81 resultados para elderly voice


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Background: Several studies have shown that liquid and food intake interfere with the evaluation of body composition in adults. However, since there are no reports about this interference in the elderly population, the need to fast for this evaluation may be dispensable. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of liquid and solid food on the measurement of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Design: Forty-one male volunteers aged 62 to 87 years participated in the study. The subjects were submitted to evaluation of body composition by DXA and BIA under fasting conditions and 1 hour after the ingestion of breakfast (500 ml of orange juice and one 50 g bread roll with butter). Results: There was no significant difference in the variables fat-free mass (FFM) or fat mass (FM) between the fasting condition and the evaluation performed 1 hour after the meal as measured by BIA or DXA. There was also no significant difference when the same variables were compared between methods. Conclusion: In the present study, the ingestion of 500 ml orange juice and of one bread roll with butter by elderly subjects did not affect the results of the parameters of body composition determined by BIA or DXA. Thus, these exams could be performed without the rigor of fasting, often poorly tolerated by the elderly.


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Scher, LML, Ferriolli, E, Moriguti, JC, Scher, R, and Lima, NKC. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res 25(4): 1016-1023, 2011-Acute resistance exercise can reduce the blood pressure (BP) of hypertensive subjects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different volumes of acute low-intensity resistance exercise over the magnitude and the extent of BP changes in treated hypertensive elderly individuals. Sixteen participants (7 men, 9 women), with mean age of 68 6 5 years, performed 3 independent randomized sessions: Control (C: 40 minutes of rest), Exercise 1 (E1: 20 minutes, 1 lap in the circuit), and Exercise 2 (E2: 40 minutes, 2 laps in the circuit) with the intensity of 40% of 1 repetition maximum. Blood pressure was measured before (during 20 minutes) and after each session (every 5 minutes during 60 minutes) using both a mercury sphygmomanometer and a semiautomatic device (Omrom-HEM-431). After that, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was performed (Dyna-MAPA). Blood pressure decreased during the first 60 minutes (systolic: p < 0.01, diastolic: p < 0.05) after all exercise sessions. Only the highest volume session promoted a reduction of mean systolic 24-hour BP and awake BP (p, 0.05) after exercise, with higher diastolic BP during sleep (p, 0.05). Diastolic 24-hour BP and both systolic and diastolic BP during sleep were higher after E1 (p, 0.05). Concluding, acute resistive exercise sessions in a circuit with different volumes reduced BP during the first 60 minutes after exercise in elderly individuals with treated hypertension. However, only the highest volume promoted a reduction of mean 24-hour and awake systolic BP.


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The objectives of this study were to check music and voice message influence on vital signs and facial expressions of patients with disorders of consciousness and to connect the existence of patient`s responses with the Glasgow Coma Scale or with the Ramsay Sedation Scale. The method was a single-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial with 30 patients, from two intensive care units, being divided into two groups (control and experimental). Their relatives recorded a voice message and chose a song according to the patient`s preference. The patients were submitted to three sessions for three consecutive days. Significant statistical alterations of the vital signs were noted during the message playback (oxygen saturation-Day 1 and Day 3; respiratory frequency-Day 3) and with facial expression, on Day 1, during both music and message. The conclusion was that the voice message was a stronger stimulus than the music.


