78 resultados para endoscopic


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Hepatectomy may prolong the survival of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. Two-stage liver surgery is a valid option for the treatment of bilobar colorectal liver metastasis. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a two-stage pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for bilateral liver metastasis. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first description of a two-stage laparoscopic liver resection in the English literature. A 54-year-old man with right colon cancer and synchronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis underwent laparoscopic right colon resection followed by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The patient then was referred for surgical treatment of liver metastasis. Liver volumetry showed a small left liver remnant. Surgical planning was for a totally laparoscopic two-stage liver resection. The first stage involved laparoscopic resection of segment 3 and ligature of the right portal vein. The postoperative pathology showed high-grade liver steatosis. After 4 weeks, the left liver had regenerated, and volumetry of left liver was 43%. The second stage involved laparoscopic right hepatectomy using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. Intrahepatic access to the main right Glissonian pedicle was achieved with two small incisions, and an endoscopic vascular stapling device was inserted between these incisions and fired. The line of liver transection was marked following the ischemic area. Liver transection was accomplished with the Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device. The specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. The falciform ligament was fixed to maintain the left liver in its original anatomic position, avoiding hepatic vein kinking and outflow syndrome. The operative time was 90 min for stage 1 and 240 min for stage 2 of the procedure. The recoveries after the first and second operations were uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative days 2 and 7, respectively. Two-stage liver resections can be performed safely using laparoscopy. The intrahepatic Glissonian approach is a useful tool for pedicle control of the right liver, especially after previous dissection of the hilar plate.


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Dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma may arise in patients with Barrett`s esophagus after fundoplication esophageal pH monitoring showing no acid in esophagus. This suggests the need to develop methodology to evaluate the occurrence of ultra-distal reflux (1 cm above the LES). The objective of the study was to compare acid exposition in three different levels: 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, 1 cm above the LES and in the intrasphincteric region. Eleven patients with Barrett`s esophagus after Nissen fundoplication with no clinical, endoscopic and radiologic evidence of reflux were selected. Four-channel pH monitoring took place: channel A, 5 cm above the upper border of the LES; channel B, 1 cm above the LES; channel C, intrasphincteric; channel D, intragastric. The results of channels A, B and C were compared. There was significant increase in number of reflux episodes and a higher fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel A. There was significant decrease in fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel C. Two cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma were diagnosed in the studied patients. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is more exposed to acid than the region 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, although this exposure occurred in reduced levels. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is less exposed to acid than the intrasphincteric region.


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Background and Aim: Although prophylaxis with beta-blockers has been shown to decrease variceal pressure and wall tension in cirrhotic patients, this has not been demonstrated in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension caused by Schistosoma mansoni infection. Methods: Thirteen patients without history of previous gastrointestinal bleeding were included. All of them had high-risk esophageal varices at endoscopy. An endoscopic gauge and a high-frequency endoscopic ultrasonography miniprobe were used to assess transmural variceal pressure and wall tension before and after achieving beta-blockade with propranolol. Results: Baseline variceal pressure decreased from 13.3 +/- 3.5 to 8.2 +/- 2.0 mmHg (P < 0.0001) and wall tension from 500.2 +/- 279.8 to 274.0 +/- 108.3 mg.mm-1. The overall effect of propranolol on decreasing variceal pressure and wall tension expressed in percentage change in relation to baseline values was 35.7 +/- 18.4% and 35.9 +/- 26.7%, respectively (P = 0.9993). Conclusion: Propranolol significantly reduced variceal pressure and wall tension in schistosomiasis.


