177 resultados para slots (or shelf space)
A long-standing debate in the literature is whether attention can form two or more independent spatial foci in addition to the well-known unique spatial focus. There is evidence that voluntary visual attention divides in space. The possibility that this also occurs for automatic visual attention was investigated here. Thirty-six female volunteers were tested. In each trial, a prime stimulus was presented in the left or right visual hemifield. This stimulus was characterized by the blinking of a superior, middle or inferior ring, the blinking of all these rings, or the blinking of the superior and inferior rings. A target stimulus to which the volunteer should respond with the same side hand or a target stimulus to which she should not respond was presented 100 ms later in a primed location, a location between two primed locations or a location in the contralateral hemifield. Reaction time to the positive target stimulus in a primed location was consistently shorter than reaction time in the horizontally corresponding contralateral location. This attentional effect was significantly smaller or absent when the positive target stimulus appeared in the middle location after the double prime stimulus. These results suggest that automatic visual attention can focus on two separate locations simultaneously, to some extent sparing the region in between.
The reactions of meso-1,2-bis(phenylsulfinyl)ethane (meso-bpse) with Ph2SnCl2, 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiane trans-1-trans-3-dioxide (pdtd) with n-Bu2SnCl2 and 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) with Ph2SnCl2, in 1:1 molar ratio, yielded [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] and [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 or n), respectively. All adducts were studied by IR, Mössbauer and 119Sn NMR spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The X-ray crystal structure of [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] revealed the occurrence of infinite chains in which the tin(IV) atoms appear in a distorted octahedral geometry with Cl atoms in cis and Ph groups in trans positions. The X-ray crystal structure of [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revealed discrete centrosymmetric dimeric species in which the tin(IV) atoms possess a distorted octahedral geometry with bridging disulfoxides in cis and n-butyl moieties in trans positions. The spectroscopic data indicated that the adduct containing the rac,cis-cbpse ligand can be dimeric or polymeric. The X-ray structural analysis of the free rac-,cis-cbpse sulfoxide revealed that the crystals belong to the C2/c space group.
Desde o começo da ocupação humana no litoral centro-sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil, a articulação entre processos naturais e antrópicos modelou uma paisagem fortemente domesticada, marcada pela construção massiva de concheiros de dimensões monumentais e pela permanência milenar. Na planície costeira entre Passagem da Barra (município de Laguna) e lago Figueirinha (município de Jaguaruna), 76 sambaquis foram mapeados, dos quais 48 possuem datação. O levantamento sistemático de sítios e datações permitiu identificar padrões de distribuição espacial nos sambaquis da região, quanto a contexto sedimentar da época de construção, estratigrafia e idade. Desse modo, reconheceram-se nos sítios da região: cinco contextos geológico-geomorfológicos de localização; três padrões estratigráficos; e quatro fases de ocupação sambaquieira baseadas na quantidade de sítios e no tipo de padrão construtivo dominante. O modelo integrado de evolução sedimentar e distribuição tempo-espacial de sambaquis indica que estes sítios eram construídos em áreas já emersas e pouco alagáveis, e que sítios interiores, afastados dos corpos lagunares, podem não se ter preservado ou não estarem expostos devido ao processo de assoreamento contínuo que caracterizou a região após a máxima transgressão holocênica. O cruzamento de dados aqui proposto evidencia a importância de abordagens integradas entre arqueologia e geociências no estudo da evolução das paisagens.
The conventional approach to simple quantum chemistry models is contrasted with that known as momentum representation, where the wavefunctions are momentum dependent. Since the physical interactions are the same, state energies should not change, and whence the energy differences correlating with the real world as spectral lines or bands. We emphasize that one representation is not more fundamental than the other, and the choice is a matter of mathematical convenience. As spatial localization is rooted in our brains, to think in terms of the momentum present us a great mental challenge that can lead to complementary perspectives of a model.
Concrete modules were deployed on the bottom of the 11, 18 and 30 meters isobaths along a cross-shelf hydrographic gradient off Paraná State, Southern Brazil, with the purpose of studying the colonization of sessile epilithic macroinvertebrates on artificial surfaces. After one year of submersion a total of 63 species of epilithic organisms were identified, dominated by Ostrea puelchana, Chthamalus bisinuatus, Balanus cf spongicola, Astrangia cf rathbuni, Didemnum spp, poryphers and bryozoans. Diversity index and percent cover at reef stations placed at 11, 18 and 30 meters isobaths were respectively 2.28 and 66.7%, 2.79 and 96.6% and 1.66 and 77.4%. Differences of general community structure among the three assemblages were not clearly related to the general environmental conditions at the bottom layers near the reef stations. Turbidity and larval abundance are discussed as important factors affecting colonization processes. Results indicate that depths between 15-20 meters are more suitable for the implementation of large scale artificial reef systems in the inner shelf off Paraná and, possibly, throughout the inner shelves off southern Brazil with similar hydrographic conditions.
