303 resultados para Constant pressure test


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We propose a statistical model to account for the gel-fluid anomalous phase transitions in charged bilayer- or lamellae-forming ionic lipids. The model Hamiltonian comprises effective attractive interactions to describe neutral-lipid membranes as well as the effect of electrostatic repulsions of the discrete ionic charges on the lipid headgroups. The latter can be counterion dissociated (charged) or counterion associated (neutral), while the lipid acyl chains may be in gel (low-temperature or high-lateral-pressure) or fluid (high-temperature or low-lateral-pressure) states. The system is modeled as a lattice gas with two distinct particle types-each one associated, respectively, with the polar-headgroup and the acyl-chain states-which can be mapped onto an Ashkin-Teller model with the inclusion of cubic terms. The model displays a rich thermodynamic behavior in terms of the chemical potential of counterions (related to added salt concentration) and lateral pressure. In particular, we show the existence of semidissociated thermodynamic phases related to the onset of charge order in the system. This type of order stems from spatially ordered counterion association to the lipid headgroups, in which charged and neutral lipids alternate in a checkerboard-like order. Within the mean-field approximation, we predict that the acyl-chain order-disorder transition is discontinuous, with the first-order line ending at a critical point, as in the neutral case. Moreover, the charge order gives rise to continuous transitions, with the associated second-order lines joining the aforementioned first-order line at critical end points. We explore the thermodynamic behavior of some physical quantities, like the specific heat at constant lateral pressure and the degree of ionization, associated with the fraction of charged lipid headgroups.


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Methyl esters were prepared by the clean, one-step catalytic esterification of primary alcohols using molecular oxygen as a green oxidant and a newly developed SiO(2)-supported gold nanoparticle catalyst. The catalyst was highly active and selective in a broad range of pressure and temperature. At 3 atm O(2) and 130 degrees C benzyl alcohol was converted to methyl benzoate with 100% conversion and 100% selectivity in 4 h of reaction. This catalytic process is much ""greener"" than the conventional reaction routes because it avoids the use of stoichiometric environmentally unfriendly oxidants, usually required for alcohol oxidation, and the use of strong acids or excess of reactants or constant removal of products required to shift the equilibrium to the desired esterification product.


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We have performed a systematic study of the magnetic properties of a series of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles of Mg(x)Fe(3-x)O(4) (0.8 <= x <= 1.5) prepared by the combustion reaction method. The magnetization data can be well fitted by Bloch's law with T(3/2). Bloch's constant B determined from the fitting procedure was found to increase with Mg content x from similar to 3.09 X 10(-5) K(-3/2) for x = 0.8 to 6.27 X 10(-5) K(-3/2) for x=1.5. The exchange integral J(AB) and the spin-wave stiffness constant D of Mg(x)Fe(3-x)O(4) nanoparticles were also determined as similar to 0.842 and 0.574 meV and 296 and 202 meV angstrom(2) for specimens with x=0.8 and 1.5, respectively. These results are discussed in terms of cation redistribution among A and B sites on these nanostructured spinel ferrites. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3359709]


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We demonstrate that the short-range spin correlator < S(i)center dot S(j)>, a fundamental measure of the interaction between adjacent spins, can be directly measured in certain insulating magnets. We present magnetostriction data for the insulating organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), and show that the magnetostriction as a function of field is proportional to the dominant short-range spin correlator. Furthermore, the constant of proportionality between the magnetostriction and the spin correlator gives information about the spin-lattice interaction. Combining these results with the measured Young's modulus, we are able to extract dJ/dz, the dependence of the superexchange constant J on the Ni interionic distance z.


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Aims. Given that in most cases just thermal pressure is taken into account in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to estimate galaxy cluster mass, the main purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of all three non-thermal components to total mass measurements. The non-thermal pressure is composed by cosmic rays, turbulence and magnetic pressures. Methods. To estimate the thermal pressure we used public XMM-Newton archival data of five Abell clusters to derive temperature and density profiles. To describe the magnetic pressure, we assume a radial distribution for the magnetic field, B(r) proportional to rho(alpha)(g). To seek generality we assume alpha within the range of 0.5 to 0.9, as indicated by observations and numerical simulations. Turbulent motions and bulk velocities add a turbulent pressure, which is considered using an estimate from numerical simulations. For this component, we assume an isotropic pressure, P(turb) = 1/3 rho(g)(sigma(2)(r) + sigma(2)(t)). We also consider the contribution of cosmic ray pressure, P(cr) proportional to r(-0.5). Thus, besides the gas (thermal) pressure, we include these three non-thermal components in the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium equation and compare the total mass estimates with the values obtained without them. Results. A consistent description for the non-thermal component could yield a variation in mass estimates that extends from 10% to similar to 30%. We verified that in the inner parts of cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while in non-cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is dominant. For cool core clusters the magnetic pressure is the dominant component, contributing more than 50% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure components. However, for non-cool core clusters, the major influence comes from the cosmic ray pressure that accounts for more than 80% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure effects. For our sample, the maximum influence of the turbulent component to the total mass variation can be almost 20%. Although all of the assumptions agree with previous works, it is important to notice that our results rely on the specific parametrization adopted in this work. We show that this analysis can be regarded as a starting point for a more detailed and refined exploration of the influence of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium (ICM).


