78 resultados para Ileal-pouch anastomosis
Aim Stapled haemorrhoidopexy may damage the anorectal musculature and its sensorimotor function. Most studies have not used a barostat for the measurement of compliance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of stapled haemorrhoidopexy on rectal compliance and sensitivity. Method After Ethical Committee approval, we studied 10 male patients (mean age 33.8 years) with third- or fourth-degree haemorrhoids. Rectal compliance and sensitivity were measured with a 600-ml bag and an electronic barostat. Volunteers were submitted to two consecutive rectal distension protocols, including continuous distension at 2, 4 and 6 months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy. Intraluminal volume and pressure were recorded, including the first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and onset of rectal pain. Another group of 10 male control patients (mean age 24.9 years) with pilonidal sinus and no haemorrhoids was also included in the study. Results Two months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy, rectal compliance decreased (7.1 +/- 0.2 vs 5.3 +/- 0.1, 6.4 +/- 0.1 vs 5.1 +/- 0.1 and 5.6 +/- 0.2 vs 4.7 +/- 0.1 ml/mmHg for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively; P < 0.05). The sensitivity threshold volume did not change for the first sensation but decreased significantly for the desier to defecate and pain (p < 0.05) (116.8 +/- 13.8 vs 148.4 +/- 14.61, 251.1 +/- 8.9 vs 185.8 +/- 8.6 and 293.3 +/- 16.6 vs 221.2 +/- 6.0 ml for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively). Four and 6 months after surgery, rectal compliance and sensitivity returned to levels similar to those in the basal period. Muscle tissue was found in only three of the 10 resected doughnuts. Controls remained without any change in rectal compliance and sensitivity. Conclusion Stapled haemorrhoidopexy transiently decreases rectal compliance and sensitivity threshold in young male patients.
Kanashiro A, Pessini AC, Machado RR, Malvar DC, Aguiar FA, Soares DM, Vale ML, Souza GEP. Characterization and pharmacological evaluation of febrile response on zymosan-induced arthritis in rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 296: R1631-R1640, 2009. First published February 25, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.90527.2008.-The present study investigated the febrile response in zymosan-induced arthritis, as well as the increase in PGE(2) concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), along with the effects of antipyretic drugs on these responses in rats. Zymosan intra-articularly injected at the dose of 0.5 mg did not affect the body core temperature (Tc) compared with saline (control), whereas at doses of 1 and 2 mg, zymosan promoted a flattened increase in Tc and declined thereafter. The dose of 4 mg of zymosan was selected for further experiments because it elicited a marked and long-lasting Tc elevation starting at 3 1/2 h, peaking at 5 1/2 h, and remaining until 10 h. This temperature increase was preceded by a decrease in the tail skin temperature, as well as hyperalgesia and edema in the knee joint. No febrile response was observed in the following days. In addition, zymosan-induced fever was not modified by the sciatic nerve excision. Zymosan increased PGE2 concentration in the CSF but not in the plasma. Oral pretreatment with ibuprofen (5-20 mg/kg), celecoxib (1-10 mg/kg), dipyrone (60-240 mg/kg), and paracetamol (100-200 mg/kg) or subcutaneous injection of dexamethasone (0.25-1.0 mg/kg) dose-dependently reduced or prevented the fever during the zymosan-induced arthritis. Celecoxib (5 mg/kg), paracetamol (150 mg/kg), and dipyrone (120 mg/kg) decreased CSF PGE2 concentration and fever during zymosan-induced arthritis, suggesting the involvement of PGE2 in this response.
Objective: To test the viability of a tracheal autotransplant, with an original technique using a prefabricated flap from a complete tracheal neovascularized segment (CTNVS) of the sternohyoid muscle anastomosed by a microsurgical technique. Study Design: An experimental study using dogs as an animal model. Methods: Ten mongrel dogs weighing 23 to 40 kg were divided into two groups: group I (control), five animals submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS without a microsurgical vascular anastomosis; and group II, five dogs submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS with a microsurgical vascular anastomosis. Results: All group I dogs developed respiratory insufficiency and died because of necrosis and stenosis of the autotransplanted CTNVS, whereas all group II dogs completed a minimum period of 90 days of observation without any clinical changes. Macro- and microscopic analysis revealed intact tracheal structures. Conclusions: The present clinical and morphological findings demonstrate that the CTNVS autotransplant is viable, when a microsurgical vascular anastomosis is used.
