96 resultados para Soil mechanics.


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Urea and ammonium sulfate are principal nitrogen (N) sources for crop production. Two field experiments were conducted during three consecutive years to evaluate influence of urea and ammonium sulfate application on grain yield, soil pH, calcium (Ca) saturation, magnesium (Mg) saturation, base saturation, aluminum (Al) saturation, and acidity (H + Al) saturation in lowland rice production. Grain yield was significantly influenced by urea as well as ammonium sulfate fertilization. Soil pH linearly decreased with the application of N by ammonium sulfate and urea fertilizers. However, the magnitude of the pH decrease was greater by ammonium sulfate than by urea. The Ca and Mg saturations were decreased at the greater N rates compared to low rates of N by both the fertilizer sources. The Al and acidity saturation increased with increasing N rates by both the fertilizer sources. However, these acidity indices were increased more with the application of ammonium sulfate compared with urea. Rice grain yield had negative associations with pH, Ca saturation, Mg saturation, and base saturation and positive associations with Al and acidity saturation. This indicates that rice plant is tolerant to soil acidity.


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Potassium (K) plays an important role in many physiological and biochemical processes in plants and its adequate use is an important issue for sustainable economic crop production. Soil test-based K fertilizer recommendations are very limited for lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on Inceptisols. The objective of this study was to calibrate K soil testing for the response of lowland rice (cv. Ipagri 109) to added K. A field experiment was conducted in the farmers` field in the municipality of Lagoa da Confusao, State of Tocantins, central Brazil. The K rates used were 0, 125, 250, 375, 500, and 625 kg K ha-1 applied as broadcast and incorporated during sowing of the first rice crop. Rice responded significantly to K fertilization during 2 years of experimentation. Maximum grain yield of about 6,000 kg ha-1 was obtained with 57 mg K kg-1 soil in the first year and with 30 mg K kg-1 in the second year. This indicated that at low levels of K in the soil, nonexchangeable K was available for plant growth. Potassium use efficiency designated as agronomic efficiency (kg grain produced/kg K applied) decreased significantly in a quadratic fashion with increasing K level in the soil. Agronomic efficiency had a significantly linear association with grain yield. Hence, improving agronomic efficiency with management practices can improve rice yield.


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Relationship between occurrence of Panama disease in banana trees of cv. Nanicao and nutrients in soil and leaves The objective of the present work was to verify if the incited symptoms in banana trees cv. Nanicao, belonging to the subgroup Cavendish, in Vale do Ribeira, are related to levels of nutrients in soil and leaves. Sixteen areas in Vale do Ribeira were selected, one half with symptomatic plants and the other with healthy plants. In those areas the third leaf of five plants and the soil near those plants were collected, at depths from 0 to 20 cm and from 20 to 40 cm. At both depths of the sampled soil, levels of Ca, Mg, PO(4)(-3), S and cationic exchange capacity (CEC) were significantly different among the areas, and the low values of these elements were present in the areas containing symptomatic plants. At both depths, Mg, Al and H in relation to CEC were significantly different among the areas, and the low values of Mg and high of Al and H were present in the areas with symptomatic plants. The N, K and S in the leaves were significantly different among the areas. These elements showed low values in the areas containing symptomatic plants. Despite the fact that some amounts of macronutrients of the soil and of the leaves are present only in the areas containing plants of Nanicao with symptoms similar to fusariosis, proof of a possible occurrence of race of the pathogen should be looked for in Vale do Ribeira.


