142 resultados para FLUOXETINE COMBINATION
A new tetraruthenated copper(II)-tetra(3,4-pyridyl)porphyrazine species, [CuTRPyPz]4+, has been synthesized and fully characterized by means of analytical, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. This À-conjugated system contrasts with the related meso-tetrapyridylporphyrins by exhibiting strong electronic interaction between the coordinated peripheral complexes and the central ring. Based on favorable À-stacking and electrostatic interactions, layer-by-layer assembled films were successfully generated from the appropriate combination of [CuTRPyPz]4+ with copper(II)-tetrasulfonated phtalocyanine, [CuTSPc]4-. Their conducting and electrocatalytic properties were investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy and rotating disc voltammetry, exhibiting metallic behavior near the Ru(III/II) redox potential, as well as enhanced catalytic activity for the oxidation of nitrite and sulphite ions.
Due to the development of nanoscience, the interest in electrochromism has increased and new assemblies of electrochromic materials at nanoscale leading to higher efficiencies and chromatic contrasts, low switching times and the possibility of color tuning have been developed. These advantages are reached due to the extensive surface area found in nanomaterials and the large amount of organic electrochromic molecules that can be easily attached onto inorganic nanoparticles, as TiO2 or SiO2. Moreover, the direct contact between electrolyte and nanomaterials produces high ionic transfer rates, leading to fast charge compensation, which is essential for high performance electrochromic electrodes. Recently, the layer-by-layer technique was presented as an interesting way to produce different architectures by the combination of both electrochromic nanoparticles and polymers. The present paper shows some of the newest insights into nanochromic science.
A new species of the rare copionodontine genus Glaphyropoma is described from subterranean waters in the Diamantina Plateau, Bahia State, central northeastern Brazil. This is the first troglomorphic species in the subfamily Copionodontinae. It is distinguished from all other copionodontines by the presence of opercular odontodes, and further distinguished from its only congener, G. rodriguesi, by the reduction of dark integumentary pigmentation. The new species shares the single synapomorphy previously proposed for Glaphyropoma, the marked narrowing of the first hypobranchial and indirect character evidence also supports its inclusion in the genus. The presence of opercular odontodes in the new species, in combination with a reviewed hypothesis of sister group relationship between Copionodontinae and Trichogeninae, indicate that the absence of opercular odontodes in previously-known copionodontines is secondary, rather than primitive.
A new species of the genus Leporinus is described from the rio Araguaia, in Mato Grosso and Goiás states, Brazil. The new species has the dental formula 4/3, a unique feature within the genus; all other species of Leporinus have dental formulae 3/3, 3/4 or 4/4. In addition, the new species can also be distinguished by the following combination of characters: 36 to 37 scales in the lateral line, 4/4.5 or 4/5 series of scales in the transversal line, 16 circumpeduncular scale series, anal fin surpassing base of lower caudal-fin rays and three blotches along the lateral line. The new species shares with L. parae and L. lacustris a rather deep body, terminal mouth, long anal fin, three small dark blotches on the lateral line, the latter two, particularly the last one, usually fading, and preference for lentic habitats. Comments on the taxonomy and distribution of the species L. parae and L. lacustris are provided.
A new Astyanax species is described from several localities in the rio Negro, rio Solimões and lower rio Tapajós basins, Amazon basin, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all remaining characids by its unique color pattern consisting of the combination of presence of a conspicuous, narrow dark midlateral stripe, a well-developed vertically-elongated dark humeral spot, and upper caudal-fin lobe and middle caudal-fin rays dark, with a rounded clear ocellated spot present at anterior third of caudal-fin lobe.
A new species of Jupiaba is described from rio Curuá, a tributary of the rio Iriri, rio Xingu basin, Pará State, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the unique combination of teeth cusps of similar size, dentary teeth gradually decreasing in size towards posterior portion, color pattern consisting of dark markings on the base of the majority of lateral body scales, inconspicuous dark elongate humeral blotch and conspicuous dark round blotch on the caudal peduncle, and 21 to 24 branched anal-fin rays. The new species is very similar, and possibly sister taxon to J. meunieri. Comments on the endemism of the fish fauna of the upper rio Curuá are given.