Whenever the surgeon uses the stomach as an esophageal substitute, either one of two techniques is generally performed: total gastric transposition or gastric tube esophagoplasty. No existing reports compare the complications associated with these two surgical procedures. The purpose of this study is to review the authors` experience with total gastric transposition and verify whether this technique is superior to gastric tube esophagoplasty in children by comparing the main complications with those reported in the publications of gastric tubes esophagoplasties in the English language literature published in the last 38 years. A total of 35 children underwent total gastric transposition according to the classical technique. Most of these patients (27, or 77.1%) had long gap esophageal atresia. The most frequently observed complications were compared to those reported in nine studies of gastric tube esophagoplasty comprising 184 patients. Mortality and graft failure rates were also compared. Seven patients (20.0%) presented with leaks, all of which closed spontaneously. Six children were reoperated, three experienced gastric outlet obstruction secondary to axial torsion of the stomach placed in the retrosternal space and the other three experienced delayed gastric emptying that required revision of the piloroplasty. There were two deaths (5.7%) and no graft failure. Strictures were observed in five patients (14.2%) and all of these were resolved with endoscopic dilatations. Six patients had diarrhea that spontaneously resolved. In the late follow-up period, all patients were on full feed and thriving well. The comparisons with gastric tube patients demonstrated that the total gastric transposition group presented with significantly less leaks and strictures (P = 0.0001 and 0.001, respectively). The incidence of death and graft failure was not statistically different. In conclusion, gastric transposition is as a simple technical procedure for esophageal replacement in children with satisfactory results, and is superior to gastric tube esophagoplasty.
The aim of the present study was to report the occurrence of serious subnutrition, associated to intestinal bacterial overgrowth, in two patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Two female patients (body mass index, 49 and 50 kg/m(2), respectively) were submitted to Y-en-Roux gastric bypass. The first patient evolved a 52% loss of body weight within 21 months after surgery; the other, a 34% loss of initial body weight within 15 months after surgery, results corresponding, respectively, to 62 and 45 kg weight losses. However, both patients reported asthenia, hair fallout, and edema, and one also reported diarrhea, but none was feverish. Their respective albuminemias were of 24 and 23 g/l. A respiratory hydrogen test suggested bacterial hyperproliferation. Thirty days after ciprofloxacin and tetracyclin treatments, they showed improved albumin levels and nutritional states, both confirmed by results of hydrogen breath tests. Bacterial overgrowth is an important complication that can compromise clinical evolution of patients submitted to intestinal surgery like gastroplasty with Y-Roux anastomosis. In cases of clinical suspicion or a confirmed diagnosis, adequate antibiotics, sometimes requiring to be cyclically repeated, should be administered.
Cardiac mast cells (MC) are apposed to capillaries within the heart and release renin and proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins (Ang). Therefore, we hypothesized that mast cell degranulation could alter the rat coronary vascular responsiveness to the arterial delivered Ang I and Ang II, taking into account carboxypeptidase and chymase-1 activities. Hearts from animals that were either pretreated or not with systemic injection of the secretagogue compound 48/80 were isolated and mounted on a Langendorff apparatus to investigate coronary reactivity. The proteolytic activity of the cardiac perfusate from isolated hearts, pretreated or not with the secretagogue, toward Ang I and tetradecapeptide renin substrate was analyzed by HPLC. Coronary vascular reactivity to peptides was not affected by compound 48/80 pretreatment, despite the extensive amount of cardiac MC degranulation. Cardiac MC activation did not modify the generation of both Ang II and Ang 5-10 from Ang I by cardiac perfusate, activities that could be ascribed to MC carboxypeptidase and chymase-1, respectively. An aliskiren-resistant Ang I-forming activity was increased in perfusates from secretagogue-treated hearts. Thus, cardiac MC proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins do not affect rat coronary reactivity to arterial delivered Ang I and II. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate duodenocecostomy in horses performed through a ventral midline laparotomy and report its influence oil body weight, glucose absorption, serum components, and characteristics of jejunum, cecum, and large colon histology. Four horses were submitted to the duodenocecostomy technique through a ventral midline laparotomy with animals in dorsal recumbency under inhalation anesthesia, followed by abdominal exploration. A side-to-side anastomosis was performed between the duodenojejunal flexure and the base of the cecum with two simple continuous suture lines of the serosal and muscular layers. The size of the opening created was approximately 2 cm in diameter. The mucosa layer was not Sutured. After 30 days, animals were submitted to a second laparotomy to check the patency of the duodenocaecal fistula. During both laparotomy procedures, excisional biopsies of different segments of the gastrointestinal tract were performed. Information on physical examination findings, results of hematologic and histopathologic evaluations, and oral glucose absorption test were recorded. The horses did not have significant weight loss from baseline, and absorption curve of glucose did not significantly vary from baseline. Only triglycerides had significant alterations. Histologic evaluation of jejunum, cecum, and large colon did not show alterations of intestinal structure and morphology. We concluded that the proposed technique, principally in relation to the fistula size and not suturing the mucosa layer, allowed partial or total Occlusion of the fistulae without the necessity of a second surgery and avoided the permanent bypass of ingesta and weight loss.
