227 resultados para Bone Metabolism
Aspartate kinase (AK, EC, homoserine dehydrogenase (HSDH, EC and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, EC were isolated and partially purified from immature Chenopodium quinoa Willd seeds. Enzyme activities were studied in the presence of the aspartate-derived amino acids lysine, threonine and methionine and also the lysine analogue S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine (AEC), at 1 mM and 5 mM. The results confirmed the existence of, at least, two AK isoenzymes, one inhibited by lysine and the other inhibited by threonine, the latter being predominant in quinoa seeds. HSDH activity was also shown to be partially inhibited by threonine, whereas some of the activity was resistant to the inhibitory effect, indicating the presence of two isoenzymes, one resistant and another sensitive to threonine inhibition. Only one DHDPS isoenzyme highly sensitive to lysine inhibition was detected. The results suggest that the high concentration of lysine observed in quinoa seeds is possibly due to a combined effect of increased lysine, synthesis and accumulation in the soluble form and/or as protein lysine. Nitrogen assimilation was also investigated and based on nitrate content, nitrate reductase activity, amino acid distribution and ureide content, the leaves were identified as the predominant site of nitrate reduction in this plant species. The amino acid profile analysis in leaves and roots also indicated an important role of soluble glutamine as a nitrogen transporting compound. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Mature pregnant crossbred ewes (n = 90) were used in a randomized complete block design experiment and were assigned to 1 of 3 winter-feeding systems differing in primary feed source: haylage (HL), limit-fed corn (CN), or limit-fed dried distillers grains (DDGS). Effects of these winter-feeding strategies on postweaning progeny performance were determined. Lamb progeny (n = 96) were weaned at 61 +/- 4 d of age and fed a common high-concentrate diet. Lambs were assigned to feedlot pen (n = 18) based on dam mid-gestation pen. Growth rate, DMI, and ADG were determined for the first 40 d of the finishing period. At 96 +/- 4 d of age, 1 wether lamb was randomly selected from each pen (n = 18) for a glucose tolerance test. The experiment was terminated, and lambs were slaughtered individually when they were determined to have achieved 0.6-cm 12th-rib fat thickness. After a 24-h chill, carcass data were collected and a 2.54-cm chop was removed from each lamb from the LM posterior to the 12th rib for ether extract analysis. Additional carcass measurements of bone, muscle, and fat from the shoulder, rack, loin, and leg were collected on 35 carcasses. At weaning, lamb BW was not different among treatments, whereas final BW tended to be greater (P = 0.09) for lambs from ewes fed DDGS and CN during gestation than from those fed HL. Overall lamb growth rate from birth to slaughter was not different among treatments. Lambs from ewes fed DDGS vs. CN or HL tended to have a greater initial insulin response (P = 0.09). Dressing percent was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, but no difference (P = 0.16) was detected in HCW among treatments. As expected, 12th rib fat thickness was similar among treatments, whereas LM area was largest to smallest (P = 0.05) in lambs from ewes fed CN, HL, and DDGS, respectively. Proportion of internal fat tended to be greatest to smallest (P = 0.06) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, CN, and HL, respectively. Calculated boneless trimmed retail cuts percentage was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS than CN or HL. Loin muscle weight as a percentage of wholesale cut tended (P = 0.10) to be greater in lambs from ewes fed CN and HL than DDGS, whereas other muscle, bone, and fat weights and proportions were similar (P > 0.24) among treatments. Prepartum diet during mid to late gestation of ewes altered postnatal fat and muscle deposition and may be associated with alterations in insulin sensitivity of progeny.