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Microbial community structure in saltmarsh soils is stratified by depth and availability of electron acceptors for respiration. However, the majority of the microbial species that are involved in the biogeochemical transformations of iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) in such environments are not known. Here we examined the structure of bacterial communities in a high saltmarsh soil profile and discuss their potential relationship with the geochemistry of Fe and S. Our data showed that the soil horizons Ag (oxic-suboxic), Bg (suboxic), Cri (anoxic with low concentration of pyrite Fe) and Cr-2 (anoxic with high concentrations of pyrite Fe) have distinct geochemical and microbiological characteristics. In general, total S concentration increased with depth and was correlated with the presence of pyrite Fe. Soluble + exchangable-Fe, pyrite Fe and acid volatile sulfide Fe concentrations also increased with depth, whereas ascorbate extractable-Fe concentrations decreased. The occurrence of reduced forms of Fe in the horizon Ag and oxidized Fe in horizon Cr-2 suggests that the typical redox zonation, common to several marine sediments, does not occur in the saltmarsh soil profile studied. Overall, the bacterial community structure in the horizon Ag and Cr-2 shared low levels of similarity, as compared to their adjacent horizons, Bg and Cr-1, respectively. The phylogenetic analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences from clone libraries showed that the predominant phylotypes in horizon Ag were related to Alphaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. In contrast, the most abundant phylotypes in horizon Cr-2 were related to Deltaproteo-bacteria, Chloroflexi, Deferribacteres and Nitrospira. The high frequency of sequences with low levels of similarity to known bacterial species in horizons Ag and Cr-2 indicates that the bacterial communities in both horizons are dominated by novel bacterial species. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The variation in the Ca:Mg ratio in amendments used to neutralize soil acidity is one way of altering the availability of those nutrients to the plants in acid soils. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of different proportions of calcium and magnesium in the form of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) Oil the nutrient uptake, and initial production of dry matter by corn plants. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions, in Lages, SC, with a completely randomized experimental design, with three replications. The treatments were the application of equivalent to 21.0 t ha(-1) of lime, using mixtures of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) in several proportions to obtain different Ca:Mg ratios (1: 1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, 16:1 and 32:1), on a Humic Alic Cambisol, with 310 g kg(-1) of clay. The application of treatments caused the following Ca:Mg ratios in the CEC: 1. 1: 1, 2.1:1, 4.0:1, 8.1:1, 16.4:1 and 31.8:1. The high concentrations of exchangeable Ca in soil caused by addition of lime with high Ca content inhibited the uptake of Mg and K by the corn plants. The increase in the soil Ca:Mg ratio reduced the dry matter production and height of plants in the initial stage of development.


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The present investigation is the first part of an initiative to prepare a regional map of the natural abundance of selenium in various areas of Brazil, based on the analysis of bean and soil samples. Continuous-flow hydride generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-ET AAS) with in situ trapping on an iridium-coated graphite tube has been chosen because of the high sensitivity and relative simplicity. The microwave-assisted acid digestion for bean and soil samples was tested for complete recovery of inorganic and organic selenium compounds (selenomethionine). The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was optimized in order to guarantee that there is no back-oxidation, which is of importance when digested samples are not analyzed immediately after the reduction step. The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 30 ng L(-1) Se and 101 ng L(-1) Se, respectively, corresponding to about 3 ng g(-1) and 10 ng g(-1), respectively, in the solid samples, considering a typical dilution factor of 100 for the digestion process. The results obtained for two certified food reference materials (CRM), soybean and rice, and for a soil and sediment CRM confirmed the validity of the investigated method. The selenium content found in a number of selected bean samples varied between 5.5 +/- 0.4 ng g(-1) and 1726 +/- 55 ng g(-1), and that in soil samples varied between 113 +/- 6.5 ng g(-1) and 1692 +/- 21 ng g(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 1966 the Brazilian physicist Klaus Tausk (b. 1927) circulated a preprint from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, criticizing Adriana Daneri, Angelo Loinger, and Giovanni Maria Prosperi`s theory of 1962 on the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. A heated controversy ensued between two opposing camps within the orthodox interpretation of quantum theory, represented by Leon Rosenfeld and Eugene P. Wigner. The controversy went well beyond the strictly scientific issues, however, reflecting philosophical and political commitments within the context of the Cold War, the relationship between science in developed and Third World countries, the importance of social skills, and personal idiosyncrasies.


