103 resultados para Mycobacterium tuberculosis
P>Thirty-five lymph node samples were taken from animals with macroscopic lesions consistent with Mycobacterium bovis infection. The animals were identified by postmortem examination in an abattoir in the northwestern region of state of Parana, Brazil. Twenty-two of the animals had previously been found to be tuberculin skin test positive. Tissue samples were decontaminated by Petroff`s method and processed for acid-fast bacilli staining, culture in Stonebrink and Lowenstein-Jensen media and DNA extraction. Lymph node DNA samples were amplified by PCR in the absence and presence (inhibitor controls) of DNA extracted from M. bovis culture. Mycobacterium bovis was identified in 14 (42.4%) lymph node samples by both PCR and by culture. The frequency of PCR-positive results (54.5%) was similar to that of culture-positive results (51.5%, P > 0.05). The percentage of PCR-positive lymph nodes increased from 39.4% (13/33) to 54.5% (18/33) when samples that were initially PCR-negative were reanalysed using 2.5 mu l DNA (two samples) and 1 : 2 diluted DNA (three samples). PCR sensitivity was affected by inhibitors and by the amount of DNA in the clinical samples. Our results indicate that direct detection of M. bovis in lymph nodes by PCR may be a fast and useful tool for bovine tuberculosis epidemic management in the region.
Transgenic plants are able to express molecules with antigenic properties. In recent years, this has led the pharmaceutical industry to use plants as alternative systems for the production of recombinant proteins. Plant-produced recominant proteins can have important applications in therapeutics, such as in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this study, the mycobacterial HSP65 protein expressed in tobacco plants was found to be effective as a treatment for adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA). We cloned the hsp65 gene from Mycobacterium leprae into plasmid pCAMBIA 2301 under the control of the double 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Agrobacterium tumefaciens bearing the pChsp65 plasmid was used to transform tobacco plants. Incorporation of the hsp65 gene was confirmed by PCR, reverse transcription-PCR, histochemistry, and western blot analyses in several transgenic lines of tobacco plants. Oral treatment of AIA rats with the HSP65 protein allowed them to recover body weight and joint inflammation was reduced. Our results suggest a synergistic effect between the HSP65 expressed protein and metabolites presents in tobacco plants.
Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are currently one of the most promising targets for the development of immunotherapy against tumours and autoimmune disorders. This protein family has the capacity to activate or modulate the function of different immune system cells. They induce the activation of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and contribute to cross-priming, an important mechanism of presentation of exogenous antigen in the context of MHC class I molecules, These various immunological properties of HSP have encouraged their use in several clinical trials. Nevertheless, an important issue regarding these proteins is whether the high homology among HSPs across different species may trigger the breakdown of immune tolerance and induce autoimmune diseases. We have developed a DNA vaccine codifying the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 (DNAhsp65), which showed to be highly immunogenic and protective against experimental tuberculosis. Here, we address the question of whether DNAhsp65 immunization could induce pathological autoimmunity in mice. Our results show that DNAhsp65 vaccination induced antibodies that can recognize the human Hsp60 but did not induce harmful effects in 16 different organs analysed by histopathology up to 210 days after vaccination. We also showed that anti-DNA antibodies were not elicited after DNA vaccination. The results are important for the development of both HSP and DNA-based immunomodulatory agents.
After one clinical case that evidenced the outbreak, a complete screening by intradermal tuberculin test was performed in one goat herd in Brazil. The herd was composed by 500 animals and 83 of them (16.6%) showed to be reactive to the comparative double cervical intradermal test. Four months after the test, all the 83 reactive animals were slaughtered and blood samples were collected from 45 of them, for serological assays. From those 45, 32 were randomly chosen for necropsy and histopathological and bacteriological procedures were conducted. Histopathology evidenced at least one characteristic lesion of tuberculosis in each animal, with typical granulommas where acid-fast bacilli (AFB) could be observed. Bacteriology was positive for Mycobacterium bovis in 22 samples (68.7%), therefore confirming the etiology of the outbreak. Sera of 45 animals plus 20 other from a certified free tuberculosis farm were tested in an ELISA using the recombinant M.bovis protein MPB70 as capture antigens. From those, 43 were reactive to the test, with high ODs results, considering a cut-off point established by ROC curve analyzing results (cut-off = 0.8; mean = 0.55; range: 0.157-1.357). These results suggest that MPB70-ELISA can be considered as a reliable tool to diagnose tuberculosis in goat herds, since this assay was capable to correctly detect 95.6% of the animals here examined.