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Background: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are one of the main causes of adverse reactions related to medications, being responsible for up to 23% of hospital admissions. However, only a few studies have evaluated this problem in elderly Brazilians. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of potential DDIs (PDDIs) in community-dwelling elderly people in Brazil, analyse these interactions with regard to severity and clinical implications, and identify associated factors. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 2143 elderly (aged 60 years) residents of the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were obtained from the SABE (Saude, Bem estar e Envelhecimento [Health, Well-Being, and Aging]) survey, which is a multicentre study carried out in seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, coordinated by the Pan-American Health Organization. PDDIs were analysed using a computerized program and categorized according to level of severity, onset, mechanism and documentation in the literature. The STATA software statistical package was used for data analysis, and logistic regression was conducted to determine whether variables were associated with PDDIs. Results: Analysis revealed that 568 (26.5%) of the elderly population included in the study were taking medications that could lead to a DDI. Almost two-thirds (64.4%) of the elderly population exposed to PDDIs were women, 50.7% were aged >= 75 years, 71.7% reported having fair or poor health and 65.8% took 2-5 medications. A total of 125 different PDDIs were identified; the treatment combination of an ACE inhibitor with a thiazide or loop diuretic (associated with hypotension) was the most frequent cause of PDDIs (n=322 patients; 56.7% of individuals with PDDIs). Analysis of the PDDIs revealed that 70.4% were of moderate severity, 64.8% were supported by good quality evidence and 56.8% were considered of delayed onset. The multivariate analysis showed that the risk of a PDDI was significantly increased among elderly individuals using six or more medications (odds ratio [OR] 3.37) and in patients with hypertension (OR 2.56), diabetes mellitus (OR 1.73) or heart problems (OR 3.36). Conclusions: Approximately one-quarter of the elderly population living in Sao Paulo could be taking two or more potentially interacting medicines. Polypharmacy predisposes elderly individuals to PDDIs. More than half of these drug combinations (57.6%, n = 72) were part of commonly employed treatment regimens and may be responsible for adverse reactions that compromise the safety of elderly individuals, especially at home. Educational initiatives are needed to avoid unnecessary risks.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the concentrations of aluminum (Al) and other metals in water samples from elderly people`s houses and retirement homes. Forty-six duplicate water samples from kitchen taps were collected in Ribeiro Preto/SP, Brazil. Metal levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Aluminum concentration exceeded the maximum allowed values in 26% of samples according to the Decree 518/2004 of the Brazilian Health Ministry. It was noted that 11% of elderly living at monitored houses, as well as 19% living at retirement homes presented Alzheimer disease diagnostic. These results suggest taking into account Al risks among vulnerable elderly population groups.


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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the most common peripheral vestibular disorder, especially in the elderly and presents as the predominant etiology in this population of the degeneration of the utricular macula. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of the approaches after Epley maneuver. Study Design: longitudinal cohort. Materials and Methods: The study included 53 volunteers with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal, divided into Group 1, who underwent Epley maneuver associated with the use of neck collar and post-maneuver instructions, Group 2 underwent the Epley maneuver without the use cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions, and Group 3 underwent the Epley maneuver associated with the use of a mini vibrator, without the use of neck collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. Results: In the three groups, the number of Epley maneuvers ranged from one to three. We employed the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory - pre- and post-treatment and observed a statistically significant difference on most scores pre- and post-treatment for both groups. Conclusion: Regardless of the post Epley maneuver treatment selected for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, it was effective when comparing the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory pre- and post-treatment.


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Limb praxis can be influenced by age, gender, and education. The present Study investigated the influence of these variables on gesture production by healthy elderly Subjects. We evaluated 96 individuals divided into two age groups (60-74 and 75-88 years). Each group contained 48 men and 48 women and was subdivided into four groups according to education: illiterates and 1-3, 4-7, and 8 or more years of education. Individuals were requested to carry Out tasks oil verbal command and imitation. There were no differences between the performance of men and women, while older individuals performed worse than their younger counterparts. Regarding educational level, three major groups emerged: illiterates, individuals with 1-7 years of education, and those with 8 or more years of education. In conclusion, age and education significantly influenced the performance of individuals in limb praxis tests. (JINS, 2009, 157 618-622.)


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Speech understanding disorders in the elderly may be due to peripheral or central auditory dysfunctions. Asymmetry of results in dichotic testing increases with age, and may reflect on a lack of inter-hemisphere transmission and cognitive decline. Aim: To investigate auditory processing of aged people with no hearing complaints. Study design: clinical prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two voluntary individuals, aged between 55 and 75 years, were evaluated. They reported no hearing complaints and had maximal auditory thresholds of 40 dB HL until 4 KHz, 80% of minimal speech recognition scores and peripheral symmetry between the ears. We used two kinds of tests: speech in noise and dichotic alternated dissyllables (SSW). Results were compared between males and females, right and left ears and between age groups. Results: There were no significant differences between genders, in both tests. Their Left ears showed worse results, in the competitive condition of SSW. Individuals aged 65 or older had poorer performances than those aged 55 to 64. Conclusion: Central auditory tests showed worse performance with aging. The employment of a dichotic test in the auditory evaluation setting in the elderly may help in the early identification of degenerative processes, which are common among these patients.


