268 resultados para Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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A new species of thorny catfish (family Doradidae) is described as a member of genus Leptodoras Boulenger by having a modified oral hood and first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments. The new species is distinguished by three characteristics unique within Leptodoras: gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced) with simple walls (diverticula absent), and paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by triangular septum. The new species was discovered from material recently collected in the Tapajós basin at Serra do Cachimbo and in the headwaters of rio Xingu. The species description is supplemented by a detailed osteological description, discussion on its placement among congeners, and a re-evaluation of the diagnosis of Leptodoras and its relationships with sister taxon Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus. In addition, the distributions of several species of Leptodoras are expanded based on recent collecting efforts and identification of museum specimens not previously studied.


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A new species of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from rio Tocantins and rio Xingu basins in central Brazil, is described. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a unique combination of pale blotches over a darker background on head, body and fins, and conspicuous keels on head, predorsal region and lateral plates. Comments on the pale-spotted species of Hypostomus are provided.


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A new species of Rineloricaria Bleeker from the rio Vermelho, Araguaia basin, Goiás, Brazil is described. Rineloricaria osvaldoi, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: surface of thoracic area trapezoidal with greatest width between pectoral fins, up to 13 premaxillary teeth, largest body width at the section of the canal plate, anterior profile of the head of mature males semicircular in dorsal view. Although eight genera of Loricariinae are known from the rio Araguaia basin, R. lanceolata was only species of Rineloricaria previously reported from that basin. Therefore, the discovery of the R. osvaldoi increases the scenery of diversity of Loricariinae within this drainage basin.


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Rineloricaria daraha, new species, is described from the rio Daraá, tributary of rio Negro, northwestern Amazonas State, Brazil. The new species is diagnosed by having seven branched pectoral-fin rays, finger-like papillae on the lower lip, a large multi-angular preanal plate, and at least four quadrangular plates of variable size surrounding the preanal plate. The new species is known only from rio Daraá and its waterfalls.


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Polyrhaphis Audinet-Serville, 1835, gênero de Lamiinae distribuído entre o México e América do Sul (excluindo o Chile e abaixo da latitude 35°S), é revisado. Três espécies novas são descritas: P. baloupae, procedente da Guiana Francesa; P. lanei, proveniente do Brasil (Amazonas e Pará); e P. peruana, do Peru. Duas espécies são sinonimizadas: P. testacea Lane, 1965 (= P. gracilis Bates, 1862) e P. paraensis [= P. papulosa (Olivier, 1795)]. É designado neótipo para P. papulosa. A autoria de P. horrida [= P. spinosa (Drury, 1773)] é discutida. Cerambyx armatus Voet (1778?) é considerado um nome inválido e Lamia armiger Schöenherr, 1817 (= Polyrhaphis armiger) o nome válido dessa espécie. Polyrhaphis spinipennis Laporte, 1840, é excluída da fauna da Colômbia. Novos registros de distribuição: P. argentina Lane, 1978, para o estado de São Paulo (Brasil); P. batesi Hovore & McCarty, 1998, para o Equador; P. belti Hovore & McCarty, 1998 para o Equador e Colômbia; P. gracilis Bates, 1862, para a guiana Francesa; e P. turnbowi Hovore & McCarty, 1998, em dúvida, para o Peru. É apresentada chave para as espécies do gênero.


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Ignelater inaguensis sp. nov. from Bahamas, Great Inagua Island is described, illustrated and compared to other Ignelater species. This species is characterized mainly by its elytra, slightly widened from humerus up to the middle or posterior third and the length ratio between elytra and pronotum 2.51-2.71.


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São descritos três novos táxons de Cerambycinae do Brasil: em Cerambycini, Iuati gen. nov., espécie-tipo, I. spinithorax sp. nov. (Rondônia); em Trachyderini, Ancylosternus annulicorne sp. nov. (Mato Grosso). Em Lamiinae são descritas três espécies novas: em Apomecynini, Ptericoptus avanyae sp. nov. (Brasil, Paraíba); em Desmiphorini, Estoloides (Estoloides) aurantius sp. nov. (México, Quintana Roo); Mimestoloides fasciatus sp. nov. (México, Guerrero). Butherium scabricolle Nonfried, 1895 é considerada sinônimo de Coleoxestia corvina (Germar, 1824). Trachyderomorpha notabilis Tippmann, 1960 é registrada para o Peru.


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Novas espécies descritas e ilustradas: Adesmus nigrolineatus sp. nov. do México (Oaxaca). Da Costa Rica: A. moruna sp. nov. (Heredia); Corcovado bezarki sp. nov. (Guanacaste); Alampyris fuscus sp. nov. (Guanacaste), Cariua gen. nov. espécie-tipo C. sulphurea sp. nov., (Guanacaste). Da Bolívia: Phoebemima albomaculata sp. nov. (Cochabamba); Ipepo gen. nov. espécie-tipo I. dilatatus sp. nov. (Santa Cruz). Do Brasil: Adesmus facetus sp. nov. e Canarana arguta sp. nov. (Rondônia). É acrescentado novo registro na Costa Rica para Piruanycha pitilla Galileo & Martins, 2005. As três espécies novas de Adesmus distinguem-se: A. nigrolineatus sp. nov. pelas faixas longitudinais de tegumento preto nos élitros; A. moruna sp. nov. pelos élitros inteiramente pretos; A. facetus pelas faixas oblíquas de pubescência branca após o meio dos élitros além das manchas do quarto apical e das epipleuras. Phoebemima albomaculata sp. nov. caracteriza-se pela mancha basal de pubescência branca dos élitros estendendo-se sobre a sutura. Corcovado bezarki sp. nov. distingue-se pelo escapo preto e antenômeros esbranquiçados. Canarana arguta sp. nov. tem o protórax e os urosternitos I a IV cobertos por densa pubescência amarelada. Alampyris fusca sp. nov. difere de A. cretaria principalmente pelo antenômero III mais longo que o escapo. Cariua sulphurea sp. nov. separa-se pela presença de urosternitos revestidos por pubescência branca compacta e Ipepo dilatatus sp. nov. caracteriza-se pelos élitros tri-carenados.