A new species of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from rio Tocantins and rio Xingu basins in central Brazil, is described. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a unique combination of pale blotches over a darker background on head, body and fins, and conspicuous keels on head, predorsal region and lateral plates. Comments on the pale-spotted species of Hypostomus are provided.
A new species of Rineloricaria Bleeker from the rio Vermelho, Araguaia basin, Goiás, Brazil is described. Rineloricaria osvaldoi, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: surface of thoracic area trapezoidal with greatest width between pectoral fins, up to 13 premaxillary teeth, largest body width at the section of the canal plate, anterior profile of the head of mature males semicircular in dorsal view. Although eight genera of Loricariinae are known from the rio Araguaia basin, R. lanceolata was only species of Rineloricaria previously reported from that basin. Therefore, the discovery of the R. osvaldoi increases the scenery of diversity of Loricariinae within this drainage basin.
Novas espécies descritas: Drycothaea jolyi sp. nov. do Peru; Drycothaea rotundicollis sp. nov. da Costa Rica; Drycothaea wappesi sp. nov. e Drycothaea ocularis sp. nov. da Guatemala. Drycothaea cribrata Bates, 1881 é transferida para Euryestola Breuning, 1940. Acrescenta-se chave para as espécies de Drycothaea da América Continental.
Este artigo apresenta o projeto museográfico da exposição Cartografia de uma história, inaugurada no Museu Paulista da Universidade de São Paulo em março de 2005. O projeto museográfico foi concebido e elaborado a partir do diálogo entre as propostas da equipe de pesquisa e os dados do perfil dos visitantes do Museu, constituindo-se assim um trabalho integrado, que buscava tratar de forma lúdica o ato de descobrir.
Based on the results of comparative analyses of 1,039 specimens of several progenies of Anopheles nuneztovarifrom three localities in Colombia, eight costal wing spot patterns were observed. Patterns I and III were the most frequent: 77.96% and 11.36%, respectively. Using the diagnostic characters ratio of the length of the basal dark area of hind tarsomere II/length of hind tarsomere II, ratio of the length of the humeral pale spot/length of the pre-humeral dark spot, and the ratio of the length of the subcostal pale spot/length of the distal sector dark spot (DS-III2/Ta-III2, HP/PHD, SCP/DSD) approximately 5% of the adult females were misidentified as a species of Nyssorhynchus, different from An. nuneztovari. Approximately 5% of the specimens showed DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratio less than 0.25 (range 0.21 - 0.24), and among them 3.34% shared a HP/PHD ratio less than 1.50. Consequently, 1.52% of An. nuneztovari individuals can be misidentified as Anopheles oswaldoi. In those specimens with the DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratios higher than 0.25, 34.45% displayed SCP/DSD values greater than 0.50 and of these, 3.65% displayed HP/PHD values greater than 1.8. This combination of characters could lead one to misidentify samples of An. nuneztovari as Anopheles rangeli. Similarly, 2.43% of the females could be identified erroneously as either Anopheles aquasalis or Anopheles benarrochi. Individuals with a HP/PHD ratio greater than 2.0, could be misidentified as Anopheles trinkae, Anopheles strodei or Anopheles evansae. A distinct combination of diagnostic characters for An. nuneztovari from Colombia is proposed.
OBJETIVO: Comparar duas abordagens baseadas em critérios do Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) e do Standards for Reporting Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) na avaliação de qualidade de estudos de validação do teste rápido OptiMal®, para diagnóstico de malária. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada busca de artigos de validação do teste rápido na base bibliográfica Medline acessada pelo PubMed, no ano de 2007. Treze artigos foram recuperados na busca. Foram combinados 12 critérios do QUADAS e três do STARD para comparação com os critérios do QUADAS isoladamente. Foi considerado que artigos de regular a boa qualidade atenderiam pelo menos 50% dos critérios do QUADAS. RESULTADOS: Dos 13 artigos recuperados, 12 cumpriram pelo menos 50% dos critérios do QUADAS, e apenas dois atenderam à combinação dos critérios. Considerando-se a combinação dos dois critérios (> 6 QUADAS e > 3STARD), dois estudos (15,4%) apresentaram boa qualidade metodológica. A seleção de artigos usando a combinação proposta variou de dois a oito artigos, dependendo do número de itens considerados como ponto de corte. CONCLUSÕES: A combinação do QUADAS com o STARD tem o potencial de conferir maior rigor nas avaliações da qualidade de artigos publicados sobre validação de testes diagnósticos em malária, por incorporar a checagem de informações relevantes não alcançáveis pelo uso do QUADAS isoladamente.