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Background: Malignancies of the biliary and pancreatic systems are associated with a poor prognosis. However, ampullary cancer carries a better prognosis and is often diagnosed when curative treatment is still possible. Accurate staging is important for the determination of the most appropriate treatment option. Objectives: (1) To determine the test performance characteristics of EUS and CT in loco-regional staging of ampullary neoplasms, and (2) to determine the impact of CT scan results on the test performance characteristics of EUS. Design and Setting: Prospective single-arm intervention study performed in 2 academic hospitals. Results and Main Outcome Measurements: Thirty-seven patients were screened and 33 staged with EUS and CT A total of 27 patients (13 men; mean age, 69.5 years; mean serum bilirubin level, 12.6 mg/dL) with locally advanced disease completed the protocol with EUS and CT and underwent surgical resection. Tumor classifications were as follows: 2 patients (7.4%), T1 tumors; 13 patients (48.1%), T2 tumors; and 12 patients (44.4%), T3 tumors, as per surgical pathology. Seventeen tumors (62.9%) were classified as NO and 10 (37.1%) as NI. The difference in proportion of correct tumor (74.1% vs 51.8%; P =.15, 95% CI, -0.06-0-50) and lymph node (81.4% vs; 55.5%; P =.07, 95% Cl, -0.01-0.53) staging by EUS and CT, respectively, was not statistically significantly different. However, the strength of tumor (kappa 0.51 vs 0.11) and nodal (kappa 0.59 vs 0.05) agreement with pathology was statistically significantly higher for EUS than for CT (P <.05). EUS was more sensitive and specific than CT for tumor and nodal staging, and the association of CT to EUS data did not improve the final test accuracy Limitation: Low number of T1 tumors. Conclusions: EUS is in accurate diagnostic test and exhibits a high level of agreement with surgical pathology. CT findings do not improve the test performance characteristics of EUS. Therefore, the evaluation for metastatic disease should not be compromised by CT protocols that aim to perform tumor and nodal staging. Further studies to determine the role of specialized CT protocols in patients with ampullary malignancies are needed. (Gastrointest Endosc 2009;70:290-6.)


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Background: EUS is being increasingly utilized for the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis and microlithiasis, especially in patients with biliary colic. Simultaneously, there is also a rising interest in the use of EUS for therapeutic interventions. Objectives: Our goal was to assess the effectiveness of EUS-directed common bile duct (CBD) stone removal to compare its safety and effectiveness with ERCP-directed intervention. Design: interim results of a prospective, randomized, single-center blinded clinical trial. Setting: A single tertiary care referral center. Patients: Fifty-two patients with uncomplicated CBD stones were prospectively randomized to CBD cannulation and stone removal under EUS or ERCP guidance. Main Outcome Measurements and Interventions: Primary outcome measure was the rate of successful cannulation of the CBD. Secondary Outcome measures included Successful removal of stones and overall complication rates. Results: CBD cannulation followed by stone extraction was successful in 23 of 26 patients (88.5%) in the EUS group (1) versus 25 of 26 patients (96.2%) in the ERCP group (11) (95% CI, -27.65%, 9.88%). Overall, there were 3 complications in the EUS group and 4 complications in the ERCP group. Limitation: The current study is an interim report from a single center report and performed by a single operator. Conclusions: Our preliminary analysis indicates that Outcomes following EUS-guided CBD stone retrieval are equivalent to those following ERCP EUS-related adverse events are similar to those following ERCP. ERCP and EUS-guided stone retrieval appears to be equally effective for therapeutic interventions of the bile duct. Additional studies are required to validate these preliminary results and to determine predictors of success of EUS-guided stone removal. (Gastrointest Endosc 2009;69:238-43.)


