Skutzia epleri sp. n. from USA, S. inthanonensis sp. n. from Thailand, and S. quetzali sp. n. from Panama and Mexico are described and figured as male imagines, and S. gaianii Andersen is recorded from Trinidad and Tobago. The genus now consists of 6 species. In addition to the species mentioned above, S. inopinata Reiss from Canada and S. bahiensis Reiss from Brazil are included. Skutzia is placed in the subtribe Zavreliina of the tribe Tanytarsini, but because the immatures are not known, this placement must be regarded as tentative. The distribution of the genus, previously known only from the Nearctic and the Neotropical regions, is expanded to include the Oriental region, indicating a Beringian connection. An emended diagnosis and a key to the males of Skutzia are provided.
The discovery of the immature life history stages of Riethia truncatocaudata (Edwards, 1931) from South America allows diagnosis of Riethia Kieffer, 1917 in all stages, incorporating reared species from the complete austral range. Pseudochironomus truncatocaudata Edwards, 1931 is a senior synonym (syn. n.) of Pseudochironomus melanoides Edwards, 1931. We redescribe the male to complement the short original descriptions of R. truncatocaudata and R. melanoides. The species is congeneric with Australian Riethia stictoptera Kieffer, the type species of the genus Riethia. Extensive material available from the western Pacific (Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia) confirms that the diagnosis extends to a gondwanan clade, likely sister group to the largely northern genus Pseudochironomus Kieffer.
Tipulomorpha (craneflies) comprise one of the largest subgroups of Diptera, but its phylogeny at different levels has been poorly explored. This study presents the most comprehensive cladistic analysis of the group ever made, with emphasis on the genera and subgenera of the subfamily Limnophilinae (Limoniidae), assumed to include some of the earliest lineages of Tipulomorpha sensu stricto and therefore important for the understanding of the early patterns in the evolution of the craneflies. Eighty-eight characters of the male imago were scored for 104 exemplar species. The most parsimonious trees were searched using implied weighting, in the framework of a sensitivity analysis with different values of k (2 to 6). The dataset based on the characters of adult male morphology showed high levels of homoplasy and yielded very incongruent and unstable phylogenetic results, which are very sensitive to changes in analytical parameters. In the preferred and most parsimonious phylogenetic hypothesis, the Pediciidae is the sister-group of all other Tipulomorpha sensu stricto. The results indicate the paraphyly of the Limoniidae with respect to the Cylindrotomidae and Tipulidae, which are considered sister-groups. The Limoniidae subfamilies Limnophilinae, Limoniinae and Chioneinae are considered non-monophyletic. The study allowed a reconstruction of the possible ground plan condition of selected features of the adult male morphology of craneflies. The genera/subgenera Epiphragma (Epiphragma), Acantholimnophila, Shannonomyia, Limnophila (Arctolimnophila), Eloeophila, Conosia, Polymera, Polymera (Polymerodes), Prionolabis, Eutonia, Phylidorea (Phylidorea), Metalimnophila, Gynoplistia (Cerozodia), Gynoplistia (Dirhipis), Nothophila, Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila), Pilaria and Ulomorpha are considered monophyletic, but in general are defined by combinations of very homoplastic character states. Two Temperate Gondwanan clades, (Tonnoirella + (Edwardsomyia + (Tinemyia + (Rhamphophila + (Nothophila))))) and ((Notholimnophila + Bergrothomyia) + (Mesolimnophila + (Chilelimnophila + Ctenolimnophila))) are recovered. The genera Limnophila, Neolimnomyia, Gynoplistia (sensu lato) and Hexatoma (sensu lato) are considered non-monophyletic. The systematic position and some morphological characters of `problematic` taxa, such as Dactylolabis, Elephantomyia, Helius and Atarba are discussed on the light of the proposed phylogeny and the analysis of the characters. Character states are richly illustrated. A detailed study of the morphology of the male genitalia is made, and several genera and species have the morphology of the male genitalia illustrated for the first time.
Recently we have shown that BhSGAMP-1 is a developmentally regulated reiterated gene that encodes an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and is expressed exclusively in the salivary glands, at the end of the larval stage. We show, for the first time, that a gene for an AMP is directly activated by 20-OH ecdysone. This control probably involves the participation of short-lived repressor(s). We also found that the promoter of BhSGAMP-1 is not equipped with elements that respond to infection, provoked by the injection of microorganisms, in the salivary glands or in the fat body. We produced polyclonal antibodies against the synthetic peptide and found that the BhSGAMP-1 peptide is secreted in the saliva. The BhSGAMP-1 gene was also activated during the third larval molt. These facts confirm our hypothesis that this preventive system of defense was selected to produce an environment free of harmful microorganisms in the insect`s immediate vicinity, during molts. genesis 47:847-857, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Gene amplification occurs in Bradysia hygida salivary glands, at the end of the fourth larval instar. The hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) triggers this process, which results in DNA puff formation. Amplified genes are activated in two distinct groups. The activity of the first group is dependent on high levels of 20E, while the second group needs low hormone levels. Consequently, the salivary glands of B. hygida constitute an interesting biological model to study how 20E, and its receptors, affect gene amplification and activity. We produced polyclonal antibodies against B. hygida EcR (BhEcR). In western blots a polypeptide of about 66 kDa was detected in salivary gland extracts. The antibodies were also used for indirect immune-localization of BhEcR in polytene chromosomes. RNA-polymerase II was also immune-detected. We did not detect the receptor in chromosome C where the first and second groups of DNA puffs form during DNA puff anlage formation, but it was present during puff expansion. During the active phase of both groups of DNA puffs, RNA polymerase II co-localized with BhEcR. After puff regression, these antigens were not detected. Apparently, EcR plays a direct role in the transcription of amplified genes, but its role in gene amplification remains enigmatic.