Objective-To assess viability of innervation in bowel segments appearing macroscopically viable from dogs with intussusception. Animals-7 dogs without gastrointestinal dysfunction that had been euthanized for reasons unrelated to the study (control dogs) and 13 dogs with intussusception that underwent enterectomy and intestinal anastomosis (affected dogs). Procedures-A total of 31 samples of intestinal tissue were obtained from the control dogs; 28 samples were obtained from affected dogs during surgery. Samples were histologically and immunohistochemically prepared and subjectively scored for degree of vacuolization and staining, respectively. Other data collected included mean muscle cell density of circular and longitudinal muscular layers, ratio between areas of muscular layers, mean number of myenteric plexuses, mean ganglion cell density of myenteric plexuses, and degree of degeneration in neuronal plexuses as estimated through synaptophysin and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) immunoreactivity. Results-Mean muscle cell density of longitudinal muscular layers, ratio between areas of muscular layers, and synaptophysin immunoreactivity did not differ significantly between affected and control dogs; values of all other variables did. Correlations were evident between mean ganglion cell density in myenteric plexuses and mean muscle cell density in circular muscular layers, degree of neuronal degeneration in myenteric plexuses and NSE immunoreactivity, and degree of neuronal degeneration in myenteric plexuses and mean ganglion cell density of myenteric plexuses. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Innervation may be impaired in bowel segments that appear macroscopically viable. Therefore, careful evaluation of preserved surgical margins during enterectomy and enteroanastomosis and monitoring of digestive function after surgery are important. (Am J Vet Res 2010;71:636-642)
In rabbit ligated ileal loops, two atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) strains, 3991-1 and 0421-1, intimately associated with the cell membrane, forming the characteristic EPEC attachment and effacement lesion of the brush border, induced a mucous hypersecretion, whereas typical EPEC (tEPEC) strain E2348/69 did not. Using cultured human mucin-secreting intestinal HT29-MTX cells, we demonstrate that apically aEPEC infection is followed by increased production of secreted MUC2 and MUC5AC mucins and membrane-bound MUC3 and MUC4 mucins. The transcription of the MUC5AC and MUC4 genes was transiently upregulated after aEPEC infection. We provide evidence that the apically adhering aEPEC cells exploit the mucins` increased production since they grew in the presence of membrane-bound mucins, whereas tEPEC did not. The data described herein report a putative new virulence phenomenon in aEPEC.
Escherichia coli strains of serotype O51:H40 were studied with regard to the presence of several virulence properties and their genetic diversity and enteropathogenicity in rabbit ileal loops. This serotype encompasses potential enteropathogenic strains mostly classified as being atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) strains, which are genetically closer to enterohemorrhagic E. coli than to typical EPEC strains.
The high ingestion of oleic (OLA) and linoleic (LNA) acids by Western populations, the presence of inflammatory diseases in these populations, and the importance of neutrophils in the inflammatory process led us to investigate the effects of oral ingestion of unesterified OLA and LNA on rat neutrophil function. Pure OLA and LNA were administered by gavage over 10 days. The doses used (0.11, 0.22 and 0.44 g/kg of body weight) were based on the Western consumption of OLA and LNA. Neither fatty acid affected food, calorie or water intake. The fatty acids were not toxic to neutrophils as evaluated by cytometry using propidium iodide (membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation). Neutrophil migration in response to intraperitoneal injection of glycogen and in the air pouch assay, was elevated after administration of either OLA or LNA. This effect was associated with enhancement of rolling and increased release of the chemokine CINC-2 alpha beta. Both fatty acids elevated l-selectin expression, whereas no effect on beta(2)-integrin expression was observed, as evaluated by flow cytometry. LNA increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and CINC-2 alpha beta) by neutrophils after 4 h in culture and both fatty acids decreased the release of the same cytokines after 18 h. In conclusion, OLA and LNA modulate several functions of neutrophils and can influence the inflammatory process.
SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation. Increased concentrations of these fatty acids are observed in inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal disease, and at sites of anaerobic infection. In the present study, the effect of the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate on neutrophil chemotaxis and migration was investigated. Experiments were carried out in rats and in vitro. The following parameters were measured: rolling, adherence, expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils (L-selectin and beta 2 integrin), transmigration, air pouch influx of neutrophils and production of cytokines [CINC-2 alpha beta (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta), IL-1 beta (interleukin-1 beta), MIP-1 alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha) and TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha)]. SCFAs induced in vivo neutrophil migration and increased the release of CINC-2 alpha beta into the air pouch. These fatty acids increased the number of rolling and adhered cells as evaluated by intravital microscopy. SCFA treatment increased L-selectin expression on the neutrophil surface and L-selectin mRNA levels, but had no effect on the expression of beta 2 integrin. Propionate and butyrate also increased in vitro transmigration of neutrophils. These results indicate that SCFAs produced by anaerobic bacteria raise neutrophil migration through increased L-selectin expression on neutrophils and CINC-2 alpha beta release.
Introduction: Nerve allografting is regarded as a treatment of choice in large neural tissue losses preventing repair by primary anastomosis. In these cases, a synthetic polyglycolic acid tube is an alternative for nerve grafting. On the other hand, several studies have emphasized the importance of neurotrophic factors on neural regeneration, including substances with potential to optimize neural regeneration, especially the GM1, an neurotrophic enhancer factor. Objective: to compare, in rats, the neural regeneration degree using histological analysis, regenerated myelinized axons count, and functional analysis with the use of neurotube and GM1. Methods: This assessment was performed by interposing allograft (group A), polyglycolic acid tube (group B) and polyglycolic acid tube associated to GM1 (group C) on 5-mm sciatic nerve defects. Results: Neuroma formation was found only on group A. Groups A and C showed similar histological patterns, except for the regenerated axons on group C, which were shown to be better organized and myelinized than in group A. Conclusion: on functional recovery, no statistically significant difference was found for the three groups, despite of qualitative and quantitative histological differences found.
The natural diversity of the eft operons, encoding the heat-labile toxin LT-I (LT), carried by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains isolated from humans was investigated. For many years, LT was supposed to be represented by a rather conserved toxin, and one derivative, produced by the reference H10407 strain, was intensively studied either as a virulence factor or as a vaccine adjuvant. Amplicons encompassing the two LT-encoding genes (eltA and eltB) of 51 human-derived ETEC strains, either LT+ (25 strains) only or LT+/ST+ (26 strains), isolated from asymptomatic (24 strains) or diarrheic (27 strains) subjects, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and DNA sequencing. Seven polymorphic RFLP types of the H10407 strain were detected with six (BsaI, DdeI, HhaI, HincII, HphI, and MspI) restriction enzymes. Additionally, the single-nucleotide polymorphic analysis revealed 50 base changes in the eft operon, including 21 polymorphic sites at eltA and 9 at eltB. Based on the deduced amino acid sequences, 16 LT types were identified, including LT1, expressed by the H10407 strain and 23 other strains belonging to seven different serotypes, and LT2, expressed by 11 strains of six different serotypes. In vitro experiments carried out with purified toxins indicated that no significant differences in GM1-binding affinity could be detected among LT1, LT2, and LT4. However, LT4, but not other toxin types, showed reduced toxic activities measured either in vitro with cultured cells (Y-1 cells) or in vivo in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Collectively, these results indicate that the natural diversity of LTs produced by wild-type ETEC strains isolated from human hosts is considerably larger than previously assumed and may impact the pathogeneses of the strains and the epidemiology of the disease.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis may have abnormal gastrointestinal transit, but the factors underlying these abnormalities are poorly understood. Gastrointestinal transit was assessed, in 40 male outpatients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis and 18 controls, by scintigraphy after a liquid meal labeled with (99m)technetium-phytate. Blood and urinary glucose, fecal fat excretion, nutritional status, and cardiovascular autonomic function were determined in all patients. The influence of diabetes mellitus, malabsorption, malnutrition, and autonomic neuropathy on abnormal gastrointestinal transit was assessed by univariate analysis and Bayesian multiple regression analysis. Accelerated gastrointestinal transit was found in 11 patients who showed abnormally rapid arrival of the meal marker to the cecum. Univariate and Bayesian analysis showed that diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy had significant influences on rapid transit, which was not associated with either malabsorption or malnutrition. In conclusion, rapid gastrointestinal transit in patients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis is related to diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy.