72 resultados para Eating.
This study was designed to assess possible associations between biomarkers of mercury (Hg) exposure and oxidative stress in fish-eating Amazonian communities. Clinical samples were obtained from riparians living in the Brazilian Amazon. Biomarkers of oxidative stress (glutathione - GSH, glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, catalase - CAT, activity and reactivation index of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase - ALA-D (R%) were determined in blood. Total Hg was measured in whole blood (B-Hg), plasma (P-Hg) and hair (H-Hg). Association between biomarkers of Hg exposure and oxidative stress were examined using multiple regression models, including age, gender, alcohol consumption, smoking status, fish consumption and then stratified for gender. Significant inverse relations were observed between GSH-Px, GSH, CAT, ALA-D activity and B-Hg or H-Hg (p<0.05). ALA-D reactivation index was positively related to B-Hg (p<0.0001). P-Hg was directly related to ALA-D reactivation index and inversely associated with GSH-Px, GSH, and ALA-D activity (p<0.05). When stratified for gender, women showed significant inverse associations between all biomarkers of Hg exposure and CAT (p<0.05) or GSH (p<0.05), while for men only P-Hg showed a significant inverse relation with GSH (p<0.001). Our results clearly demonstrated an association between Hg exposure and oxidative stress. Moreover, for B-Hg, P-Hg and H-Hg gender differences were present. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple method for mercury speciation in hair samples with a fast sample preparation procedure using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is proposed. Prior to analysis, 50 mg of hair samples were accurately weighed into 15 mL conical tubes. Then, an extractant solution containing mercaptoethanol, L-cysteine and HCl was added to the samples following sonication for 10 min. Quantitative mercury extraction was achieved with the proposed procedure. Separation of inorganic mercury (Ino-Hg), methylmercury (Met-Hg) and ethylmercury (Et-Hg) was accomplished in less than 8 min on a C18 reverse phase column with a mobile phase containing 0.05% v/v mercaptoethanol, 0.4% m/v L-cysteine, 0.06 mol L(-1) ammonium acetate and 5% v/v methanol. The method detection limits were found to be 15 ng g(-1), 10 ng g(-1) and 38 ng g(-1), for inorganic mercury, methylmercury and ethylmercury, respectively. Sample throughput is 4 samples h(-1) (duplicate). A considerable improvement in the time of analysis was achieved when compared to other published methods. Method accuracy is traceable to Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) 85 and 86 human hair from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied to the speciation of mercury in hair samples collected from fish-eating communities of the Brazilian Amazon.
Modern lifestyle markedly changed eating habits worldwide, with an increasing demand for ready-to-eat foods, such as minimally processed fruits and leafy greens. Packaging and storage conditions of those products may favor the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria, including the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. In this work, minimally processed leafy vegetables samples (n = 162) from retail market from Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were tested for the presence or absence of Listeria spp. by the immunoassay Listeria Rapid Test, Oxoid. Two L. monocytogenes positive and six artificially contaminated samples of minimally processed leafy vegetables were evaluated by the Most Probable Number (MPN) with detection by classical culture method and also culture method combined with real-time PCR (RTi-PCR) for 16S rRNA genes of L monocytogenes. Positive MPN enrichment tubes were analyzed by RTi-PCR with primers specific for L. monocytogenes using the commercial preparation ABSOLUTET (TM) QPCR SYBR (R) Green Mix (ABgene, UK). Real-time PCR assay presented good exclusivity and inclusivity results and no statistical significant difference was found in comparison with the conventional culture method (p < 0.05). Moreover, RTi-PCR was fist and easy to perform, with MPN results obtained in ca. 48 h for RTi-PCR in comparison to 7 days for conventional method. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping `hot spot` areas of PCM.
Gut hormones Ighrelin, peptide YY (PYY) and ghrcagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)] are an important group of hormones that target appetite control. They are released from endocrine L cells of the small bowel in proportion to the volume, components and calories in a meal. In the current study, 20 g of gelatin (flavored and sweetened) were given to obese patients (n=12) and lean subjects (n=10). Subsequently, plasma samples were collected at-30-minute intervals rip to 180 minutes and glucose, insulin, PYY, GLP-1 and ghrelin were assayed using specific and sensitive immunofluorometric and radioimmunoassays. As expected, obese patients had normal serum glucose levels, higher serum insulin, and lower plasma concentration of ghrelin at all times compared to lean subjects. GLP-1 plasma levels were significantly elevated at 60 minutes, peaking at 120 minutes in obese patients and lean subjects. As a consequence, there was a significant rise in serum insulin levels with a significantly higher peak level at 60 min (obese) and 30 min (lean). There were no significant changes in PYY plasma concentrations and no correlation was found between body mass index and concentrations of ghrelin, PYY and GLP-1 in the group of obese patients. In conclusion, a single gelatin meal induces a rise in plasma GLP-1 followed by an increase in serum levels of insulin. These findings may be applied to maximize satiety in obese patients as a means of improving adherence to calorie-controlled diets as well as provide better control of diabetic patients.
