132 resultados para Observational recording
A role for the occipital or retrosplenial cortex in nociceptive processing has not been demonstrated yet, but connections from these cortices to brain structures involved in descending pain-inhibitory mechanisms were already demonstrated. This study demonstrated that the electrical stimulation of the occipital or retrosplenial cortex produces antinociception in the rat tail-flick and formalin tests. Bilateral lesions of the dorsolateral funiculus abolished the effect of cortical stimulation in the tail-flick test. Injection of glutamate into the same targets was also antinociceptive in the tail-flick test. No rats stimulated in the occipital or retrosplenial cortex showed any change in motor performance on the Rota-rod test, or had epileptiform changes in the EEG recording during or up to 3 hours after stimulation. The antinociception induced by occipital cortex stimulation persisted after neural block of the retrosplenial cortex. The effect of retrosplenial cortex stimulation also persisted after neural block of the occipital cortex. We conclude that stimulation of the occipital or retrosplenial cortex in rats leads to antinociception activating distinct descending pain-inhibitory mechanisms, and this is unlikely to result from a reduced motor performance or a postictal phenomenon. Perspective: This study presents evidence that stimulation of the retrosplenial or occipital cortex produces antinociception in rat models of acute pain. These findings enhance our understanding of the role of the cerebral cortex in control of pain. (C) 2010 by the American Pain Society
In this article, dispersed flow of viscous oil and water is investigated. The experimental work was performed in a 26.2-mm-i.d. 12-m-long horizontal glass pipe using water and oil (viscosity of 100 mPa s and density of 860 kg/m(3)) as test fluids. High-speed video recording and a new wire-mesh sensor based on capacitance (permittivity) measurements were used to characterize the flow. Furthermore, holdup data were obtained using quick-closing-valves technique (QCV). An interesting finding was the oil-water slip ratio greater than one for dispersed flow at high Reynolds number. Chordal phase fraction distribution diagrams and images of the holdup distribution over the pipe cross-section obtained via wire-mesh sensor indicated a significant amount of water near to the pipe wall for the three different dispersed flow patterns identified in this study: oil-in-water homogeneous dispersion (o/w H), oil-in-water non-homogeneous dispersion (o/w NH) and Dual continuous (Do/w & Dw/o). The phase slip might be explained by the existence of a water film surrounding the homogeneous mixture of oil-in-water in a hidrofilic-oilfobic pipe. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, processing methods of Fourier optics implemented in a digital holographic microscopy system are presented. The proposed methodology is based on the possibility of the digital holography in carrying out the whole reconstruction of the recorded wave front and consequently, the determination of the phase and intensity distribution in any arbitrary plane located between the object and the recording plane. In this way, in digital holographic microscopy the field produced by the objective lens can be reconstructed along its propagation, allowing the reconstruction of the back focal plane of the lens, so that the complex amplitudes of the Fraunhofer diffraction, or equivalently the Fourier transform, of the light distribution across the object can be known. The manipulation of Fourier transform plane makes possible the design of digital methods of optical processing and image analysis. The proposed method has a great practical utility and represents a powerful tool in image analysis and data processing. The theoretical aspects of the method are presented, and its validity has been demonstrated using computer generated holograms and images simulations of microscopic objects. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel setup for imaging and interferometry through reflection holography with Bi12TiPO20(BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. A variation of the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was developed resulting in a compact, robust and simple interferometer. A red He-Ne laser was used as light source and the holographic recording occurred by diffusion with the grating vector parallel to the crystal [0 0 1]-axis. In order to enhance the holographic image quality and reduce noise a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input and the crystal was tilted around the [0 0 1]-axis. This enabled the orthogonally polarized transmission and diffracted beams to be separated by the PBS, providing the holographic image only. The possibility of performing deformation and strain analysis as well as vibration measurement of small objects was demonstrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The crosstalk phenomenon consists in recording the volume-conducted electromyographic activity of muscles other than that under study. This interference may impair the correct interpretation of the results in a variety of experiments. A new protocol is presented here for crosstalk assessment between two muscles based on changes in their electrical activity following a reflex discharge in one of the muscles in response to nerve stimulation. A reflex compound muscle action potential (H-reflex) was used to induce a silent period in the muscle that causes the crosstalk, called here the remote muscle. The rationale is that if the activity recorded in the target muscle is influenced by a distant source (the remote muscle) a silent period observed in the electromyogram (EMG) of the remote muscle would coincide with a decrease in the EMG activity of the target muscle. The new crosstalk index is evaluated based on the root mean square (RMS) values of the EMGs obtained in two distinct periods (background EMG and silent period) of