Extending from latitude 34ºS to 22ºS the Southern Brazilian shelf constitutes the only part of the Brazilian shelf with a subtropical to temperate environment. The studies on the different geological aspects of the area began in the 1960's and have recently been reassessed after studies related to the determination of the Economic Exclusive Zone. In terms of morphology, the Southern Brazilian shelf may be divided into three sectors, the São Paulo Bight, the Florianópolis-Mostardas Sector and the Rio Grande Cone, characterized by conspicuous differences in terms of geological determining factors, bathymetry, declivities and the presence of canyons and channels. Despite the existence of hundreds of radiocarbon datings the sea level changes curve of southern Brazil during the Last Glacial Cycle is still a matter of debate. A recent controversy on the Middle and late Holocene sea level changes curve raised the question of the amplitude of the oscillations which occurred in the period. Also, a few but relatively consistent radiocarbon datings suggest the occurrence of a high sea level during Isotope Stage 3. In terms of sedimentary cover the Southern Brazilian shelf exhibits a very strong hydrodynamic control, both latitudinal and bathymetrical. The sector southward from 25ºS is characterized by the influence of the plume of water carrying sediments originating from the Río de La Plata. Actually its presence is conspicuous up to 28ºS, with the area between this latitude and 25ºS constituting a transitional zone. In terms of bathymetry the outer shelf is marked by the "floor-polisher" effect of the Brazil Current, which is responsible for the maintenance of a relict facies in areas deeper than 100 meters.
Changes in the Brazilian continental margins oceanic productivity and circulation over the last 27,000 years were reconstructed based on sedimentological and microfaunal analyses. Our results suggest that oceanic paleoproductivity and the supply of terrigenous sediments to the Brazilian continental margin were higher during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) than during the Holocene. These changes may have been primarily influenced by significant sea level fluctuations that have occurred since the late Pleistocene. During the LGM, the lower sea level, higher productivity and lower sea-surface paleotemperatures may have been the result of the offshore displacement of the main flow of the Brazil Current. However, during the Holocene, the warm waters of the Brazil Current were displaced toward the coast. This displacement contributed to the increase in water temperature and prevented an increase in oceanic productivity. The decrease in terrigenous supply since the LGM could be related to the increase of the extension of the continental shelf and/or drier climatic conditions.
Deaths caused by systemic mycoses such as paracoccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis and zygomycosis amounted to 3,583 between 1996-2006 in Brazil. When analysed as the underlying cause of death, paracoccidioidomycosis represented the most important cause of deaths among systemic mycoses (~ 51.2%). When considering AIDS as the underlying cause of death and the systemic mycoses as associated conditions, cryptococcosis (50.9%) appeared at the top of the list, followed by candidiasis (30.2%), histoplasmosis (10.1%) and others. This mortality analysis is useful in understanding the real situation of systemic mycoses in Brazil, since there is no mandatory notification of patients diagnosed with systemic mycoses in the official health system.
Chronic hepatitis C is often a progressive, fibrotic disease that can lead to cirrhosis and other complications. The recommended therapy is a combination of interferon and ribavirin. Besides its antiviral action, interferon is considered to have antifibrotic activity. We examined the outcome of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in chronic hepatitis C patients who were non-responders to interferon. We made a case series, retrospective study, based on revision of medical records and reassessment of liver biopsies. For inclusion, patients should have been treated with interferon alone or combined with ribavirin, with no virological response (non responders and relapsers) and had a liver biopsy before and after treatment. Histological evaluation included: i-outcome of fibrosis and necroinflammation; ii-annual fibrosis progression rate evaluation, before and after treatment. Seventy-five patients were included. Fifty-seven patients (76%) did not show progression of fibrosis after treatment, compared to six (8%) before treatment (p < 0.001). The mean annual fibrosis progression rate was significantly reduced after treatment (p = 0.036). Inflammatory activity improved in 19 patients (25.3%). The results support the hypothesis of an antifibrotic effect of interferon-based therapy, in non-responder patients. There was evidence of anti-inflammatory effects of treatment in some patients.
PURPOSE: To analyze the usefulness of the weight gain/height gain ratio from birth to two and three years of age as a predictive risk indicator of excess weight at preschool age. METHODS: The weight and height/length of 409 preschool children at daycare centers were measured according to internationally recommended rules. The weight values and body mass indices of the children were transformed into a z-score per the standard method described by the World Health Organization. The Pearson correlation coefficients (rP) and the linear regressions between the anthropometric parameters and the body mass index z-scores of preschool children were statistically analyzed (alpha = 0.05). RESULTS: The mean age of the study population was 3.2 years (± 0.3 years). The prevalence of excess weight was 28.8%, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 8.8%. The correlation coefficients between the body mass index z-scores of the preschool children and the birth weights or body mass indices at birth were low (0.09 and 0.10, respectively). There was a high correlation coefficient (rP = 0.79) between the mean monthly gain of weight and the body mass index z-score of preschool children. A higher coefficient (rP = 0.93) was observed between the ratio of the mean weight gain per height gain (g/cm) and the preschool children body mass index z-score. The coefficients and their differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Regardless of weight or length at birth, the mean ratio between the weight gain per g/cm of height growth from birth presented a strong correlation with the body mass index of preschool children. These results suggest that this ratio may be a good indicator of the risk of excess weight and obesity in preschool-aged children.