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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetic disease characterized by multiple adenomatous colorectal polyps and different extracolonic manifestations (ECM). The present work is aimed to analyze the outcome after surgical treatment regarding complications and cancer recurrence. Charts from patients treated between 1977 and 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and endoscopic data, results of treatment, pathological reports and information about recurrence were collected. Eighty-eight patients (41 men [46.6%] and 47 women [53.4%]) were assisted. At diagnosis, associated colorectal cancer (CRC) was detected in 53 patients (60.2%), whose average age was higher than those without CRC (40.0 vs. 29.5 years). At colonoscopy, polyposis was classified as attenuated in 12 patients (14.3%). Surgical treatment consisted in total proctocolectomy with ileostomy (PCI, 15 [17.4%]), restorative proctocolectomy (RPC, 27 [31.4%]), total colectomy with ileal-rectum anastomosis (IRA, 42 [48.8%]), palliative segmental resection (1 [1.2%]) and internal bypass (1 [1.2%]). Two patients were not operated on due to religious reasons and advanced disease. Complications occurred in 25 patients (29.0%), more commonly after RPC (48.1%). There was no operative mortality. Local or distant metastases were detected in six (11.3%) patients with CRC treated to cure. During the follow-up of 36 IRA, cancer developed in the rectal cuff in six patients (16.6%), whose average age was higher than in patients without rectal recurrence (45.8 vs. 36.6 years). Five of them have had colonic cancer in the resected specimen. Among the 26 patients followed after RPC, cancer in the ileal pouch developed in 1 (3.8%). (1) Within the present series, FAP patients presented a high incidence of associated CRC and diagnosis was generally established after the third decade of life; (2) operative complications occurred in about one third of the patients, being more frequent after the confection of an ileal reservoir; (3) rectal cancer after IRA was detected in 16.6% of patients and it was associated with greater age and previous colonic carcinoma; (4) both continuous and long-term surveillance of the rectal stump and ileal pouch are necessary during follow-up.


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Background: Subtotal esophagectomy and gastric pull-up with cervical anastomosis is the main treatment for advanced achalasia. This surgical technique has been associated to esophagitis and also Barrett`s epithelium following esophagectomy. Aim: To analyze late clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic findings in the esophageal stump (ES) mucosa after subtotal esophagectomy in patients treated for advanced chagasic achalasia. Methods: 101 patients submitted to esophagectomy and cervical gastroplasty were followed-up prospectively for a mean of 10.5 +/- 8.8 years. All patients underwent clinical, endoscopic and histopathological evaluation every 2 years. Gastric acid secretion was also assessed. Results: The incidence of esophagitis in the esophageal stump (45.9% at 1 year; 71.9% at 5 years, and 70.0% at 10 years follow-up); gastritis in the transposed stomach (20.4% at 1 year, 31.0% at 5 years, and 40.0% at 10 or more years follow-up), and the occurrence of ectopic columnar metaplasia and Barrett`s Esophagus in the ES (none until 1 year; 10.9% between 1 and 5 years; 29.5% between 5 and 10 years; and 57.5% at 10 or more years follow-up), all rose over time. Gastric acid secretion returns to its preoperative values 4 years postoperatively. Esophageal stump cancer was detected in the setting of chronic esophagitis in five patients: three squamous cell carcinomas and two adenocarcinomas. Conclusion: (1) Esophagitis and Barrett`s esophagus in the esophageal stump rose over time. (2) These mucosal alterations and the development of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are probably due to exposure to duodenogastric reflux, and progressively higher acid output in the transposed stomach.


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Introduction: Current advances in frame modeling and computer software allow stereotactic procedures to be performed with great accuracy and minimal risk of neural tissue or vascular injury. Case Report: In this report we associate a previously described minimally invasive stereotactic technique with state-of-the-art 3D computer guidance technology to successfully treat a 55-year-old patient with an arachnoidal cyst obstructing the aqueduct of Sylvius. We provide 1 detailed technical information and discuss how this technique deals with previous limitations for stereotactic manipulation of the aqueductal region. We further discuss current advances in neuroendoscopy for treating obstructive hydrocephalus and make comparisons with our proposed technique. Conclusion: We advocate that this technique is not only capable of treating this pathology but it also has the advantages to enable reestablishment of physiological CSF flow thus preventing future brainstem compression by cyst enlargement.


