102 resultados para Solvent replacement


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated trans fatty acid intake among the general population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003, on a representative sample of 2,298 male and female subjects, including 803 adolescents (12 to 19 years), 713 adults (20 to 59 years) and 782 elderly people (60 years or over). Food intake was measured using 24-hour recall. Mean trans fatty acid intake was described according to gender and age group. RESULTS: The mean trans fatty acid intake was 5.0 g/day (SE = 0.1), accounting for 2.4% (SE = 0.1) of total energy and 6.8% (SE = 0.1) of total lipids. The adolescents had the highest mean intake levels (7.4 g/day; 2.9% of energy) while the adults and the elderly had similar intake (2.2% of energy for both; 6.4% of lipids and 6.5% of lipids, respectively). The mean trans fatty acid intake among adult and elderly women (approximately 2.5% of energy and 7.0% of lipids) was higher than among men in the same age group. The food item with the highest contribution towards trans fatty acids was margarine, accounting for more than 30% of total intake, followed by filled cookies among adolescents and meat among adults and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The trans fatty acid intake is above the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Replacement of the trans fatty acids in manufactured food items may be an effective measure for reducing trans fatty acid intake in Brazil.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar e caracterizar o consumo de refeições realizadas por adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 71 adolescentes do ensino médio de escolas técnicas de São Paulo. Foi utilizado um questionário que avalia atitudes alimentares de ado-lescentes. As variáveis estudadas foram: frequência, local, com quem realiza as refeições e substituição de refeições por lanches. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente e o teste do qui-quadrado comparou as variáveis segundo gênero, considerando nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Do total, 58% eram do gênero feminino. A maioria relatou realizar as principais refeições em casa (88% café da manhã, 91% almoço e 96% jantar). Quanto à frequência do consumo, 49% realizavam todos os dias o café da manhã, 65% o almoço e 51% o jantar. Os adolescentes consumiam tanto o café da manhã (48%) quanto o almoço (39%) sozinhos, enquanto o jantar (77%) era realizado com os pais, havendo, para o jantar, diferença entre gêneros (p=0,022). Observou-se que 29% substituíam o almoço por lanches e, destes, 17% o faziam uma a duas vezes por semana. No jantar, uma porcentagem maior de adolescentes o subs-tituía por lanche (62%), sendo a frequência de substituição de uma a duas vezes por semana para 42% deles. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de os adolescentes realizarem as re-feições em casa, as mesmas não são feitas diariamente nem acompanhadas pelos pais.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores relacionados à determinação e às desigualdades no acesso e uso dos serviços de saúde por idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrante do Projeto Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), no qual foram entrevistados 2.143 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, em 2000. A amostra foi obtida em dois estágios, utilizando-se setores censitários com reposição, probabilidade proporcional à população e complementação da amostra de pessoas de 75 anos. Foi mensurado o uso de serviços hospitalares e ambulatoriais nos quatro meses anteriores à entrevista, relacionando-os com fatores de capacidade, necessidade e predisposição (renda total, escolaridade, seguro saúde, morbidade referida, auto-percepção, sexo e idade). O método estatístico utilizado foi regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,7% referiram ter utilizado a internação hospitalar e 64,4% o atendimento ambulatorial. Dos atendimentos ambulatoriais em serviço público, 24,7% ocorreram em hospital e 24,1% em serviço ambulatorial; dentre os que ocorreram em serviços privados, 14,5% foram em hospital e 33,7% em clínicas. Pela análise multivariada, observou-se associação entre a utilização de serviços e sexo, presença de doenças, auto-percepção de saúde, interação da renda e escolaridade e posse de seguro saúde. A análise isolada com escolaridade apresentou efeito inverso. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observadas desigualdades no uso e acesso aos serviços de saúde e inadequação do modelo de atenção, indicando necessidade de políticas públicas que levem em conta as especificidades dessa população, facilitem o acesso e possam reduzir essas desigualdades.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi reportar o planejamento cirúrgico, a técnica operatória, a instrumentação e os resultados da substituição completa do terço médio distal do fêmur, do platô tibial e da articulação do joelho por prótese em um cão acometido por osteossarcoma no fêmur esquerdo. A prótese foi confeccionada em aço, apresentando três componentes articulados, mantendo o movimento semelhante à articulação do joelho. As porções femorais e tibiais da prótese foram cimentadas aos respectivos ossos, após ostectomia do fêmur e do platô tibial. O animal foi submetido a seis sessões de quimioterapia, com doxorrubicina e carboplatina, intercaladas mensalmente, objetivando inibir o crescimento de possíveis metástases pulmonares. Durante os seis primeiros dias, o animal apresentou neuropraxia e impotência funcional do membro. Aos 10 dias, o cão iniciou leve apoio e aos 30 dias já utilizava o membro pélvico de forma mais efetiva, porém, o ângulo de extensão da articulação foi reduzido de 150° a 100° devido à contratura muscular e à fibrose na região da fossa poplítea. Após um ano de observação, não houve melhora do ângulo de extensão do joelho, porém, o animal fazia uso do membro com claudicação. Aos 425 dias de pós-operatório, o animal veio a óbito por insuficiência renal. Nesse tempo não ocorreram metástases pulmonares ou locais visíveis radiograficamente, mas o proprietário não permitiu a realização da necropsia do paciente, sendo impossível confirmar outros dados que pudessem esclarecer melhor a causa morte. Conclui-se que a substituição total do joelho de cão é uma cirurgia factível, que permite a preservação e a utilização do membro após ressecção da neoplasia, embora outras pesquisas devam ser conduzidas para obtenção de melhores resultados pós-cirúrgicos.


