656 resultados para Segerstråle, Ullica: Defenders of the truth
Due to the several kinds of services that use the Internet and data networks infra-structures, the present networks are characterized by the diversity of types of traffic that have statistical properties as complex temporal correlation and non-gaussian distribution. The networks complex temporal correlation may be characterized by the Short Range Dependence (SRD) and the Long Range Dependence - (LRD). Models as the fGN (Fractional Gaussian Noise) may capture the LRD but not the SRD. This work presents two methods for traffic generation that synthesize approximate realizations of the self-similar fGN with SRD random process. The first one employs the IDWT (Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform) and the second the IDWPT (Inverse Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform). It has been developed the variance map concept that allows to associate the LRD and SRD behaviors directly to the wavelet transform coefficients. The developed methods are extremely flexible and allow the generation of Gaussian time series with complex statistical behaviors.
Lightning-induced overvoltages have a considerable impact on the power quality of overhead distribution and telecommunications systems, and various models have been developed for the computation of the electromagnetic transients caused by indirect strokes. The most adequate has been shown to be the one proposed by Agrawal et al.; the Rusck model can be visualized as a particular case, as both models are equivalent when the lightning channel is perpendicular to the ground plane. In this paper, an extension of the Rusck model that enables the calculation of lightning-induced transients considering flashes to nearby elevated structures and realistic line configurations is tested against data obtained from both natural lightning and scale model experiments. The latter, performed under controlled conditions, can be used also to verify the validity of other coupling models and relevant codes. The so-called Extended Rusck Model, which is shown to be sufficiently accurate, is applied to the analysis of lightning-induced voltages on lines with a shield wire and/or surge arresters. The investigation conducted indicates that the ratio between the peak values of the voltages induced by typical first and subsequent strokes can be either greater or smaller than the unity, depending on the line configuration.
We study the spreading of contagious diseases in a population of constant size using susceptible-infective-recovered (SIR) models described in terms of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and probabilistic cellular automata (PCA). In the PCA model, each individual (represented by a cell in the lattice) is mainly locally connected to others. We investigate how the topological properties of the random network representing contacts among individuals influence the transient behavior and the permanent regime of the epidemiological system described by ODE and PCA. Our main conclusions are: (1) the basic reproduction number (commonly called R(0)) related to a disease propagation in a population cannot be uniquely determined from some features of transient behavior of the infective group; (2) R(0) cannot be associated to a unique combination of clustering coefficient and average shortest path length characterizing the contact network. We discuss how these results can embarrass the specification of control strategies for combating disease propagations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An algorithm inspired on ant behavior is developed in order to find out the topology of an electric energy distribution network with minimum power loss. The algorithm performance is investigated in hypothetical and actual circuits. When applied in an actual distribution system of a region of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil), the solution found by the algorithm presents loss lower than the topology built by the concessionary company.
We consider in this paper the optimal stationary dynamic linear filtering problem for continuous-time linear systems subject to Markovian jumps in the parameters (LSMJP) and additive noise (Wiener process). It is assumed that only an output of the system is available and therefore the values of the jump parameter are not accessible. It is a well known fact that in this setting the optimal nonlinear filter is infinite dimensional, which makes the linear filtering a natural numerically, treatable choice. The goal is to design a dynamic linear filter such that the closed loop system is mean square stable and minimizes the stationary expected value of the mean square estimation error. It is shown that an explicit analytical solution to this optimal filtering problem is obtained from the stationary solution associated to a certain Riccati equation. It is also shown that the problem can be formulated using a linear matrix inequalities (LMI) approach, which can be extended to consider convex polytopic uncertainties on the parameters of the possible modes of operation of the system and on the transition rate matrix of the Markov process. As far as the authors are aware of this is the first time that this stationary filtering problem (exact and robust versions) for LSMJP with no knowledge of the Markov jump parameters is considered in the literature. Finally, we illustrate the results with an example.
