84 resultados para Mini-horse
Background: Dementia screening in elderly people with low education can be difficult to implement. For these subjects, informant reports using the long (L) (26 items) and short (C) (16 items) versions of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) can be useful. The objective of the present study was to investigate the performance of Brazilian versions of the IQCODE L, S and a new short version (SBr) (15 items) in comparison with the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) for dementia screening in elderly people with low education. Methods: Thirty-four patients with mild to moderate dementia, diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria, and 57 controls were evaluated and divided into three groups based on their socioeconomic status and level of education. Patients were evaluated using the MMSE and the informants were interviewed using the IQCODE by interviewers blind to the clinical diagnosis. Results: Education was correlated with MMSE results (r = 0.280, p = 0.031), but not with the versions of the IQCODE. The performance of the instruments, evaluated by the ROC curves, was very similar, with good internal consistency (Cronbach`s alpha = 0.97). MMSE correctly classified 85.7% of the subjects while the three IQCODE versions (L, S and SBr) correctly classified 91.2% of the subjects. Conclusions: The long, short and the new short Brazilian IQCODE versions can be useful as a screening tool for mild and moderate patients with dementia in Brazil. The IQCODE is not biased by schooling, and it seems to be an adequate instrument for samples with low levels of education.
Education significantly impacts cognitive performance of older adults even in the absence of dementia. Some cognitive tests seem less vulnerable to the influence of education and thus may be more suitable for cognitive assessment of older adults with heterogeneous backgrounds. The objective of this study was to investigate which tests in a cognitive battery were less influenced by educational levels in a sample of cognitively unimpaired older Brazilians. In addition, we evaluated the impact of very high educational levels on cognitive performance. The cognitive battery consisted of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Cambridge Cognitive Test (CAMCOG), Clock Drawing Test, Short Cognitive Performance Test (SKT), Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT), Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (FOME), Verbal Fluency Test (VF) fruit category, Trail Making Test A and B, WAIS-R Vocabulary, and Block Design. Education did not exert a significant influence on the RBMT, FOME, and VF (p < .05). Subjects with very high educational levels had similar performance on the latter tests when compared with those with intermediate and low levels of education. In conclusion, the RBMT, FOME, and VF fruit category seem to be appropriate tools for the assessment of cognitive function in elderly Brazilians with varying degrees of educational attainment.
Background The CAMCOG is a brief neuropsychological battery designed to assess global cognitive function and ascertain the impairments that are required for the diagnosis of dementia. To date, the cut-off scores for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have not been determined. Given the need for an earlier diagnosis of mild dementia, new cut-off values are also necessary, taking into account cultural and educational effects. Methods One hundred and fifty-seven older adults (mean age: 69.6 +/- 7.4 years) with 8 or more years of formal education (mean years of schooling 14.2 +/- 3.8) attending a memory clinic at the Institute of Psychiatry University of Sao Paulo were included. Subjects were divided into three groups according to their cognitive status, established through clinical and neuropsychological assessment: normal controls, n = 62; MCI, n = 65; and mild or moderate dementia, n = 30. ROC curve analyses were performed for dementia vs controls, MCI vs controls and MCI vs dementia. Results The cut-off values were: 92/93 for dementia is controls (AUC = 0.99: sensitivity: 100%, specificity: 95%); 95/96 for MCI vs controls (AUC = 0.83, sensitivity: 64%, specificity: 88%), and 85/86 for MCI vs dementia (AUC = 0.91, sensitivity: 81%, specificity: 88%). The total CAMCOG score was more accurate than its subtests Mini-mental State Examination, Verbal Fluency Test and Clock Drawing Test when used separately. Conclusions The CAMCOG discriminated controls and MCI from demented patients, but was less accurate to discriminate MCI from controls. The best cut-off value to differentiate controls and demented was higher than suggested in the original publication, probably because only cases of mild to moderate dementia were included. This is important given the need for a diagnostic at earlier stages of Alzheimer`s disease. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Twenty-nine HCV-infected patients were treated with pegylated interferon alpha. Diagnosis was based on serum HCV RNA-PCR positive results and liver biopsy. All patients had elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase at the time of the study, but liver disease was compensated. Patients were evaluated at baseline treatment and after 4 and 12 weeks of antiviral treatment with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to exclude previous or current psychiatric diagnoses. Both patients and psychiatrists were blind to the HCV RNA status, and serum HCV RNA test results only became available after the visit at week 12. After antiviral treatment, 16 patients (55.2%) were classified as nonresponders and 13 (44.8%) were classified as responders. When compared to nonresponders, responders had a greater improvement in the HRQOL scores for the mental health domain (P<.019). Differences in other domains were not significant. The present study confirms that active viral infection is one possible reason for the poor Health-Related Quality of Life in this population.