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Descreve-se um surto de disenteria de inverno que afetou 10 vacas leiteiras de uma propriedade localizada em Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro clínico caracterizou-se por uma diarréia inicialmente líquida esverdeada com estrias de sangue e muco, evoluindo, em alguns animais, para uma diarréia de coloração marrom escura à sanguinolenta, que persistiu, em média, cinco dias. Drástica diminuição na produção de leite e no consumo de alimentos, além de graus variados de depressão também foram observados. Apenas um dos 10 animais afetados morreu. Durante a necropsia, observaram-se mucosas pálidas, conteúdo sanguinolento com presença de grande quantidade de coágulos, principalmente no cólon espiral e petéquias na mucosa do cólon. Os principais achados histológicos foram encontradas no cólon espiral, onde havia criptas dilatadas, sem epitélio de revestimento ou revestidas por epitélio pavimentoso e/ou cuboidal, por vezes com núcleos grandes e nucléolos proeminentes. Algumas criptas eram preenchidas por debris necróticos e polimorfonucleares. Na imuno-histoquímica com anticorpo monoclonal para coronavírus bovino (8F2) em cortes do cólon espiral, havia marcações positivas no citoplasma de enterócitos das criptas, nos debris necróticos destas e em macrófagos na lâmina própria.


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Este artigo descreve uma nova classificação de alimentos baseada na extensão e propósito do processamento industrial usado na sua produção. Três grupos são definidos: alimentos não processados ou minimamente processados (grupo 1), alimentos processados utilizados como ingredientes de preparações culinárias ou pela indústria de alimentos (grupo 2), e produtos alimentícios ultra-processados (grupo 3). O uso da classificação é ilustrado aplicando-a a dados coletados por Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares conduzida em 2002/2003 em uma amostra probabilística de 48.470 domicílios brasileiros. A disponibilidade diária foi de 1.792kcal/capita, sendo 42,5por cento de alimentos do grupo 1, 37,5por cento do grupo 2 e 20por cento do grupo 3. A contribuição do grupo 3 aumentou com a renda familiar, correspondendo a um terço do total calórico nos domicílios mais afluentes. Discute-se o impacto sobre a qualidade geral da dieta, padrões de alimentação e condições de saúde que poderia ocorrer com a substituição de alimentos do grupo 1 e ingredientes do grupo 2 por produtos alimentícios do grupo 3


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To develop a convenience healthy food snack the partially hydrogenated vegetable fat, used as the flavour fixative agent, was replaced by a non-fat-flavouring solution enriched with inulin and oligofructose. The effects of this replacement on chemical composition, in vitro rate of starch digestion and sensory acceptability were assessed. The new snack presented low-fat levels (0.1 per cent) and around a sevenfold increase in dietary fibre (15.3 per cent of dietary fibre, being 13.3 per cent of fructans) when compared with the traditional ones. The enrichment with fructans reduced the predicted Glycaemic Index by 25 per cent, thus indicating that this dietary fibre contributes effectively towards delaying the in vitro glycaemic response. Fructans-enriched snack presented overall acceptability score (6.6 ± 1.7) similar to the traditional one, flavoured with fatty fixative agent (7.4 ± 1.4). The healthy low-fat fibre-enriched snack produced presented the high sensory acceptability typical for this food product type


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A gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada tem sido utilizada na aromatização de snacks. Entretanto, o risco à saúde ocasionado pelo elevado consumo de ácidos graxos saturados e trans (AGT) vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de abordagens alternativas a essa gordura. Substituímos a gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada (F) por óleo de canola (O) na aromatização de snacks. Snacks com diferentes níveis de O foram produzidos, embalados e armazenados em temperatura ambiente durante vinte semanas. Monitoramos o perfil de ácidos graxos, o teor de substâncias reativas ao TBA (TBARS), a força de cisalhamento e a aceitabilidade sensorial. A substituição total reduziu o teor de ácidos graxos saturados em 72,5 por cento, em comparação aos snacks comerciais. Os snacks eram inicialmente isentos de AGT, porém, após 8 semanas, esses compostos surgiram, havendo aumento gradual durante o período de armazenamento. Entretanto, estes níveis mantiveram-se inferiores aos observados em snacks comercializados. Também foram observados baixos teores de TBARS e estabilidade da força de cisalhamento. Snacks aromatizados com F ou O foram igualmente bem aceitos durante as vinte semanas de armazenamento. É possível desenvolver snacks com teores reduzidos de ácidos graxos saturados e trans, estáveis durante o armazenamento, mantendo a elevada aceitabilidade sensorial típica deste tipo de produto


