in the Farm Buriti de Prata, an entreprise property of Souza Cruz, in the city of Prata - MG in 2003. After the preparation of the cuttings, patterned in 10 cm of length and 0.8 cm of diameter, those were immersed in mixtures of IBA for 10 seconds, in the forms of dry powder and paste and than planted in plastic tubes contening Plantmax substrate with vermiculite. The cuttings were transported to greenhouse with controled humidity, where they remained for 60 days. The variables studied were: height of plant in the 30(th), 45(th) and 60(th) days after seeding; fresh mass of the aerial part and roots. The IBA applied in powder form as well as in paste form, resulted in an greater seedling growth. To the 60 days, the seedlings presented greater growth, being significantly superior to the heights measured in other times of evaluation. The application of 2.000 mg L(-1) and 5,000 mg L(-1) resulted in significant increases on weight of fresh mass of the aerial part and root system.


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Rhizophores of Vernonia herbacea, an Asteraceae found in the Brazilian Cerrado, store high amounts of fructans that vary in composition over the phenological cycle. Fructan 1-exohydrolase (1-FEH) activity is detectable during the sprouting phase, mainly in the proximal regions of rhizophores, of plants induced to sprout by defoliation and/or cold storage. We found an increase in 1-FEH gene expression during natural and induced sprouting and further enhancement through low-temperature treatment. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of 1-FEH gene expression in different regions of the rhizophores during the transition from dormancy to sprouting is presented. Transcripts were detected mainly in the proximal region, coinciding with high 1-FEH activity and a high concentration of free fructose. Low temperature promoted the accumulation of fructans of a low degree of polymerization (DP) and enhanced 1-FEH activity and gene expression. It is hypothesized that a set of 1-FEH proteins acts in two different ways during fructan mobilization: (1) by hydrolyzing fructo-oligosaccharides and -polysaccharides in sprouting plants (naturally or induced) for carbon supply and (2) by hydrolyzing preferably fructo-polysaccharides under low temperature to maintain the oligosaccharide pool for plant cold acclimation. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Most researches that have been done until today about the beneficial effects of hariparoha (Pothomorphe umbellata L. Miq) have been done with root extract of this species, but the use in large scale would compromise the sustainable exploration of this natutral resource. In this sense, the utilization of pariparoha leaves, substituting the roots, in the cosmetic industry does not put in risk the existence of the species. In this work the concentration of 4-nerolidyl-cathecol (4-NC) in leaf extract was determined by the analytical methodology validated in our laboratory. The concentration of 4-NC in leaf extract was around 30% less than that of root extract, obtained in the same way. Concerning the study of the photostability of a leaves extract solution containing 4-NC did not demonstrate meaningful alterations in the spectrometry, profile after 2 hours of exposure under UVB radiation, showing its stability under this conditions. Metalloproteinases (MMPs) cure endopeptidases that are zinc-dependent, involved in remodeling extracellular matrix (ECM), that are important in the appearance of typical photoaging wrinkles. In this work the capacity of leaf extract of P. umbellata to inhibit MMP-2 and 9 activities of hairless mouse skin in vitro by zymography gel was also evalutated. The leaf extract (0,1 mg/mL) inhibit in 80% activity of this enzymes, according to the densitometric zymography evaluation.


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Seven tetrahydrofuran lignans, isolated from Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae), were evaluated for their in vitro antileishmanial and antimalarial activities. Among the evaluated compounds, machilin-G (1a) and veraguensin (2a) showed the highest antileishmanial activities, displaying for both compounds an IC(50) value of 18 mu g/mL and an IC(50) value of 36 mu g/mL, while galgravin (1b), nectandrin-A (1c), nectandrin-B (1d), calopeptin (2b) and ganshisandrine (3) were inactive against Leishmania donovani. In the antimalarial assay against Plasmodium falciparum, it was observed that calopeptin (2b) displayed moderate activity, with IC(50) values of 3800 ng/mL (136 clone) and 3900 ng/mL (W2 clone), while the lignans 1a-1d, 2a and 3 were inactive. In order to compare the effect on the parasites with toxicity to mammalian cells, the cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds were evaluated against the Vero cells, showing that all evaluated tetrahydrofuran lignans exhibited no cytotoxicity at the maximum dose tested. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Five structurally related pimarane diterpenes isolated from the roots of Viguiera arenaria and a further compound obtained by chemical derivatization were evaluated in vitro against the trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. The natural compound ent-15-pimarene-8 beta,19-diol and the derivative ent-8(14),15-pimaradiene-3 beta-acetoxy showed the highest trypanocidal activity, displaying IC50 values of 116.5 +/- 1.21 and 149.3 +/- 1.07 mu M, respectively, while the positive control, violet gentian, showed an IC50 of 76 mu M. Based on the results, it can be concluded that minor structural differences among the tested diterpenes influence significantly the trypanocidal activity, thus bringing new perspectives to the establishment of structure-activity relationships among this type of metabolites to the treatment of Chagas` disease. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.