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Objectives: To evaluate the anatomic variations of neurovascular structures adjacent to the sphenoid sinus and their agreement between right and left sides as well as differences between sexes. Methods: Forty-five cadavers were dissected (24 men, and differences between sexes and agreement of anatomic variations of the sphenoid sinus between sides were analyzed. Results: The mean distance from the sphenoid sinus ostium to the anterior nasal spine was greater in males than in females by an average of 3.0 mm (p = 0.001) while the mean difference of distances between the right and left side was -1.1 +/- 3.1 mm. Female cadavers had a greater frequency of optic-carotid recess (p = 0.04) and dehiscence over the maxillary nerve (p = 0.02), as well as greater relative risk of optic nerve protrusion (p < 0.001), and dehiscence over the internal carotid artery (ICA) (p = 0.002). In male cadavers the intersinus septum was inserted on the course of the ICA 3.5 times more often than in female (p = 0.02). Agreement of anatomic variations between sides ranged from moderate to almost perfect depending on the structures evaluated. Conclusions: There are anatomic differences of the sphenoid sinus between sexes and between right and left sides, and these differences should be taken into consideration during surgery.


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Successful surgical treatment of deep bowel endometriosis depends on obtaining detailed information about the lesions, prior to the procedure. The objective of this study was to determine the capability of transvaginal ultrasonography with bowel preparation (TVUS-BP) to predict the presence of one or more rectosigmoid nodules and the deepest bowel layer affected by the disease. A prospective study of 194 patients with clinical and TVUS-BP suspected deep endometriosis submitted to videolaparoscopy. Image data were compared with surgical and histological results. With respect to bowel nodule detection and presence of at least two rectosigmoid lesions, TVUS-BP had a sensitivity of 97 and 81%, specificity 100 and 99%, positive predictive value (PPV) 100 and 93% and negative predictive value (NPV) 98 and 96%, respectively. Regarding diagnosis of infiltration of the submucosal/mucosal layer, TVUS-BP had a sensitivity of 83%, specificity 94%, PPV 77%, NPV 96%. These findings show that TVUS-BP is an adequate exam for evaluating the presence of one or more rectosigmoid nodules and the deepest layer affected in deep infiltrating bowel endometriosis, confirming the importance of this technique for defining the most appropriate surgical strategy to be implemented.


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Objective. (1) Evaluate the presence of biofilms in patients with chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and (2) investigate the association of biofilm presence and CRSwNP. Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. University-based tertiary care center. Subjects and Methods. The study group consisted of 33 consecutive patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for CRSwNP. The control group consisted of 27 control patients undergoing septoplasty for nasal obstruction without diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. Mucosal samples were harvested intraoperatively for scanning electron microscopic examination to determine biofilm presence. Statistical analysis was performed. For all statistical tests, P = .05 was considered significant. Results. Biofilms were found in 24 (72.7%) of the 33 patients with CRSwNP and in 13 (48.1%) of the 27 septoplasty patients (odds ratio = 2.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.98-8.42; P = .051). Conclusion. (1) Biofilms were present in patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for CRSwNP and also in controls without chronic sinusitis. This suggests that biofilms may not be sufficient to cause chronic sinusitis without other cofactors. Host factors could be the responsible for the pathogenesis of biofilms. (2) Although the prevalence of biofilms in patients with CRSwNP was not significantly different from that in the controls, the extremely wide 95% confidence interval, which is just below unity, suggests that a meaningful clinical difference may have been missed because of low statistical power. Further studies are necessary.


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Primary Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL) of the stomach is an extremely rare entity. Most cases of gastric involvement by HL are observed in the setting of disseminated disease. The nonspecific nature of the symptoms and endoscopic findings, which include a large malignant-looking ulcer and mass or wall thickening, together with the considerable histological overlap between HLs and some non-HLs or undifferentiated carcinoma, make the surgical resection diagnosis extremely difficult. An accurate diagnosis is important as treatment and outcome differ significantly for these neoplasms. In small endoscopic gastric biopsies and even in postoperative specimens, the precise histological diagnosis of HL is particularly challenging. Here, the authors report 5 cases of 2 women and 3 men aged 22 to 68, with gastric involvement by classic HLs-3 primary gastric HLs and 2 as part of widespread disease. All 5 patients presented with digestive symptoms. At endoscopy, the lesions presented as ulcerated and elevated lesions, with or without mucosal thickening. Four patients were misdiagnosed in the preoperative biopsy or in the gastrectomy specimen. Association with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was detected in 4 cases, with a predominance of subtype A EBV. These cases illustrate the significant difficulties, both clinical and pathological, in achieving the diagnosis of HL involving the stomach in immunocompetent patients.


