107 resultados para pink limb blight


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The Wnt signaling pathways play a key role in cell renewal, and there are two such pathways. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the synovial membrane expresses genes such as Wnt and Fz at higher levels than those observed in patients without RA. The Wnt proteins are glycoproteins that bind to receptors of the Fz family on the cell surface. The Wnt/Fz complex controls tissue formation during embryogenesis, as well as throughout the process of limb development and joint formation. Recent studies have suggested that this signaling pathway plays a role in the pathophysiology of RA. Greater knowledge of the role of the Writ signaling pathway in RA could improve understanding of the differences in RA clinical presentation and prognosis. Further studies should also focus on Wnt family members as molecular targets in the treatment of RA. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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OBJECTIVE: Phrenic nerve transfer has been used for treating lesions of the brachial plexus since 1970. Although, today, surgeons are more experienced with the technique, there are still widespread concerns about its effects on pulmonary function. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this procedure. METHODS: Fourteen patients with complete palsy of the upper limb were submitted to phrenic nerve transfer as part of a strategy for surgical reconstruction of their plexuses. Two patients were lost to follow-up, and 2 patients were followed for less than 2 years. Of the remaining 10 patients, 9 (90%) were male. The lesions affected both sides equally. The mean age of the patients was 24.8 years (range, 14-43 years), and the mean interval from injury to surgery was 6 months (range, 3-9 months). The phrenic nerve was always transferred to the musculocutaneous nerve, and a nerve graft (mean length, 8 cm; range, 4.5-12 cm) was necessary in all cases. RESULTS: There was no major complication related to the surgery. Seven patients (70%) recovered functional level biceps strength (Medical Research Council grade >= 3). All of the patients exhibited a transient decrease in pulmonary function tests, but without clinical respiratory problems. CONCLUSION: On the basis of our small series and data from the literature, we conclude that phrenic nerve transfer in well-selected patients is a safe and effective procedure for recovering biceps function.


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Purpose: Many methods exist in the literature for identifying PEEP to set in ARDS patients following a lung recruitment maneuver (RM). We compared ten published parameters for setting PEEP following a RM. Methods: Lung injury was induced by bilateral lung lavage in 14 female Dorset sheep, yielding a PaO(2) 100-150 mmHg at F(I)O(2) 1.0 and PEEP 5 cmH(2)O. A quasi-static P-V curve was then performed using the supersyringe method; PEEP was set to 20 cmH(2)O and a RM performed with pressure control ventilation (inspiratory pressure set to 40-50 cmH(2)O), until PaO(2) + PaCO(2) > 400 mmHg. Following the RM, a decremental PEEP trial was performed. The PEEP was decreased in 1 cmH(2)O steps every 5 min until 15 cmH(2)O was reached. Parameters measured during the decremental PEEP trial were compared with parameters obtained from the P-V curve. Results: For setting PEEP, maximum dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), and minimum shunt calculated during the decremental PEEP trial, and the lower Pflex and point of maximal compliance increase on the inflation limb of the P-V curve (Pmci,i) were statistically indistinguishable. The PEEP value obtained using the deflation upper Pflex and the point of maximal compliance decrease on the deflation limb were significantly higher, and the true inflection point on the inflation limb and minimum PaCO(2) were significantly lower than the other variables. Conclusion: In this animal model of ARDS, dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), minimum shunt, inflation lower Pflex and Pmci,i yield similar values for PEEP following a recruitment maneuver.


