207 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows
Molecular dynamics simulations of the glass-forming liquid 2Ca(NO(3))(2)center dot 3KNO(3) (CKN) were performed from high temperature liquid states down to low temperature glassy states at six different pressures from 10(-4) to 5.0 GPa. The temperature dependence of the structural relaxation time indicates that the fragility of liquid CKN changes with pressure. In line with recent proposal [Scopigno , Science 302, 849 (2003)], the change on liquid fragility is followed by a proportional change of the nonergodicity factor of the corresponding glass at low temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Despite the fact that the majority of the catalytic electro-oxidation of small organic molecules presents oscillatory kinetics under certain conditions, there are few systematic studies concerning the influence of experimental parameters on the oscillatory dynamics. Of the studies available, most are devoted to C1 molecules and just some scattered data are available for C2 molecules. We present in this work a comprehensive study of the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol on polycrystalline platinum surfaces and in alkaline media. The system was studied by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometry, and the impact of parameters such as applied current, ethylene glycol concentration, and temperature were investigated. As in the case of other parent systems, the instabilities in this system were associated with a hidden negative differential resistance, as identified by impedance data. Very rich and robust dynamics were observed, including the presence of harmonic and mixed mode oscillations and chaotic states, in some parameter region. Oscillation frequencies of about 16 Hz characterized the fastest oscillations ever reported for the electro-oxidation of small organic molecules. Those high frequencies were strongly influenced by the electrolyte pH and far less affected by the EG concentration. The system was regularly dependent on temperature under voltammetric conditions but rather independent within the oscillatory regime.
No-tillage mulch-based (NTM) cropping systems have been widely adopted by farmers in the Brazilian savanna region (Cerrado biome). We hypothesized that this new type of management should have a profound impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) at regional scale and consequently on climate change mitigation. The objective of this study was thus to quantify the SOC storage potential of NTM in the oxisols of the Cerrado using a synchronic approach that is based on a chronosequence of fields of different years under NTM. The study consisted of three phases: (1) a farm/cropping system survey to identify the main types of NTM systems to be chosen for the chronosequence; (2) a field survey to identify a homogeneous set of situations for the chronosequence and (3) the characterization of the chronosequence to assess the SOC storage potential. The main NTM system practiced by farmers is an annual succession of soybean (Glycine max)or maize (Zea mays) with another cereal crop. This cropping system covers 54% of the total cultivated area in the region. At the regional level, soil organic C concentrations from NTM fields were closely correlated with clay + silt content of the soil (r(2) = 0.64). No significant correlation was observed (r(2) = 0.07), however, between these two variables when we only considered the fields with a clay + silt content in the 500-700 g kg(-1) range. The final chronosequence of NTM fields was therefore based on a subsample of eight fields, within this textural range. The SOC stocks in the 0-30 cm topsoil layer of these selected fields varied between 4.2 and 6.7 kg C m(-2) and increased on average (r(2) = 0.97) with 0.19 kg C m(-2) year(-1). After 12 years of NTM management, SOC stocks were no longer significantly different from the stocks under natural Cerrado vegetation (p < 0.05), whereas a 23-year-old conventionally tilled and cropped field showed SOC stocks that were about 30% below this level. Confirming our hypotheses, this study clearly illustrated the high potential of NTM systems in increasing SOC storage under tropical conditions, and how a synchronic approach may be used to assess efficiently such modification on farmers` fields, identifying and excluding non desirable sources of heterogeneity (management, soils and climate). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Cerrado and Amazon regions of Brazil are probably the largest agricultural frontier of the world, and Could be a sink or source for C depending on the net effect of land use change and subsequent management on soil organic C pools. We evaluated the effects of agricultural management systems on soil organic C (SOC) stocks in the Brazilian states of Rondonia and Mato Grosso, and derived regional specific factors for soil C stock change associated with different management systems. We used 50 observations (data points) in this study, including 42 dealing with annual cropping practices and 8 dealing with perennial cropping, and analyzed the data in linear mixed-effect models. No tillage (NT) systems in Cerrado areas increased SOC Storage by 1.08 +/- 0.06 relative to SOC stocks under native conditions, while SOC storage increased by a modest factor of 1.01 +/- 0.17 in Cerradao and Amazon Forest conditions. Full