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Background: Atherosclerosis and its complications remain the most common cause of death in postmenopausal women. But there are few studies evaluating in hormonal theraphy can affect the autoimmune response involved in atherosclerosis. Objective to evaluate the effects to soy germ isoflavones and hormone replacement theraphy on antibodies against heat shock proteins (HPSP60, HPSP70 and HSC70) in moderately hypertensive hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Methods: Women were treated with soy germ (2g/day) 17'beta'-estradiol(2 mg/day) or 17'beta'-estradiol (2mg/day)+noretisterone acetate (1mg/day), for 3 months after taking placebo for 1 month. The plasma autoantibodies to HSP60, HSP70 and HSC70 were determined by ELISA. Results: Data showed a reduction of autoantibodies against HSC70 after treatment in the 3 studies groups in relation to the placebo. The antibodies reactive to HSP70 were reduced only in women receiving soy germ. No significant differences were found for antibodies against HSP60. Conclusion: The soy germ isoflavones and 17'beta'-estradiol, alone or associated with noretisterone acetate, had similar effects on reduction of antibodies reactive to HSP70 in moderately hypertensive hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women after 3 months of treatment. Thus, there results indicate that soy isoflavnes and hormone theraphy may modulate some pathways of the immune-inflammatory process in postmenopausal women at high risk for atherosclerosis.


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Principle Mucopolysaccharidosis is an inborn error of metabolism causing glucosaminoglycans tissue storage. Cardiovascular involvement is variable but contributes significantly towards the morbidity and mortality of the patients. Objective To characterise the echocardiographic abnormalities in children and adolescents with different types of mucopolysaccharidosis. Method Echocardiograms and medical records of 28 patients aged 2–14 years, seen from 2003 to 2005, were revised. At that time, the enzymatic replacement therapy was still not available in our institution.Results Echocardiographic alterations were detected in 26 patients (93 per cent), whereas 16 (57 per cent) had abnormal auscultation, and only 6 (21 per cent) presented with cardiovascular complaint. Mitral valve thickening with dysfunction (regurgitation, stenosis, or double lesion) was diagnosed in 60.8 per cent, left ventricular hypertrophy in 43 per cent and aortic valve thickening with regurgitation in 35.8 per cent of the patients. There was no systolic dysfunction and mild left diastolic dysfunction was shown in 21.5 per cent of the patients. Pulmonary hypertension was present in 36 per cent of the patients, causing the only two deaths recorded. There was a strong association between the accumulation of dermatan sulphate and the presence of mitral valve dysfunction (p = 0.0003), aortic valve dysfunction (p = 0.006), and pulmonary hypertension (p = 0.006). Among individuals with two or more examinations, 82 per cent had a worsening evolution. Conclusions Echocardiographic alterations in children with Mucopolysaccharidosis are frequent and have a progressive character Left valve lesions, ventricular hypertrophy, and pulmonary hypertension were the most common findings and there was an association between the accumulation of dermatan sulphate and cardiovascular involvement. Unlike in adults, pulmonary hypertension was the main cause of death, not left ventricle systolic dysfunction


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Though the replacement of European bees by Africanized honey bees in tropical America has attracted considerable attention, little is known about the temporal changes in morphological and genetic characteristics in these bee populations. We examined the changes in the morphometric and genetic profiles of an Africanized honey bee population collected near where the original African swarms escaped, after 34 years of Africanization. Workers from colonies sampled in 1968 and in 2002 were morphometrically analyzed using relative warps analysis and an Automatic Bee Identification System (ABIS). All the colonies had their mitochondrial DNA identified. The subspecies that mixed to form the Africanized honey bees were used as a comparison for the morphometric analysis. The two morphometric approaches showed great similarity of Africanized bees with the African subspecies, Apis mellifera scutellata, corroborating with other markers. We also found the population of 1968 to have the pattern of wing venation to be more similar to A. m. scutellata than the current population. The mitochondrial DNA of European origin, which was very common in the 1968 population, was not found in the current population, indicating selective pressure replacing the European with the African genome in this tropical region. Both morphometric methodologies were very effective in discriminating the A. mellifera groups; the non-linear analysis of ABIS was the most successful in identifying the bees, with more than 94% correct classifications.