Feeding mineral-deficient diets enhances absorptive efficiency as an attempt of the body to compensate for the lack of an essential nutrient. Under certain circumstances, it does not succeed, and nutritional deficiency is produced Our hypothesis was that mulin-type fructans (ITF), which arc known to affect mineral absorption, could increase Ca and Fe bioavailability in Ca- and Fe-deficient rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 48, 4 weeks old) were assigned to I of 8 groups derived from 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design with 2 levels of added Fe (0 and 35 mg/kg), Ca (0 and 5 g/kg), and ITF (0 and 100 g/kg) for 33 days. The Fe status (hemoglobin, serum Fe, total Fe-binding capacity, transferrin saturation, liver minerals) was evaluated. Tibia minerals (Ca, Mg, and Zn), bone strength, and histomorphometry were determined In nondeficient rats, ITF supplementation did not affect Fe status or organ minerals, with the exception of tibia Mg Moreover, ITF improved bone resilience and led to a reduction in eroded surface per body surface and number of osteoclasts per area In Ca-deficient rats, ITF increased liver (Fe and Zn) and tibia (Zn) mineral levels but impaired tibia Mg, yield load, and resilience. In conclusion, ITF worsened the tibia Mg levels and elastic properties when supplemented in Ca-deficient diets In contrast, although bone Ca was not affected in nondeficient rats under the present experimental conditions, bone quality improved, as demonstrated by a moderate reduction in femur osteoclast resorption and significant increases in tibia Mg content and elasticity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Ascorbic acid is a very important compound for plants. It has essential functions, mainly as an antioxidant and growth regulator. Ascorbic acid biosynthesis has been extensively studied, but studies in fruits are very limited. In this work we studied the influence of five enzymes involved in synthesis (L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase, GalLDH, EC, oxidation (ascorbate oxidase, EC, and ascorbate peroxidase, APX, EC and recycling (monodehydroascorbate reductase, EC, and dehydroascorbate reductase, DHAR, EC on changes in ascorbic acid content during development and ripening of mangoes (Mangifera indica L. cv. Keitt) and during the ripening of white pulp guavas (Psidium guayava L. cv. Paloma). RESULTS: It was found that there was a balance between the activities of GalLDH, APX and DHAR, both in mangoes and guavas. CONCLUSIONS: Equilibrium between the enzymatic activities of synthesis, catabolism and recycling is important for the regulation of ascorbic acid content in mango and guava. These results have contributed to understanding some of the changes that occur in ascorbic acid levels during fruit ripening. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.
The mechanism of uptake of anthocyanins (as well as the type) from food in the intestine is not clear. Anthocyanin-rich extract from wild mulberry, composed of cyanidin-3-glucoside (79%) and cyanidin-3-rutino side (cy-3-rut) (19%), was orally administered to Wistar rats, and their concentrations were determined in plasma, kidney, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The 2 glycosylated forms showed maximum concentration at 15 minutes after oral administration, both in plasma and kidney. The cyanidin-3-glucoside and cy-3-rut were found in plasma as glucuronides, as sulfates of cyanidin, and as unchanged forms. The area under the curve of concentration vs time (AUC(0-8h)) was 2.76 +/- 0.88 mu g hour/mL and 9.74 +/- 0.75 mu g hour/g for plasma and kidney, respectively. In spite of the low absorption, the increase in plasma anthocyanin level resulted in a significant increase in antioxidant capacity (P < .05). In the GI tract (stomach and small and large intestines), cyanidin glycosides were found unchanged, but a low amount of the aglycone form was present. Anthocyanin glycosides were no longer detected in the GI tract after 8 hours of administration. In vitro fermentation showed that the 2 cyanidin glycosides were totally metabolized by the rat colonic microflora, explaining their disappearance. In addition, the 2 products of their degradation, cyanidin and protocatechuic acid, were not detected in plasma and probably do not influence plasma antioxidant capacity. As found by the everted sac model, anthocyanins were transported across the enterocyte by the sodium-dependent glucose transporter. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Et aims: To investigate the effect that early weaning associated with the ingestion of either a glutamine-free or supplemented diet has on the functioning of peritoneal. macrophages, hematopoiesis and nutritional status of mice. Methods: Swiss Webster mice were early weaned on their 14th day of life and distributed to two groups, being fed either a glutamine-free diet (-GLN) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+GLN). Animals belonging to a control group (CON) were weaned on their 21st day of life. Results: The -GLN and +GLN groups had a lower lean body mass, carcass protein and ash content, plasma glutamine concentration and lymphocyte counts both in the peripheral blood and bone marrow when compared to the CON group (P < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with glutamine reversed both the lower concentrations of protein and DNA in the muscle and liver, as well. as the reduced capacity of spreading and synthesizing nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-6 in cultures of peritoneal. macrophages obtained from the -GLN group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: These data indicate that the ingestion of glutamine modulates the function of peritoneal macrophages in early weaned mice. However, a glutamine-supplemented diet cannot substitute maternal milk in respect to immunological and metabolic parameters. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.