both the remote and the target muscles. In the present work the application focused on the estimation of the degree of crosstalk from the soleus muscle to the tibialis anterior muscle during quiet stance. However, the technique may be extended to other pairs of muscles provided a silent period may be evoked in one of them. (C) 2009 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thioridazine (THD) is a commonly prescribed phenotiazine neuroleptic drug, which is extensively biotransformed in the organism producing as main metabolites sulfoxides and a sulfone by sulfur oxidation Significant differences have been observed in the activity of the THD enantiomers as well as for its main metabolites, and enantioselectivity phenomena have been proved in the metabolic pathway. Here the assignment of the absolute configuration at the sulfur atom of enantiomeric THD-2-sulfoxide (THD-2-SO) has been carried out by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy The stereoisomers were separated by HPLC on Chiralpak AS column, recording the CD spectra for the two collected enantiomeric fractions The theoretical electronic CD spectrum has been obtained by the TDDFT/B3LYP/6-31G*. as Boltzmann averaging of the contributions calculated for the most stable conformations of the drug The comparison of the simulated and experimental spectra allowed the absolute configuration at the sulfur atom of the four THD-2-SO stereoisomers to be assigned The developed method should be useful for a reliable correlation between stereochemistry and activity and/or toxicity
Chemical compounds on the cuticle are a rich source of information used during interactions among social insects. Despite the multitude of studies on these substances and their function in ants, wasps, and honeybees, little is known about this subject in stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini). We studied the chemical composition of the cuticle of the stingless bee, Frieseomelitta varia, by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), to investigate potential chemical variation among castes, gender, age, and reproductive status. We found differences in the cuticular hydrocarbon composition among workers, males, and queens, recording both qualitative and quantitative differences among individuals of different ages and gender. The cuticle of physogastric queens presented a chemical profile that was distinct from all other groups in the analysis, with high relative abundances of alkenes and alkadienes with 27, 29, and 31 carbon atoms. We discuss the possibility that these compounds signal a queen`s presence to the colony, thereby initiating all vital worker-queen interactions.
Scototaxis, the preference for dark environments in detriment of bright ones, is an index of anxiety in zebrafish. In this work, we analyzed avoidance of the white compartment by analysis of the spatiotemporal pattern of exploratory behavior (time spent in the white compartment of the apparatus and shuttle frequency between compartments) and swimming ethogram (thigmotaxis, freezing and burst swimming in the white compartment) in four experiments. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that spatiotemporal measures of white avoidance and locomotion do not habituate during a single 15-min session. In Experiments 2 and 3, we demonstrate that locomotor activity habituates to repeated exposures to the apparatus, regardless of whether inter-trial interval is 15-min or 24-h; however, no habituation of white avoidance was observed in either experiment. In Experiment 4, we confined animals for three 15-min sessions in the white compartment prior to recording spatiotemporal and ethogram measures in a standard preference test. After these forced exposures, white avoidance and locomotor activity showed no differences in relation to non-confined animals, but burst swimming, thigmotaxis and freezing in the white compartment were all decreased. These results suggest that neither avoidance of the white compartment nor approach to the black compartment account for the behavior of zebrafish in the scototaxis test. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To evaluate the presence of a dominance rank in a group of cats and the relation between agonistic behavior and the use of resources, including environmental enrichment, in these cats. Design-Observational analytic study. Animals-27 neutered cats in a shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Procedures-The cats were video recorded for 4 consecutive days to obtain baseline data. Subsequently, a puzzle feeder was added as an enrichment device every other day over 8 days, for a total of 4 days with enrichment. Cats were also video recorded on these days. All pretreatment and posttreatment agonistic behaviors and interactions with the puzzle feeder were recorded by reviewing the videotapes. Results-143 agonistic encounters were recorded, of which 44 were related to resources and 99 were not. There were insufficient agonistic interactions to determine a dominance rank. Presence or absence of the puzzle feeder did not affect the rate of aggression. There was no significant effect of weight, sex, or coat color on the rate of aggression, and aggressive behavior did not correlate with time spent with the puzzle feeder. Twenty-three of the 27 cats interacted with the puzzle feeder. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In a stable group of communally housed cats, environmental enrichment did not cause increased aggression as a result of competition for the source of enrichment. Because environmental enrichment increases the opportunity to perform exploratory behaviors, it may improve the welfare of groups of cats maintained long-term in shelters, sanctuaries, or multicat households. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:796-802)
Methods. Data from the Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy for the Kidney (BEST Kidney) study, a prospective observational study from 54 ICUs in 23 countries of critically ill patients with severe AKI, were analysed. The RIFLE class was determined by using observed (o) pre-morbid and estimated (e) baseline SCr values. Agreement was evaluated by correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots. Sensitivity analysis by chronic kidney disease (CKD) status was performed. Results. Seventy-six percent of patients (n = 1327) had a pre-morbid baseline SCr, and 1314 had complete data for evaluation. Forty-six percent had CKD. The median (IQR) values were 97 mu mol/L (79-150) for oSCr and 88 mu mol/L (71-97) for eSCr. The oSCr and eSCr determined at ICU admission and at study enrolment showed only a modest correlation (r = 0.49, r = 0.39). At ICU admission and study enrolment, eSCr misclassified 18.8% and 11.7% of patients as having AKI compared with oSCr. Exclusion of CKD patients improved the correlation between oSCr and eSCr at ICU admission and study enrolment (r = 0.90, r = 0.84) resulting in 6.6% and 4.0% being misclassified, respectively. Conclusions. While limited, estimating baseline SCr by the MDRD equation when pre-morbid SCr is unavailable would appear to perform reasonably well for determining the RIFLE categories only if and when pre-morbid GFR was near normal. However, in patients with suspected CKD, the use of MDRD to estimate baseline SCr overestimates the incidence of AKI and should not likely be used. Improved methods to estimate baseline SCr are needed.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between timing of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in severe acute kidney injury and clinical outcomes. Methods: This was a prospective multicenter observational study conducted at 54 intensive care units (ICUs) in 23 countries enrolling 1238 patients. Results: Timing of RRT was stratified into ""early"" and ""late"" by median urea and creatinine at the time RRT was started. Timing was also categorized temporally from ICU admission into early (<2 days), delayed (2-5 days), and late (>5 days). Renal replacement therapy timing by serum urea showed no significant difference in crude (63.4% for urea <= 24.2 mmol/L vs 61.4% for urea >24.2 mmol/L; odds ratio [OR], 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-1.15; P = .48) or covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.91-1.70; P = .16). When stratified by creatinine, late RRT was associated with lower crude (53.4% for creatinine >309 mu mol/L vs 71.4% for creatinine <= 309 mu mol/L; OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.36-0.58; P < .0001) and covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.37-0.69; P < .001).However, for timing relative to ICU admission, late RRT was associated with greater crude (72.8% vs 62.3% vs 59%, P < .001) and covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.30-2.92; P = .001). Overall, late RRT was associated with a longer duration of RRT and stay in hospital and greater dialysis dependence. Conclusion: Timing of RRT, a potentially modifiable factor, might exert an important influence on patient survival. However, this largely depended on its definition. Late RRT (days from admission) was associated with a longer duration of RRT, longer hospital stay, and higher dialysis dependence. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Vascular calcification is common and constitutes a prognostic marker of mortality in the hemodialysis population. Derangements of mineral metabolism may influence its development. The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate the association between bone remodeling disorders and progression of coronary artery calcification (CAC) in hemodialysis patients. Study Design: Cohort study nested within a randomized controlled trial. Setting & Participants: 64 stable hemodialysis patients. Predictor: Bone-related laboratory parameters and bone histomorphometric characteristics at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up. Outcomes: Progression of CAC assessed by means of coronary multislice tomography at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up. Baseline calcification score of 30 Agatston units or greater was defined as calcification. Change in calcification score of 15% or greater was defined as progression. Results: Of 64 patients, 26 (40%) had CAC at baseline and 38 (60%) did not. Participants without CAC at baseline were younger (P < 0.001), mainly men (P = 0.03) and nonwhite (P = 0.003), and had lower serum osteoprotegerin levels (P = 0.003) and higher trabecular bone volume (P = 0.001). Age (P 0.003; beta coefficient = 1.107; 95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.036 to 1.183) and trabecular bone volume (P = 0.006; beta coefficient = 0.828; 95% Cl, 0.723 to 0.948) were predictors for CAC development. Of 38 participants who had calcification at baseline, 26 (68%) had CAC progression in 1 year. Progressors had lower bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (P = 0.03) and deoxypyridinoline levels (P = 0.02) on follow-up, and low turnover was mainly diagnosed at the 12-month bone biopsy (P = 0.04). Low-turnover bone status at the 12-month bone biopsy was the only independent predictor for CAC progression (P = 0.04; beta coefficient = 4.5; 95% Cl, 1.04 to 19.39). According to bone histological examination, nonprogressors with initially high turnover (n = 5) subsequently had decreased bone formation rate (P = 0.03), and those initially with low turnover (n = 7) subsequently had increased bone formation rate (P = 0.003) and osteoid volume (P = 0.001). Limitations: Relatively small population, absence of patients with severe hyperparathyroidism, short observational period. Conclusions: Lower trabecular bone volume was associated with CAC development, whereas improvement in bone turnover was associated with lower CAC progression in patients with high- and low-turnover bone disorders. Because CAC is implicated in cardiovascular mortality, bone derangements may constitute a modifiable mortality risk factor in hemodialysis patients.
