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Personality disorders are associated with criminality and antisocial and borderline personalities as strong predictors of violence. Nevertheless antisocial patients show more instrumental violence, while borderline patients more emotional violence. We surveilled medical records of a personality disorder facility, searching data of aggression and crimes against property among 11 patients with antisocial personality disorder and 19 borderline personality disorder. We found that there are differences regarding engagement in violence and lawbreaking according to the personality disorder: antisocial patients statistically engage more in crimes against property than the borderline patients, and more in this kind of crime than in aggression, whilst borderline patients show a tendency to engage more in episodes of aggression and physical violence than antisocial patients, and less in crimes against property. We conclude that the distinct personality leads to a distinct pattern of crimes and violence: antisocial patients are c old and get more involved in crimes requiring more detailed planning, whilst borderline patients are impulsive and engage in explosive episodes of physical violence. Further studies on the association among personality disorder, behavior pattern and violence type may be useful for both treatment and criminal profiling. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Context.-Studies analyzing the concordance of biopsy and radical prostatectomy (RP) Gleason scores have limitations. Some included 2 or more centers, used historical controls from the early prostate specific antigen era or lacked a clear definition of the biopsy schemes. Furthermore, most did not control the results for prostate volume. Objective.-To confirm whether prediction of RP Gleason score can be optimized by taking more biopsy cores in a contemporary series of patients, with pathologic samples analyzed by the same pathologist, and controlling these results for prostate volume. Design.-The study comprised a retrospective case-control analysis of 393 patients with prostate cancer treated with RP. Patients were divided into 3 groups: those in group 1 underwent a 6-core biopsy; group 2, an 8-core biopsy; and group 3, a 10 or more-core biopsy. Concordance rates between biopsy and RP Gleason scores, as well as the rates of undergrading and overgrading, were determined for each biopsy scheme. Results.-Concordance rates were 60.9%, 58.3%, and 64.6% for patients from groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P = .18). When we analyzed patients with prostate volumes of less than 50 cm(3), concordance rates were 58.3%, 58.3%, and 65.1% for each group, respectively (P = .03). Among patients with prostate volumes of 50 cm3 or more, concordance rates were 70%, 58.1%, and 63.6%, respectively (P = .66). Conclusions.-Taking 10 or more cores can improve the prediction of RP Gleason score in patients with prostate volumes of less than 50 cm3. For patients with prostate volumes of 50 cm3 or more, increasing the biopsy cores to 10 or more did not improve prediction of RP Gleason score.
We present a comparative study of the physico-chemical properties, in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo antibody production of surface-complexed DNA in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes and DOTAP/DOPE (50/50% molar) lipoplexes. The study aims to correlate the biological behavior and structural properties of the lipid carriers. We used DNA-hsp65, whose naked action as a gene vaccine against tuberculosis has already been demonstrated. Additionally, surface-complexed DNA-hsp65 in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes was effective as a single-dose tuberculosis vaccine. The results obtained showed that the EPC inclusion stabilized the DOTAP/DOPE structure, producing higher melting temperature and lower zeta potential despite a close mean hydrodynamic diameter. Resemblances in morphologies were identified in both structures, although a higher fraction of loaded DNA was not electrostatically bound in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE. EPC also induced a striking reduction in cytotoxicity, similar to naked DNA-hsp65. The proper immune response lead to a polarized antibody production of the IgG2a isotype, even for the cytotoxic DOTAP/DOPE. However, the antibody production was detected at 15 and 30 days for DOTAP/DOPE and EPC/DOTAP/DOPE, respectively. Therefore, the in vivo antibody production neither correlates with the in vitro cytotoxicity, nor with the structural stability alone. The synergistic effect of the structural stability and DNA electrostatic binding upon the surface of structures account for the immunological effects. By adjusting the composition to generate proper packing and cationic lipid/DNA interaction, we allow for the optimization of liposome formulations for required immunization or gene therapy. In a specific manner, our results contribute to studies on the tuberculosis therapy and vaccination. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND Hypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and obesity are becoming a health problem in many developed and developing countries, as Brazil. Although hypertension and obesity are both closely associated, there is no universal anthropometric marker of this association. This is probably due to distinct population characteristics, and in the case of Brazil, the highly heterogeneous population. We evaluated which anthropometric measurement closely relates to high blood pressure in a sample of Brazilian factory workers. METHODS A cross-sectional study was designed. In this study, multiple logistic regression and receiver operating characteristics analysis were performed in order to obtain the precise relevance of each anthropometric measurement as a blood pressure marker. Nine hundred and thirteen men, 36 +/- 8 years-old, were submitted to a standardized questionnaire of demographic and risk factors knowledge, anthropometric and conventional blood pressure measurements were taken, and blood sample evaluations of glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, and triglycerides were performed. RESULTS Overweightness or obesity was identified in 64, 11.1% were smokers and hypertension was detected in 29.2% of the participants. A linear correlation was significant (P < 0.001) between both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and all anthropometric measurements, except for the systolic blood pressure and waist-to-hip ratio. Waist circumference (WC) was the only independent anthropometric measurement related to hypertension. Hypertensive patients presented all anthropometric measurements larger than normotensives. CONCLUSIONS Age and WC were the only independent predictors of hypertension, indicating that this simple measurement may be useful as a marker of hypertension in the Brazilian male, younger adult population. Am J Hypertens 2009; 22:980-984 (C) 2009 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.
