137 resultados para laura algebras
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo principal objetivo foi conhecer como se dá o exercício da sexualidade por parte de adolescentes privados de liberdade. Os dados foram coletados em três estados do nordeste brasileiro, que adotaram a política pública de oferecer visitas 'íntimas' aos jovens em conflito com a lei. Os resultados apresentam o perfil dos adolescentes, a vida sexual e os cuidados com a saúde antes da internação, o exercício da sexualidade no interior da instituição e, por fim, a visita íntima do ponto de vista dos entrevistados. Com base nesses dados e nos direitos dos adolescentes à autonomia; à participação; à igualdade e não discriminação, à integridade corporal e à saúde, essa política pública foi avaliada. Recomendações para aperfeiçoá-la foram tecidas, de modo a melhor atender aos direitos sexuais de jovens privados de liberdade.
FUNDAMENTO: Os efeitos do envelhecimento no músculo papilar têm sido amplamente demonstrados, mas não há dados disponíveis sobre os efeitos do exercício nas alterações relacionadas à idade. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do envelhecimento nas propriedades morfológicas e quantitativas do músculo papilar e investigar se um programa contínuo de exercícios moderados pode exercer um efeito protetor contra as conseqüências do envelhecimento. MÉTODOS: Microscopia eletrônica foi utilizada para estudar a densidade dos miócitos, capilares e tecido conectivo e área transversal dos miócitos do músculo papilar no ventrículo esquerdo de ratos Wistar de 6 e 13 meses, não-treinados e submetidos a exercícios. RESULTADOS: Como esperado, a densidade de volume dos miócitos diminui significantemente (p<0,05) com a idade. A densidade de comprimento dos capilares também diminui com a idade, mas não de forma significante. A fração de volume intersticial do tecido do músculo capilar aumenta significantemente com a idade (P<0,05). O número de perfis de miócitos mostrou uma redução de 20% que foi acompanhada de hipertrofia dos miócitos no envelhecimento (P<0,05). Animais submetidos a uma sessão diária de 60 minutos, 5 dias/semana a 1,8 km.h-1 de corrida moderada em esteira ergométrica durante 28 semanas mostraram uma reversão de todos os efeitos do envelhecimento observados no músculo papilar. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo apóia o conceito de que treinamento físico de longo prazo impede as mudanças deletérias relacionadas à idade no músculo capilar.
A case-control study was carried out in litters of 1 to 7-day-old piglets to identify the main infectious agents involved with neonatal diarrhea in pigs. Fecal samples (n=276) from piglets were collected on pig farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from May to September 2007. Litters with diarrhea were considered cases (n=129) and normal litters (n=147) controls. The samples were examined by latex agglutination test, PAGE, conventional isolating techniques, ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods in order to detect rotavirus, bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens type A and C, and Clostridium difficile), and parasites (Coccidian and Cryptosporidium spp.). Outbreaks of diarrhea were not observed during sampling. At least one agent was detected in fecal samples on 25 out of 28 farms (89.3%) and in 16 farms (57.1%) more than one agent was found. The main agents diagnosed were Coccidia (42.86%) and rotavirus (39.29%). The main agents identified in litters with diarrhea were Clostridium difficile (10.6%), Clostridium perfringens type A (8.8%) and rotavirus (7.5%); in control litters, Clostridium difficile (16.6%) and Coccidian (8.5%). Beta hemolytic Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens type C were not detected. When compared with controls, no agent was significantly associated with diarrhea in case litters. These findings stress the need for caution in the interpretation of laboratorial diagnosis of mild diarrhea in neonatal pigs, as the sole detection of an agent does not necessarily indicate that it is the cause of the problem.
This article reports on the identification of a group 2 coronavirus (BatCoV DR/2007) in a Desmodus rotundus vampire bat in Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis of ORF1b revealed that BatCoV DR/2007 originates from a unique lineage in the archetypical group 2 coronaviruses, as described for bat species elsewhere with putative importance in Public Health.