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OBJECTIVE: Hypoglossal-facial neurorrhaphy has been widely used for reanimation of paralyzed facial muscles after irreversible proximal injury of the facial nerve. However, complete section of the hypoglossal nerve occasionally results in hemiglossal dysfunction and interferes with swallowing and speech. To reduce this morbidity, a modified technique with partial section of the hypoglossal nerve after mastoid dissection of the facial nerve (HFM) has been used. We report our experience with the HFM technique, retrospectively comparing the outcome with results of the classic hypoglossal-facial neurorrhaphy. METHODS: A retrospective review was performed in 36 patients who underwent hypoglossal-facial neurorrhaphy with the classic (n = 12) or variant technique (n = 24) between 2000 and 2006. Facial Outcome was evaluated with the House-Brackmann grading system, and tongue function was evaluated with a new scale proposed to quantify Postoperative tongue alteration. The results were compared, and age and time between nerve injury and surgery were correlated with the outcome. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two techniques concerning facial reanimation. A worse outcome of tongue function, however, was associated with the classic technique (Mann-Whitney U test; P < 0.05). When HFM was used, significant correlations defined by the Spearman test were identified between preoperative delay (p = 0.59; P = 0.002) or age (p = 0.42; P = 0.031) and results of facial reanimation evaluated with the House-Brackmann grading system. CONCLUSION: HFM is as effective as classic hypoglossal-facial neurorrhaphy for facial reanimation, and it has a much lower morbidity related to tongue function. Better results are obtained in younger patients and with a shorter interval between facial nerve injury and surgery.


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Significant controversies surround the optimal treatment of primary hyperhidrosis of the hands, axillae, feet, and face. The world`s literature on hyperhidrosis from 1991 to 2009 was obtained through PubMed. There were 1,097 published articles, of which 102 were clinical trials. Twelve were randomized clinical trials and 90 were nonrandomized comparative studies. After review and discussion by task force members of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons` General Thoracic Workforce, expert consensus was reached from which specific treatment strategies are suggested. These studies suggest that primary hyperhidrosis of the extremities, axillae or face is best treated by endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). Interruption of the sympathetic chain can be achieved either by electrocautery or clipping. An international nomenclature should be adopted that refers to the rib levels (R) instead of the vertebral level at which the nerve is interrupted, and how the chain is interrupted, along with systematic pre and postoperative assessments of sweating pattern, intensity and quality-of-life. The recent body of literature suggests that the highest success rates occur when interruption is performed at the top of R3 or the top of R4 for palmar-only hyperhidrosis. R4 may offer a lower incidence of compensatory hyperhidrosis but moister hands. For palmar and axillary, palmar, axillary and pedal and for axillary-only hyperhidrosis interruptions at R4 and R5 are recommended. The top of R3 is best for craniofacial hyperhidrosis. (Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1642-8) (C) 2011 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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The main objective of this study was to compare clinical and laboratory data obtained from patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) with and without Sneddon`s syndrome (SS). A transverse study with 54 (85.2% female) PAPS patients (Sapporo criteria) was performed. Demographic, drug use, and antiphospholipid antibodies data were evaluated, as well as clinical and laboratory findings of SS. Patients were subdivided into one of two groups: PAPS with SS and PAPS without SS. Both groups were similar with respect to age (p = 0.05), gender (p = 0.34), race (p = 0.31), weight (p = 0.93), height (p = 0.27), and body mass index (p = 0.75); however, the SS group exhibited higher disease duration (96.0 +/- A 54.9 vs. 55.2 +/- A 52.0 months, p = 0.01). By definition, all PAPS with SS patients suffer from stroke, an arterial event; the frequency of stroke events (28.5 vs. 7.5%, p = 0.04), as well as of limb ischemia (100 vs. 30.0%, p < 0.0001) was higher in this group than in the PAPS without SS group. On the other hand, patients in the PAPS without SS group had more venous events, such as deep venous thrombosis, than those in the PAPS with SS group (80.0 vs. 50.0%, p = 0.03). In conclusion, an understanding of the relationship between APS and SS is important in order to identify a subgroup for which more rigorous accompaniment and therapy may be necessary.