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Atomic clouds prepared in ""timed Dicke"" states, i.e. states where the phase of the oscillating atomic dipole moments linearly varies along one direction of space, are efficient sources of superradiant light emission [Scully et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 010501 (2006)]. Here, we show that, in contrast to previous assertions, timed Dicke states are not the states automatically generated by incident laser light. In reality, the atoms act back on the driving field because of the finite refraction of the cloud. This leads to nonuniform phase shifts, which, at higher optical densities, dramatically alter the cooperative scattering properties, as we show by explicit calculation of macroscopic observables, such as the radiation pressure force.


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We report on the experimental observation of vortex tangles in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of (87)Rb atoms when an external oscillatory perturbation is introduced in the trap. The vortex tangle configuration is a signature of the presence of a turbulent regime in the cloud. We also show that this turbulent cloud suppresses the aspect ratio inversion typically observed in quantum degenerate bosonic gases during free expansion. Instead, the cloud expands keeping the ratio between their axis constant. Turbulence in atomic superfluids may constitute an alternative system to investigate decay mechanisms as well as to test fundamental theoretical aspects in this field.


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In this paper, we present an analog of Bell's inequalities violation test for N qubits to be performed in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer. This can be used to simulate or predict the results for different Bell's inequality tests, with distinct configurations and a larger number of qubits. To demonstrate our scheme, we implemented a simulation of the violation of the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt (CHSH) inequality using a two-qubit NMR system and compared the results to those of a photon experiment. The experimental results are well described by the quantum mechanics theory and a local realistic hidden variables model (LRHVM) that was specifically developed for NMR. That is why we refer to this experiment as a simulation of Bell's inequality violation. Our result shows explicitly how the two theories can be compatible with each other due to the detection loophole. In the last part of this work, we discuss the possibility of testing some fundamental features of quantum mechanics using NMR with highly polarized spins, where a strong discrepancy between quantum mechanics and hidden variables models can be expected.


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Piagetian scales and the Bender visual motor gestalt test (BT) were applied to 28 subjects with universal 45, X Turner syndrome (TS), and their respective controls, in order to investigate their cognitive performance. Dermatoglyphics were also analyzed to obtain clues concerning embryological changes that may have appeared during development of the nervous system and could be associated with cognitive performance of TS patients. Dermatoglyphic pattern distribution was similar to that reported in previous studies of TS individuals: ulnar loops in the digital patterns and finger ridge, a-b, and A'-d counts were more frequent, while arch and whorl patterns were less frequent compared to controls. However, we did not find higher frequencies of hypothenar pattern, maximum atd angle, and ulnarity index in our TS subjects, unlike other investigations. Furthermore, we found significant differences between TS and control T line index values. The BT scores were also lower in probands, as has been previously reported, revealing a neurocognitive deficit of visual motor perception in TS individuals, which could be due to an absence of, or deficiency in, cerebral hemispheric lateralization. However, TS subjects seemed to improve their performance on BT with age. Cognitive performance of the TS subjects was not significantly different from that of controls, confirming a previous study in which TS performance was found to be similar to that of the normal Brazilian population. There were significant correlations between BT scores and Piagetian scale levels with dermatoglyphic parameters. This association could be explained by changes in the common ectodermal origin of the epidermis and the central nervous system. TS subjects seem to succeed in compensating their spatial impairments in adapting their cognitive and social contacts. We concluded that genetic counseling should consider cognitive and psychosocial difficulties presented by TS subjects, providing appropriate treatment and orientation for them and their families.