Second-order phase locked loops (PLLs) are devices that are able to provide synchronization between the nodes in a network even under severe quality restrictions in the signal propagation. Consequently, they are widely used in telecommunication and control. Conventional master-slave (M-S) clock-distribution systems are being, replaced by mutually connected (MC) ones due to their good potential to be used in new types of application such as wireless sensor networks, distributed computation and communication systems. Here, by using an analytical reasoning, a nonlinear algebraic system of equations is proposed to establish the existence conditions for the synchronous state in an MC PLL network. Numerical experiments confirm the analytical results and provide ideas about how the network parameters affect the reachability of the synchronous state. The phase-difference oscillation amplitudes are related to the node parameters helping to design PLL neural networks. Furthermore, estimation of the acquisition time depending on the node parameters allows the performance evaluation of time distribution systems and neural networks based on phase-locked techniques. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
This work presents results of preliminary studies concerning application of magnetic bearing in a ventricular assist device (VAD) being developed by Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology-IDPC (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The VAD-IDPC has a novel architecture that distinguishes from other known VADs. In this, the rotor has a conical geometry with spiral impellers, showing characteristics that are intermediate between a centrifugal VAD and an axial VAD. The effectiveness of this new type of blood pumping principle was showed by tests and by using it in heart surgery for external blood circulation. However, the developed VAD uses a combination of ball bearings and mechanical seals, limiting the life for some 10 h, making impossible its long-term use or its use as an implantable VAD. As a part of development of an implantable VAD, this work aims at the replacement of ball bearings by a magnetic bearing. The most important magnetic bearing principles are studied and the magnetic bearing developed by Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University (EPUSP-MB) is elected because of its very simple architecture. Besides presenting the principle of the EPUSP-MB, this work presents one possible alternative for applying the EPUSP-MB in the IDPC-VAD.
The fatigue behavior of the SAE 1045 steel in four different conditions is reported in this paper. Four treatments were tested: polished surface, corrosive atmosphere (sugar cane juice), low quality roughness (typical equivalent surface of the shaft cane mill) and the combined condition of the two last treatments involved. Fatigue tests were performed in rotating bending conditions and the values of fatigue strength for the different situations from tests were obtained. The diminution in fatigue strength for the synergy condition of rough surface and corrosive atmosphere was of 8.7%, result statistically representative with less than 0.01% of uncertainty.
Nucleation of silver nanoparticles (NPs) in Tm(3+) doped PbO-GeO(2) (PGO) glass is reported. The influence of the heat treatment on the nucleation of silver NPs is studied by means of transmission electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy. Two heat treatment procedures were applied in order to compare their performance. Observation of infrared-to-visible frequency upconversion (UC) luminescence of Tm(3+) ions is reported and correlated with the heat-treatment procedure. Enhancement of the UC emission for samples heat treated during various time intervals is attributed to the increased local field in the vicinity of the NPs. Quenching of the UC signal was also observed and correlated with the growth of NPs amount and size.
A new assessment of the aluminum corner of the quaternary Al-Fe-Mn-Si system has been made that extends beyond the COST-507 database. This assessment makes use of a recent, improved description of the ternary Al-Fe-Si system. In the present work, modeling of the Al-rich corner of the quaternary Al-Fe-Mn-Si system has been carried out by introducing Fe solubility into the so-called alpha-AlMnSi and beta-AlMnSi phases of the Al-Mn-Si system. A critical review of the data available on the quaternary system is presented and used for the extension of the description of these ternary phases into the quaternary Al-Fe-Mn-Si.
The optimization of the treatment process for residual waters from a brewery operating under the modality of an anaerobic reactor and activated sludge combination was studied in two phases. In the first stage, lasting for six months, the characteristics and parameters of the plant operation were analyzed, wherein a diversion rate of more than 50% to aerobic treatment, the use of two aeration tanks and a high sludge production prevailed. The second stage comprised four months during which the system worked under the proposed operational model, with the aim of improving the treatment: reduction of the diversion rate to 30% and use of only one aeration tank At each stage, TSS, VSS and COD were measured at the entrance and exit of the anaerobic reactor mid the aeration tanks. The results were compared with the corresponding design specifications and the needed conditions were applied to reduce the diversion rate towards the aerobic process through monitoring the volume and concentration of the affluent, while applying the strategic changes in reactor parameters needed to increase its efficiency. A diversion reduction from 53 to 34% was achieved, reducing the sludge discharge generated in the aerobic system from 3670mg TSS/l. with two aeration tanks down to 2947mf TSS/l using one tank keeping the same relation VSS:TSS (0.55) and an efficiency of total removal of 98% in terms of COD.
