224 resultados para Computations Driven Systems


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In integrable one-dimensional quantum systems an infinite set of local conserved quantities exists which can prevent a current from decaying completely. For cases like the spin current in the XXZ model at zero magnetic field or the charge current in the attractive Hubbard model at half filling, however, the current operator does not have overlap with any of the local conserved quantities. We show that in these situations transport at finite temperatures is dominated by a diffusive contribution with the Drude weight being either small or even zero. For the XXZ model we discuss in detail the relation between our results, the phenomenological theory of spin diffusion, and measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in spin chain compounds. Furthermore, we study the Haldane-Shastry model where a conserved spin current exists.


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We construct and analyze a microscopic model for insulating rocksalt ordered double perovskites, with the chemical formula A(2)BB'O(6), where the B' atom has a 4d(1) or 5d(1) electronic configuration and forms a face-centered-cubic lattice. The combination of the triply degenerate t(2g) orbital and strong spin-orbit coupling forms local quadruplets with an effective spin moment j=3/2. Moreover, due to strongly orbital-dependent exchange, the effective spins have substantial biquadratic and bicubic interactions (fourth and sixth order in the spins, respectively). This leads, at the mean-field level, to three main phases: an unusual antiferromagnet with dominant octupolar order, a ferromagnetic phase with magnetization along the [110] direction, and a nonmagnetic but quadrupolar ordered phase, which is stabilized by thermal fluctuations and intermediate temperatures. All these phases have a two-sublattice structure described by the ordering wave vector Q=2 pi(001). We consider quantum fluctuations and argue that in the regime of dominant antiferromagnetic exchange, a nonmagnetic valence-bond solid or quantum-spin-liquid state may be favored instead. Candidate quantum-spin-liquid states and their basic properties are described. We also address the effect of single-site anisotropy driven by lattice distortions. Existing and possible future experiments are discussed in light of these results.


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In this Letter we extend current perspectives in engineering reservoirs by producing a time-dependent master equation leading to a nonstationary superposition equilibrium state that can be nonadiabatically controlled by the system-reservoir parameters. Working with an ion trapped inside a nonideal cavity, we first engineer effective interactions, which allow us to achieve two classes of decoherence-free evolution of superpositions of the ground and excited ionic levels: those with a time-dependent azimuthal or polar angle. As an application, we generalize the purpose of an earlier study [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150403 (2006)], showing how to observe the geometric phases acquired by the protected nonstationary states even under nonadiabatic evolution.


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We analyze the finite-size corrections to entanglement in quantum critical systems. By using conformal symmetry and density functional theory, we discuss the structure of the finite-size contributions to a general measure of ground state entanglement, which are ruled by the central charge of the underlying conformal field theory. More generally, we show that all conformal towers formed by an infinite number of excited states (as the size of the system L -> infinity) exhibit a unique pattern of entanglement, which differ only at leading order (1/L)(2). In this case, entanglement is also shown to obey a universal structure, given by the anomalous dimensions of the primary operators of the theory. As an illustration, we discuss the behavior of pairwise entanglement for the eigenspectrum of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with an arbitrary length L for both periodic and twisted boundary conditions.


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We calculate the entanglement entropy of blocks of size x embedded in a larger system of size L, by means of a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. The complete entanglement entropy in this case is a sum of three terms. One is a universal x- and L-dependent term, first predicted by Calabrese and Cardy, the second is a nonuniversal term arising from the thermodynamic limit, and the third is a finite size correction. We give an explicit expression for the second, nonuniversal, term for the one-dimensional Hubbard model, and numerically assess the importance of all three contributions by comparing to the entropy obtained from fully numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. We find that finite-size corrections are very small. The universal Calabrese-Cardy term is equally small for small blocks, but becomes larger for x > 1. In all investigated situations, however, the by far dominating contribution is the nonuniversal term stemming from the thermodynamic limit.


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We investigate entanglement of strongly interacting fermions in spatially inhomogeneous environments. To quantify entanglement in the presence of spatial inhomogeneity, we propose a local-density approximation (LDA) to the entanglement entropy, and a nested LDA scheme to evaluate the entanglement entropy on inhomogeneous density profiles. These ideas are applied to models of electrons in superlattice structures with different modulation patterns, electrons in a metallic wire in the presence of impurities, and phase-separated states in harmonically confined many-fermion systems, such as electrons in quantum dots and atoms in optical traps. We find that the entanglement entropy of inhomogeneous systems is strikingly different from that of homogeneous systems.