Objetivou-se quantificar na cana-de-açúcar o teor de carboidratos solúveis (CHOs) que anula a produção de etanol e avaliar os efeitos desses carboidratos sobre o valor nutritivo e outras características fermentativas da silagem de cana-de-açúcar. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos, cada um com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da retirada total do caldo da cana-de-açúcar, por meio de prensagem, e de sua reconstituição (0, 50 ou 100%) à cana. No nível de 50% de reconstituição, o caldo foi adicionado à cana juntamente com 50% de água e, no nível 0%, adicionou-se 100% de água à cana. A restituição resultou em concentrações de 41,6; 34,0 e 23,0% de carboidratos solúveis na matéria seca (MS). O material foi ensilado em 12 silos experimentais confeccionados a partir de baldes plásticos. A abertura dos silos foi realizada 85 dias após a ensilagem, quando foram determinados os teores dos ácidos orgânicos e a composição química das silagens. A retirada de carboidratos solúveis da cana-de-açúcar teve efeito linear decrescente sobre os teores de matéria seca, o teor de carboidratos solúveis e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das silagens, no entanto, ocasionou aumento dos teores de fibra detergente ácido (FDA), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) e lignina. Observou-se efeito linear decrescente da retirada dos carboidratos solúveis sobre os teores de etanol e ácidos lático e butírico e as perdas de matéria seca das silagens. Não se observaram efeitos de tratamentos sobre os dados de estabilidade aeróbia. A produção de etanol seria nula se a cana-de-açúcar contivesse apenas 12,4% de CHOs com base na matéria seca (MS).
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de pacientes adultos residentes no município de São Paulo que evoluíram para óbito associado à tuberculose, segundo fatores biológicos, ambientais e institucionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, abrangendo todos os óbitos por tuberculose (N=416) ocorridos em 2002, entre maiores de 15 anos. Os dados analisados foram obtidos do Sistema Municipal de Informações de Mortalidade, prontuários hospitalares, Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos e Sistema de Vigilância de Tuberculose. Os cálculos dos riscos relativos e intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC 95 por cento) tiveram como referência o sexo feminino, grupo de 15 a 29 anos, e os naturais do Estado de São Paulo. A análise comparativa usou o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e o exato de Fisher para variáveis categóricas e o teste Kruskal-Wallis para variáveis contínuas. RESULTADOS: Do total de óbitos, 78 por cento apresentavam a forma pulmonar; o diagnóstico foi efetuado após a morte em 30 por cento e em unidades de atendimento primário em 14 por cento dos casos; 44 por cento não iniciaram tratamento; 49 por cento não foram notificados; 76 por cento eram homens e a mediana da idade foi de 51 anos; 52 por cento tinham até quatro anos de estudo, 4 por cento eram prováveis moradores de rua. As taxas de mortalidade aumentavam com a idade, sendo de 5,0/100.000 no município, variando de zero a 35, conforme o distrito. Para 82 de 232 pacientes com registro de tratamento, havia referência de tratamento anterior, e desses, 41 o haviam abandonado. Constatou-se presença de diabetes (16 por cento), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (19 por cento), HIV (11 por cento), tabagismo (71 por cento) e alcoolismo (64 por cento) nos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Homens acima de 50 anos, migrantes e residentes em distritos com baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano apresentam maiores riscos de óbito. )A pouca escolaridade e apresentar co-morbidades são características importante Observou-se baixa participação das unidades básicas de saúde no diagnóstico e a elevada sub-notificação
Background: Francisella tularensis causes severe pulmonary disease, and nasal vaccination could be the ideal measure to effectively prevent it. Nevertheless, the efficacy of this type of vaccine is influenced by the lack of an effective mucosal adjuvant. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mice were immunized via the nasal route with lipopolysaccharide isolated from F. tularensis and neisserial recombinant PorB as an adjuvant candidate. Then, mice were challenged via the same route with the F. tularensis attenuated live vaccine strain (LVS). Mouse survival and analysis of a number of immune parameters were conducted following intranasal challenge. Vaccination induced a systemic antibody response and 70% of mice were protected from challenge as showed by their improved survival and weight regain. Lungs from mice recovering from infection presented prominent lymphoid aggregates in peribronchial and perivascular areas, consistent with the location of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT). BALT areas contained proliferating B and T cells, germinal centers, T cell infiltrates, dendritic cells (DCs). We also observed local production of antibody generating cells and homeostatic chemokines in BALT areas. Conclusions: These data indicate that PorB might be an optimal adjuvant candidate for improving the protective effect of F. tularensis antigens. The presence of BALT induced after intranasal challenge in vaccinated mice might play a role in regulation of local immunity and long-term protection, but more work is needed to elucidate mechanisms that lead to its formation.