tillage (FT) had negative effect on SOC storage relative to NT, decreasing SOC stocks by a factor of 0.94 +/- 0.04. but did not significantly reduce SOC stocks relative to native levels when adopted in the Cerrado region. Perennial cropping had a minimal impact on SOC stocks, estimated at a factor Value of 0.98 +/- 0.14, suggesting these systems maintain about 98% of the SOC stock found under native vegetation. The results Suggest that NT adoption may be increasing SOC with land use change from native vegetation to cropland management in the Cerrado region of Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Total soil carbon and chemical attributes under different land uses in the Brazilian savanna. The Brazilian savanna region (Cerrado) is one of the largest cultivated areas of the world. The different land uses in the region can effectively change the quantities of soil organic matter and the cycling of nutrients. I-lie objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different land use management systems on the relationship between soil organic carbon and the soil chemical attributes of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) under Cerrado in Rio Verde (Goias state). The treatments studied were native vegetation (cerrado), low-productivity pasture, conventional tillage with soybean, and no-tillage with soybean and maize. The smallest values for pH, available P, K, Ca and Mg were observed for the Cerradao treatment, even if the relatively high C levels increased the potential soil cation exchange capacity. The pasture, conventional tillage and no-tillage treatments showed higher K, Ca, Mg, available 13, and S concentrations in the soil. In the areas where soil tillage did not take place and lime and fertilizers were applied superficially, the stratification of the soil organic carbon provides the retention of the elements near to the surface, with significance correlations with the soil chemicals attributes.
Addressing spatial variability in nitrogen (N) availability in the Central Brazilian Amazon, we hypothesized that N availability varies among white-sand vegetation types (campina and campinarana) and lowland tropical forests (dense terra-firme forests) in the Central Brazilian Amazon, under the same climate conditions. Accordingly, we measured soil and foliar N concentration and N isotope ratios (delta(15)N) throughout the campina-campinarana transect and compared to published dense terra-firme forest results. There were no differences between white-sand vegetation types in regard to soil N concentration, C:N ratio and delta(15)N across the transect. Both white-sand vegetation types showed very low foliar N concentrations and elevated foliar C:N ratios, and no significant difference between site types was observed. Foliar delta(15)N was depleted, varying from -9.6 to 1.6aEuro degrees in the white-sand vegetations. The legume Aldina heterophylla had the highest average delta(15)N values (-1.5aEuro degrees) as well as the highest foliar N concentration (2.1%) while the non-legume species had more depleted delta(15)N values and the average foliar N concentrations varied from 0.9 to 1.5% among them. Despite the high variation in foliar delta(15)N among plants, a significant and gradual (15)N-enrichment in foliar isotopic signatures throughout the campina-campinarana transect was observed. Individual plants growing in the campinarana were significantly enriched in (15)N compared to those in campina. In the white-sand N-limited ecosystems, the differentiation of N use seems to be a major cause of variations observed in foliar delta(15)N values throughout the campina-campinarana transect.
Currently there is a trend for the expansion of the area cropped with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), driven by an increase in the world demand for biofuels, due to economical, environmental, and geopolitical issues. Although sugarcane is traditionally harvested by burning dried leaves and tops, the unburned, mechanized harvest has been progressively adopted. The use of process based models is useful in understanding the effects of plant litter in soil C dynamics. The objective of this work was to use the CENTURY model in evaluating the effect of sugarcane residue management in the temporal dynamics of soil C. The approach taken in this work was to parameterize the CENTURY model for the sugarcane crop, to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil C, validating the model through field experiment data, and finally to make predictions in the long term regarding soil C. The main focus of this work was the comparison of soil C stocks between the burned and unburned litter management systems, but the effect of mineral fertilizer and organic residue applications were also evaluated. The simulations were performed with data from experiments with different durations, from 1 to 60 yr, in Goiana and Timbauba, Pernambuco, and Pradopolis, Sao Paulo, all in Brazil; and Mount Edgecombe, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. It was possible to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil C (R(2) = 0.89). The predictions made with the model revealed that there is, in the long term, a trend for higher soil C stocks with the unburned management. This increase is conditioned by factors such as climate, soil texture, time of adoption of the unburned system, and N fertilizer management.