Aims: To present the prevalence of cognitive and functional impairment (CFI) in community-dwelling elderly subjects from the city of Sao Paulo. Methods: The population was aged 60 years and older (n = 1,563; 68.7% women and 31.3% men) and lived in different socioeconomic areas. The following instruments were administered to the elderly: the Mini Mental State Examination and the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation. The Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly and the Bayer-Activities of Daily Living scale were administered to an informant. Results: The prevalence of CFI (n = 250) was 16% (95% confidence interval, CI: 14.2-17.8%) or 15.8% (95% CI: 13.8-17.8%). In regression models, the increase in the odds ratio (OR) of CFI was associated with age, for elderly individuals aged 75 years or older, illiterates or with 1-4 years of schooling, and with a history of stroke and diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, for subjects with a tumor history, the OR of CFI was significantly reduced. Conclusion: CFI was high and increased at older ages and in subjects with low education. Potentially changeable factors were identified (stroke and diabetes), and the possible `protective effect` of tumor/cancer against CFI should be further investigated by longitudinal studies. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Although several stage-specific genes have been identified in Leishmania, the molecular mechanisms governing developmental gene regulation in this organism are still not well understood. We have previously reported an attenuation of virulence in Leishmania major and L braziliensis carrying extra-copies of the spliced leader RNA gene. Here, we surveyed the major differences in proteome and transcript expression profiles between the spliced leader RNA overexpressor and control lines using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and differential display reverse transcription PCR, respectively. Thirty-nine genes related to stress response, cytoskeleton, proteolysis, cell cycle control and proliferation, energy generation, gene transcription, RNA processing and post-transcriptional regulation have abnormal patterns of expression in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line. The evaluation of proteolytic pathways in the mutant revealed a selective increase of cysteine protease activity and an exacerbated ubiquitin-labeled protein population. Polysome profile analysis and measurement of cellular protein aggregates showed that protein translation in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line is increased when compared to the control line. We found that L major promastigotes maintain homeostasis in culture when challenged with a metabolic imbalance generated by spliced leader RNA surplus through modulation of intracellular proteolysis. However, this might interfere with a fine-tuned gene expression control necessary for the amastigote multiplication in the mammalian host. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The prevention and treatment of diseases related to changes in body composition require accurate methods for the measurement of body composition. However, few studies have dealt specifically with the assessment of body composition of undernourished older subjects by different methodologies. To assess the body composition of undernourished older subjects by two different methods, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and bioelectric impedance (BIA), and to compare results with those of an eutrophic group. The study model was cross-sectional; the study was performed at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Brazil. Forty-one male volunteers aged 62 to 91 years. The groups were selected on the basis of anamnesis, physical examination and nutritional assessment according to the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) score. Body composition was assessed by DXA and BIA. Body weight, arm and calf circumference, body mass index (BMI), fat free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) were significantly lower in the undernourished group as compared to the eutrophic group. There were no significant differences between FFM and FM mean values determined by DXA and BIA in both groups, but the agreement between methods in the undernourished group was less strong. Our results suggest caution when BIA is to be applied in studies including undernourished older subjects. This study does not support BIA as an accurate method for the individual assessment of body composition.
