69 resultados para incomplete preferences
In this paper we present a new neuroeconomics model for decision-making applied to the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The model is based on the hypothesis that decision-making is dependent on the evaluation of expected rewards and risks assessed simultaneously in two decision spaces: the personal (PDS) and the interpersonal emotional spaces (IDS). Motivation to act is triggered by necessities identified in PDS or IDS. The adequacy of an action in fulfilling a given necessity is assumed to be dependent on the expected reward and risk evaluated in the decision spaces. Conflict generated by expected reward and risk influences the easiness (cognitive effort) and the future perspective of the decision-making. Finally, the willingness (not) to act is proposed to be a function of the expected reward (or risk), adequacy, easiness and future perspective. The two most frequent clinical forms are ADHD hyperactive (AD/HDhyp) and ADHD inattentive (AD/HDdin). AD/HDhyp behavior is hypothesized to be a consequence of experiencing high rewarding expectancies for short periods of time, low risk evaluation, and short future perspective for decision-making. AD/HDin is hypothesized to be a consequence of experiencing high rewarding expectancies for long periods of time, low risk evaluation, and long future perspective for decision-making.
Study design: Single-blind randomized, controlled clinical study. Objectives: To evaluate, using kinematic gait analysis, the results obtained from gait training on a treadmill with body weight support versus those obtained with conventional gait training and physiotherapy. Setting: Thirty patients with sequelae from traumatic incomplete spinal cord injuries at least 12 months earlier; patients were able to walk and were classified according to motor function as ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) impairment scale C or D. Methods: Patients were divided randomly into two groups of 15 patients by the drawing of opaque envelopes: group A (weight support) and group B (conventional). After an initial assessment, both groups underwent 30 sessions of gait training. Sessions occurred twice a week, lasted for 30min each and continued for four months. All of the patients were evaluated by a single blinded examiner using movement analysis to measure angular and linear kinematic gait parameters. Six patients (three from group A and three from group B) were excluded because they attended fewer than 85% of the training sessions. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in intra-group comparisons among the spatial-temporal variables in group B. In group A, the following significant differences in the studied spatial-temporal variables were observed: increases in velocity, distance, cadence, step length, swing phase and gait cycle duration, in addition to a reduction in stance phase. There were also no significant differences in intra-group comparisons among the angular variables in group B. However, group A achieved significant improvements in maximum hip extension and plantar flexion during stance. Conclusion: Gait training with body weight support was more effective than conventional physiotherapy for improving the spatial-temporal and kinematic gait parameters among patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord (2011) 49, 1001-1007; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.37; published online 3 May 2011
OBJECTIVE: We report our results using Onyx HD-500 (Micro Therapeutics, Inc., Irvine, CA) in the endovascular treatment of wide-neck intracranial aneurysms, which have a high rate of incomplete occlusion and recanalization with platinum coils. METHODS: Sixty-nine patients with 84 aneurysms were treated. Most of the aneurysms were located in the anterior circulation (80 of 84 aneurysms), were unruptured (74 of 84 aneurysms), and were incidental. Ten presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 15 were symptomatic. All aneurysms had wide necks (neck >4 mm and/or dome-to-neck ratio <1.5). Fifty aneurysms were small (<12 mm), 30 were large (12 to <25 mm) and 4 were giant. Angiographic follow-up was available for 65 of the 84 aneurysms at 6 months, for 31 of the 84 aneurysms at 18 months, and for 5 of the 84 aneurysms at 36 months. RESULTS: Complete aneurysm occlusion was seen in 65.5% of aneurysms on immediate control, in 84.6% at 6 months, and in 90.3% at 18 months. The rates of complete occlusion were 74%, 95.1%, and 95.2% for small aneurysms and 53.3%, 70%, and 80% for large aneurysms at the same follow-up periods. Progression from incomplete to complete occlusion was seen in 68.2% of all aneurysms, with a higher percentage in small aneurysms (90.9%). Aneurysm recanalization was observed in 3 patients (4.6%), with retreatment in 2 patients (3.3%). Procedural mortality was 2.9%. Overall morbidity was 7.2%. CONCLUSION: Onyx embolization of intracranial wide-neck aneurysms is safe and effective. Morbidity and mortality rates are similar to those of other current endovascular techniques. Larger samples and longer follow-up periods are necessary.
Here we investigated the possible association between the carboxypeptidase A (CPA)-like activity of the rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) perfusate and the ability of this fluid of forming angiotensin (Ang) 1-9 and Ang 1-7 upon incubation with Ang I and Ang II, respectively. Initially, we observed that anion exchange chromatography of the perfusate would consistently split the characteristic Z-Val-Phe-hydrolyzing activity of CPA-like enzymes into five distinct peaks, whose proteolytic activities were then determined using also Ang I and Ang II as substrates. The resulting proteolytic profile for each peak indicated that rat MAB perfusate contains a complex mixture of carboxypeptidases; tentatively, five carboxypeptidases were distinguished based on their substrate preferences toward Z-Val-Phe. Ang I and Ang II. The respective reactions, namely, Z-Val-Phe cleavage, Ang I to Ang 1-9 conversion and Ang II to Ang 1-7 conversion, were inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and nearly fully blocked by potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor. Also, all the CPA-like activity peaks prepared by anion exchange chromatography were tested negative for contaminating Ang I-converting enzyme-2, cathepsin A and prolylcarboxypeptidase. Overall, our results indicate that rat MAB perfusate contains a multiplicity of Ang I and Ang II-processing CPA-like enzymes whose proteolytic specificities suggest they might perform peculiar regulatory roles in the local resin-angiotensin system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background The mechanism underlying increased perception of food bolus passage in the absence of esophageal mechanical obstruction has not been completely elucidated. A correlation between the intensity of the symptom and the severity of esophageal dysfunction, either motility (manometry) or bolus transit (impedance) has not been clearly demonstrated. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between objective esophageal function assessment (with manometry and impedance) and perception of bolus passage in healthy volunteers (HV) with normal and pharmacologically-induced esophageal hypocontractility, and in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) with and without ineffective esophageal motility (IEM). Methods Combined manometry-impedance was performed in 10 HV, 19 GERD patients without IEM and nine patients with IEM. Additionally, nine HV were studied after 50 mg sildenafil, which induced esophageal peristaltic failure. Perception of each 5 mL viscous swallow was evaluated using a 5-point scale. Manometry identified hypocontractility (contractions lower than 30 mmHg) and impedance identified incomplete bolus clearance. Key Results In HV and in GERD patients with and without IEM, there was no association between either manometry or impedance and perception on per swallow analysis (OR: 0.842 and OR: 2.017, respectively), as well as on per subject analysis (P = 0.44 and P = 0.16, respectively). Lack of correlation was also found in HV with esophageal hypocontractility induced by sildenafil. Conclusions & Inferences There is no agreement between objective measurements of esophageal function and subjective perception of bolus passage. These results suggest that increased bolus passage perception in patients without mechanical obstruction might be due to esophageal hypersensitivity.