P>During the lifetime of an angiosperm plant various important processes such as floral transition, specification of floral organ identity and floral determinacy, are controlled by members of the MADS domain transcription factor family. To investigate the possible non-cell-autonomous function of MADS domain proteins, we expressed GFP-tagged clones of AGAMOUS (AG), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI) and SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) under the control of the MERISTEMLAYER1 promoter in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Morphological analyses revealed that epidermal overexpression was sufficient for homeotic changes in floral organs, but that it did not result in early flowering or terminal flower phenotypes that are associated with constitutive overexpression of these proteins. Localisations of the tagged proteins in these plants were analysed with confocal laser scanning microscopy in leaf tissue, inflorescence meristems and floral meristems. We demonstrated that only AG is able to move via secondary plasmodesmata from the epidermal cell layer to the subepidermal cell layer in the floral meristem and to a lesser extent in the inflorescence meristem. To study the homeotic effects in more detail, the capacity of trafficking AG to complement the ag mutant phenotype was compared with the capacity of the non-inwards-moving AP3 protein to complement the ap3 mutant phenotype. While epidermal expression of AG gave full complementation, AP3 appeared not to be able to drive all homeotic functions from the epidermis, perhaps reflecting the difference in mobility of these proteins.
A novel flow-based strategy for implementing simultaneous determinations of different chemical species reacting with the same reagent(s) at different rates is proposed and applied to the spectrophotometric catalytic determination of iron and vanadium in Fe-V alloys. The method relies on the influence of Fe(II) and V(IV) on the rate of the iodide oxidation by Cr(VI) under acidic conditions, the Jones reducing agent is then needed Three different plugs of the sample are sequentially inserted into an acidic KI reagent carrier stream, and a confluent Cr(VI) solution is added downstream Overlap between the inserted plugs leads to a complex sample zone with several regions of maximal and minimal absorbance values. Measurements performed on these regions reveal the different degrees of reaction development and tend to be more precise Data are treated by multivariate calibration involving the PLS algorithm The proposed system is very simple and rugged Two latent variables carried out ca 95% of the analytical information and the results are in agreement with ICP-OES. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved.
It has been shown that cover crops can enhance soil nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions, but the magnitude of increase depends on the quantity and quality of the crop residues. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of long-term (19 and 21 years) no-till maize crop rotations including grass [black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb)] and legume cover crops [vetch (Vigna sativa L), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) and lablab (Dolichos lablab)] on annual soil N(2)O emissions in a subtropical Acrisol in Southern Brazil. Greater soil N(2)O emissions were observed in the first 45 days after the cover crop residue management in all crop rotations, varying from -20.2 +/- 1.9 to 163.9 +/- 24.3 mu g N m(-2) h(-1). Legume-based crop rotations had the largest cumulative emissions in this period, which were directly related to the quantity of N (r(2) = 0.60, p = 0.13)and inversely related to the lignin:N ratio(r(2) = 0.89,p = 0.01) of the cover crop residues. After this period, the mean fluxes were smaller and were closely related to the total soil N stocks (r(2) = 0.96, p = 0.002). The annual soil N(2)O emission represented 0.39-0.75% of the total N added by the legume cover crops. Management-control led soil variables such as mineral N (NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+)) and dissolved organic C influenced more the N(2)O fluxes than environmental-related variables as water-filled pore space and air and soil temperature. Consequently, the synchronization between N mineralization and N uptake by plants seems to be the main challenge to reduce N(2)O emissions while maintaining the environmental and agronomic services provided by legume cover crops in agricultural systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The emerging patterns of breastfeeding, sleep and wake circadian rhythms in an infant and the breastfeeding emergence pattern of his elder sister are presented. Both children were raised under regular contact with photic and non-photic Zeitgebers. Data are related to the first four months of life of the infants, which correspond to the exclusive and ad libitum breastfeeding stage of their lives. Discrimination is made of fasting-associated-wakefulness (FAW) which is a wake state without feeding. Our data show that while FAW episodes are concentrated in the diurnal phase of the day since the first week of life, breastfeeding rhythm takes longer to show statistically significant circadian periodicity (four weeks) and to become monophasic, concentrated in the diurnal phase of the day (three/four months). This precedence of the consolidation of FAW rhythm indicates tight association between nocturnal sleep fragmentation and the drive to feed, in the first months of life of infants.