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A new family, Trichopeltariidae, is proposed to accommodate Sphaeropeltarion edentatum, new genus and species, and four additional genera traditionally placed in the family Atelecyclidae: Trichopeltarion A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 (type genus); Peltarion Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846; Podocatactes Ortmann, 1893; and Pteropeltarion Dell, 1972. Additionally, four new species of Trichopeltarion are described and illustrated. The new family exhibits characters of neither superfamilies of the Section Eubrachyura and is assigned to its own superfamily, Trichopeltarioidea nov. Keys to the genera of Trichopeltariidae fam. nov. and to all species in the family are presented (species of Trichopeltarion excepted). Six new combinations are proposed or confirmed. The genus Krunopeltarion Števčić, 1993, is merged into the synonymy of Trichopeltarion. A lectotype is selected for Trichopeltarion corallinum (Faxon, 1893).


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A new species of Euprognatha Stimpson, 1871 from off coast of Brazil (Canopus Bank, 02º15.3'00"S - 38º16.0'00"W) is described and illustrated, namely Euprognatha limatula n. sp. The new species is compared to its congeners. Lectotypes are designated for E. acuta A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 and E. granulata Faxon, 1893. A key to the species of Euprognatha is provided.


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New species of Esthlogena s. str. Thomson (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). New species described of Pteropliini: Esthlogena (E.) nigrosuturalis from Mexico and Panama; E. (E.) chicacaoensis and E. (E.) amaliae from Guatemala; E. (E.) dissimilis from Peru. All species are illustrated.


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Descreve-se o gênero Mexicoscylus para incluir M. rosae sp. nov., do México, espécie-tipo do gênero, e M. bivittatus (Gahan, 1892), comb. nov. Acrescenta-se chave para as espécies de Mexicoscylus. Mais três espécies são descritas: Cotycuara villosa sp. nov., da Costa Rica; Phoebe parvimacula sp. nov., da Bolívia e Adesmus beruri sp. nov., do Brasil (Amazonas). Todas as espécies novas são ilustradas.


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Hoplias lacerdae was originally described from the rio Ribeira de Iguape, Iporanga, São Paulo State. The Hoplias lacerdae group is defined as containing generally large trahiras with the medial margins of dentaries running parallel to each other and lacking teeth on the basihyal compared to the H. malabaricus group in which the medial margins of the dentaries converge towards the mandibular symphysis and which have teeth on the basihyal. A taxonomic revision of the group based on meristic and morphometric data identified five distinct species: H. lacerdae distributed in the rio Ribeira de Iguape and rio Uruguai; H. intermedius from the rio São Francisco, upper rio Paraná basin, and rio Doce; H. brasiliensis from rivers of the Atlantic Coastal drainage from the rio Paraguaçu to the rio Jequitinhonha; H. australis new species, endemic to the rio Uruguai; and H. curupira new species present in northern South America, including the rios Negro, Trombetas, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins and Capim in the Amazon basin, upper rio Orinoco near the rio Casiquiare (Venezuela), and coastal rivers of Guyana and Suriname. A lectotype for Hoplias intermedius and a neotype for H. brasiliensis are designated.


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Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) atacamensis, a new species in the subgenus Nyssorhynchus, is described and validated using morphological characters of the male and female adult, male genitalia and immature stages. Molecular characterization employing sequences of the ITS2 rDNA and COI mtDNA are provided. The new taxon is compared with Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) pictipennis (Philippi) from central Chile based on morphological features of the adults, male genitalia and larva. Illustrations of the diagnostic characteristics of the male genitalia, fourth-instar larva and pupa are provided.


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This paper describes a new food classification which assigns foodstuffs according to the extent and purpose of the industrial processing applied to them. Three main groups are defined: unprocessed or minimally processed foods (group 1), processed culinary and food industry ingredients (group 2), and ultra-processed food products (group 3). The use of this classification is illustrated by applying it to data collected in the Brazilian Household Budget Survey which was conducted in 2002/2003 through a probabilistic sample of 48,470 Brazilian households. The average daily food availability was 1,792 kcal/person being 42.5% from group 1 (mostly rice and beans and meat and milk), 37.5% from group 2 (mostly vegetable oils, sugar, and flours), and 20% from group 3 (mostly breads, biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, and sausages). The share of group 3 foods increased with income, and represented almost one third of all calories in higher income households. The impact of the replacement of group 1 foods and group 2 ingredients by group 3 products on the overall quality of the diet, eating patterns and health is discussed.