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The existence of quantum correlation (as revealed by quantum discord), other than entanglement and its role in quantum-information processing (QIP), is a current subject for discussion. In particular, it has been suggested that this nonclassical correlation may provide computational speedup for some quantum algorithms. In this regard, bulk nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been successfully used as a test bench for many QIP implementations, although it has also been continuously criticized for not presenting entanglement in most of the systems used so far. In this paper, we report a theoretical and experimental study on the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in an NMR quadrupolar system. We present a method for computing the correlations from experimental NMR deviation-density matrices and show that, given the action of the nuclear-spin environment, the relaxation produces a monotonic time decay in the correlations. Although the experimental realizations were performed in a specific quadrupolar system, the main results presented here can be applied to whichever system uses a deviation-density matrix formalism.


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The mapping, exact or approximate, of a many-body problem onto an effective single-body problem is one of the most widely used conceptual and computational tools of physics. Here, we propose and investigate the inverse map of effective approximate single-particle equations onto the corresponding many-particle system. This approach allows us to understand which interacting system a given single-particle approximation is actually describing, and how far this is from the original physical many-body system. We illustrate the resulting reverse engineering process by means of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory. In this application, our procedure sheds light on the nonlocality of the density-potential mapping of density-functional theory, and on the self-interaction error inherent in approximate density functionals.


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We consider a polling model with multiple stations, each with Poisson arrivals and a queue of infinite capacity. The service regime is exhaustive and there is Jacksonian feedback of served customers. What is new here is that when the server comes to a station it chooses the service rate and the feedback parameters at random; these remain valid during the whole stay of the server at that station. We give criteria for recurrence, transience and existence of the sth moment of the return time to the empty state for this model. This paper generalizes the model, when only two stations accept arriving jobs, which was considered in [Ann. Appl. Probab. 17 (2007) 1447-1473]. Our results are stated in terms of Lyapunov exponents for random matrices. From the recurrence criteria it can be seen that the polling model with parameter regeneration can exhibit the unusual phenomenon of null recurrence over a thick region of parameter space.


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The use of chromic materials for responsive surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) based nanosensors is reported. The potential of nano-chromic SERRS is demonstrated with the use of the halochrome methyl yellow to fabricate an ultrasensitive pH optical sensor. Some of the challenges of the incorporation of chromic materials with metal nanostructures are addressed through the use of computational calculations and a comparison to measured SERRS and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra is presented. A strong correlation between the measured SERRS and the medium's proton concentration is demonstrated for the pH range 2-6. The high sensitivity achieved by the use of resonance Raman conditions is shown through responsive SERRS measurements from only femtolitres of volume and with the concentration of the reporting molecules approaching the single molecule regime.


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Cuboctahedron (CUB) and icosahedron (ICO) model structures are widely used in the study of transition-metal (TM) nanoparticles (NPs), however, it might not provide a reliable description for small TM NPs such as the Pt(55) and Au(55) systems in gas phase. In this work, we combined density-functional theory calculations with atomic configurations generated by the basin hopping Monte Carlo algorithm within the empirical Sutton-Chen embedded atom potential. We identified alternative lower energy configurations compared with the ICO and CUB model structures, e. g., our lowest energy structures are 5.22 eV (Pt(55)) and 2.01 eV (Au(55)) lower than ICO. The energy gain is obtained by the Pt and Au diffusion from the ICO core region to the NP surface, which is driven by surface compression (only 12 atoms) on the ICO core region. Therefore, in the lowest energy configurations, the core size reduces from 13 atoms (ICO, CUB) to about 9 atoms while the NP surface increases from 42 atoms (ICO, CUB) to about 46 atoms. The present mechanism can provide an improved atom-level understanding of small TM NPs reconstructions.