Objective. To analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in terms of its internal consistency, scores distribution, concurrent and discriminant validity, and factorial analysis in a sample of university students and social anxiety disorder (SAD) cases and non-cases. Methods. A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (N = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (N = 88) and non-cases (N = 90) of SAD were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. The different instruments were completed individually in the presence of an experienced rater. Results. The BAI showed adequate internal consistency (0.88-0.92) and discriminant validity, with 0.74 sensitivity and 0.71 specificity for a cut-off score of 10. The factorial analysis suggested a three-factor solution to be the most adequate. Conclusions. The version of the BAI studied is quite adequate to be used in the context of Brazilian university students, identifying the presence of anxiety indicators. However, its usefulness to screen for SAD seems limited.
Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety conditions with impairment in social life. Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals. This preliminary study aimed to compare the effects of a simulation public speaking test (SPST) on healthy control (HC) patients and treatment-naive SAD patients who received a single dose of CBD or placebo. A total of 24 never-treated patients with SAD were allocated to receive either CBD (600 mg; n = 12) or placebo (placebo; n = 12) in a double-blind randomized design 1 h and a half before the test. The same number of HC (n = 12) performed the SPST without receiving any medication. Each volunteer participated in only one experimental session in a double-blind procedure. Subjective ratings on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and Negative Self-Statement scale (SSPS-N) and physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance) were measured at six different time points during the SPST. The results were submitted to a repeated-measures analysis of variance. Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed with the VAMS. The SSPS-N scores evidenced significant increases during the testing of placebo group that was almost abolished in the CBD group. No significant differences were observed between CBD and HC in SSPS-N scores or in the cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert factors of VAMS. The increase in anxiety induced by the SPST on subjects with SAD was reduced with the use of CBD, resulting in a similar response as the HC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1219-1226; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.6; published online 9 February 2011
Objective: The aim of the study was to study the psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) in its version for the context of Brazilian adults. Methods: A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (n = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (n = 88) and noncases (n = 90) of social phobia were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The different instruments were applied individually in the presence of a rater. Results: The SPIN showed adequate internal consistency (.63-.90) and concurrent validity with different instruments of auto- and hetero-evaluation of social phobia. Discriminative validity showed 0.84 to 0.86 sensitivity and 0.84 to 0.87 specificity for cutoff notes between 19 and 21. Factorial analysis showed the presence of a variable number of factors as a function of the different samples. Conclusions: The version of the SPIN studied is quite adequate for use in the context of Brazilian university students, favoring the screening of social phobia. However, further studies using more diverse samples are needed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a highly prevalent condition even though its recognition and diagnosis are underestimated by both patients and clinicians. In view of the importance of assessment scales for systematic diagnosis in psychiatry, the objective of this investigation was to present studies of validation for the Brazilian population of three instruments for the assessment of different aspects of SAD. The following psychometric studies were carried out: a) discriminative validity of the Mini Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN-MS), a reduced instrument for the screening of SAD; b) reliability and discriminative validity of the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS), a hetero-applied instrument for the assessment of different aspects of SAD, and c) discriminative validity of the items and subscales of the Self-Statements during Public Speaking Scale (SSPS), an instrument for the assessment of cognitive aspects related to public speaking. All instruments showed excellent psychometric qualities, especially indicators of discrimination between persons with and without SAD, with diagnostic confirmation by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV). It was concluded that this set of instruments, with specificity regarding their objectives, could be of great clinical usefulness, especially for the Brazilian population that, until recently, had no such resources for the measurement and assessment of the different aspects of SAD. New multicenter and intercultural studies may provide further information about cultural influences on SAD.