Objective: Although bipolar disorder (BD) with comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is highly prevalent, few controlled studies have assessed this comorbidity. The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and expression of comorbid disorders in female BD patients with OCD. Method: We assessed clinically stable female outpatients with BD: 15 with comorbid OCD (BD+OCD group) and 15 without (BD/no-OCD group). All were submitted to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, with additional modules for the diagnosis of kleptomania, trichotillomania, pathological gambling, onychophagia and skin picking. Results: The BD+OCD patients presented more chronic episodes, residual symptoms and previous depressive episodes than the BD/no-OCD patients. Of the BD+OCD patients, 86% had a history of treatment-emergent mania, compared with only 40% of the BD/no-OCD patients. The following were more prevalent in the BD+OCD patients than the BD/no-OCD patients: any anxiety disorder other than OCD; impulse control disorders; eating disorders; and tic disorders. Conclusion: Female BD patients with OCD may represent a more severe form of disorder than those without OCD, having more depressive episodes and residual symptoms, and being at a higher risk for treatment-emergent mania, as well as presenting a greater anxiety and impulse control disorder burden.
Introduction: Body mass index (BMI) increase is an undesired effect associated with antipsychotics, and crucial for patients` global health and treatment compliance. We aimed to investigate the relation between BMI during olanzapine or halopericlol treatments and leptin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), adiponectin and lipid serum levels. Methods: In this 9-month, randomized and naturalist study, 34 male patients, 18 on olanzapine and 16 on haloperidol group were enrolled, all were under monotherapy. Patient outcome was evaluated with positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) at every 3-month period. In each visit, BMI, leptin, NPY, lipid, olanzapine or haloperidol levels were also monitored. Results and Discussion: Leptin levels positively correlated with BMI in olanzapine (r = 0.64, p < 0.001) and haloperidol (r = 0.73, p < 0.001) groups; only in olanzapine patients, the former also correlated with PANSS score (r = 0.54, p < 0.05). NPY levels negatively correlated with olanzapine levels (r = -0.65, p < 0.01). Adiponectin levels had not significantly varied. Conclusion: Antipsychotics probably interfere on leptin and NPY signalling ways and disturb these hormones in eating behaviour control.
Previous studies have shown differences in clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) between men and women, including mean age at onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS), types of OCS, comorbid disorders, course, and prognosis. The aim of this study was to compare male and female Brazilian patients with OCD on several demographic and clinical characteristics. Three hundred thirty Outpatients with OCD (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV], criteria) who sought treatment at 3 Brazilian public universities and at 2 private practice clinics in the city of Sao Paulo were evaluated. The assessment instruments used were the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale to evaluate OCD severity and symptoms, the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Axis I Disorders to assess psychiatric comorbidity. Fifty-five percent of the patients (n = 182) were men who were significantly more likely than women to be single and to present sexual, religious, and symmetry obsessions and mental rituals. They also presented earlier onset of OCS and earlier symptom interference in functioning, and significantly more comorbid tic disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Women, besides showing significantly higher mean scores in the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, were more likely to present comorbid simple phobias, eating disorders in general and anorexia in particular, impulse control disorders in general, and compulsive buying and skin picking in particular. No significant differences were observed between sexes concerning family history of OCS or OCD, and global symptoms severity, either in obsession or compulsive subscale. The present study confirms the presence of sex-related differences described in other countries and cultures. The fact that the OCS start earlier and probably have a worse impact in men can eventually lead to more specific and efficacious treatment approaches for these patients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of overweight and obesity in health professionals, before and after a single specialized dietary recommendation. Methods: Anthropometric measures of 579 workers of a general hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil were taken. The weight (f), height (h) and waist circumference (wc) were interpreted according to the WHO and NCEP ATP III guidelines. Nutrition specialist provided dietary and behavioral recommendations. The entire sample underwent a new evaluation one year later. Results: At the first evaluation, 79 employees presente WC >= 102 cm (male) or WC >= 88 cm (female). The association between WC >= 102 cm (men) or WC >= 88 cm (women) and BMI >= 30 kg/m(2) was found in 12.8 % (69 subjects). The BMI distribution per age group indicated that the increase in overweight and obesity was directly proportional to the age increase. Physical activities were not practiced by 75% of the subjects studied. A year later, the evaluation indicated lack of statistical differences regarding the BMI and waist circumference of the sample and only 2.8% started to practice a physical activity. Conclusion: Dietary recommendation alone failed to promote changes in the eating habits of health professionals who work at a general hospital or to encourage them to practice exercise.