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Blends of milk fat and canola oil (MF:CNO) were enzymatically interesterified (EIE) by Rhizopus oryzne lipase immobilized on polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO(2)-PVA) composite, in a solvent-free system. A central composite design (CCD) was used to optimize the reaction, considering the effects of different mass fractions of binary blends of MF:CNO (50:50, 65:35 and 80:20) and temperatures (45, 55 and 65 degrees C) on the composition and texture properties of the interesterified products, taking the interesterification degree (ID) and consistency (at 10 degrees C) as response variables. For the ID variable both mass fraction of milk fat in the blend and temperature were found to be significant, while for the consistency only mass fraction of milk fat was significant. Empiric models for ID and consistency were obtained that allowed establishing the best interesterification conditions: blend with 65 % of milk fat and 35 %, of canola oil, and temperature of 45 degrees C. Under these conditions, the ID was 19.77 %) and the consistency at 10 degrees C was 56 290 Pa. The potential of this eco-friendly process demonstrated that a product could be obtained with the desirable milk fat flavour and better spreadability under refrigerated conditions.


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A considerable portion of Brazil's commercial eucalypt plantations is located in areas Subjected to periods of water deficit and grown in soils with low natural fertility, particularly poor In potassium. Potassium is influential in controlling water relations of plants. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of potassium fertilization and soil water potential (psi(w)) oil the dry matter production and oil water relations Of eucalypt seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. the experimental units were arranged in 4x4x2 randomized blocks factorial design, as follow: four species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and hybrid Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), four dosages of K (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3)) and two soil water potentials (-0.01 M Pa and -0.1 M Pa). Plastic containers with 15 cm diameter and 18 cm height, with Styrofoam base, containing 3.0 dm(3) of soil and two plants per container were used. Soil water potential was kept at -0.01 MPa for 40 days after seeding. Afterward, the experimental units were divided into two groups: in one group the potential was kept at 0.01 MPa, and in the other one, at -0.10 MPa. Sol I water potential was control led gravimetrically twice a day with water replacement until the desired potential was reestablished. A week before harvesting, the leaf water potential (psi), the photosynthetic rate (A), the stomatal conductance (gs) and the transpiration rate were evaluated. The last week before harvesting, the mass of the containers was recorded daily before watering to determine the consumption of water by the plants. After harvesting, total dry matter and leaf area were evaluated. the data were Submitted to analysis of variance, to Tukey's tests and regression analyses. The application of K influenced A, gs and the transpiration rate. Plants deficient in K showed lower A and higher Us and transpiration rates. There were no statistical differences in A, gs and transpiration rates ill plants with and Without water deficit. The addition of K reduced the consumption of water per unit of leaf area and, in general, plants submitted to water deficit presented a lower consumption of water.


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The Corymbia citriodora is one of the most cultivated species in Brazil for wood and essential oil production. The oil is obtained by the leaves distillation and the yield is around 2%. For the sustainability of leaves extraction is necessary a good nutritional replacement, because the leaves contain a large quantity of nutrients. The sewage sludge application in Corymbia plantations is a way to apply organic fertilizer and is also a good alternative for the final disposal of this residue. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the sewage sludge use as fertilizer for the essential oil production in two different Spacing. The experiment was constituted by 4 blocks and the treatments were: i) Close spacing (1m x 1m) with sewage sludge + K and B; ii) Close spacing with mineral fertilization: iii) Regular spacing (3m x 1m) with sewage sludge + K and B; and iv) Regular spacing with mineral fertilization. When the C. citriodora plots were 12, 18, 24 and 30 months old, leaves and branches biomass and also essential oil production were quantified. It was observed that the system of close planting totalized a higher biomass, 3.8 times more than the conventional system, providing 3 times more essential oil production (363 l ha(-1) at the close spacing and 116 l ha(-1) at the regular Spacing during 30 months). No difference was found in the leaves or oil production with the use of sewage sludge or mineral fertilizer any of spacing studied The use of sewage sludge as fertilizer for Corymbia citriodora plantations may be an interesting alternative. because it supplies large quantities of nutrients and ensures a positive budget of nutrients in the ecosystem.


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This study evaluated the antifungal action of biomolecules produced from the secondary metabolism of bacterial strains found in the rhizosphere of semi arid plants against human pathogenic Candida albicans. Crude extracts were obtained using ethyl acetate as an organic solvent and the bioactivity was assessed with a bioautography technique. The results showed that bacterial strains, Alcaligenes faecalis MRbS12 and Bacillus cereus MRbS26, had compounds with antifungal bioactivity. The largest inhibition zones for both compounds were located on spots with Rf values below 0.500, indicating that the molecules possibly had polar characteristics. These results suggested that microorganisms found in the environment could have bioprospecting potential.