Background: Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is a potent inflammatory mediator that also stimulates the immune response. In addition, it promotes polymorphonuclear leukocyte phagocytosis, chemotaxis, chemokinesis and modulates cytokines release. Regarding chemical instability of the leukotriene molecule, in the present study we assessed the immunomodulatory activities conferred by LTB(4) released from microspheres (MS). A previous oil-in-water emulsion solvent extraction-evaporation method was chosen to prepare LTB(4)-loaded MS. Results: In the mice cremasteric microcirculation, intraescrotal injection of 0.1 ml of LTB(4)-loaded MS provoked significant increases in leukocyte rolling flux, adhesion and emigration besides significant decreases in the leukocyte rolling velocity. LTB(4)-loaded MS also increase peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR alpha) expression by murine peritoneal macrophages and stimulate them to generate nitrite levels. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-I (MCP-I) and nitric oxide (NO) productions were also increased when human umbilical vein and artery endothelial cells (HUVECs and HUAECs, respectively) were stimulated with LTB(4)-loaded MS. Conclusion: LTB(4)-loaded MS preserve the biological activity of the encapsulated mediator indicating their use as a new strategy to modulate cell activation, especially in the innate immune response.
The photo-Fenton process (Fe(2+)/Fe(3+), H(2)O(2), UV light) is one of the most efficient and advanced oxidation processes for the mineralization of the organic pollutants of industrial effluents and wastewater. The overall rate of the photo-Fenton process is controlled by the rate of the photolytic step that converts Fe(3+) back to Fe(2+). In this paper, the effect of sulfate or chloride ions on the net yield of Fe(2+) during the photolysis of Fe(3+) has been investigated in aqueous solution at pH 3.0 and 1.0 in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. A kinetic model based on the principal reactions that occur in the system fits the data for formation of Fe(2+) satisfactorily. Both experimental data and model prediction show that the availability of Fe(2+) produced by photolysis of Fe(3+) is inhibited much more in the presence of sulfate ion than in the presence of chloride ion as a function of the irradiation time at pH 3.0.
Background: Prostate tumor heterogeneity is a major factor in disease management. Heterogeneity could be due to multiple cancer cell types with distinct gene expression. Of clinical importance is the so-called cancer stem cell type. Cell type-specific transcriptomes are used to examine lineage relationship among cancer cell types and their expression similarity to normal cell types including stem/progenitor cells. Methods: Transcriptomes were determined by Affymetrix DNA array analysis for the following cell types. Putative prostate progenitor cell populations were characterized and isolated by expression of the membrane transporter ABCG2. Stem cells were represented by embryonic stem and embryonal carcinoma cells. The cancer cell types were Gleason pattern 3 (glandular histomorphology) and pattern 4 (aglandular) sorted from primary tumors, cultured prostate cancer cell lines originally established from metastatic lesions, xenografts LuCaP 35 (adenocarcinoma phenotype) and LuCaP 49 (neuroendocrine/small cell carcinoma) grown in mice. No detectable gene expression differences were detected among serial passages of the LuCaP xenografts. Results: Based on transcriptomes, the different cancer cell types could be clustered into a luminal-like grouping and a non-luminal-like (also not basal-like) grouping. The non-luminal-like types showed expression more similar to that of stem/progenitor cells than the luminal-like types. However, none showed expression of stem cell genes known to maintain stemness. Conclusions: Non-luminal-like types are all representatives of aggressive disease, and this could be attributed to the similarity in overall gene expression to stem and progenitor cell types.