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Background Curative resection of pancreatic and biliary malignancies is rare. Most tumors are inoperable at presentation, and palliation of jaundice often is the goal. Biliary decompression can be achieved by surgical diversion or endoscopic biliary stents. This study aimed to compare clinical outcomes between surgical bypass and endoscopic uncovered nitinol stents in the palliation of patients with malignant distal common bile duct obstruction. Methods A multicenter, retrospective, cohort study investigated 86 patients with inoperable malignant distal common bile duct strictures at tertiary referral centers in Medellin, Colombia. These patients had undergone surgery (group 1) or placement of an uncovered 30-Fr self-expandable nitinol stent produced locally in Medellin, Colombia (group 2). The main outcome measurements included cumulative biliary patency, hospital stay, and patient survival. Results The study enrolled 86 patients (mean age, 66 years; range, 43-78 years) including 40 patients in group 1 and 46 patients in group 2. Both groups were similar in terms of age, gender, liver metastasis, and diagnosis. Technical success was achieved for 38 patients in group 1 (95%) and 43 patients in group 2 (93%). Functional biliary decompression was obtained in for 35 of the surgical patients (88%) and 42 of the stented patients (91%). Group 2 had lower rates for procedure-related mortality (2 vs. 7.5%; p = 0.01), a lower frequency of early complications (8.7 vs. 45%; p = 0.02), and a shorter hospital stay (median, 6 vs. 12 days; p = 0.01). Recurrent jaundice occurred for three patients in group 1 (7.5%) and eight patients in group 2 (17.3%) (p = 0.198). Late gastric outlet obstruction occurred for 12.5% of the patients in group 1 and 13% of the patients in group 2 (p = 0.73). Despite the early benefits of stenting, no significant difference in the median overall survival between the two groups was found (group 1, 163 days; group 2, 178 days; p = 0.11). The limitations of this study included the small number of patients and the retrospective design. Conclusions Endoscopic stenting and surgery are effective palliation. The former is associated with fewer early complications and the latter with fewer late complications. Patients who do not qualify for curative resection may be better managed by stent placement. Surgery should be reserved for patients more likely to survive longer.


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Objectives/Hypothesis: Blood supply to the Hadad-Bassagasteguy pedicled nasoseptal flap may be interrupted by surgery of the pterygopalatine fossa, posterior septectomy, or large sphenoidotomies. This would preclude its use for reconstruction of skull base defects after expanded endonasal approaches (EEA). We present a novel method to ascertain the patency of the nasoseptal artery after prior surgery, and consequently the availability of the nasoseptal flap, using acoustic Doppler sonography. Study Design: Retrospective clinical review. Methods: Four patients who underwent EEAs were evaluated intraoperatively with acoustic Doppler sonography. The mucosa that covers the inferior aspect of the rostrum of the sphenoid sinus was scanned with the tip of the probe. Reflection of sound waves representing intravascular blood flow was assessed. Results: In three patients, the artery was identified in at least one side. One remaining patient showed no acoustic signal suggesting loss of the nasoseptal artery bilaterally, therefore necessitating the use of a fat graft for the reconstruction. Conclusions: Acoustic Doppler sonography seems to be a feasible and effective way to ascertain the availability of the nasoseptal artery. It is a relatively inexpensive and simple technique that can be performed by any endoscopic surgeon.


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The knowledge of the normal anatomy and variations regarding the management of tumors of the sellar region is paramount to perform safe surgical procedures. The sellar region is located in the center of the middle cranial fossa; it contains complex anatomical structures, and is the site of various pathological processes: tumor, vascular, developmental, and neuroendocrine. We review the microsurgical anatomy (microscopic and endoscopic) of this region and discuss the surgical nuances regarding this topic, based on anatomical concepts.