86 resultados para Measurement automation
In this article, we discuss inferential aspects of the measurement error regression models with null intercepts when the unknown quantity x (latent variable) follows a skew normal distribution. We examine first the maximum-likelihood approach to estimation via the EM algorithm by exploring statistical properties of the model considered. Then, the marginal likelihood, the score function and the observed information matrix of the observed quantities are presented allowing direct inference implementation. In order to discuss some diagnostics techniques in this type of models, we derive the appropriate matrices to assessing the local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. The results and methods developed in this paper are illustrated considering part of a real data set used by Hadgu and Koch [1999, Application of generalized estimating equations to a dental randomized clinical trial. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 9, 161-178].
In chemical analyses performed by laboratories, one faces the problem of determining the concentration of a chemical element in a sample. In practice, one deals with the problem using the so-called linear calibration model, which considers that the errors associated with the independent variables are negligible compared with the former variable. In this work, a new linear calibration model is proposed assuming that the independent variables are subject to heteroscedastic measurement errors. A simulation study is carried out in order to verify some properties of the estimators derived for the new model and it is also considered the usual calibration model to compare it with the new approach. Three applications are considered to verify the performance of the new approach. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The main object of this paper is to discuss the Bayes estimation of the regression coefficients in the elliptically distributed simple regression model with measurement errors. The posterior distribution for the line parameters is obtained in a closed form, considering the following: the ratio of the error variances is known, informative prior distribution for the error variance, and non-informative prior distributions for the regression coefficients and for the incidental parameters. We proved that the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients has at most two real modes. Situations with a single mode are more likely than those with two modes, especially in large samples. The precision of the modal estimators is studied by deriving the Hessian matrix, which although complicated can be computed numerically. The posterior mean is estimated by using the Gibbs sampling algorithm and approximations by normal distributions. The results are applied to a real data set and connections with results in the literature are reported. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents a Bayesian semiparametric approach for dealing with regression models where the covariate is measured with error. Given that (1) the error normality assumption is very restrictive, and (2) assuming a specific elliptical distribution for errors (Student-t for example), may be somewhat presumptuous; there is need for more flexible methods, in terms of assuming only symmetry of errors (admitting unknown kurtosis). In this sense, the main advantage of this extended Bayesian approach is the possibility of considering generalizations of the elliptical family of models by using Dirichlet process priors in dependent and independent situations. Conditional posterior distributions are implemented, allowing the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), to generate the posterior distributions. An interesting result shown is that the Dirichlet process prior is not updated in the case of the dependent elliptical model. Furthermore, an analysis of a real data set is reported to illustrate the usefulness of our approach, in dealing with outliers. Finally, semiparametric proposed models and parametric normal model are compared, graphically with the posterior distribution density of the coefficients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scale mixtures of the skew-normal (SMSN) distribution is a class of asymmetric thick-tailed distributions that includes the skew-normal (SN) distribution as a special case. The main advantage of these classes of distributions is that they are easy to simulate and have a nice hierarchical representation facilitating easy implementation of the expectation-maximization algorithm for the maximum-likelihood estimation. In this paper, we assume an SMSN distribution for the unobserved value of the covariates and a symmetric scale mixtures of the normal distribution for the error term of the model. This provides a robust alternative to parameter estimation in multivariate measurement error models. Specific distributions examined include univariate and multivariate versions of the SN, skew-t, skew-slash and skew-contaminated normal distributions. The results and methods are applied to a real data set.
In general, the normal distribution is assumed for the surrogate of the true covariates in the classical error model. This paper considers a class of distributions, which includes the normal one, for the variables subject to error. An estimation approach yielding consistent estimators is developed and simulation studies reported.
Influence diagnostics methods are extended in this article to the Grubbs model when the unknown quantity x (latent variable) follows a skew-normal distribution. Diagnostic measures are derived from the case-deletion approach and the local influence approach under several perturbation schemes. The observed information matrix to the postulated model and Delta matrices to the corresponding perturbed models are derived. Results obtained for one real data set are reported, illustrating the usefulness of the proposed methodology.
In many epidemiological studies it is common to resort to regression models relating incidence of a disease and its risk factors. The main goal of this paper is to consider inference on such models with error-prone observations and variances of the measurement errors changing across observations. We suppose that the observations follow a bivariate normal distribution and the measurement errors are normally distributed. Aggregate data allow the estimation of the error variances. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed numerically via the EM algorithm. Consistent estimation of the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimators is also discussed. Test statistics are proposed for testing hypotheses of interest. Further, we implement a simple graphical device that enables an assessment of the model`s goodness of fit. Results of simulations concerning the properties of the test statistics are reported. The approach is illustrated with data from the WHO MONICA Project on cardiovascular disease. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A robust Bayesian approach to null intercept measurement error model with application to dental data
Measurement error models often arise in epidemiological and clinical research. Usually, in this set up it is assumed that the latent variable has a normal distribution. However, the normality assumption may not be always correct. Skew-normal/independent distribution is a class of asymmetric thick-tailed distributions which includes the Skew-normal distribution as a special case. In this paper, we explore the use of skew-normal/independent distribution as a robust alternative to null intercept measurement error model under a Bayesian paradigm. We assume that the random errors and the unobserved value of the covariate (latent variable) follows jointly a skew-normal/independent distribution, providing an appealing robust alternative to the routine use of symmetric normal distribution in this type of model. Specific distributions examined include univariate and multivariate versions of the skew-normal distribution, the skew-t distributions, the skew-slash distributions and the skew contaminated normal distributions. The methods developed is illustrated using a real data set from a dental clinical trial. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Studies of the viscoelastic properties of the vocal folds are normally performed with rheometers that use parallel assigned a fixed value. In tissues subject to variation of thickness plates whose interplate space is usually at between samples, fixed gaps could result in different compressions, compromising the comparison among them. We performed,in experimental study to determine whether different compressions call lead to different results in measurements of dynamic viscosity (DV) of vocal fold samples. Methods: We Measured the DV of vocal fold samples of 10 larynges of cadavers under 3 different compression levels, corresponding to 0.2, 0.5, and 10 N on an 8-mm-diameter parallel-plate rheometer. Results: The DV directly varied with compression. We observed statistically significant differences between the results of 0.2 and 10 N (p = 0.0396) and 0.5 and 10 N (p = 0.0442). Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the level of compression influences the DV measure and Suggests that a defined compression level should be used in rheometric studies of biological tissues.
The electroanalytical techniques are very promissing to perform the quality control of crude vegetable. Solid State Differential Pulse Voltammetry in the supporting electrolyte is able to detect the oxidation signals of the active material, which can be used as a parameter to identify the type of crude vegetable and its antioxidant activity. The working electrode consisted in a carbon paste electrode modified with the powder of vegetable raw material (EMF). The electrochemical measurements were performed in a cell containing the working (EMF), reference (Ag/AgCl, KClsat) and auxiliary (Pt) electrodes.