We have identified a globally important clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis by deletion analysis of over one thousand strains from over 30 countries. We initially show that over 99% of the strains of M. bovis, the cause of bovine tuberculosis, isolated from cattle in the Republic of Ireland and the UK are closely related and are members of a single clonal complex marked by the deletion of chromosomal region RDEu1 and we named this clonal complex European 1 (Eu1). Eu1 strains were present at less than 14% of French, Portuguese and Spanish isolates of M. bovis but are rare in other mainland European countries and Iran. However, strains of the Eu1 clonal complex were found at high frequency in former trading partners of the UK (USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Canada). The Americas, with the exception of Brazil, are dominated by the Eu1 clonal complex which was at high frequency in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico as well as North America. Eu1 was rare or absent in the African countries surveyed except South Africa. A small sample of strains from Taiwan were non-Eu1 but, surprisingly, isolates from Korea and Kazakhstan were members of the Eu1 clonal complex. The simplest explanation for much of the current distribution of the Eu1 clonal complex is that it was spread in infected cattle, such as Herefords, from the UK to former trading partners, although there is evidence of secondary dispersion since. This is the first identification of a globally dispersed clonal complex M. bovis and indicates that much of the current global distribution of this important veterinary pathogen has resulted from relatively recent International trade in cattle. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P>Apoptosis of macrophages infected with pathogenic mycobacteria is an alternative host defence capable of removing the environment supporting bacterial growth. In this work the influence of virulence and bacterial load on apoptosis of alveolar macrophages during the initial phase of infection by Mycobacterium bovis was investigated. BALB/c mice were infected intratracheally with high or low doses of the virulent (ATCC19274) or attenuated (bacillus Calmette-Guerin Moreau) strains of M. bovis. The frequency of macrophage apoptosis, the growth of mycobacteria in macrophages, and the in situ levels of the cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-12 and of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 were measured at day 3 and day 7 post-infection. An increase of macrophage apoptosis was observed after infection with both strains but the virulent strain induced less apoptosis than the attenuated strain. On the 3rd day after infection with the virulent strain macrophage apoptosis was reduced in the high-dose group, while on the 7th day post-infection macrophage apoptosis was reduced in the low-dose group. Inhibition of apoptosis was correlated with increased production of IL-10, reduced production of TNF-alpha and increased production of Bcl-2. In addition, the production of IL-12 was reduced at points where the lowest levels of macrophage apoptosis were observed. Our results indicate that virulent mycobacteria are able to modulate macrophage apoptosis to an extent dependent on the intracellular bacterial burden, which benefits its intracellular growth and dissemination to adjacent cells.
Autolytic Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 fragments may act as biological markers for autoimmune diseases
Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is a little-noticed trend involving human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients suspected of having tuberculosis: the triple-treatment regimen recommended in Brazil for years has been potentially ineffective in over 30% of the cases. This proportion may be attributable to drug resistance (to at least 1 drug) and/or to infection with non-tuberculous mycobacteria. This evidence was not disclosed in official statistics, but arose from a systematic review of a few regional studies in which the diagnosis was reliably confirmed by mycobacterial culture. This paper clarifies that there has long been ample evidence for the potential benefits of a four-drug regimen for co-infected patients in Brazil and it reinforces the need for determining the species and drug susceptibility in all positive cultures from HIV-positive patients.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a frequência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais positivos para a tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado, coletados de suas 23 microrregiões, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2009. Durante esse período, foram examinadas 10.963 propriedades e 54.472 bovinos foram submetidos ao teste de tuberculinização. Para o diagnóstico foi utilizada, como prova de triagem, a tuberculinização cervical simples para gado de leite e a tuberculinização na prega caudal para gado de corte; como prova confirmatória foi utilizada a tuberculinização cervical comparativa. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das propriedades investigadas, 62 (0,57%) apresentaram pelo menos um animal positivo e dos animais analisados, 136 (0,25%) foram positivos. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) na proporção de fêmeas (0,32%) e machos (0,04%) positivos. A despeito da baixa freqüência de focos de brucelose e de animais soropositivos, é necessária a condução de medidas que incluem a conscientização dos produtores, fiscalização nas barreiras sanitárias e levantamentos periódicos da situação epidemiológica desta doença, principalmente nas microrregiões com maior frequência da infecção, com o objetivo de evitar, ou pelo menos minimizar, a disseminação do agente.
