109 resultados para Crustal Deformation
Thixocasting of an A356 alloy: Fluidity, porosity distribution and thermomechanical fatigue behavior
An extensive set of experiments was performed on a semi-solid A356 alloy in order to assess its flow behavior, mechanical properties, microstructural evolution and porosity level. Three different microstructural conditioning techniques (raw material preparation) were employed: deformation recrystallization, magnetohydrodynamic stirring and low temperature pouring. Measurement of microstructural parameters such as Al-alpha particle size, shape factor, contiguity and entrapped liquid showed a relative equivalency among the various conditioning techniques. It was found that the strongest influence on semi-solid slurry fluidity is exerted by the mould temperature. Tensile properties and porosity levels were measured on a demonstration part produced with different slurry ingate velocities. Results showed similar strength levels among all thixocast samples, a strong correlation between elongation and pore volume fraction and porosity levels much lower than the typical figure for permanent mould or die cast Al-Si alloys. Finally, thermomechanical fatigue tests results were much more favorable to the semi-solid material when compared with the conventionally cast alloy, a result attributed to lower porosity, spheroidal shape of the Al-alpha phase, and refined Si eutectic particles. alpha 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The research presented here employs solid-state actuators for flow separation delay or for forced attachment of separated flow seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by Macro-Fiber Composite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders. An electromechanical model of the unimorph is briefly presented and parametric study is conducted to aid the design of a unimorph to output high deformation at a desired frequency. The optimum frequency and amplitude for lift improvement at post-stall angles are identified experimentally. Along with aerodynamic force and structural displacement measurements, helium bubble flow visualization is used to verify existing separated flow, and the attached flow induced by flow control. The lift enhancement induced by several flow control techniques is compared. A symmetric and non-uniform (3D) flow excitation results in the maximum lift enhancement at post-stall region at the lowest power consumption level. A maximum lift coefficient increase of 27.5% (in the post-stall region) is achieved at 125 Hz periodic excitation, with the 3D symmetric actuation mode at 5 m/s and the reduced frequency of 3.78. C(l,max) is increased 7.6% from the baseline.
This paper addresses the development of a hybrid-mixed finite element formulation for the quasi-static geometrically exact analysis of three-dimensional framed structures with linear elastic behavior. The formulation is based on a modified principle of stationary total complementary energy, involving, as independent variables, the generalized vectors of stress-resultants and displacements and, in addition, a set of Lagrange multipliers defined on the element boundaries. The finite element discretization scheme adopted within the framework of the proposed formulation leads to numerical solutions that strongly satisfy the equilibrium differential equations in the elements, as well as the equilibrium boundary conditions. This formulation consists, therefore, in a true equilibrium formulation for large displacements and rotations in space. Furthermore, this formulation is objective, as it ensures invariance of the strain measures under superposed rigid body rotations, and is not affected by the so-called shear-locking phenomenon. Also, the proposed formulation produces numerical solutions which are independent of the path of deformation. To validate and assess the accuracy of the proposed formulation, some benchmark problems are analyzed and their solutions compared with those obtained using the standard two-node displacement/ rotation-based formulation.
In this work, an algorithm to compute the envelope of non-destructive testing (NDT) signals is proposed. This method allows increasing the speed and reducing the memory in extensive data processing. Also, this procedure presents advantage of preserving the data information for physical modeling applications of time-dependent measurements. The algorithm is conceived to be applied for analyze data from non-destructive testing. The comparison between different envelope methods and the proposed method, applied to Magnetic Bark Signal (MBN), is studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work examines the extraction of mechanical properties from instrumented indentation P-h(s) curves via extensive three-dimensional finite element analyses for pyramidal tips in a wide range of solids under frictional and frictionless contact conditions. Since the topography of the imprint changes with the level of pile-up or sink-in, a relationship is identified between correction factor beta in the elastic equation for the unloading indentation stage and the amount of surface deformation effects. It is shown that the presumption of a constant beta significantly affects mechanical property extractions. Consequently, a new best-fit function is found for the correlation between penetration depth ratios h(e)/h(max), h(r)/h(max) and n, circumventing the need for the assumption of a constant value for beta, made in our prior investigation [Acta Mater. 53 (2005) pp. 3545-3561]. Simulations under frictional contact conditions provide sensible boundaries for the influence of friction on both h(e)/h(max) and h(r)/h(max). Friction is essentially found to induce an overestimation in the inferred n. Instrumented indentation experiments are also performed in three archetypal metallic materials exhibiting distinctly different contact responses. Mechanical property extractions are finally demonstrated in each of these materials.