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Agricultural management practices that promote net carbon (C) accumulation in the soil have been considered as an important potential mitigation option to combat global warming. The change in the sugarcane harvesting system, to one which incorporates C into the soil from crop residues, is the focus of this work. The main objective was to assess and discuss the changes in soil organic C stocks caused by the conversion of burnt to unburnt sugarcane harvesting systems in Brazil, when considering the main soils and climates associated with this crop. For this purpose, a dataset was obtained from a literature review of soils under sugarcane in Brazil. Although not necessarily from experimental studies, only paired comparisons were examined, and for each site the dominant soil type, topography and climate were similar. The results show a mean annual C accumulation rate of 1.5 Mg ha-1 year-1 for the surface to 30-cm depth (0.73 and 2.04 Mg ha-1 year-1 for sandy and clay soils, respectively) caused by the conversion from a burnt to an unburnt sugarcane harvesting system. The findings suggest that soil should be included in future studies related to life cycle assessment and C footprint of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol.


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Outgassing of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) from rivers and streams to the atmosphere is a major loss term in the coupled terrestrial-aquatic carbon cycle of major low-gradient river systems (the term ""river system"" encompasses the rivers and streams of all sizes that compose the drainage network in a river basin). However, the magnitude and controls on this important carbon flux are not well quantified. We measured carbon dioxide flux rates (F(CO2)), gas transfer velocity (k), and partial pressures (p(CO2)) in rivers and streams of the Amazon and Mekong river systems in South America and Southeast Asia, respectively. F(CO2) and k values were significantly higher in small rivers and streams (channels <100 m wide) than in large rivers (channels >100 m wide). Small rivers and streams also had substantially higher variability in k values than large rivers. Observed F(CO2) and k values suggest that previous estimates of basinwide CO(2) evasion from tropical rivers and wetlands have been conservative and are likely to be revised upward substantially in the future. Data from the present study combined with data compiled from the literature collectively suggest that the physical control of gas exchange velocities and fluxes in low-gradient river systems makes a transition from the dominance of wind control at the largest spatial scales (in estuaries and river mainstems) toward increasing importance of water current velocity and depth at progressively smaller channel dimensions upstream. These results highlight the importance of incorporating scale-appropriate k values into basinwide models of whole ecosystem carbon balance.


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No-tillage mulch-based (NTM) cropping systems have been widely adopted by farmers in the Brazilian savanna region (Cerrado biome). We hypothesized that this new type of management should have a profound impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) at regional scale and consequently on climate change mitigation. The objective of this study was thus to quantify the SOC storage potential of NTM in the oxisols of the Cerrado using a synchronic approach that is based on a chronosequence of fields of different years under NTM. The study consisted of three phases: (1) a farm/cropping system survey to identify the main types of NTM systems to be chosen for the chronosequence; (2) a field survey to identify a homogeneous set of situations for the chronosequence and (3) the characterization of the chronosequence to assess the SOC storage potential. The main NTM system practiced by farmers is an annual succession of soybean (Glycine max)or maize (Zea mays) with another cereal crop. This cropping system covers 54% of the total cultivated area in the region. At the regional level, soil organic C concentrations from NTM fields were closely correlated with clay + silt content of the soil (r(2) = 0.64). No significant correlation was observed (r(2) = 0.07), however, between these two variables when we only considered the fields with a clay + silt content in the 500-700 g kg(-1) range. The final chronosequence of NTM fields was therefore based on a subsample of eight fields, within this textural range. The SOC stocks in the 0-30 cm topsoil layer of these selected fields varied between 4.2 and 6.7 kg C m(-2) and increased on average (r(2) = 0.97) with 0.19 kg C m(-2) year(-1). After 12 years of NTM management, SOC stocks were no longer significantly different from the stocks under natural Cerrado vegetation (p < 0.05), whereas a 23-year-old conventionally tilled and cropped field showed SOC stocks that were about 30% below this level. Confirming our hypotheses, this study clearly illustrated the high potential of NTM systems in increasing SOC storage under tropical conditions, and how a synchronic approach may be used to assess efficiently such modification on farmers` fields, identifying and excluding non desirable sources of heterogeneity (management, soils and climate). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biogeochemistry is hosting this special thematic issue devoted to studies of land-water interactions, as part of the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amaznia (LBA). This compilation of papers covers a broad range of topics with a common theme of coupling land and water processes, across pristine and impacted systems. Findings highlighted that hydrologic flowpaths are clearly important across basin size and structure in determining how water and solutes reach streams. Land-use changes have pronounced impacts on flowpaths, and subsequently, on stream chemistry, from small streams to large rivers. Carbon is produced and transformed across a broad array of fluvial environments and wetlands. Surface waters are not only driven by, but provide feedback to, the atmosphere.