The present study is a report on the presence of Mycobacterium avium in four birds of the psittaciform order kept as pets. Anatomopathological diagnosis showed lesions suggestive of the agent and presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli (AARB) shown by the Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The identification of Mycobacterium avium was performed by means of PRA (PCR Restriction Analysis). DNA was directly extracted from tissue of the lesions and blocked in paraffin. The role of this agent in pet bird infection is discussed, as well as its zoonotic potential.
Background: The greatest challenges in vaccine development include optimization of DNA vaccines for use in humans, creation of effective single-dose vaccines, development of delivery systems that do not involve live viruses, and the identification of effective new adjuvants. Herein, we describe a novel, simple technique for efficiently vaccinating mice against tuberculosis (TB). Our technique consists of a single-dose, genetic vaccine formulation of DNA-hsp65 complexed with cationic liposomes and administered intranasally. Results: We developed a novel and non-toxic formulation of cationic liposomes, in which the DNA-hsp65 vaccine was entrapped (ENTR-hsp65) or complexed (COMP-hsp65), and used to immunize mice by intramuscular or intranasal routes. Although both liposome formulations induced a typical Th1 pattern of immune response, the intramuscular route of delivery did not reduce the number of bacilli. However, a single intranasal immunization with COMP-hsp65, carrying as few as 25 mu g of plasmid DNA, leads to a remarkable reduction of the amount of bacilli in lungs. These effects were accompanied by increasing levels of IFN-gamma and lung parenchyma preservation, results similar to those found in mice vaccinated intramuscularly four times with naked DNA-hsp65 (total of 400 mu g). Conclusion: Our objective was to overcome the significant obstacles currently facing DNA vaccine development. Our results in the mouse TB model showed that a single intranasal dose of COMP-hsp65 elicited a cellular immune response that was as strong as that induced by four intramuscular doses of naked-DNA. This formulation allowed a 16-fold reduction in the amount of DNA administered. Moreover, we demonstrated that this vaccine is safe, biocompatible, stable, and easily manufactured at a low cost. We believe that this strategy can be applied to human vaccines to TB in a single dose or in prime-boost protocols, leading to a tremendous impact on the control of this infectious disease.
Background Tuberculosis clusters in families may be due to increased household exposure, shared genetic factors, or both. Household contact studies are useful to control exposure because socioeconomic and environmental conditions are similar to all subjects, allowing the evaluation of the contribution of relatedness to disease development. Methods In this study, the familial aggregation of tuberculosis using relatedness and a specific inherited marker (HLA-DRB1) was evaluated. Fifty families, which had at least two cases of tuberculosis diagnosed within the past 5 years, were selected from a cohort of tuberculosis carried out in Recife, Brazil. The first case diagnosed was considered to be a primary case. The secondary attack rate of tuberculosis in household contacts was estimated according to the degree of relatedness. The relative risk of having tuberculosis based on the degree of relatedness household and the population attributable fraction to relatedness were also estimated. HLA-DRB1 typing and attributable etiologic/preventive fractions were calculated among sick and healthy household contacts. Results Compared to unrelated contacts, the relative risk for tuberculosis adjusted for age was 1.38 (95% CI 0.86 to 2.21). Relatedness contributed 23% to the development of tuberculosis at the population levels. The HLA-DRB1*04 allele group (OR = 2.44; p =0.0324; etiologic fraction =0.15) was overrepresented and the DRB1*15 allele group (OR=0.48; p=0.0488; protective fraction=0.19) was underrepresented among household contacts exhibiting tuberculosis. The presence of DRB1 shared alleles between primary cases and their contacts was a risk factor for tuberculosis (p=0.0281). Conclusion This household contact model together with the utilisation of two genetic variables permitted the evaluation of genetic factors contributing towards tuberculosis development.