Chronic hepatitis C is often a progressive, fibrotic disease that can lead to cirrhosis and other complications. The recommended therapy is a combination of interferon and ribavirin. Besides its antiviral action, interferon is considered to have antifibrotic activity. We examined the outcome of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in chronic hepatitis C patients who were non-responders to interferon. We made a case series, retrospective study, based on revision of medical records and reassessment of liver biopsies. For inclusion, patients should have been treated with interferon alone or combined with ribavirin, with no virological response (non responders and relapsers) and had a liver biopsy before and after treatment. Histological evaluation included: i-outcome of fibrosis and necroinflammation; ii-annual fibrosis progression rate evaluation, before and after treatment. Seventy-five patients were included. Fifty-seven patients (76%) did not show progression of fibrosis after treatment, compared to six (8%) before treatment (p < 0.001). The mean annual fibrosis progression rate was significantly reduced after treatment (p = 0.036). Inflammatory activity improved in 19 patients (25.3%). The results support the hypothesis of an antifibrotic effect of interferon-based therapy, in non-responder patients. There was evidence of anti-inflammatory effects of treatment in some patients.
O feijão caupi é uma das principais culturas alimentares do Nordeste brasileiro. Para melhorar sua resistência contra pragas e produtividade, a nova cultivar (BRS-Milênio) foi obtida por melhoramento genético. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar o potencial nutricional desta variedade, determinando-se a composição centesimal, o perfil de aminoácidos e ácidos graxos, o conteúdo de minerais e a atividade inibitória de tripsina. A semente contém (g.100 g-1): 24,5 de proteínas; 51,4 de carboidratos; 16,6 de fibra insolúvel e 2,7 de fibra solúvel; 2,6 de cinzas, tendo como principais minerais (mg.100 g-1): ferro - 6,8; zinco - 4,1; manganês - 1,5; fósforo - 510,0 e potássio - 1430,0. O teor de lipídios foi de 2,2%, e seu perfil de ácidos graxos apresenta 29,4% de saturados e 70,7% de insaturados. Foi estimado valor calórico de 323,4 kcal.100 g-1 de semente. Encontrou-se baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina (8,0 UIT.mg-1 de amostra). O perfil de aminoácidos foi favorável ao padrão de referência, exceto pela deficiência de sulfurados, sugerindo a necessidade da combinação desta leguminosa com outras fontes alimentares. Os resultados indicam que o feijão caupi possui atributos desejáveis como altos teores de energia, proteínas, fibras e minerais, baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina e, apesar de reduzido conteúdo lipídico, contém alta proporção de ácidos graxos insaturados.
Revisar e sintetizar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a relação entre o consumo alimentar e dislipidemia em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em terapia antirretroviral combinada de alta atividade (TARV). Desenvolveu-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Foram pesquisados estudos originais e duas categorias de exposição dietética foram revisadas: consumo de energia e nutriente ou consumo de uma dieta teste. Foi feita síntese narrativa dos estudos selecionados. Os achados foram sintetizados segundo a categoria de desfecho metabólico (efeito sobre colesterol total e LDL-c, efeito sobre HDL-c e efeito sobre triglicérides). Vinte estudos originais foram incluídos na revisão, sendo 13 ensaios clínicos e 7 estudos epidemiológicos observacionais. A suplementação com ácido graxo ω-3 resultou em significativa redução nos níveis séricos de triglicérides. Observou-se evidência insuficiente acerca da efetividade de intervenções dietéticas na prevenção e controle das dislipidemias em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em uso de TARV.