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Single session repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the motor cortex (M1) is effective in the treatment of chronic pain patients but the analgesic effect of repeated sessions is still unknown We evaluated the effects of rTMS in patients with refractory pain due to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I Twenty three patients presenting CRPS type I of 1 upper limb were treated with the best medical treatment (analgesics and adjuvant medications physical therapy) plus 10 daily sessions of either real (r) or sham (s) 10Hz rTMS to the motor cortex (M1) Patients were assessed daily and after 1 week and 3 months after the last session using the Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) the Health Survey 36 (SF 36) and the Hamilton Depression (HDRS) During treatment there was a significant reduction in the VAS scores favoring the r rTMS group mean reduction of 4 65 cm (50 9%) against 2 18 cm (24 7%) in the s rTMS group The highest reduction occurred at the tenth session and correlated to improvement in the affective and emotional subscores of the MPQ and SF 36 Real rTMS to the M1 produced analgesic effects and positive changes in affective aspects of pain in CRPS patients during the period of stimulation Perspective This study shows an efficacy of repetitive sessions of high frequency rTMS as an add on therapy to refractory CAPS type I patients It had a positive effect in different aspects of pain (sensory discriminative and emotional affective) It opens the perspective for the clinical use of this technique (C) 2010 by the American Pain Society


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Sickle-cell disease is the most prevalent genetic disease in the Brazilian population. Lower limb ulcers are the most frequent cutaneous complications, affecting 8% to 10% of the patients. These ulcers are usually deep and may take many years to heal. Evidence about the effectiveness of systemic or topical treatment of these wounds is limited, apart from stabilization of the anemia. A 28-year old woman with sickle-cell disease was admitted for treatment of three deep chronic lower leg ulcers. All wounds had tendon exposure and contained firmly adherent fibrin slough. Following surgical debridement and before grafting, the wounds were managed with three different dressings: a rayon and normal saline solution dressing, a calcium alginate dressing covered with gauze, and negative pressure therapy. All three wounds healed successfully and their grafts showed complete integration; only the rayon-dressed wound required a second debridement. The alginate and rayon-dressed wounds recurred after 9 months and required additional skin grafts. Helpful research on managing ulcers in patients with sickle-cell disease is minimal, but the results of this case study suggest that topical treatment modalities may affect outcomes. Research to explore the safety and effectiveness of NPT in patients with sickle-cell wounds is warranted.


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PURPOSE: To report a series of patients with symptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion treated with angioplasty and stents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From a consecutive series of 50 patients experiencing neurologic ischemic symptoms and shown by conventional ultrasonography (US) to have a total ICA occlusion, 16 patients (ages 45-79 years; mean, 63 y; 10 men) were selected between August 2006 to September 2008 to be treated with angioplasty based on discovery of an open ICA distal to the occlusion through contrast-enhanced echo Doppler imaging and/or multislice contrast computed tomography (CT). Angioplasty and stent placement were performed under cerebral protection. Follow-up duplex imaging was performed at 14 days and 3 months and every 6 months thereafter and CT follow-up was performed at 2-9 months; the mean follow-up period was 9.9 months. RESULTS: Lesion crossing and stent placement was successful in 13 of 16 patients. There were no deaths, conversions, cardiac complications, or major strokes. One patient had a transient mild hemiparesis in the upper limb, with total recovery in 3 months. At follow-up, all 13 patients with a good initial result remained with patent arterial lumens and resolution of neurologic ischemic symptoms. After 2-9 months, ICAs with a ""string sign"" had calibers close or equal to those of normal arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Angioplasty with stent placement is an effective treatment with a low morbidity rate for selected patients who continue to experience neurologic ischemic symptoms despite US findings of total occlusion of the ICA.