Background: Detailed analysis of the dynamic interactions among biological, environmental, social, and economic factors that favour the spread of certain diseases is extremely useful for designing effective control strategies. Diseases like tuberculosis that kills somebody every 15 seconds in the world, require methods that take into account the disease dynamics to design truly efficient control and surveillance strategies. The usual and well established statistical approaches provide insights into the cause-effect relationships that favour disease transmission but they only estimate risk areas, spatial or temporal trends. Here we introduce a novel approach that allows figuring out the dynamical behaviour of the disease spreading. This information can subsequently be used to validate mathematical models of the dissemination process from which the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for this spreading could be inferred. Methodology/Principal Findings: The method presented here is based on the analysis of the spread of tuberculosis in a Brazilian endemic city during five consecutive years. The detailed analysis of the spatio-temporal correlation of the yearly geo-referenced data, using different characteristic times of the disease evolution, allowed us to trace the temporal path of the aetiological agent, to locate the sources of infection, and to characterize the dynamics of disease spreading. Consequently, the method also allowed for the identification of socio-economic factors that influence the process. Conclusions/Significance: The information obtained can contribute to more effective budget allocation, drug distribution and recruitment of human skilled resources, as well as guiding the design of vaccination programs. We propose that this novel strategy can also be applied to the evaluation of other diseases as well as other social processes.
The 60kDa heat shock protein family, Hsp60, constitutes an abundant and highly conserved class of molecules that are highly expressed in chronic-inflammatory and autoimmune processes. Experimental autoimmune uveitis [EAU] is a T cell mediated intraocular inflammatory disease that resembles human uveitis. Mycobacterial and homologous Hsp60 peptides induces uveitis in rats, however their participation in aggravating the disease is poorly known. We here evaluate the effects of the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 in the development/progression of EAU and the autoimmune response against the eye through the induction of the endogenous disequilibrium by enhancing the entropy of the immunobiological system with the addition of homologous Hsp. B10. RIII mice were immunized subcutaneously with interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein [IRBP], followed by intraperitoneally inoculation of M. leprae recombinant Hsp65 [rHsp65]. We evaluated the proliferative response, cytokine production and the percentage of CD4(+)IL-17(+), CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cells ex vivo, by flow cytometry. Disease severity was determined by eye histological examination and serum levels of anti-IRBP and anti-Hsp60/65 measured by ELISA. EAU scores increased in the Hsp65 group and were associated with an expansion of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)IL-17(+) T cells, corroborating with higher levels of IFN-gamma. Our data indicate that rHsp65 is one of the managers with a significant impact over the immune response during autoimmunity, skewing it to a pathogenic state, promoting both Th1 and Th17 commitment. It seems comprehensible that the specificity and primary function of Hsp60 molecules can be considered as a potential pathogenic factor acting as a whistleblower announcing chronic-inflammatory diseases progression.
SETTING: Thirty-six priority cities in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, with a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB) cases, deaths and treatment default. OBJECTIVE: To identify the perspectives of city TB control coordinators regarding the most important components of adherence strategies adopted by health care teams to ensure patient adherence in 36 priority cities in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. DESIGN: Qualitative research with semi-structured interviews conducted with the coordinators of the National TB Control Programme involved in the management of TB treatment services in the public sector. RESULTS: The main issues thought to influence adherence to directly observed treatment (DOT) by coordinators include incentives and benefits delivered to patients, patient-health care worker bonding and comprehensive care, the encouragement given by others to follow treatment (family, neighbours and health professionals), and help provided by health professionals for patients to recover their self-esteem. CONCLUSION: The main aspects mentioned by city TB control coordinators regarding patient adherence to treatment and to DOT in Sao Paulo are improvements in communications, relationships based on trust, a humane approach and including the patients in the decision-making process concerning their health.