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In sub-humid South India, recent studies have shown that black soil areas (Vertisols and vertic Intergrades), located on flat valley bottoms, have been rejuvenated through the incision of streambeds, inducing changes in the pedoclimate and soil transformation. Joint pedological, geochemical and geophysical investigations were performed in order to better understand the ongoing processes and their contribution to the chemistry of local rivers. The seasonal rainfall causes cycles of oxidation and reduction in a perched watertable at the base of the black soil, while the reduced solutions are exported through a loamy sand network. This framework favours a ferrolysis process, which causes low base saturation and protonation of clay, leading to the weathering of 2:1 then 1:1 clay minerals. Maximum weathering conditions occur at the very end of the wet season, just before disappearance of the perched watertable. Therefore, the by-products of soil transformation are partially drained off and calcareous nodules, then further downslope, amorphous silica precipitate upon soil dehydration. The ferrolysed area is fringing the drainage system indicating that its development has been induced by the streambed incision. The distribution of (14)C ages of CaCO(3) nodules suggests that the ferrolysis process started during the late Holocene, only about 2 kyr B.P. at the studied site and about 5 kyr B.P. at the watershed outlet. The results of this study are applied to an assessment of the physical erosion rate (4.8x10(-3) m/kyr) since the recent reactivation of the erosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The origin of the saline lakes in the Pantanal wetland has been classically attributed to processes occurring in past periods. However, recent studies have suggested that saline water is currently forming from evaporative concentration of fresh water, which is provided annually by seasonal floods. Major elements (Ca, Mg, K) and alkalinity appear to be geochemically controlled during the concentration of waters and may be involved in the formation of carbonates and clay minerals around the saline lakes. The mineralogy of soils associated with a representative saline lake was investigated using XRD, TEM-EDS, and ICP-MS in order to identify the composition and genesis of the secondary minerals suspected to be involved in the control of major elements. The results showed that Ca, Mg, and K effectively undergo oversaturation and precipitation as the waters become more saline. These elements are incorporated in the authigenically formed carbonates, smectites, and micas surrounding the saline lake. The control of Ca occurs by precipitation of calcite and dolomite in nodules while Mg and K are mainly involved in the neoformation of Mg-smectites (stevensitic and saponitic minerals) and, probably, iron-enriched micas (ferric-illite) in surface and subsurface horizons. Therefore, our study confirms that the salinity of Pantanal, historically attributed to inheritance from former regimes, has a contribution of current processes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Joint pedological, geochemical, hydrological and geophysical investigations were performed to study the coexistence or saline and freshwater lakes in close proximity and similar climatic conditions in the Nhecolandia region, Pantanal wetlands in Brazil. The saline lakes are concentrically surrounded by green sandy loam horizons, which cause differential hydrological regimes. Mg-calcite, K-silicates, and amorphous silica precipitate in the soil cover, whereas Mg-silicates and more soluble Na-carbonates are concentrated in the topsoil along the shore of the saline lake. In saline solutions, some minor elements (As, Se) reach values above the water quality recommendations, whereas others are controlled and incorporated in solid phases (Ba, Sr). Locally, the destruction of the sandy loam horizons generates very acidic soil solution (pH similar to 3.5) through a process not yet understood. The soil distributions indicate that some freshwater lakes are former saline lakes. They are invaded by freshwater after destruction of the sandy loam green horizons, then the freshwater becomes enriched in K(+), SO(4)(2-), Fe, Al, and a stream of minor and trace elements. The formation of these green sandy loam horizons in the saline environment and their destruction in the non-saline one emphasizes the dynamic nature of this environment (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The importance of lung tissue in asthma pathophysiology has been recently recognized. Although nitric oxide mediates smooth muscle tonus control in airways, its effects on lung tissue responsiveness have not been investigated previously. We hypothesized that chronic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition by N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) may modulate lung tissue mechanics and eosinophil and extracellular matrix remodeling in guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary inflammation. Animals were submitted to seven saline or ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1 similar to 5 mg/ml for 4 wk) and treated or not with L-NAME in drinking water. After the seventh inhalation (72 h), animals were anesthetized and exsanguinated, and oscillatory mechanics of lung tissue strips were performed in baseline condition and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%). Using morphometry, we assessed the density of eosinophils, neuronal NOS (nNOS)- and inducible NOS (iNOS)-positive distal lung cells, smooth muscle cells, as well as collagen and elastic fibers in lung tissue. Ovalbumin-exposed animals had an increase in baseline and maximal tissue resistance and elastance, eosinophil density, nNOS- and iNOS-positive cells, the amount of collagen and elastic fibers, and isoprostane-8-PGF(2 alpha) expression in the alveolar septa compared with controls (P < 0.05). L-NAME treatment in ovalbumin-exposed animals attenuated lung tissue mechanical responses (P < 0.01), nNOS- and iNOS-positive cells, elastic fiber content (P < 0.001), and isoprostane-8-PGF(2 alpha) in the alveolar septa (P < 0.001). However, this treatment did not affect the total number of eosinophils and collagen deposition. These data suggest that NO contributes to distal lung parenchyma constriction and to elastic fiber deposition in this model. One possibility may be related to the effects of NO activating the oxidative stress pathway.