In this work, the applicability of a new algorithm for the estimation of mechanical properties from instrumented indentation data was studied for thin films. The applicability was analyzed with the aid of both three-dimensional finite element simulations and experimental indentation tests. The numerical approach allowed studying the effect of the substrate on the estimation of mechanical properties of the film, which was conducted based on the ratio h(max)/l between maximum indentation depth and film thickness. For the experimental analysis, indentation tests were conducted on AISI H13 tool steel specimens, plasma nitrated and coated with TiN thin films. Results have indicated that, for the conditions analyzed in this work, the elastic deformation of the substrate limited the extraction of mechanical properties of the film/substrate system. This limitation occurred even at low h(max)/l ratios and especially for the estimation of the values of yield strength and strain hardening exponent. At indentation depths lower than 4% of the film thickness, the proposed algorithm estimated the mechanical properties of the film with accuracy. Particularly for hardness, precise values were estimated at h(max)/l lower than 0.1, i.e. 10% of film thickness. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) is a phenomenon sensitive to several kinds of magnetic material microstructure changes, as well as to variations in material plastic deformation and stress. This fact stimulates the development of MBN-based non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for analyzing magnetic materials, being the proposition of such a method, the main objective of the present study. The behavior of the MBN signal envelope, under simultaneous variations of carbon content and plastic deformation, is explained by the domain wall dynamics. Additionally, a non-destructive parameter for the characterization of each of these factors is proposed and validated through the experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a review of the thermodynamic approaches of sliding wear is presented. These approaches are divided into the friction energy dissipation, the energy balance and the entropy production. A concise and critic account of the approaches is discussed, remarking their relative strength and weakness in explaining the phenomena occurring in the sliding wear.
This paper reports the use of a non-destructive, continuous magnetic Barkhausen noise (CMBN) technique to investigate the size and thickness of volumetric defects, in a 1070 steel. The magnetic behavior of the used probe was analyzed by numerical simulation, using the finite element method (FEM). Results indicated that the presence of a ferrite coil core in the probe favors MBN emissions. The samples were scanned with different speeds and probe configurations to determine the effect of the flaw on the CMBN signal amplitude. A moving smooth window, based on a second-order statistical moment, was used for analyzing the time signal. The results show the technique`s good repeatability, and high capacity for detection of this type of defect. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The abrasive wear resistance of white cast iron was studied. The iron was solidified using two solidification rates of 1.5 and 15 degrees C/s. Mass loss was evaluated with tests of the type pin on abrasive disc using alumina of different sizes. Two matrices were tested: one predominantly austenitic and the other predominantly martensitic, containing M(3)C carbides. Samples with cooling rate of 15 degrees C/s showed higher hardness and more refined microstructure compared with those solidified at 1.5 degrees C/s. During the test, the movement of successive abrasives gave rise to the strain hardening of the austenite phase, leading to the attainment of similar levels of surface hardness, which explains why the wear rate showed no difference compared to the austenite samples with different solidification rates. For the austenitic matrix the wear rate seems to depend on the hardness of the worn surface and not on the hardness of the material without deformation. The austenitic samples showed cracking and fracture of M(3)C carbides. For the predominantly martensitic matrix, the wear rate was higher at the solidification rate of 1.5 degrees C/s, for grain size of 66 and 93 mu m. Higher abrasive sizes were found to produce greater penetration and strain hardening of austenitic matrices. However, martensitic iron produces more microcutting, increasing the wear rate of the material. The analysis of the worn surface by scanning electron microscopy indicated abrasive wear mechanisms such as: microcutting, microfatigue and microploughing. Yet, for the iron of austenitic matrix, the microploughing mechanism was more severe. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wear behavior of coatings has usually been described in terms of mechanical properties such as hardness (H) and effective elastic modulus (E*). Alternatively, an energy approach appears as a promising analysis taking into account the influence of those properties. In a nanoindentation test, the dissipated energy depends not only on the hardness and elastic modulus, but also on the elastic recovery (W(e)). This work aims to establish a relation between plastic deformation energy (E(p)) during depth-sensing indentation method and the grooving resistance of coatings in nanoscratch tests. An energy dissipation coefficient (K(d)) was defined, calculated as the ratio of the plastic to the total deformation energy (E(p)/E(t)), which represents the energy dissipation of materials. Reactive depositions using titanium as the target and nitrogen and methane as reactive gases were obtained by triode magnetron sputtering, in order to assess wear and nanoindentation data. A topographical, chemical and microstructural characterization has been conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), wave dispersion spectroscopy (WDS), scanning electron (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Nanoscratch results showed that the groove depth was well correlated to the energy dissipation coefficient of the coatings. On the other hand, a reduction in the coefficient was found when the elastic recovery was increased. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the unlubricated sliding wear of steels the mild-severe and severe-mild wear transitions have long been investigated. The effect of system inputs such as normal load, sliding speed, environment humidity and temperature, material properties, among others, on those transitions have also been studied. Although transitions seem to be caused by microstructural changes, surfaces oxidation and work-hardening, some questions remain regarding the way each aspect is involved. Since the early studies in sliding wear, it has usually been assumed that only the material properties of the softer body influence the wear behavior of contacting surfaces. For example, the Archard equation involves only the hardness of the softer body, without considering the hardness of the harder body. This work aims to discuss the importance of the harder body hardness in determining the wear regime operation. For this, pin-on-disk wear tests were carried out, in which the disk material was always harder than the pin material. Variations of the friction force and vertical displacement of the pin were registered during the tests. A material characterization before and after tests was conducted using stereoscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods, in addition to mass loss, surface roughness and microhardness measurements. The wear results confirmed the occurrence of a mild-severe wear transition when the disk hardness was decreased. The disk hardness to pin hardness ratio (H(d)/H(p)) was used as a criterion to establish the nature of surface contact deformation and to determine the wear regime transition. A predominantly elastic or plastic contact, characterized by H(d)/H(p) values higher or lower than one, results in a mild or severe wear regime operation, respectively. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The magnetic Barkhausen energy in the rolling and transversal directions of AISI/SAE 1070 annealed surfaces is studied. The measurements were made in the samples under applied tension in the elastic-plastic region for different angular directions. The outcomes evidence that the magnetic anisotropy coefficient can be used to characterize the linear and nonlinear elastic limits of the material tinder tensile tresses. The results also show that the area of the curve corresponding to the angular dependence of the number of Barkhausen jumps with average energy presents a maximum value that corresponds to the elastic limit of the sample. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Compliant mechanisms can achieve a specified motion as a mechanism without relying on the use of joints and pins. They have broad application in precision mechanical devices and Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) but may lose accuracy and produce undesirable displacements when subjected to temperature changes. These undesirable effects can be reduced by using sensors in combination with control techniques and/or by applying special design techniques to reduce such undesirable effects at the design stage, a process generally termed ""design for precision"". This paper describes a design for precision method based on a topology optimization method (TOM) for compliant mechanisms that includes thermal compensation features. The optimization problem emphasizes actuator accuracy and it is formulated to yield optimal compliant mechanism configurations that maximize the desired output displacement when a force is applied, while minimizing undesirable thermal effects. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, two-dimensional compliant mechanisms are designed considering thermal compensation, and their performance is compared with compliant mechanisms designs that do not consider thermal compensation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents first material tests on HDPE and PVC, and subsequently impact tests on plates made of the same materials. Finally, numerical simulations of the plate impact tests are compared with the experimental results. A rather comprehensive series of mechanical material tests were performed to disclose the behaviour of PVC and HDPE in tension and compression. Quasi-static tests were carried out at three rates in compression and two in tension. Digital image correlation. DIC, was used to measure the in-plane strains, revealing true stress-strain curves and allowing to analyze strain-rate sensitivity and isotropy of Poisson`s ratio. In addition, dynamic compression tests were carried out in a split-Hopkinson pressure bar. Quasi-static and dynamic tests were also performed on clamped plates made of the same PVC and HDPE materials, using an optical technique to measure the full-field out-of-plane deformations. These tests, together with the material data, were used for comparative purposes of a finite element analysis. A reasonable agreement between experimental and numerical results was achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.