Objective: To evaluate the percutaneous Achilles tendon sectioning technique using a large gauge needle for the correction of residual equinus of congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. Methods: Fifty-seven Achilles tendon sections were prospectively evaluated in thirty-nine patients with clubfoot, treated with the Ponseti method between July 2005 and December 2008. The tenotomy was performed percutaneously with a large gauge needle. Ultrasound scan was performed immediately after the section, to ascertain whether the tenotomy was complete, as well as stump separation. Results: There was complete tendon section in all cases, but the need to perform the section maneuver more than once was common, due to the persistence of the residual strands between tendon stumps. The Thompson test and dynamic ultrasound evaluation were able to detect incomplete tenotomies. The mean ultrasound measurement of the tendon gap was 5.70 +/- 2.23 mm. Two patients had abnormal bleeding, which was controlled by digital pressure and did not compromise foot perfusion. Conclusion: Percutaneous Achilles tendon sectioning with a needle proved to be efficient and safe to correct residual equinus of clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique.
To assess the immunization status of pediatric renal transplant patients followed at a single center in Brazil, vaccination charts of all patients aged between one and 18 yr were analyzed both pre- and post-transplantation. Appropriate immunization was defined according to the National Immunization Program (routine vaccines) - for all Brazilian children - and the Special Immunobiological Agents Program that also includes special vaccines for immunodeficient or other high-risk children. A total of 46 patients was evaluated (mean age 13.7 yr; range 4-17 yr). Vaccination charts were found to be up to date in only two patients (4.3%) pretransplant and in two (4.3%) post-transplant. Although 36 patients (62.2%) in the pretransplant phase and 24 (52.1%) in the post-transplant phase had been vaccinated according to the National Immunization Program, they had not received the special vaccines indicated for their immunocompromised condition. Therefore, despite being followed at a referral center, almost all patients presented an incomplete immunization status pre- and post-transplant. This probably reflects missed opportunities and medical/parental apprehension related to vaccination of patients with chronic renal insufficiency, dialysis or kidney transplantation. Efforts should be made to ensure adequate vaccination in children with kidney diseases, especially before kidney transplantation.
Acid etching procedures may disrupt residual bacteria and contribute to the success of incomplete caries removal followed by adhesive restoration. This study evaluated the in vivo effect of acid etching on cariogenic bacterial activity within affected dentin after minimally invasive treatment of caries lesions. Twenty-eight carious permanent teeth received standardized selective caries removal and random acid etch treatment (E) or not (NE) prior to adhesive restoration. Baseline and 3-month dentin biopsies were collected. The number of bacteria and activity of total bacterial cells and Streptococcus mutans were determined by quantitative PCR and RT-PCR. No statistically significant differences were observed in total bacterial number and activity between E and NE treatments (p > 0.3008). For NE, however, the residual S. mutans bacterial cells were reduced (p = 0.0027), while the activity per cell was significantly increased (p = 0.0010) after reentry at 3 months after restoration. This effect was not observed in group E. Although no significant differences were found between groups, this study suggests that acid etching of affected dentin prior to adhesive restoration may directly or indirectly have an inhibitive effect on the activity of residual cariogenic bacteria. Further research is required to investigate this potential effect. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Impaction of permanent teeth represents a clinical challenge with regard to diagnosis, treatment plan, and prognosis. There is a close relationship between deciduous teeth and permanent teeth germ, and any injury in the deciduous dentition may influence the permanent teeth eruption. The extent of the damage caused to the permanent teeth germ depends on the patient age at the time of injury, type of trauma, severity, and direction of the impact. Conventional radiographic images are frequently used for diagnosis; however, recent developments in three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems have enabled dentistry to visualize structural changes effectively, with better contrast and more details, close to the reality. The cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been used in the diagnosis and treatment plan of these impacted teeth. The purpose of the present case report is to describe a successful conservative management of a retained permanent maxillary lateral incisor with delayed root development after a trauma through the deciduous predecessor in a 9 year-old patient. After clinical and radiographic examination, a CBCT examination of the maxilla was requested to complement the diagnosis, providing an accurate 3D position of the retained tooth and its relationship to adjacent structures. The proposed treatment plan was the surgical exposure and orthodontic traction of the retained tooth. The lateral incisor spontaneously erupted after 6 months. Therefore, this case report suggests that permanent teeth with incomplete root formation have a great potential for spontaneous eruption because no tooth malposition or mechanical obstacles are observed.