Objective: Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is an important public health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Hematopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply, and a reduction in leukocytes, especially lymphocytes, suggests that some nutritional deficiencies might be altering bone marrow function and decreasing its ability to produce lymphocytes. In this study, we evaluated the effect that PEM has on lymphocyte subtypes and the cell cycle of CD5(+) cells. Methods: Swiss mice were subjected to PEM using a low-protein diet containing 4% protein. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their original body weight, we collected blood and bone marrow cells and evaluated the hemogram, the myelogram, bone marrow lymphoid markers using flow cytometry, and the cell cycle in CD5(+) bone marrow. Results: Malnourished animals presented anemia, reticulocytopenia, and leukopenia with lymphopenia. The bone marrow was hypocellular, and flow cytometric analyses of bone marrow cells showed cells that were CD45(+) (91.2%), CD2(+) (84.9%), CD5(+) (37.3%), CD3(+) (23.5%), CD19(+) (43.3%), CD22(+) (34.7%), CD19(+)/CD2(+) (51.2%), CD19(+)/CD3(+)(24.0%), CD19(+)/CD5(+) (13.2%), CD22(+)/CD2(+) (40.1%), CD22(+)/CD3(+) (30.3%), and CD22(+)/CD5(+) (1.1%) in malnourished animals and CD45(+) (97.5%), CD2(+) (42.9%), CD5(+) (91.5%), CD3(+) (92.0%), CD19(+) (52.0%), CD22(+) (75.6%), CD19(+)/CD2(+) (62.0%), CD19(+)/CD3(+) (55.4%), CD19(+)/CO5(+) (6.7%), CD22(+)/CD2(+) (70.3%), CD22(+)/CD3(+) (55.9%), and CD22(+)/ CD5(+) (8.4%) in control animals. Malnourished animals also presented more CD5(+) cells in the G0 phase of cell cycle development. Conclusion: Malnourished animals presented bone marrow hypoplasia, maturation interruption, prominent lymphopenia with depletion in the lymphoid lineage, and changes in cellular development. We suggest that these changes are some of the primary causes of lymphopenia in cases of PEM and partly explain the increase in susceptibility to infections found in malnourished individuals. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Infants who are breast-fed have been shown to have a lower incidence of certain infectious diseases compared with formula-fed infants. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk and it is essential for the function of immune system cells such as macrophages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glutamine supplementation on the function of peritoneal macrophages and on hemopoiesis in early-weaned mice inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Mice were wearied at 14 d of age and distributed to 2 groups and fed either a glutamine-free diet (n = 16) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+Gln (n = 16). Both diets were isonitrogenous (with addition of a mixture of nonessential amino acids) and isocaloric. At d 21, 2 subgroups of mice (n = 16) were intraperitoneally injected with BCG and all mice were killed at d 28. Plasma, muscle and liver glutamine concentrations and muscle glutamine synthetase activity were not affected by diet or inoculation with BCG. The +GIn diet led to increased leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in the peripheral blood (P < 0.05) and granulocyte and lymphocyte counts in the bone marrow and spleen (P < 0.05). The +GIn diet increased spreading and adhesion capacities, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) syntheses and the phagocytic and fungicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). The interaction between the +GIn diet and BCG inoculation increased the area under the curve of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and TNF alpha syntheses (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the intake of glutamine increases the function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis in early-weaned and BCG-inoculated mice. These data have important implications for the design of breast milk substitutes for human infants.
The aim of this study was to verify the capacity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) obtained from bone marrow of malnourished mice to sustain survival and to induce the proliferation of myeloid cells. We also verified the capacity of the tests to interact with in vitro hematopoietic cytokines. Male ""Swiss"" mice were submitted to protein malnutrition with a diet contents of 4% casein until they lost 20% of the original weight, while the group-control was kept with a diet content of 14% of casein. The bone marrow was extracted with 1.0 mg of aprotinin/mL in PBS. The proliferation tests were carried out with myeloid cell line FDCP-1, by the colorimetric method of reduction of the MTT. The obtained ECM from nourished and undernourished mice induced cellular proliferation in vitro. Tests performed with Il-3 and GM-CSF cytokines in a concentration of 10 and 500 rho g/mL displayed synergic and regulatory effects respectively. The ECM obtained from the malnourished group submitted to the binding to GM-CSF demonstrated higher cellular proliferation than the ECM obtained from the control group (p<0.05). The results suggest that the alterations in the composition of ECM of bone marrow caused by malnutrition might lead to modification of the GM-CSF activity modulation.
A variety of raw materials have been used in fermentation process. This study shows the use of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate, as the only source of nutrient, to produce high added-value products. In the present work, the activity of the enzymes xylose reductase (XR); xylitol dehydrogenase (XD); and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) during cultivation of Candida guilliermondii on rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate was measured and correlated with xylitol production under different pH values (around 4.5 and 7.5) and initial xylose concentration (around 30 and 70 g l(-1)). Independent of the pH value and xylose concentration evaluated, the title of XD remained constant. On the other hand, the volumetric activity of G6PD increased whereas the level of XR decreased when the initial xylose concentration was increased from 30 to 70 g l(-1). The highest values of xylitol productivity (Q (P) a parts per thousand 0.40 g l(-1)) and yield factor (Y (P/S) a parts per thousand 0.60 g g(-1)) were reached at highest G6PD/XR ratio and lowest XR/XD ratio. These results suggest that NADPH concentrations influence the formation of xylitol more than the activity ratios of the enzymes XR and XD. Thus, an optimal rate between G6PD and XR must be reached in order to optimize the xylitol production.
The tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) is indigenous to Asian countries and widely cultivated in the American continents. The tamarind fruit pulp extract (ExT), traditionally used in spices, food components and juices, is rich in polyphenols that have demonstrated anti-atherosclerotic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. This study evaluated the modulator effect of a crude hydroalcoholic ExT on some peripheral human neutrophil functions. The neutrophil reactive oxygen species generation, triggered by opsonized zymosan (OZ), n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), and assessed by luminol- and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (LumCL and LucCL, respectively), was inhibited by ExT in a concentration-dependent manner. ExT was a more effective inhibitor of the PMA-stimulated neutrophil function [IC(50) (in mu g/10(6)cells) = 115.7 +/- 9.7 (LumCL) and 174.5 +/- 25.9 (LucCL)], than the OZ- [IC(50) = 248.5 +/- 23.1 (LumCL) and 324.1 +/- 34.6 (LucCL)] or fMLP-stimulated cells [IC(50) = 178.5 +/- 12.2 (LumCL)]. The ExT also inhibited neutrophil NADPH oxidase activity (evaluated by O(2) consumption), degranulation and elastase activity (evaluated by spectrophotometric methods) at concentrations higher than 200 mu g/10(6) cells, without being toxic to the cells, under the conditions assessed. Together, these results indicate the potential of ExT as a source of compounds that can modulate the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory diseases. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, twenty hydroxylated and acetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were evaluated as inhibitors of immune complex-stimulated neutrophil oxidative metabolism and possible modulators of the inflammatory tissue damage found in type III hypersensitivity reactions. By using lucigenin- and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assays (CL-luc and CL-lum, respectively), we found that the 6,7-dihydroxylated and 6,7-diacetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were the most effective inhibitors. Different structural features of the other compounds determined CL-luc and/or CL-lum inhibition. The 2D-QSAR analysis suggested the importance of hydrophobic contributions to explain these effects. In addition, a statistically significant 3D-QSAR model built applying GRIND descriptors allowed us to propose a virtual receptor site considering pharmacophoric regions and mutual distances. Furthermore, the 3-phenylcoumarins studied were not toxic to neutrophils under the assessed conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
In this work we review recent findings that explain how mitochondrial bioenergetic functions and redox state respond to a hyperlipidemic in vivo environment and may contribute to the maintenance of a normal metabolic phenotype. The experimental model utilized to evidence these adaptive mechanisms is especially useful for these studies since it exhibits genetic hypertriglyceridemia and avoids complications introduced by high fat diets. Liver from hypertrigliceridemic (HTG) mice have a greater content of glycerolipids together with increased mitochondrial free fatty acid oxidation. HTG liver mitochondria have a higher resting respiration rate but normal oxidative phosphorylation efficiency. This is achieved by higher activity of the mitochondrial potassium channel sensitive to ATP (mitoK(ATP)). The mild uncoupling mediated by mitoK(ATP) accelerates respiration rates and reduces reactive oxygen species generation. Although this response is not sufficient to inhibit lipid induced extra-mitochondrial oxidative stress in whole liver cells it avoids amplification of this redox imbalance. Furthermore, higher mitoK(ATP) activity increases liver, brain and whole body metabolic rates. These mitochondrial adaptations may explain why these HTG mice do not develop insulin resistance and obesity even under a severe hyperlipidemic state. On the contrary, when long term high fat diets are employed, insulin resistance, fatty liver and obesity develop and mitochondrial adaptations are inefficient to counteract energy and redox imbalances.
A new nitrosyl ruthenium complex [Ru(NH center dot NHq)(terpy)NO](3+) nitric oxide donor was recently developed and due to its excellent vasodilator activity, it has been considered as a potential drug candidate. Drug metabolism is one of the main parameters that should be evaluated in the early drug development, so the biotransformation of this complex by rat hepatic microsomes was investigated. In order to perform the biotransformation study, a simple, sensitive and selective HPLC method was developed and carefully validated. The parameters evaluated in the validation procedure were: linearity, recovery, precision, accuracy, selectivity and stability. Except for the stability study, all the parameters evaluated presented values below the recommended by FDA guidelines. The stability study showed a time-dependent degradation profile. After method validation, the biotransformation study was accomplished and the kinetic parameters were determined. The biotransformation study obeyed the Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The V(max) and K(m) were, respectively, 0.1625 +/- 0.010 mu mol/mg protein/min and 79.97 +/- 11.52 mu M. These results indicate that the nitrosyl complex is metabolized by CYP450. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are multi-functional growth factors belonging to the transforming growth factor beta superfamily, especially BMP-2, induce bone formation in vivo, and clinical application in repair of bone fractures and defects is expected. However, appropriate systems to delivery BMPs for practical use need to be developed with the objective to heal cartilage and bone-related diseases in medical, dental and veterinary practice. Thus, the aim of this article was to present an overview of the principals carriers used to delivery BMPs and alternative delivery systems for these proteins.