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Objectives: To verify the consequences of implant-supported fixed oral rehabilitation on the quality of life (QL) of elderly individuals. Material and methods: Fifteen patients were studied, being 10 females and five males; all were aged > 60 years, were completely edentulous, wore removable dentures on both arches, and were treated with implant-supported fixed dentures. Three QL questionnaires were applied, two related to the oral conditions (Oral Impact on Daily Performance - OIDP - and Oral Health Impact Profile, short version - OHIP-14) and one dealing with global aspects (World Health Organization Quality of Life - WHOQOL-BREF), before 3, 6, and 18 months after surgical placement of implants. Results: Scores in the OIDP and OHIP-14 questionnaires were better after dental treatment. The WHOQOL-BREF was less sensitive, confirming the higher reliability of specific questionnaires (focal) compared with general questions in such situations. Conclusion: Treatment with implant-supported fixed prostheses improved QL in the elderly; these effects are better detected by specific instruments focused on the subject.


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To evaluate the effect of oral rehabilitation with immediately loaded fixed implant-supported mandibular prostheses on chewing and swallowing in elderly individuals. Materials and Methods: Fifteen completely edentulous patients aged more than 60 years (10 women and five men), wearing removable dentures in both arches, had a mandibular denture replaced by an implant-supported prosthesis. All individuals were evaluated before surgery and again 3, 6, and 18 months later with regard to mastication and swallowing conditions. Examinations entailed an interview, evaluation of tactile sensitivity of the face, and observation of food intake, masticatory type, formations of bolus, and pain during mastication. The swallowing evaluation comprised observation of clinical signs related to the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing, as well as the presence of oral residue. The findings of different evaluations before and 3, 6, and 18 months after the surgical-prosthetic procedure were statistically compared by analysis of variance for repeated measurements at a significance level of 5%. Results: The questionnaire revealed a reduction in complaints of masticatory and swallowing disturbances, a decreased need for liquid ingestion, and reduced choking and coughing. Clinical evaluations showed improved oral function and bolus propulsion for both solid and paste-consistency foods; pain during mastication was also resolved. Conclusion: Treatment with mandibular implant-supported dentures had positive effects on the clinical aspects of mastication and swallowing in elderly individuals. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009; 24:110-117


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Considering that orthognathic surgery promotes changes in orofacial structures constituting the resonating system, functional changes secondary to surgery are expected to affect speech, leading to the need for further speech and voice adjustments. Thus, understanding the possible relationships of these structures with voice production is important. Therefore, this Study aimed to describe the changes in voice fundamental frequency of a patient submitted to orthognathic surgery and observe if there is a relationship with hyoid bone positioning at the different treatment periods. The results revealed that voice fundamental frequency increased after surgery, returning to values close to the preoperative condition, which corresponded to vertical movement of the hyoid bone.


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Objective: To compare the dental status of Brazilian and Canadian elderly populations with respect to socioeconomic and quality of life factors. Materials and methods: A total of 496 adults aged 60-75 years, having four or more teeth, and physically and cognitively suitable for a clinical oral examination were included. Subjects answered questions concerning their lifestyle and completed the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) questionnaire. Results: In all populations, the majority were females, aged between 60 and 65 years and married. Although the Canadian New Immigrant population had lower mean income, they had more remaining teeth (23.04 +/- 6.1), more functional teeth (sound and restored teeth) (14.92 +/- 5.7), more sound teeth (15.40 +/- 7.6), but more carious teeth (2.97 +/- 3.0). The Brazilian population had higher numbers of restored teeth (12.26 +/- 6.8) and fewer remaining teeth (17.80 +/- 7.6). In all populations, females, married and younger (60-65 years old) adults were more likely to retain 20 or more teeth. The mean GOHAI scores were similar for Canadians (40.55 +/- 5.7) and Canadian New Immigrants (39.28 +/- 6.5), but were higher than that among Brazilians (31.97 +/- 8.9). Conclusions: The numbers of remaining teeth were related to greater education and higher income status for Brazilian and Canadian populations. However, Canadian New Immigrants with lower income and education retained more teeth than the other populations.


