79 resultados para Meio Social
This article reflects on the origins and development of social tourism in Brazil, with particular reference to the socio-economic conditions in the country. It discusses the theoretical conceptualisation of social tourism and its implementations in the non-European context. The case study presented here is based on a secondary bibliographical research of existing definitions and an in-depth analysis of the political conditions that have framed its development. More particularly, this article will discuss public initiatives since the Labour Party gained power in Brazil in 2003. Apart from public sector involvement in social tourism, this article also examines the role of the third sector in provision. The example of Social Service of Commerce will be presented. This article will conclude by evaluating the phenomenon of social tourism in Brazil, highlighting where progress has been made and which are the key challenges that need to be overcome.
Captive breeding of peccaries is on the increase in neotropical countries. Few studies, however, have reported behavioural responses of wild animals under farmed conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of space allowance on the occurrence of social behaviour patterns on farmed collared peccary (Pecan tajacu). We observed three herds of collared peccaries each containing eight acquainted individuals. Using a 3 x 3 Latin square design, herds were allocated, in a random order, to one of the three experimental enclosures, each with a different size. 375, 750 and 1,500 m(2) of total available area, each with three wooden shelters. We recorded all the occurrences of selected positive and agonistic behavioural patterns that occurred 90 min before and during feeding Enclosure size had a significant effect on agonistic patterns of peccaries during feeding, in that more agonistic behaviour was observed in smaller spaces We also found that shelter usage increased as space decreased Differing space allowances, however, did not have an effect on the occurrence of positive interactions that were more frequent before compared to during feeding. We concluded that enclosure size had an effect on the expression of agonistic be and the use of shelters by collared peccaries Thus, animal welfare can be improved by adopting at least 187 5 m(2) per peccary. In addition, our study also confirmed the importance of shelter areas in collared peccary husbandry.
In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed.
Social environment can represent a major source of stress affecting cortisol and/or corticosterone levels, thereby altering the immune response. We have investigated the effects of social isolation on the development of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in female Calomys callosus, a natural reservoir of this protozoan parasite. Animals were divided in groups of five animals each. The animals of one group were kept together in a single cage. In a second group, four females were kept together in a cage with one male. In the final group, five individuals were kept isolated in private cages. The isolated animals showed body weight reduction, decreased numbers of peritoneal macrophages, lower global leucocytes counts, smaller lytic antibody percentage and a significantly higher level of blood parasites compared to the other animals. Their behavior was also altered. They were more aggressive than grouped females, or females exposed to the presence of a male. These results suggest that isolation creates a distinct social behavior in which immunity is impaired and pathogenesis is enhanced. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.