158 resultados para computer science graduates
Inverse analysis is currently an important subject of study in several fields of science and engineering. The identification of physical and geometric parameters using experimental measurements is required in many applications. In this work a boundary element formulation to identify boundary and interface values as well as material properties is proposed. In particular the proposed formulation is dedicated to identifying material parameters when a cohesive crack model is assumed for 2D problems. A computer code is developed and implemented using the BEM multi-region technique and regularisation methods to perform the inverse analysis. Several examples are shown to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed model. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
A hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization - Simplex algorithm (PSOS) for structural damage identification
This study proposes a new PSOS-model based damage identification procedure using frequency domain data. The formulation of the objective function for the minimization problem is based on the Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) of the system. A novel strategy for the control of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) parameters based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm (Simplex method) is presented; consequently, the convergence of the PSOS becomes independent of the heuristic constants and its stability and confidence are enhanced. The formulated hybrid method performs better in different benchmark functions than the Simulated Annealing (SA) and the basic PSO (PSO(b)). Two damage identification problems, taking into consideration the effects of noisy and incomplete data, were studied: first, a 10-bar truss and second, a cracked free-free beam, both modeled with finite elements. In these cases, the damage location and extent were successfully determined. Finally, a non-linear oscillator (Duffing oscillator) was identified by PSOS providing good results. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
A nonlinear finite element model was developed to simulate the nonlinear response of three-leaf masonry specimens, which were subjected to laboratory tests with the aim of investigating the mechanical behaviour of multiple-leaf stone masonry walls up to failure. The specimens consisted of two external leaves made of stone bricks and mortar joints, and an internal leaf in mortar and stone aggregate. Different loading conditions, typologies of the collar joints, and stone types were taken into account. The constitutive law implemented in the model is characterized by a damage tensor, which allows the damage-induced anisotropy accompanying the cracking process to be described. To follow the post-peak behaviour of the specimens with sufficient accuracy it was necessary to make the damage model non-local, to avoid mesh-dependency effects related to the strain-softening behaviour of the material. Comparisons between the predicted and measured failure loads are quite satisfactory in most of the studied cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents some improvements in the model proposed by Machado et al. [Machado SL, Carvalho MF, Vilar OM. Constitutive model for municipal solid waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 2002; 128(11):940-51] now considering the influence of biodegradation of organic matter in the mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste. The original framework considers waste as composed of two component groups; fibers and organic paste. The particular laws of behavior are assessed for each component group and then coupled to represent waste behavior. The improvements introduced in this paper take into account the changes in the properties of fibers and mass loss due to organic matter depletion over time. Mass loss is indirectly calculated considering the MSW gas generation potential through a first order decay model. It is shown that as the biodegradation process occurs the proportion of fibers increases, however, they also undergo a degradation process which tends to reduce their ultimate tensile stress and Young modulus. The way these changes influence the behavior of MSW is incorporated in the final framework which captures the main features of the MSW stress-strain behavior under different loading conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Leakage reduction in water supply systems and distribution networks has been an increasingly important issue in the water industry since leaks and ruptures result in major physical and economic losses. Hydraulic transient solvers can be used in the system operational diagnosis, namely for leak detection purposes, due to their capability to describe the dynamic behaviour of the systems and to provide substantial amounts of data. In this research work, the association of hydraulic transient analysis with an optimisation model, through inverse transient analysis (ITA), has been used for leak detection and its location in an experimental facility containing PVC pipes. Observed transient pressure data have been used for testing ITA. A key factor for the success of the leak detection technique used is the accurate calibration of the transient solver, namely adequate boundary conditions and the description of energy dissipation effects since PVC pipes are characterised by a viscoelastic mechanical response. Results have shown that leaks were located with an accuracy between 4-15% of the total length of the pipeline, depending on the discretisation of the system model.
This paper presents results on a verification test of a Direct Numerical Simulation code of mixed high-order of accuracy using the method of manufactured solutions (MMS). This test is based on the formulation of an analytical solution for the Navier-Stokes equations modified by the addition of a source term. The present numerical code was aimed at simulating the temporal evolution of instability waves in a plane Poiseuille flow. The governing equations were solved in a vorticity-velocity formulation for a two-dimensional incompressible flow. The code employed two different numerical schemes. One used mixed high-order compact and non-compact finite-differences from fourth-order to sixth-order of accuracy. The other scheme used spectral methods instead of finite-difference methods for the streamwise direction, which was periodic. In the present test, particular attention was paid to the boundary conditions of the physical problem of interest. Indeed, the verification procedure using MMS can be more demanding than the often used comparison with Linear Stability Theory. That is particularly because in the latter test no attention is paid to the nonlinear terms. For the present verification test, it was possible to manufacture an analytical solution that reproduced some aspects of an instability wave in a nonlinear stage. Although the results of the verification by MMS for this mixed-order numerical scheme had to be interpreted with care, the test was very useful as it gave confidence that the code was free of programming errors. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper proposes a mixed validation approach based on coloured Petri nets and 3D graphic simulation for the design of supervisory systems in manufacturing cells with multiple robots. The coloured Petri net is used to model the cell behaviour at a high level of abstraction. It models the activities of each cell component and its coordination by a supervisory system. The graphical simulation is used to analyse and validate the cell behaviour in a 3D environment, allowing the detection of collisions and the calculation of process times. The motivation for this work comes from the aeronautic industry. The automation of a fuselage assembly process requires the integration of robots with other cell components such as metrological or vision systems. In this cell, the robot trajectories are defined by the supervisory system and results from the coordination of the cell components. The paper presents the application of the approach for an aircraft assembly cell under integration in Brazil. This case study shows the feasibility of the approach and supports the discussion of its main advantages and limits. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a strategy for the solution of the WDM optical networks planning. Specifically, the problem of Routing and Wavelength Allocation (RWA) in order to minimize the amount of wavelengths used. In this case, the problem is known as the Min-RWA. Two meta-heuristics (Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing) are applied to take solutions of good quality and high performance. The key point is the degradation of the maximum load on the virtual links in favor of minimization of number of wavelengths used; the objective is to find a good compromise between the metrics of virtual topology (load in Gb/s) and of the physical topology (quantity of wavelengths). The simulations suggest good results when compared to some existing in the literature.
Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator`s knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient`s exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator`s decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe a one-time signature scheme based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, and prove it secure in the random oracle model. Our proposal can be instantiated on general linear error correcting codes, rather than restricted families like alternant codes for which a decoding trapdoor is known to exist. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have a vast field of applications, including deployment in hostile environments. Thus, the adoption of security mechanisms is fundamental. However, the extremely constrained nature of sensors and the potentially dynamic behavior of WSNs hinder the use of key management mechanisms commonly applied in modern networks. For this reason, many lightweight key management solutions have been proposed to overcome these constraints. In this paper, we review the state of the art of these solutions and evaluate them based on metrics adequate for WSNs. We focus on pre-distribution schemes well-adapted for homogeneous networks (since this is a more general network organization), thus identifying generic features that can improve some of these metrics. We also discuss some challenges in the area and future research directions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Distributed control systems consist of sensors, actuators and controllers, interconnected by communication networks and are characterized by a high number of concurrent process. This work presents a proposal for a procedure to model and analyze communication networks for distributed control systems in intelligent building. The approach considered for this purpose is based on the characterization of the control system as a discrete event system and application of coloured Petri net as a formal method for specification, analysis and verification of control solutions. With this approach, we develop the models that compose the communication networks for the control systems of intelligent building, which are considered the relationships between the various buildings systems. This procedure provides a structured development of models, facilitating the process of specifying the control algorithm. An application example is presented in order to illustrate the main features of this approach.
The continuous growth of peer-to-peer networks has made them responsible for a considerable portion of the current Internet traffic. For this reason, improvements in P2P network resources usage are of central importance. One effective approach for addressing this issue is the deployment of locality algorithms, which allow the system to optimize the peers` selection policy for different network situations and, thus, maximize performance. To date, several locality algorithms have been proposed for use in P2P networks. However, they usually adopt heterogeneous criteria for measuring the proximity between peers, which hinders a coherent comparison between the different solutions. In this paper, we develop a thoroughly review of popular locality algorithms, based on three main characteristics: the adopted network architecture, distance metric, and resulting peer selection algorithm. As result of this study, we propose a novel and generic taxonomy for locality algorithms in peer-to-peer networks, aiming to enable a better and more coherent evaluation of any individual locality algorithm.
A new cryptographic hash function Whirlwind is presented. We give the full specification and explain the design rationale. We show how the hash function can be implemented efficiently in software and give first performance numbers. A detailed analysis of the security against state-of-the-art cryptanalysis methods is also provided. In comparison to the algorithms submitted to the SHA-3 competition, Whirlwind takes recent developments in cryptanalysis into account by design. Even though software performance is not outstanding, it compares favourably with the 512-bit versions of SHA-3 candidates such as LANE or the original CubeHash proposal and is about on par with ECHO and MD6.
The present paper proposes a flexible consensus scheme for group decision making, which allows one to obtain a consistent collective opinion, from information provided by each expert in terms of multigranular fuzzy estimates. It is based on a linguistic hierarchical model with multigranular sets of linguistic terms, and the choice of the most suitable set is a prerogative of each expert. From the human viewpoint, using such model is advantageous, since it permits each expert to utilize linguistic terms that reflect more adequately the level of uncertainty intrinsic to his evaluation. From the operational viewpoint, the advantage of using such model lies in the fact that it allows one to express the linguistic information in a unique domain, without losses of information, during the discussion process. The proposed consensus scheme supposes that the moderator can interfere in the discussion process in different ways. The intervention can be a request to any expert to update his opinion or can be the adjustment of the weight of each expert`s opinion. An optimal adjustment can be achieved through the execution of an optimization procedure that searches for the weights that maximize a corresponding soft consensus index. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the presented consensus scheme, a technique for multicriteria analysis, based on fuzzy preference relation modeling, is utilized for solving a hypothetical enterprise strategy planning problem, generated with the use of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.