Autoimmune hepatitis is an inflammatory chronic disease of the liver, which frequently results in cirrhosis. The present study aimed to verify the relationship between plasma cells and stellate cells in autoimmune hepatitis. Thirty-three pre-treatment, 11 post-treatment, and 10 normal liver biopsies were reviewed. Sirius Red staining (for semi-quantitative analysis of hepatic fibrosis) and immunohistochemistry were carried out: double staining for smooth muscle alpha-actin and plasma cell marker (for detection and localization of activated hepatic stellate cells and plasma cells, respectively); and single staining for glial fibrillary acid protein (for detection of hepatic stellate cells). We found an increase in the stellate cell population, mainly with an activated phenotype in autoimmune hepatitis, compared to the control group (liver specimens with no histological evidence of liver disease, obtained from patients undergoing hepatic resection for benign liver mass). A positive significant correlation was observed between stellate cells and scores of fibrosis (measured by Sirius Red) and the number of plasma cells. Additionally, there was a co-localization of plasma cells and activated stellate cells. We also observed a reduction in the number of plasma cells, hepatic stellate cells, and fibrosis in patients who had successfully been treated and had a second liver biopsy post-treatment. Our findings support that the number of plasma cells can be a surrogate marker for the severity of liver disease, reflecting the number of hepatic stellate cells and the amount of fibrosis. It remains to be seen if this is a result of a direct interaction between the plasma cells and hepatic stellate cells or the response to the same stimulus that affects both cellular types. (c) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The total meat yield in a beef cattle production cycle is economically very important and depends on the number of calves born per year or birth season, being directly related to reproductive potential. Accumulated Productivity (ACP) is an index that expresses a cow`s capacity to give birth regularly at a young age and to wean animals of greater body weight. Using data from cattle participating in the ""Program for Genetic Improvement of the Nelore Breed"" (PMGRN - Nelore Brasil), bi-trait analyses were performed using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood method based on an ACP animal model and the following traits: age at first calving (AFC), female body weight adjusted for 365 (BW365) and 450 (BW450) days of age, and male scrotal circumference adjusted for 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450), 550 (SC550) and 730 (SC730) days of age. Median estimated ACP heritability was 0.19 and the genetic correlations with AFC, BW365, BW450, SC365, SC450, SC550 and SC730 were 0.33, 0.70, 0.65, 0.08, 0.07, 0.12 and 0.16, respectively. ACP increased and AFC decreased over time, revealing that the selection criteria genetically improved these traits. Selection based on ACP appears to favor the heaviest females at 365 and 450 days of age who showed better reproductive performance as regards AFC. Scrotal circumference was not genetically associated with ACP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In recent years, alcohol consumption has been considered an important public health problem. Ethanol, the alcohol used in beverages, is a drug that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and impairs driving skills and co-ordination, increasing risk of deaths and injuries derived from crashes and road accidents. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is implicated with premature deaths, injuries and damages caused by motor vehicle crashes, which result in high costs to government and society. Considering that alcohol consumption is the main responsible factor for deaths and disabilities in young people, the aim of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of blood alcohol in offenders and/or fatal and non-fatal victims of traffic occurrences in the region of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, from 2005 to 2007. The results revealed that in 2134 cases investigated, blood alcohol positivity was generally found in young adults, 25-45 years old and male. The study showed the high risk of drinking and driving and the importance in establishing actions of prevention and intervention to promote the reduction in the number of traffic occurrences related to consumption of alcoholic beverages. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To estimate physical violence between intimate partners and to examine the association between violence and sociodemographic variables, use of alcohol, and other related factors. Method. This epidemiologic survey included a stratified probabilistic sample representative of the population from the city of Sao Paulo in economic and educational terms. The Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS) questionnaire was employed. The sampling unit was the home, where all individuals older than 18 years were candidates for interview. The final sample included 1 631 people. Statistical analysis employed the Rao Scott test and logistic regression. Results. The response rate was 74.5%. Most participants were female (58.8%), younger than 40 years of age (52%), or had 5 to 12 years of schooling. Of the overall group, 5.4% reported having been victims of physical violence by an intimate partner and 5.4% declared having been aggressors of intimate partners in the past 2 years. Most men declared that none of those involved had ingested alcohol at the moment of aggression. Most women reported that nobody or only the man had drunk. Being a victim or an aggressor was associated with younger age and having a heavy-drinking partner. Women suffered more serious aggression, requiring medical care, and expressed more anger and disgust at aggression than men. Conclusions. The results underscore the importance of the association between alcohol use and risk of aggression between intimate partners, and may contribute to the design of public policies aimed to control this situation.
Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary gland, practically free of colostrum and obtained by the complete milking of oil(? or more healthy animals. Mastitis is all inflammatory process of the mammary gland and it may cause alterations in the milk. The present work aimed to verify whether it is possible, by means of the counts of microorganism in the bulk raw milk ill four selective culture media, to establish a correlation with the occurrence of mastitis and therefore, to monitor this disease in bovine dairy herds. The following selective culture media were Used: KF Streptococcus Agar, Edwards Agar, Baird-Parker Agar, Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite. Spearman`s correlation coefficient was calculated in order to compare the Occurrence of mastitis (percentage) in each herd with respective selective culture media counts of microorganisms in bulk raw milk. Thirty-six possibilities were analysed (Tamis and CMT-positive rates were compared with the log-transformed count in four selective Culture media) and there was a negative correlation between Tamis 3 and the Baird-Parker Agar plate count. The total results of microbiological tests showed that there were three correlations of the counts in selective culture media. Fifty-two possibilities were analysed and there was a negative correlation between no-bacteria I-growth mastitis rates and log(10) of KF Streptoccocus Agar plate Count and there were two positive correlations between coagulase-positive staphylococci and log(10) of Baird-Parker Agar plate count and Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite plate count.
Animals inheriting the slick hair gene have a short, sleek, and sometimes glossy coat. The objective of the present study was to determine whether slick-haired Holstein cows regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type Holstein cows when exposed to an acute increase in heat stress. Lactating slick cows (n = 10) and wild-type cows (n = 10) were placed for 10 h in an indoor environment with a solid roof, fans, and evaporative cooling or in an outdoor environment with shade cloth and no fans or evaporative cooling. Cows were exposed to both environments in a single reversal design. Vaginal temperature, respiration rate, surface temperature, and sweating rate were measured at 1200, 1500, 1800, and 2100 h (replicate 1) or 1200 and 1500 h (replicate 2), and blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol concentration. Cows in the outdoor environment had higher vaginal and surface temperatures, respiration rates, and sweating rates than cows in the indoor environment. In both environments, slick-haired cows had lower vaginal temperatures (indoor: 39.0 vs. 39.4 degrees C; outdoor 39.6 vs. 40.2 degrees C; SEM = 0.07) and respiration rate (indoor: 67 vs. 79 breaths/min; outdoor 97 vs. 107 breaths/min; SEM = 5.5) than wild-type cows and greater sweating rates in unclipped areas of skin (indoor: 57 vs. 43 g.h(-1)/m(2); outdoor 82 vs. 61 g.h(-1)/m(2); SEM = 8). Clipping the hair at the site of sweating measurement eliminated the difference between slick-haired and wild-type cows. Results indicate that slick-haired Holstein cows can regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type cows during heat stress. One reason slick-haired animals are better able to regulate body temperature is increased sweating rate.