The green turtle Chelonia mydas feeds and nests in the Brazilian coastal area and is considered an endangered species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN 2009) and threatened by the Red List of Brazilian Fauna (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2009). Fibropapillomatosis is a disease characterized by benign skin tumors (fibropapillomas), and it is one of the main threats to the survival of this species. Studies suggest the involvement of viruses as infectious agents associated with environmental and genetic factors. Blood samples were collected from 45 turtles captured in the coastal area of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From these, 27 were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Biometrical data on the turtles, size, location and quantity of tumors were recorded. The area occupied by fibropapillomas per animal was calculated and four groups were determined according to severity of the disease or its absence. The objective of the study was to compare hemogram results of the sea turtles classified in these four groups. The lowest hematocrit value was observed in severely affected animals. In the hemoglobin assay, the highest value was observed in the group of tumor free turtles and the lowest, in animals severely affected. Lymphocyte counts and curved carapace length were on the verge of statistical significance.
Snacks made by extrusion cooking of pure amaranth flour or mixtures of 80 per cent amaranth flour and 20 per centcorn grits or chickpea flour were developed to replace the traditional commercial ones with improved nutritional and functional quality. Pure amaranth snacks and the blended ones were flavored with salty and sweet flavors and evaluated for acceptability using a 9-point hedonic scale. The good acceptance observed for either salty or sweet flavored snacks indicated that they have characteristics to compete with similar commercial products. Acceptability of salty snacks increased with storage time at room temperature in BOPP (polypropylene bi-guided) packs whereas slightly decreased for the sweet ones. This type of storage proved to be very efficient for the conservation of the salty product and also suitable for the sweet ones
A gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada tem sido utilizada na aromatização de snacks. Entretanto, o risco à saúde ocasionado pelo elevado consumo de ácidos graxos saturados e trans (AGT) vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de abordagens alternativas a essa gordura. Substituímos a gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada (F) por óleo de canola (O) na aromatização de snacks. Snacks com diferentes níveis de O foram produzidos, embalados e armazenados em temperatura ambiente durante vinte semanas. Monitoramos o perfil de ácidos graxos, o teor de substâncias reativas ao TBA (TBARS), a força de cisalhamento e a aceitabilidade sensorial. A substituição total reduziu o teor de ácidos graxos saturados em 72,5 por cento, em comparação aos snacks comerciais. Os snacks eram inicialmente isentos de AGT, porém, após 8 semanas, esses compostos surgiram, havendo aumento gradual durante o período de armazenamento. Entretanto, estes níveis mantiveram-se inferiores aos observados em snacks comercializados. Também foram observados baixos teores de TBARS e estabilidade da força de cisalhamento. Snacks aromatizados com F ou O foram igualmente bem aceitos durante as vinte semanas de armazenamento. É possível desenvolver snacks com teores reduzidos de ácidos graxos saturados e trans, estáveis durante o armazenamento, mantendo a elevada aceitabilidade sensorial típica deste tipo de produto
A França passou por conflitos urbanos em seus bairros populares. Incidentes com a polícia marcados pela morte de um morador, geralmente jovem ou adolescente, são seguidos por manifestações violentas: quebra-quebras, incêndios de carros e/ou estabelecimentos públicos e privados, enfrentamentos com a polícia. Nos conflitos da "banlieue" francesa podem ser percebidos elementos comuns a eventos ingleses e/ou americanos de outras décadas.OBJETIVO: consiste em identificar a percepção e as representações de moradores sobre suas condições de vida e saúde na França.MÉTODO: pesquisa qualitativa realizada em Les Aubiers, bairro popular de Bordeaux, nos anos de 2002 e 2005. A população de moradores desse bairro e é composta principalmente por imigrantes ou fanceses de origem estrangeira, provenientes de diferentes locais: África do Norte, África Sub-Sahariana, Turquia, Portugal , Ilha de Reunião. Os indicadores sociais e econômicos apresentam níveis significativamente mais baixos do que os de outros bairros de Bordeaux, acompanhando as tendências encontradas nas outras "banlieues". Entre esses indicadores, a taxa de desemprego, principalmente entre jovens, é alarmante (40 por cento).RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: as políticas sociais deveriam ser mais voltadas para os indivíduos do que para o território, pois este só poderá ser transformado pelos primeiros e não o contrário. Um bairro e uma população estigmatizados, estão contemplados por uma ampla política social. Ainda que passível de crítica, não se pode ignorar a existência de esforços sistematicos de integração, nem a existência de políticas sociais. Se elas são inadequadas, trata-se de ampliar o espaço de discusão para sua reforma. Trata-se de saber qual a disposição das sociedades contemporâneas, como um todo, para lutar contra as inequidades e segregações