Background: Prostate cancer cells in primary tumors have been typed CD10(-)/CD13(-)/CD24(hi)/CD26(+)/CD38(lo)/CD44(-)/CD104(-). This CD phenotype suggests a lineage relationship between cancer cells and luminal cells. The Gleason grade of tumors is a descriptive of tumor glandular differentiation. Higher Gleason scores are associated with treatment failure. Methods: CD26(+) cancer cells were isolated from Gleason 3+3 (G3) and Gleason 4+4 (G4) tumors by cell sorting, and their gene expression or transcriptome was determined by Affymetrix DNA array analysis. Dataset analysis was used to determine gene expression similarities and differences between G3 and G4 as well as to prostate cancer cell lines and histologically normal prostate luminal cells. Results: The G3 and G4 transcriptomes were compared to those of prostatic cell types of non-cancer, which included luminal, basal, stromal fibromuscular, and endothelial. A principal components analysis of the various transcriptome datasets indicated a closer relationship between luminal and G3 than luminal and G4. Dataset comparison also showed that the cancer transcriptomes differed substantially from those of prostate cancer cell lines. Conclusions: Genes differentially expressed in cancer are potential biomarkers for cancer detection, and those differentially expressed between G3 and G4 are potential biomarkers for disease stratification given that G4 cancer is associated with poor outcomes. Differentially expressed genes likely contribute to the prostate cancer phenotype and constitute the signatures of these particular cancer cell types.
Background: The prostate stroma is a key mediator of epithelial differentiation and development, and potentially plays a role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. The tumor-associated stroma is marked by increased expression of CD90/THYI. Isolation and characterization of these stromal cells could provide valuable insight into the biology of the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Prostate CD90(+) stromal fibromuscular cells from tumor specimens were isolated by cell-sorting and analyzed by DNA microarray. Dataset analysis was used to compare gene expression between histologically normal and tumor-associated stromal cells. For comparison, stromal cells were also isolated and analyzed from the urinary bladder. Results: The tumor-associated stromal cells were found to have decreased expression of genes involved in smooth muscle differentiation, and those detected in prostate but not bladder. Other differential expression between the stromal cell types included that of the CXC-chemokine genes. Conclusion: CD90(+) prostate tumor-associated stromal cells differed from their normal counterpart in expression of multiple genes, some of which are potentially involved in organ development.
This article is an introduction to the special issue of Sexuality Research & Social Policy, where we share some of the research of our project, ""Relations among 'race,' sexuality and gender in different local and national contexts."" The goal of this project was to develop broad comparative research on race, sexuality, and gender in Brazil, South Africa, and the USA. New signs of identity and contestation were noted during our research. Given the numerous and important changes which are currently in progress in these interlinked fields, we identified important connections between transformations in the symbolic order and social gains, which cannot necessarily be converted into more widespread decreases in social inequality or which can break apart forms of hierarchization and exclusion. The results of our studies in South Africa and Brazil are the focus of this special issue, given that these two contexts are less well known by the American public.
In South Africa, and especially in Johannesburg, apartheid's ""racial"" paradigms are being transformed. Fifteen years after the end of apartheid and the elimination of all forms of inequity based on notion of ""race,"" including the abolition of the Immorality Act of 1949 that prohibited mixed marriages, the discourses of youth challenge preestablished boundaries. Today, the South African Constitution gives people the right to proclaim their sexual orientation and to shape their own identities. Through ethnographic observations carried out in Johannesburg and in-depth interviews with young people, this paper explores transforming notions of identity based on ""race/color/ethnicity,"" gender, class, and sexuality. The dynamics and challenges faced by young people with regards to mixed interactions in post-apartheid Johannesburg are analyzed and the paper looks at how "" race,"" gender, and sexuality interact in the various spaces in Johannesburg and how they affect young people's lives, particularly their perceptions of risk, violence, and HIV/AIDS vulnerability.