Background: It has been suggested that individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) are exaggeratedly concerned about approval and disapproval by others. Therefore, we assessed the recognition of facial expressions by individuals with SAD, in an attempt to overcome the limitations of previous studies. Methods: The sample was formed by 231 individuals (78 SAD patients and 153 healthy controls). All individuals were treatment naive, aged 18-30 years and with similar socioeconomic level. Participants judged which emotion (happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise) was presented in the facial expression of stimuli displayed on a computer screen. The stimuli were manipulated in order to depict different emotional intensities, with the initial image being a neutral face (0%) and, as the individual moved on across images, the expressions increased their emotional intensity until reaching the total emotion (100%). The time, accuracy, and intensity necessary to perform judgments were evaluated. Results: The groups did not show statistically significant differences in respect to the number of correct judgments or to the time necessary to respond. However, women with SAD required less emotional intensity to recognize faces displaying fear (p = 0.002), sadness (p = 0.033) and happiness (p = 0.002), with no significant differences for the other emotions or men with SAD. Conclusions: The findings suggest that women with SAD are hypersensitive to threat-related and approval-related social cues. Future studies investigating the neural basis of the impaired processing of facial emotion in SAD using functional neuroimaging would be desirable and opportune. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To perform a psychometric analysis of the Brazilian version of the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS). Materials and methods: Hundred and seventy-eight university students of both genders aged on average 21.2 years and identified as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) cases and non-cases was studied, with the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV being used as a parameter. The different instruments were applied in an individual manner in the presence of a rater and of an observer. Results: The BSPS showed adequate internal consistency (0.48-0.88) and concurrent and divergent validity with the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (0.21-0.62), Social Phobia Inventory (0.24-0.82) and Self Statements During Public Speaking Scale (SSPS) (0.23-0.31). Discriminative validity revealed a sensitivity of 0.88-0.90 and a specificity of 0.81(0.83 for cut-off notes of 18/19. Factorial analysis demonstrated the presence of six factors that jointly explained 71.79% of data variance. Construct validity indicated some limits of the scale regarding the diagnosis of SAD. Inter-rater reliability was strong (0.86-1.00, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The BSPS is adequate for use with university students, although further studies in different cultures, samples and contexts are still necessary. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the most common peripheral vestibular disorder, especially in the elderly and presents as the predominant etiology in this population of the degeneration of the utricular macula. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of the approaches after Epley maneuver. Study Design: longitudinal cohort. Materials and Methods: The study included 53 volunteers with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal, divided into Group 1, who underwent Epley maneuver associated with the use of neck collar and post-maneuver instructions, Group 2 underwent the Epley maneuver without the use cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions, and Group 3 underwent the Epley maneuver associated with the use of a mini vibrator, without the use of neck collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. Results: In the three groups, the number of Epley maneuvers ranged from one to three. We employed the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory - pre- and post-treatment and observed a statistically significant difference on most scores pre- and post-treatment for both groups. Conclusion: Regardless of the post Epley maneuver treatment selected for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, it was effective when comparing the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory pre- and post-treatment.
The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) in mammals varies in structure according to developmental age, body size, gender, lateral asymmetry, the size and nuclear content of neurons and the complexity and synaptic coverage of their dendritic trees. In small and medium-sized mammals, neuron number and size increase from birth to adulthood and, in phylogenetic studies, vary with body size. However, recent studies on larger animals suggest that body weight does not, in general, accurately predict neuron number. We have applied design-based stereological tools at the light-microscopic level to assess the volumetric composition of ganglia and to estimate the numbers and sizes of neurons in SCGs from rats, capybaras and horses. Using transmission electron microscopy, we have obtained design-based estimates of the surface coverage of dendrites by postsynaptic apposition zones and model-based estimates of the numbers and sizes of synaptophysin-labelled axo-dendritic synaptic disks. Linear regression analysis of log-transformed data has been undertaken in order to establish the nature of the relationships between numbers and SCG volume (V(scg)). For SCGs (five per species), the allometric relationship for neuron number (N) is N=35,067xV (scg) (0.781) and that for synapses is N=20,095,000xV (scg) (1.328) , the former being a good predictor and the latter a poor predictor of synapse number. Our findings thus reveal the nature of SCG growth in terms of its main ingredients (neurons, neuropil, blood vessels) and show that larger mammals have SCG neurons exhibiting more complex arborizations and greater numbers of axo-dendritic synapses.