Objectives: Lung hyperinflation may be assessed by computed tomography (CT). As shown for patients with emphysema, however, CT image reconstruction affects quantification of hyperinflation. We studied the impact of reconstruction parameters on hyperinflation measurements in mechanically ventilated (MV) patients. Design: Observational analysis. Setting: A University hospital-affiliated research Unit. Patients: The patients were MV patients with injured (n = 5) or normal lungs (n = 6), and spontaneously breathing patients (n = 5). Interventions: None. Measurements and results: Eight image series involving 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm slices and standard and sharp filters were reconstructed from identical CT raw data. Hyperinflated (V-hyper), normally (V-normal), poorly (V-poor), and nonaerated (V-non) volumes were calculated by densitometry as percentage of total lung volume (V-total). V-hyper obtained with the sharp filter systematically exceeded that with the standard filter showing a median (interquartile range) increment of 138 (62-272) ml corresponding to approximately 4% of V-total. In contrast, sharp filtering minimally affected the other subvolumes (V-normal, V-poor, V-non, and V-total). Decreasing slice thickness also increased V-hyper significantly. When changing from 10 to 3 mm thickness, V-hyper increased by a median value of 107 (49-252) ml in parallel with a small and inconsistent increment in V-non of 12 (7-16) ml. Conclusions: Reconstruction parameters significantly affect quantitative CT assessment of V-hyper in MV patients. Our observations suggest that sharp filters are inappropriate for this purpose. Thin slices combined with standard filters and more appropriate thresholds (e.g., -950 HU in normal lungs) might improve the detection of V-hyper. Different studies on V-hyper can only be compared if identical reconstruction parameters were used.
A history of childhood trauma and the presence of dissociative phenomena are considered to be the most important risk factors for psychogenic nonepileptic seizure disorder (PNESD). This case-control study investigated 20 patients with PNESD and 20 with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) diagnosed by video/EEG monitoring who were matched for gender and age. Patients with both conditions were not included in the study. Groups were evaluated for age at onset and at diagnosis, worst lifetime weekly seizure frequency, trauma history, and presence of dissociative phenomena. Age at onset (P = 0.007) and age at diagnosis (P < 0.001) were significantly higher in the PNESD group than the control group, as were the scores on the Dissociative Experiences Scale (P < 0.001) and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (P = 0.014). Only the differences in scores on the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire subscales Emotional Neglect (P = 0.013) and Emotional Abuse (P = 0.014) reached statistical significance. Dissociative phenomena and a reported history of childhood trauma are more common in patients with PNESD than in those with TLE. However, only emotional neglect and abuse were associated with PNESD in this study. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Quantitative computed tomography (qCT)-based assessment of total lung weight (M(lung)) has the potential to differentiate atelectasis from consolidation and could thus provide valuable information for managing trauma patients fulfilling commonly used criteria for acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that qCT would identify atelectasis as a frequent mimic of early posttraumatic ALI. Methods: In this prospective observational study, M(lung) was calculated by qCT in 78 mechanically ventilated trauma patients fulfilling the ALI criteria at admission. A reference interval for M(lung) was derived from 74 trauma patients with morphologically and functionally normal lungs (reference). Results are given as medians with interquartile ranges. Results: The ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen was 560 (506 to 616) mmHg in reference patients and 169 (95 to 240) mmHg in ALI patients. The median reference M(lung) value was 885 (771 to 973) g, and the reference interval for M(lung) was 584 to 1164 g, which matched that of previous reports. Despite the significantly greater median M(lung) value (1088 (862 to 1,342) g) in the ALI group, 46 (59%) ALI patients had M(lung) values within the reference interval and thus most likely had atelectasis. In only 17 patients (22%), Mlung was increased to the range previously reported for ALI patients and compatible with lung consolidation. Statistically significant differences between atelectasis and consolidation patients were found for age, Lung Injury Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, total lung volume, mass of the nonaerated lung compartment, ventilator-free days and intensive care unit-free days. Conclusions: Atelectasis is a frequent cause of early posttraumatic lung dysfunction. Differentiation between atelectasis and consolidation from other causes of lung damage by using qCT may help to identify patients who could benefit from management strategies such as damage control surgery and lung-protective mechanical ventilation that focus on the prevention of pulmonary complications.