200 resultados para Stability test


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The behavior of stability regions of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems subjected to parameter variation is studied in this paper. In particular, the behavior of stability regions and stability boundaries when the system undergoes a type-zero sadle-node bifurcation on the stability boundary is investigated in this paper. It is shown that the stability regions suffer drastic changes with parameter variation if type-zero saddle-node bifurcations occur on the stability boundary. A complete characterization of these changes in the neighborhood of a type-zero saddle-node bifurcation value is presented in this paper. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper presents a robust voltage control scheme for fixed-speed wind generators using a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) controller. To enable a linear and robust control framework with structured uncertainty, the overall system is represented by a linear part plus a nonlinear part that covers an operating range of interest required to ensure stability during severe low voltages. The proposed methodology is flexible and readily applicable to larger wind farms of different configurations. The performance of the control strategy is demonstrated on a two area test system. Large disturbance simulations demonstrate that the proposed controller enhances voltage stability as well as transient stability of induction generators during low voltage ride through (LVRT) transients and thus enhances the LVRT capability. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The main objective of this paper is to relieve the power system engineers from the burden of the complex and time-consuming process of power system stabilizer (PSS) tuning. To achieve this goal, the paper proposes an automatic process for computerized tuning of PSSs, which is based on an iterative process that uses a linear matrix inequality (LMI) solver to find the PSS parameters. It is shown in the paper that PSS tuning can be written as a search problem over a non-convex feasible set. The proposed algorithm solves this feasibility problem using an iterative LMI approach and a suitable initial condition, corresponding to a PSS designed for nominal operating conditions only (which is a quite simple task, since the required phase compensation is uniquely defined). Some knowledge about the PSS tuning is also incorporated in the algorithm through the specification of bounds defining the allowable PSS parameters. The application of the proposed algorithm to a benchmark test system and the nonlinear simulation of the resulting closed-loop models demonstrate the efficiency of this algorithm. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The design of supplementary damping controllers to mitigate the effects of electromechanical oscillations in power systems is a highly complex and time-consuming process, which requires a significant amount of knowledge from the part of the designer. In this study, the authors propose an automatic technique that takes the burden of tuning the controller parameters away from the power engineer and places it on the computer. Unlike other approaches that do the same based on robust control theories or evolutionary computing techniques, our proposed procedure uses an optimisation algorithm that works over a formulation of the classical tuning problem in terms of bilinear matrix inequalities. Using this formulation, it is possible to apply linear matrix inequality solvers to find a solution to the tuning problem via an iterative process, with the advantage that these solvers are widely available and have well-known convergence properties. The proposed algorithm is applied to tune the parameters of supplementary controllers for thyristor controlled series capacitors placed in the New England/New York benchmark test system, aiming at the improvement of the damping factor of inter-area modes, under several different operating conditions. The results of the linear analysis are validated by non-linear simulation and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.


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The taxonomy of the N(2)-fixing bacteria belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium is still poorly refined, mainly due to conflicting results obtained by the analysis of the phenotypic and genotypic properties. This paper presents an application of a method aiming at the identification of possible new clusters within a Brazilian collection of 119 Bradryrhizobium strains showing phenotypic characteristics of B. japonicum and B. elkanii. The stability was studied as a function of the number of restriction enzymes used in the RFLP-PCR analysis of three ribosomal regions with three restriction enzymes per region. The method proposed here uses Clustering algorithms with distances calculated by average-linkage clustering. Introducing perturbations using sub-sampling techniques makes the stability analysis. The method showed efficacy in the grouping of the species B. japonicum and B. elkanii. Furthermore, two new clusters were clearly defined, indicating possible new species, and sub-clusters within each detected cluster. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A general transition criterion is proposed in order to locate the core-annular flow pattern in horizontal and vertical oil-water flows. It is based on a rigorous one-dimensional two-fluid model of liquid-liquid two-phase flow and considers the existence of critical interfacial wave numbers related to a non-negligible interfacial tension term to which the linear stability theory still applies. The viscous laminar-laminar flow problem is fully resolved and turbulence effects on the stability are analyzed through experimentally obtained shape factors. The proposed general transition criterion includes in its formulation the inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz`s discriminator. If a theoretical maximum wavelength is considered as a necessary condition for stability, a stability criterion in terms of the Eotvos number is achieved. Effects of interfacial tension, viscosity ratio, density difference, and shape factors on the stability of core-annular flow are analyzed in detail. The more complete modeling allowed for the analysis of the neutral-stability wave number and the results strongly suggest that the interfacial tension term plays an indispensable role in the correct prediction of the stable region of core-annular flow pattern. The incorporation of a theoretical minimum wavelength into the transition model produced significantly better results. The criterion predictions were compared with recent data from the literature and the agreement is encouraging. (C) 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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There is no normalized test to assess the shear strength of vertical interfaces of interconnected masonry walls. The approach used to evaluate this strength is normally indirect and often unreliable. The aim of this study is to propose a new test specimen to eliminate this deficiency. The main features of the proposed specimen are failure caused by shear stress on the vertical interface and a small number of units (blocks). The paper presents a numerical analysis based on the finite element method, with the purpose of showing the theoretical performance of the designed specimen, in terms of its geometry, boundary conditions, and loading scheme, and describes an experimental program using the specimen built with full- and third-scale clay blocks. The main conclusions are that the proposed specimen is easy to build and is appropriate to evaluate the sheaf strength of vertical interfaces of masonry walls.