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Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of the glass-forming liquid 2Ca(NO(3))(2)center dot 3KNO(3) (CKN) were performed from high temperature liquid states down to low temperature glassy states at six different pressures from 10(-4) to 5.0 GPa. The temperature dependence of the structural relaxation time indicates that the fragility of liquid CKN changes with pressure. In line with recent proposal [Scopigno , Science 302, 849 (2003)], the change on liquid fragility is followed by a proportional change of the nonergodicity factor of the corresponding glass at low temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Phytochemical studies carried out with Piperaceae species have shown great diversity of secondary metabolites among which are several displayed considerable biological activities. The species Piper tuberculatum has been intensively investigated and a series of amides have been described. For instance, (E)-piplartine showed significant cytotoxic activity against tumor cell lines, especially human leukemia cell lines; antifungal activity against Cladosporium species; trypanocidal activity and others. Considering the popular use of P. tuberculatum and the lack of pharmacological studies regarding this plant species, the mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of (E)-piplartine was evaluated by the Ames test, using the strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. No mutagenic activity was observed for this compound.


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Benthic marine invertebrates may form metapopulations connected via propagule dispersal. Conservation efforts often target potential source coastlines to indirectly benefit areas depending on allochthonous offspring production. Besides population density, adult size structure, sex ratio, brooding frequency and the proportion of breeding individuals may significantly influence the reproductive output of benthic populations, but these effects have seldom been tested. We used rocky shore crabs to assess the spatial variability of such parameters at relevant scales for conservation purposes and to test their consistency over 2 consecutive years; we then used the data to address whether bottom-up processes or biological interactions might explain the patterns observed. We decomposed egg production rates into their components for the 2 most abundant brachyuran species inhabiting the intertidal rocky habitat. Adult density and brooding frequency varied consistently among shores for both species and largely explained the overall spatial trends of egg production. Temporally consistent patterns also included among-shore differences in the size of ovigerous females of the grapsid Pachygrapsus transversus and between-bay differences in the fecundity of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis. Sex ratio was remarkably constant in both. We found no positive or negative correlations between adult density and brooding frequency to support either the existence of a component Allee effect (lack of mate encounters) or an effect of intra-specific competition. Likewise, shore-specific potential growth in P. transversus does not negatively correlate with frequency of ovigerous individuals, as would be expected under a critical balance between these 2 processes. The patterns observed suggest that bottom-up drivers may best explain spatial trends in the reproductive output of these species.


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The roles of herbivory and predation in determining the structure and diversity of communities have been tested across most intertidal systems. In contrast, the importance of omnivorous consumers remains untested in many rocky shore communities. We tested the role of a small omnivorous crab in an intertidal food web on rocky shores of the sub-tropical southwest Atlantic. Exclusion of the grapsid crab Pachygrapsus transversus in the field resulted in significant changes in the abundance of functional groups in the sublittoral fringe of sheltered shores, where the dominant cover changed from a suite of macroalgae to an assemblage of filter-feeding animals (ascidians, sponges, mussels). In contrast, limpets, whelks, large crabs and fish did not significantly affect community composition of the assemblage. To examine the omnivorous feeding pattern of P. transversus, we did laboratory experiments to test its foraging behaviour among animal and algal groups. The crab showed selective behaviour, preferring invertebrate groups to macroalgae, and opportunistic behaviour among types of prey within those major groups. According to our results, the role of slow-moving and large fast-moving consumers is apparently negligible compared to the effect of an omnivorous consumer. P. transversus plays an important role in determining the intertidal community composition on these subtropical rocky shores, causing changes in the balance of functional groups and controlling invasive species.


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Background: Although the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is the second most used test in the world for the screening of dementia, there is still debate over its sensitivity specificity, application and interpretation in dementia diagnosis. This study has three main aims: to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the CDT in a sample composed of older adults with Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and normal controls; to compare CDT accuracy to the that of the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG), and to test whether the association of the MMSE with the CDT leads to higher or comparable accuracy as that reported for the CAMCOG. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment was carried out for 121 AD and 99 elderly controls with heterogeneous educational levels from a geriatric outpatient clinic who completed the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorder of the Elderly (CAMDEX). The CDT was evaluated according to the Shulman, Mendez and Sunderland scales. Results: The CDT showed high sensitivity and specificity. There were significant correlations between the CDT and the MMSE (0.700-0.730; p < 0.001) and between the CDT and the CAMCOG (0.753-0.779; p < 0.001). The combination of the CDT with the MMSE improved sensitivity and specificity (SE = 89.2-90%; SP = 71.7-79.8%). Subgroup analysis indicated that for elderly people with lower education, sensitivity and specificity were both adequate and high. Conclusions: The CDT is a robust screening test when compared with the MMSE or the CAMCOG, independent of the scale used for its interpretation. The combination with the MMSE improves its performance significantly, becoming equivalent to the CAMCOG.