The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is internationally recognised as one of the most biodiverse and threatened tropical forests in the world [Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Kent, J., 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403, 853-858]. The Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest is among the most fragmented and threatened biomes of the Atlantic Rainforest Domain. The largest remnant of this biome (35,000 ha) is protected by the Morro do Diabo State Park (MDSP), situated in the area known as the Pontal do Paranapanema, in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Despite its environmental importance, the park is under political, economic and demographic pressure. The main aim of our research was to estimate the population`s willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of MDSP and for the Atlantic Rainforest`s remnants in Sao Paulo State as a whole, by means of the contingent valuation method (CVM). The results featured a high incidence of null WTP and of protest votes. Nevertheless, the population is willing to pay US$ 2,113,548.00/year (R$ 7,080,385.00/year) for the conservation of the MDSP (use and existence values), or US$ 60.39 ha/year (R$ 202.30/ha/year). The results indicate that the preservation value is strongly associated to the population`s ability to pay, increasing with income levels. Qualitative research questions showed that the population considers protected areas to be very important. Still, the valuation of MDSP revealed a gap between the government budget allotted to the park and the value assigned to the area by the public. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Of the various genetic homologues to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), the Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) dog, which presents a variable but usually severe and progressive muscle weakness, has the closest relevance to DMD in both clinical severity and histopathological change. Among 77 GRMD dogs born in our colony in Brazil, we have identified a very mildly affected dog, Ringo, born July 2003. Among his descendants, at least one male, Suflair, is also showing a mild course. In an attempt to better characterize these two dogs, we studied the pattern of muscle proteins expression in Ringo and Suflair, as compared to severely affected and normal control dogs. Dystrophin was absent in both and utrophin was overexpressed in a pattern similar to the observed in severely affected dogs. Understanding the mechanism that is protecting Ringo and Suflair from the deleterious effect of the dystrophin gene mutation is of utmost interest, In addition it points out that the clinical impact of therapeutic trials should be interpreted with caution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol (polyalcohol) with many interesting properties for pharmaceutical and food products. It is currently produced by a chemical process, which has some disadvantages such as high energy requirement. Therefore microbiological production of xylitol has been studied as an alternative, but its viability is dependent on optimisation of the fermentation variables. Among these, aeration is fundamental, because xylitol is produced only under adequate oxygen availability. In most experiments with xylitol-producing yeasts, low oxygen transfer volumetric coefficient (K(L)a) values are used to maintain microaerobic conditions. However, in the present study the use of relatively high K(L)a values resulted in high xylitol production. The effect of aeration was also evaluated via the profiles of xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol clehydrogenase (XD) activities during the experiments. RESULTS: The highest XR specific activity (1.45 +/- 0.21 U mg(protein)(-1)) was achieved during the experiment with the lowest K(L)a value (12 h(-1)), while the highest XD specific activity (0.19 +/- 0.03 U mg(protein)(-1)) was observed with a K(L)a value of 25 h(-1). Xylitol production was enhanced when K(L)a was increased from 12 to 50 h(-1), which resulted in the best condition observed, corresponding to a xylitol volumetric productivity of 1.50 +/- 0.08 g(xylitol) L(-1) h(-1) and an efficiency of 71 +/- 6.0%. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the enzyme activities during xylitol bioproduction depend greatly on the initial KLa value (oxygen availability). This finding supplies important information for further studies in molecular biology and genetic engineering aimed at improving xylitol bioproduction. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
Lentinula edodes, commonly called shiitake, is considered a choice edible mushroom with exotic taste and medicinal quality. L. edodes grows very well and produces a range of enzymes when cultivated on eucalyptus residues. Development of appropriate experimental procedures for recovery and determination of enzymes became a widely important cash crop. In this work, enzymes produced by L. edodes were extracted using different pH buffer and determined regarding peroxidases and proteases. Lignin peroxidase (LiP) was not detected in the extracts based on veratryl alcohol or azure B oxidation. Proteases were very low while Mn-peroxidases (MnP) predominated. The optimal pH for MnP recovery was 5.0, under agitation at 25 degrees C. The oxidation of phenol red decreased after dark-colored small compounds or ions were eliminated by dialysis. The extract of L. edodes contained components of high molecular weight, such as proteases or high polyphenol, that could be involved in the LiP inactivation. L. edodes sample previously submitted to dialysis was also joined to UP of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and a total inhibition of UP was observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.