The comparison of chamomile and corticosteroids for treating ulcers was done in vitro and in vivo. The experimental groups were: control; chamomile recutita; triamcinolone acetonide and clobetasol propionate. For the in vitro study the cell viability of fibroblasts cultured for 24 h in media conditioned by the substances was obtained by the MITT reduction analysis. For the in vivo study, 125 male rats were submitted to experimental ulcers treated or not (control) by the substances tested. At 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days later 5 animals of each group were sacrificed. The lesions were analyzed by means of clinical observation and histological wound-healing grading. Data were compared by ANOVA (p <= 0.05). All experimental groups presented positive cell viability in 24 h. The cultures treated with chamomile presented the smallest cell viability. All animals of the chamomile group exhibited complete wound healing 9 days before the other groups. Complete repaired lesions were observed after 5 days of treatment only in the chamomile group. Animals treated with chamomile presented significantly faster wound healing in comparison to those treated with corticosteroids. Based on the conditions of this study, we concluded that chamomile in comparison to corticosteroids promotes faster wound healing process. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives: The aim was to verify the concordance of CT evaluation among four radiologists (two oral and maxillofacial and two medical radiologists) at the TN (tumour/node) stage and in the follow-up of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer patients. The study also compared differences between clinical and CT examinations in determining the TN stage. Methods: The following clinical and tomographic findings of 15 non-treated oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer patients were compared: tumour size, bone invasion and lymph node metastases. In another 15 patients, who had previously been treated, a clinical and tomographic analysis comparison for the presence of tumoural recurrence, post-therapeutic changes in muscles and lymph node metastases was performed. The concordances of tomographic evaluation between the radiologists were analysed using the kappa index. Results: Significant agreement was verified between all radiologists for the T stage, but not for the N stage. In the group of treated patients, CT disclosed post-therapeutic changes in muscles, tumour recurrence and lymph node metastases, but no concordance for the detection of lymph node metastases was found between radiologists. In the first group, for all radiologists, no concordance was demonstrated between clinical and tomographic staging. CT was effective for delimitating advanced lesions and for detecting lymph node involvement in N0 stage patients. CT revealed two cases of bone invasion not clinically detected. Conclusions: Interprofessional relationships must be stimulated to improve diagnoses, and to promote a multidisciplinary approach to oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. Although CT was important in the diagnosis and follow-up of cancer patients, differences between medical and dental analyses should be acknowledged. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2010) 39, 140-148. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/69910245
Aims: The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in subgingival plaque, saliva and peripheral blood of HIV-positive and-negative patients with periodontal disease. Materials and Methods: Fifty HIV-positive subjects (23 with gingivitis, 27 with periodontitis) and 50 healthy HIV-negative patients with chronic periodontitis were included in the study. Parameters of probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival index and plaque index were recorded. The samples were processed for viral identification by the nested polymerase chain reaction technique. Results: HCMV was the most prevalent virus in HIV-positive (82%) and-negative patients (84%), and the detection in the three samples was similar (p > 0.05). HSV-1 was the least prevalent virus in both groups, being detected in similar frequencies in oral sites and in peripheral blood. EBV-1 was found more frequently in saliva and subgingival plaque of HIV-positive patients than in HIV-negative patients (p <= 0.05). Conclusions: EBV-1 was more frequently recovered in oral sites of HIV-positive patients than in HIV-negative patients.
c-Jun, one of the components of the transcription factor activating protein-1 (AP-1), is suggested as a factor in malignant progression of oral lesions. c-Jun and other AP-1 components relationships with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection have been investigated, but not yet focusing on oral carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to verify whether c-Jun immunohistochemical expression is related to HPV DNA detection in oral premalignant and malignant lesions. Fifty cases diagnosed as oral leukoplakias, with different degrees of epithelial dysplasia, and as oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) were submitted to immunohistochemistry to detect c-Jun and to in situ hybridization with signal amplification to assess HPV DNA. It was verified that c-Jun nuclear expression increased according to the degree of dysplasia within the lesion, with the greatest expression in OSCC. The same did not happen concerning HPV infection - a discrete proportional relation was observed in indexes found in leukoplakia with no dysplasia, leukoplakia with dysplasia and OSCC, but statistically insignificant. When separating the group of leukoplakia by degrees of dysplasia, this relation of proportion was not observed. Nevertheless, the overall prevalence of HPV infection was 24% and the high-risk HPV types were the most frequently identified, which does not allow excluding HPV as a risk factor in oral carcinogenesis. When relating c-Jun expression and HPV infection, no statistically significant relationship is observed. Results suggest then that malignant progression mediated by c-Jun is independent of the presence of HPV in oral carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of bond strength tests to accurately measure the bond strength of fiber posts luted into root canals Materials and Methods The test methods studied were hourglass microtensile (HM), push-out (PS), modified push out (MP) and pull out (PL) The evaluated parameters were bond strength values, reliability (using Weibull analysis), failure mode (using confocal microscopy), and stress distribution (using finite element analysis) Forty human intact single rooted and endodontically treated teeth were divided into four groups Each group was assigned one of the test methods The samples in the HM and PS groups were 1 0 +/- 0 1 mm thick, the HM samples were hourglass shaped and the PS samples were disk shaped For the PL and MP groups, each 1 mm dentin slice was luted with a fiber post piece Three dimensional models of each group were made and stress was analyzed based on Von Mises criteria Results PL provided the highest values of bond strength followed by MP both of which also had greater amounts of adhesive failures PS showed the highest frequency of cohesive failures MP showed a more homogeneous stress distribution and a higher Weibull modulus Conclusion The specimen design directly influences the biomechanical behavior of bond strength tests