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The present study evaluated the effects of an intramuscular injection of Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV) (0.67 mu g/g) on lung mechanics and lung inflammation at 15, 30, 60 and 180 min after inoculation. TsV inoculation resulted in increased lung elastance when compared with the control group (p < 0.001): these values were significantly higher at 60 min than at 15 and 180 min (p < 0.05). Resistive pressure (Delta P(1)) values decreased significantly at 30, 60 and 180 min after TsV injection (p < 0.001). TsV inoculation resulted in increased lung inflammation, characterised by an increased density of mononuclear cells at 15, 30, 60 and 180 min after TsV injection when compared with the control group (p < 0.001). TsV inoculation also resulted in an increased pulmonary density of polymorphonuclear cells at 15, 30 and 60 min following injection when compared to the control group (p < 0.001). In conclusion, T serrulatus venom leads to acute lung injury, characterised by altered lung mechanics and increased pulmonary inflammation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The impact of genetic factors on asthma is well recognized but poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that different mouse strains present different lung tissue strip mechanics in a model of chronic allergic asthma and that these mechanical differences may be potentially related to changes of extracellular matrix composition and/or contractile elements in lung parenchyma. Oscillatory mechanics were analysed before and after acetylcholine (ACh) in C57BL/10, BALB/c, and A/J mice, subjected or not to ovalbumin sensitization and challenge. In controls, tissue elastance (E) and resistance (R), collagen and elastic fibres` content, and alpha-actin were higher in A/J compared to BALB/c mice, which, in turn, were more elevated than in C57BL/10. A similar response pattern was observed in ovalbumin-challenged animals irrespective of mouse strain. E and R augmented more in ovalbumin-challenged A/J [E: 22%, R: 18%] than C57BL/10 mice [E: 9.4%, R: 11 %] after ACh In conclusion, lung parenchyma remodelled differently yielding distinct in vitro mechanics according to mouse strain. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Gorticosteroids have been proposed to be effective in modulating the inflammatory response and pulmonary tissue remodeling in acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that steroid treatment might act differently in models of pulmonary (p) or extrapulmonary (exp) ALI with similar mechanical compromise. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: One hundred twenty-eight BALB/c mice (20-25 g). Interventions: Mice were divided into six groups. In control animals sterile saline solution was intratracheally (0.05 mL, Cp) or intraperitoneally (0.5 mL, Gexp) injected, whereas ALI animals received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide intratracheally (10 mu g, ALIp) or intraperitoneally (125 mu g, ALIexp). Six hours after lipopolysaccharide administration, ALIp and ALlexp animals were further randomized into subgroups receiving saline (0.1 mL intravenously) or methylprednisolone (2 mg/kg intravenously, Mp and Mexp, respectively). Measurements and Main Results: At 24 hrs, lung state elastance, resistive and viscoelastic pressures, lung morphometry, and collagen fiber content were similar in both ALI groups. KC, interieukin-6, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta levels in bronchoatveolar lavage fluid, as well as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, migration inhibitory factor (MIF), interferon (IFN)-gamma, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 messenger RNA expression in lung tissue were higher in ALIp than in ALIexp animals. Methylprednisolone attenuated mechanical and morphometric changes, cytokine levels, and TNF-alpha, MIF, IFN gamma, and TGF-beta 2 messenger RNA expression only in ALIp animals, but prevented any changes in collagen fiber content in both ALI groups. Conclusions. Methylprednisolone is effective to inhibit fibrogenesis independent of the etiology of ALI, but its ability to attenuate inflammatory responses and lung mechanical changes varies according to the cause of ALI.


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We studied the results of chronic oral administration of amiodarone on in vitro lung tissue mechanics, light and electron microscopy. Fifteen Wistar male rats were divided into three groups. In control (CTRL) group animals received saline (0.5 mL/day). In amiodarone (AMIO) groups, amiodarone was administered by gavage at a dose of 175 mg/kg 5 days per week for 6 (6AMIO) or 12 weeks (12AMIO). Lung tissue strips were analyzed 24 h after the last drug administration. Tissue resistance and elastance were higher in 6AMIO and 12AMIO than in CTRL, while hysteresivity was similar in all groups. Total amount of collagen fibers in lung parenchyma increased progressively with the time course of the lesion. However, at 6 weeks there was an increase in the amount of type III collagen fibers, while in 12AMIO mainly type I collagen fibers were found. In our study amiodarone increased lung tissue impedance that was accompanied by matrix remodeling and lesion of type II pneumocytes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.