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The inclined plane test (IPT) is commonly performed to measure the interface shear strength between different materials as those used in cover systems of landfills. The test, when interpreted according to European test Standards provides the static interface friction angle, usually assumed for 50 mm displacement and denoted as phi(stat)(50). However, if interpreted considering the several phases of the sliding process, the test is capable of yielding more realistic information about the interface shear strength such as differentiating interfaces which exhibit the same value of phi(stat)(50) but different behavior for displacement less than 50 mm. In this paper, the IPT is used to evaluate the interface shear strength of some materials usually present in cover liner systems of landfill. The results of the tests were analyzed for both, the static and the dynamic phases of the sliding and were interpreted based on the static initial friction angle, phi(0), and the limit friction angle, phi(lim). It is shown that depending on the sliding behavior of the interfaces, phi(stat)(50), which is usually adopted as the designing parameter in stability analysis, can be larger than phi(0) and phi(lim). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents results on a verification test of a Direct Numerical Simulation code of mixed high-order of accuracy using the method of manufactured solutions (MMS). This test is based on the formulation of an analytical solution for the Navier-Stokes equations modified by the addition of a source term. The present numerical code was aimed at simulating the temporal evolution of instability waves in a plane Poiseuille flow. The governing equations were solved in a vorticity-velocity formulation for a two-dimensional incompressible flow. The code employed two different numerical schemes. One used mixed high-order compact and non-compact finite-differences from fourth-order to sixth-order of accuracy. The other scheme used spectral methods instead of finite-difference methods for the streamwise direction, which was periodic. In the present test, particular attention was paid to the boundary conditions of the physical problem of interest. Indeed, the verification procedure using MMS can be more demanding than the often used comparison with Linear Stability Theory. That is particularly because in the latter test no attention is paid to the nonlinear terms. For the present verification test, it was possible to manufacture an analytical solution that reproduced some aspects of an instability wave in a nonlinear stage. Although the results of the verification by MMS for this mixed-order numerical scheme had to be interpreted with care, the test was very useful as it gave confidence that the code was free of programming errors. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A slope stability model is derived for an infinite slope subjected to unsaturated infiltration flow above a phreatic surface. Closed form steady state solutions are derived for the matric suction and degree of saturation profiles. Soil unit weight, consistent with the degree of saturation profile, is also directly calculated and introduced into the analyzes, resulting in closed-form solutions for typical soil parameters and an infinite series solution for arbitrary soil parameters. The solutions are coupled with the infinite slope stability equations to establish a fully realized safety factor function. In general, consideration of soil suction results in higher factor of safety. The increase in shear strength due to the inclusion of soil suction is analogous to making an addition to the cohesion, which, of course, increases the factor of safety against sliding. However, for cohesive soils, the results show lower safety factors for slip surfaces approaching the phreatic surface compared to those produced by common safety factor calculations. The lower factor of safety is due to the increased soil unit weight considered in the matric suction model but not usually accounted for in practice wherein the soil is treated as dry above the phreatic surface. The developed model is verified with a published case study, correctly predicting stability under dry conditions and correctly predicting failure for a particular storm.


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This investigative work is concerned with the flow around a circular cylinder submitted to forced transverse oscillations. The goal is to investigate how the transition to turbulence is initiated in the wake for cases with different Reynolds numbers (Re) and displacement amplitudes (A). For each Re the motion frequency is kept constant, close to the Strouhal number of the flow around a fixed cylinder at the same Re. Stability analysis of two-dimensional periodic flows around a forced-oscillating cylinder is carried out with respect to three-dimensional infinitesimal perturbations. The procedure consists of performing a Floquet type analysis of time-periodic base flows, computed using the spectral/hp element method. With the results of the Floquet calculations, considerations regarding the stability of the system are drawn, and the form of the instability at its onset is obtained. The critical Reynolds number is observed to change with the amplitude of oscillation. With respect to instabilities, unstable modes with the same symmetry as mode A of a fixed cylinder are observed; however, they present different wavelengths. Also, the instabilities observed for the oscillating cylinder are distinctively stronger in the braid shear layers. Other unstable modes similar to mode B are found. Quasi-periodic modes are observed in the 2S wake, and subharmonic mode occurrences are reported in P + S wakes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nanomaterials have triggered excitement in both fundamental science and technological applications in several fields However, the same characteristic high interface area that is responsible for their unique properties causes unconventional instability, often leading to local collapsing during application Thermodynamically, this can be attributed to an increased contribution of the interface to the free energy, activating phenomena such as sintering and grain growth The lack of reliable interface energy data has restricted the development of conceptual models to allow the control of nanoparticle stability on a thermodynamic basis. Here we introduce a novel and accessible methodology to measure interface energy of nanoparticles exploiting the heat released during sintering to establish a quantitative relation between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energies. We exploited this method in MgO and ZnO nanoparticles and determined that the ratio between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energy is 11 for MgO and 0.7 for ZnO. We then discuss that this ratio is responsible for a thermodynamic metastable state that may prevent collapsing of nanoparticles and, therefore, may be used as a tool to design long-term stable nanoparticles.


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Wetting balance tests of copper sheets submerged in tin solder baths were carried out in a completely automatic wetting balance. Wetting curves were examined for three different values of sheet thickness and four different solder bath temperatures. Most of the wetting curves showed a distorted shape relative to that of a standard curve, preventing calculation of important wetting parameters, such as the wetting rate and the wetting force. The wetting tests showed that the distortion increased for a thicker sheet thickness and a lower solder bath temperature, being the result of solder bath solidification around the submerged sheet substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metastable phase diagram of the BCC-based ordering equilibria in the Ti-Fe system has been calculated using a truncated cluster expansion, through the combination of FP-LAPW and cluster variation method (CVM) in the irregular tetrahedron cluster approximation. The results are compared with phenomenological CVM assessments of the system and suggest that the value for the experimental formation enthalpy of the B2-TiFe compound should be significantly more negative than the currently assessed value. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.