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Introduction: the present study aims to evaluate the association between nocturia and falls in a group of community-living elderly men in the city of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Material and methods: under the coordination of the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, a multicenter study named Health, Welfare and Aging (SABE Study) is being conducted to evaluate the living and health conditions of older people in Latin America and Caribbean. In Brazil, this study is evaluating the elderly population (60 years or more) in Sao Paulo since 2000. The presence of nocturia was taken as the response ""yes"" to the question ""Do you need to void three times or more at night?"". The presence of falls was also taken as the response ""yes"" to the question ""Did you have any fall during the last 12 months?"" The intergroup analysis used was the logistic regression. Results: total of 865 men was interviewed, mean age 68 years. It was observed high prevalence of nocturia and falls in all groups, with higher prevalence of both in the eldest group (p < 0.001), however, the association of nocturia and falls was not statistically significant in any of the groups (p = 0.45). Conclusion: this is one of the pioneering studies that assess only the male population, showing that nocturia was not significantly associated with falls. Nocturia and falls are highly prevalent conditions in the elderly, but no association was found between both, so that these variables may be correlated to age and other clinical conditions. (C) 2010 AEU. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.


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Background: the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a multidimensional method of nutritional evaluation that allows the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in elderly people, it is important to mention that this method has not been well studied in Brazil. Objective: to verify the use of the MNA in elderly people that has been living in long term institutions for elderly people. Design: transversal study. Participants: 89 people (>= 60 years), being 64.0% men. The average of age for both genders was 73.7 +/- 9.1 years old, being 72.8 +/- 8.9 years old for men, and 75.3 +/- 9.3 years old for women. Setting: long-term institutions for elderly people located in the Southeast of Brazil. Methods: it was calculated the sensibility, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. It was data to set up a ROC curve to verify the accuracy of the MNA. The variable used as a ""standard"" for the nutritional diagnosis of the elderly people was the corrected arm muscle area because it is able to provide information or an estimative of the muscle reserve of a person being considered a good indicator of malnutrition in elderly people. Results: the sensibility was 84.0%, the specificity was 36.0%, the positive predictive value was 77.0%, and the negative predictive value was 47.0%; the area of the ROC curve was 0.71 (71.0%). Conclusion: the MNA method has showed accuracy, and sensibility when dealing with the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in institutionalized elderly groups of the Southeastern region of Brazil, however, it presented a low specificity.


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Objectives. To assess the impact of chronic disease and the number of diseases on the various aspects of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among the elderly in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods. The SF-36 (R) Health Survey was used to assess the impact of the most prevalent chronic diseases on HRQOL. A cross-sectional and population-based study was carried out with two-stage stratified cluster sampling. Data were obtained from a multicenter health survey administered through household interviews in several municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo. The study evaluated seven diseases-arthritis, back-pain, depression/anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and stroke-and their effects on quality of life. Results. Among the 1958 elderly individuals (60 years of age or older), 13.6% reported not having any of the illnesses, whereas 45.7% presented three or more chronic conditions. The presence of any of the seven chronic illnesses studied had a significant effect on the scores Of nearly all the SF-36 (R) scales. HRQOL achieved lower scores when related to depression/anxiety, osteoporosis, and stroke. The higher the number of diseases, the greater the negative effect on the SF-36 (R) dimensions. The presence of three or more diseases significantly affected HRQOL in all areas. The bodily pain, general health, and vitality scales were the most affected by diseases. Conclusions. The study detected a high prevalence of chronic diseases among the elderly population and found that the degree of impact on HRQOL depends on the type of disease. The results highlight the importance of preventing and controlling chronic diseases in order to reduce the number of comorbidities and lessen their impact on HRQOL among the elderly.