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We evaluated nonreversed vein grafts in above-knee bypasses for chronic critical limb ischemia in a retrospective study with intention-to-treat analysis in patients who underwent above-knee bypass grafting. During a 4-year period, 51 patients (men, 32; women, 19; mean age 66 years) with 53 critically ischemic lower extremities underwent above-knee femoropopliteal bypass grafting. The follow-up evaluation consisted of clinical examination, assessment of the ankle- brachial systolic blood pressure index, and, whenever necessary, duplex scanning. Three ( 5.7%) deaths occurred within 30 days, two from myocardial infarction and one from an undetermined cause. The 2-year cumulative success rate was 82.5 +/- 9.6% for primary patency, 84.6 +/- 8.9% for secondary patency, 90.1 +/- 7.3% for tertiary patency, 86.9 +/- 7.6% for limb salvage, 77.7 +/- 8.4% for survival, 68.0 +/- 11.1% for composite patency, and 68.4 +/- 9.3% for amputation- free survival; the corresponding estimates for vein grafts alone were 86.6 +/- 9.2%, 88.9 +/- 8.6%, 89.0 +/- 8.5%, 88.1 +/- 8.1%, 81.1 +/- 9.1, 76.8 +/- 11.1%, and 72.6 +/- 10.2%. Three prosthetic grafts failed and were replaced with an arm vein graft. Nonreversed vein bypass grafts in above- knee revascularization of critically ischemic limbs are justified.


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Background: p63 gene is a p53 homologue that encodes proteins with transactivation, DNA-binding and tetramerisation domains. The isoforms TAp63 and TAp73 transactivate p53 target genes and induce apoptosis, whereas the isoforms Delta Np63 and Delta Np73 lack transactivation and might have dominant-negative effects in p53 family members. p63 is expressed in germinal centre lymphocytes and can be related to the development of the lymphoma, but the prognostic significance of its expression in the survival of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) remains unclear. Aims: To determine whether quantitative immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of p63 protein expression correlates with CD10 antigen, Bcl-6 antigen and IRF4 antigen expression and to determine whether p63 is a surrogate predictor of overall survival in high-intermediate and high risk DLBCL populations. Methods: CD10, Bcl-6 and IRF4 expression were retrospectively evaluated by IHC in 73 samples of high intermediate and high risk DLBCL and were used to divide the lymphomas into subgroups of germinal centre B-celllike (GCB) and activate B-cell-like (ABC) DLBCL. Similarly, p63 expression was evaluated by IHC and the results were compared with subgroups of DLBCL origin and with the survival rates for these patients. Results: p63 was expressed in more than 50% of malignant cells in 11 patients and did not show correlation with subgroups of GCB-like DLBCL or ABC-like DLBCL, but p63(+) patients had better disease-free survival (DFS) than those who were negative (p = 0.01). Conclusions: p63(+) high-intermediate and high risk DLBCL patients have a better DFS than negative cases.


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Background Brazil has one of the highest stroke mortality rates in the world, these rates are most endemic in the poor. We verified the prevalence of stroke in a deprived neighbourhood in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil and compared it with other surveys worldwide. Methods A questionnaire with six questions concerning limb and facial weakness, articulation, sensory disturbances, impaired vision, and past diagnosis of stroke was completed door-to-door in a well-defined area of 15 000 people. Questionnaires were considered positive when a participant answered two or more questions about stroke symptoms or the presence of stroke being confirmed by a physician, or at least three questions in the positive, even if not confirmed by a doctor. Results Of the 4496 individuals over 35-years old living in the area, 243 initially screened positive for stroke. The age-adjusted prevalence rate for men was 4 center dot 6% (95% confidence interval 3 center dot 5-5 center dot 7). For women, the prevalence rate was 6 center dot 5% (95% confidence interval 5 center dot 5-7 center dot 5); when considering only one question, the rate was 4 center dot 8% (95% confidence interval 3 center dot 9-5 center dot 7). The most commonly reported symptoms were limb weakness and sensory disturbances. Hypertension and heart disease were the conditions most commonly associated with previous stroke. Conclusion Stroke prevalence rates were higher in this poor neighbourhood compared with other surveys.