This work discusses a 4D lung reconstruction method from unsynchronized MR sequential images. The lung, differently from the heart, does not have its own muscles, turning impossible to see its real movements. The visualization of the lung in motion is an actual topic of research in medicine. CT (Computerized Tomography) can obtain spatio-temporal images of the heart by synchronizing with electrocardiographic waves. The FOV of the heart is small when compared to the lung`s FOV. The lung`s movement is not periodic and is susceptible to variations in the degree of respiration. Compared to CT, MR (Magnetic Resonance) imaging involves longer acquisition times and it is not possible to obtain instantaneous 3D images of the lung. For each slice, only one temporal sequence of 2D images can be obtained. However, methods using MR are preferable because they do not involve radiation. In this paper, based on unsynchronized MR images of the lung an animated B-Repsolid model of the lung is created. The 3D animation represents the lung`s motion associated to one selected sequence of MR images. The proposed method can be divided in two parts. First, the lung`s silhouettes moving in time are extracted by detecting the presence of a respiratory pattern on 2D spatio-temporal MR images. This approach enables us to determine the lung`s silhouette for every frame, even on frames with obscure edges. The sequence of extracted lung`s silhouettes are unsynchronized sagittal and coronal silhouettes. Using our algorithm it is possible to reconstruct a 3D lung starting from a silhouette of any type (coronal or sagittal) selected from any instant in time. A wire-frame model of the lung is created by composing coronal and sagittal planar silhouettes representing cross-sections. The silhouette composition is severely underconstrained. Many wire-frame models can be created from the observed sequences of silhouettes in time. Finally, a B-Rep solid model is created using a meshing algorithm. Using the B-Rep solid model the volume in time for the right and left lungs were calculated. It was possible to recognize several characteristics of the 3D real right and left lungs in the shaded model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes and describes an architecture that allows the both engineer and programmer for defining and quantifying which peripheral of a microcontroller will be important to the particular project. For each application, it is necessary to use different types of peripherals. In this study, we have verified the possibility for emulating the behavior of peripheral in specifically CPUs. These CPUs hold a RAM memory, where code spaces specifically written for them could represent the behavior of some target peripheral, which are loaded and executed on it. We believed that the proposed architecture will provide larger flexibility in the use of the microcontrolles since this ""dedicated hardware components"" don`t execute to a special function, but it is a hardware capable to self adapt to the needs of each project. This research had as fundament a comparative study of four current microcontrollers. Preliminary tests using VHDL and FPGAs were done.
Detailed information on probing behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is critical for understanding the transmission process of phloem-limited bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter spp.) associated with citrus `huanglongbing` by this vector. In this study, we investigated stylet penetration activities of D. citri on seedlings of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Pera (Rutaceae) by using the electrical penetration graph (EPG-DC system) technique. EPG waveforms were described based on amplitude, frequency, voltage level, and electrical origin of the observed traces during stylet penetration into plant tissues. The main waveforms were correlated with histological observations of salivary sheath termini in plant tissues, to determine the putative location of stylet tips. The behavioral activities were also inferred based on waveform similarities in relation to other Sternorrhyncha, particularly aphids and whiteflies. In addition, we correlated the occurrence of specific waveforms with the acquisition of the phloem-limited bacterium Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus by D. citri. The occurrence of a G-like xylem sap ingestion waveform in starved and unstarved psyllids was also compared. By analyzing 8-h EPGs of adult females, five waveforms were described: (C) salivary sheath secretion and other stylet pathway activities; (D) first contact with phloem (distinct from other waveforms reported for Sternorrhyncha); (E1) putative salivation in phloem sieve tubes; (E2) phloem sap ingestion; and (G) probably xylem sap ingestion. Diaphorina citri initiates a probe with stylet pathway through epidermis and parenchyma (C). Interestingly, no potential drops were observed during the stylet pathway phase, as are usually recorded in aphids and other Sternorrhyncha. Once in C, D. citri shows a higher propensity to return to non-probing than to start a phloem or xylem phase. Several probes are usually observed before the phloem phase; waveform D is observed upon phloem contact, always immediately followed by E1. After E1, D. citri either returns to pathway activity (C) or starts phloem sap ingestion, which was the longest activity observed.
Interpretation of the anatomical structure of the ovary and fruit of the Orchidaceae family is still controversial, which makes it difficult to understand the development and dehiscence of the fruit. The genus Oncidium is polyphyletic and is currently the subject of taxonomic studies. In this study, we have investigated the anatomical development of the pericarp and seed of Oncidium flexuosum Sims to determine important diagnostic characters that, along with molecular data, can assist in defining this group. We have found a new anatomical characteristic of the family: the presence of precursor cells for fruit dehiscence, which were visible from the beginning of development and located on the outer walls of the sterile valves. In contrast with what has been observed by different authors with other species, in the mature fruit of O. flexuosum, only the endocarp of the fertile valves and a few cells near the exocarp and the vascular bundle in the sterile valves show parietal thickening, while the rest remains parenchymatous. During the development of the ovule and embryo, we have shown that the embryonic sac of this species has eight nuclei and that the embryo has a long and elaborate suspensor. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.