Background/Objectives: We applied three dietary assessment methods and aimed at obtaining a set of physical, social and psychological variables that can discriminate those individuals who did not underreport (`never under-reporters`), those who underreported in one dietary assessment method (`occasional under-reporters`) and those who underreported in two or three dietary assessment methods (`frequent under-reporters`). Participants/Methods: Sixty-five women aged 18-57 years were recruited for this study. Total energy expenditure was determined by doubly labelled water, and energy intake was estimated by three 24-h diet recalls, 3-day food records and a food frequency questionnaire. A multiple discriminant analysis was used to identify which of those variables better discriminated the three groups: body mass index (BMI), income, education, social desirability, nutritional knowledge, dietary restraint, physical activity practice, body dissatisfaction and binge-eating symptoms. Results: Twenty-three participants were `never under-reporters`. Twenty-four participants were `occasional under-reporters` and 18 were `frequent under-reporters`. Four variables entered the discriminant model: income, BMI, social desirability and body dissatisfaction. According to potency indices, income contributed the most to the total discriminant power, followed in decreasing order by social desirability score, BMI and body dissatisfaction. Income, social desirability and BMI were the characteristics that mainly separated the `never under-reporters` from the under-reporters (occasional or frequent). Body dissatisfaction better discriminated the `occasional under-reporters` from the `frequent under-reporters`. Conclusions: `Frequent under-reporters` have a greater BMI, social desirability score, body dissatisfaction score and lower income. These four variables seemed to be able to discriminate individuals who are more prone to systematic under reporting. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 1192-1199; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2009.54; published online 15 July 2009
Wild canids are under many pressures, including habitat loss, fragmentation and disease. The current lack of information on the status of wildlife health may hamper conservation efforts in Brazil. In this paper, we examined the prevalence of canine pathogens in 21 free-ranging wild canids, comprising 12 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), 7 Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), 2 Lycalopex vetulus (hoary fox), and 70 non-vaccinated domestic dogs from the Serra do Cip National Park area, Southeast Brazil. For wild canids, seroprevalence of antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine adenovirus, canine coronavirus and Toxoplasma gondii was 100 (21/21), 33 (7/21), 5 (1/19) and 68 (13/19) percent, respectively. Antibodies against canine distemper virus, Neospora caninum or Babesia spp. were not found. We tested domestic dogs for antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus and Babesia spp., and seroprevalences were 59 (41/70), 66 (46/70), and 42 (40/70) percent, respectively, with significantly higher prevalence in domestic dogs for CDV (P < 0.001) and Babesia spp. (P = 0.002), and in wild canids for CPV (P < 0.001). We report for the first time evidence of exposure to canine coronavirus in wild hoary foxes, and Platynossomun sp. infection in wild maned wolves. Maned wolves are more exposed to helminths than crab-eating foxes, with a higher prevalence of Trichuridae and Ancylostomidae in the area. The most common ectoparasites were Amblyomma cajennense, A. tigrinum, and Pulex irritans. Such data is useful information on infectious diseases of Brazilian wild canids, revealing pathogens as a threat to wild canids in the area. Control measures are discussed.
Conditioned taste aversions are a useful tool to reduce livestock consumption of toxic plants. The forage legume Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is both toxic and palatable. The objective of this study was to determine if goats could be aversively conditioned to avoid leucaena. Adult and juvenile female goats, naive to leucaena, were divided into control and averted groups. Animals were exposed to leucaena, and time(s) spent eating leucaena was measured. During initial conditioning with lithium chloride (LiCl), averted goats spent less time eating leucaena (P < 0.05) than did controls. The averted groups maintained their reduced consumption (P < 0.05) of leucaena compared to controls during open field tests when goats could chose between leucaena and sugar cane. In final tests (two tests per week), averted goats reduced (P < 0.05) the amount of time they spent eating leucaena compared to control animals, but the aversion eventually extinguished. Aversive conditioning was successful in greatly reducing, but not entirely eliminating goats` consumption of leucaena. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.