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NEVES JR., M., B. GUALANO, H. ROSCHEL, R. FULLER, F. B. BENATTI, A. L. DE SA PINTO, F. R. LIMA, R. M. PEREIRA, A. H. LANCHA JR., E. BONFA. Beneficial Effect of Creatine Supplementation in Knee Osteoarthritis. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 1538-1543, 2011. Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of creatine (CR) supplementation combined with strengthening exercises in knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. Postmenopausal women with knee OA were allocated to receive either CR (20 g.d(-1) for 1 wk and 5 g.d(-1) thereafter) or placebo (PL) and were enrolled in a lower limb resistance training program. They were assessed at baseline (PRE) and after 12 wk (POST). The primary outcome was the physical function as measured by the timed-stands test. Secondary outcomes included lean mass, quality of life, pain, stiffness, and muscle strength. Results: Physical function was significantly improved only in the CR group (P = 0.006). In addition, a significant between-group difference was observed (CR: PRE = 15.7 +/- 1.4, POST = 18.1 +/- 1.8; PL: PRE = 15.0 +/- 1.8, POST = 15.2 +/- 1.2; P = 0.004). The CR group also presented improvements in physical function and stiffness subscales as evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (P = 0.005 and P = 0.024, respectively), whereas the PL group did not show any significant changes in these parameters (P > 0.05). In addition, only the CR group presented a significant improvement in lower limb lean mass (P = 0.04) as well as in quality of life (P = 0.01). Both CR and PL groups demonstrated significant reductions in pain (P G 0.05). Similarly, a main effect for time revealed an increase in leg-press one-repetition maximum (P = 0.005) with no significant differences between groups (P = 0.81). Conclusions: CR supplementation improves physical function, lower limb lean mass, and quality of life in postmenopausal women with knee OA undergoing strengthening exercises.


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Background: Congenital heart diseases are the most frequent birth defects and are commonly associated with skeletal malformations. Mutations in the TBX5 gene, a T-box transcription factor located on chromosome 12q24.1, have been demonstrated to be the underlying molecular alteration in individuals with different congenital cardiac disorders, notably the Holt-Oram syndrome. Methods: Six members from a two-generation family from a consanguineous couple, which had atrial septal defects associated with postaxial hexodactyly in all extremities were clinically assessed and submitted to TBX5 mutational analysis performed by direct sequencing. Results: We detected a new TBX5 missense mutation (V263M) in all four individuals studied with cardiac abnormalities. The genotype phenotype correlations in light of unusual features are extensively discussed, as well as the possible significance of these atypical findings. Conclusions: These new data extend our clinical and molecular knowledge of TBX5 gene mutations and also raise interesting questions about the phenotype heterogeneity regarding these gene alterations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lepromatous leprosy patients may develop necrotic lesions, usually in the context of Lucio phenomenon (LP) or severe erythema nodosum (EN). The clinical and histopathological characteristics of the necrotic manifestations of both entities may eventually be confounded. We describe a patient with lepromatous leprosy who developed, since the 4th month of her first pregnancy, recurrent necrotic lesions in lower limbs, which, at the postpartum, worsened and led to partial destruction of ears and nose. In addition, she referred painful nodes oil upper limbs since I year before pregnancy and intermittent swelling and tenderness of the ankles, which together with a right tibial and ulnar neuritis led to the diagnosis of, erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL). The histopathology of a biopsy of the upper limb (ENL) revealed a dermal-hypodermal inflammation with vasculitis and vascular lumen narrowing, whereas biopsy of the lower limb (LP) revealed small vessels with fibrin thrombi on the superficial layer of the dermis without inflammatory infiltrate and no evidence of vasculitis. Thus, besides having several different clinical features, LP and ENL result from different pathogenetic mechanisms. The histopathological and clinical features distinguishing both entities are proposed. This distinction is important because decrease in bacillary load through multidrug therapy is the main target in LP, whereas in ENL, concomitant reduction of the reaction by means of thalidomide or high-dose steroids is recommended.