177 resultados para Tissue Macrophages
The `biomimetic` approach to tissue engineering usually involves the use of a bioreactor mimicking physiological parameters whilst supplying nutrients to the developing tissue. Here we present a new heart valve bioreactor, having as its centrepiece a ventricular assist device (VAD), which exposes the cell-scaffold constructs to a wider array of mechanical forces. The pump of the VAD has two chambers: a blood and a pneumatic chamber, separated by an elastic membrane. Pulsatile air-pressure is generated by a piston-type actuator and delivered to the pneumatic chamber, ejecting the fluid in the blood chamber. Subsequently, applied vacuum to the pneumatic chamber causes the blood chamber to fill. A mechanical heart valve was placed in the VAD`s inflow position. The tissue engineered (TE) valve was placed in the outflow position. The VAD was coupled in series with a Windkessel compliance chamber, variable throttle and reservoir, connected by silicone tubings. The reservoir sat on an elevated platform, allowing adjustment of ventricular preload between 0 and 11 mmHg. To allow for sterile gaseous exchange between the circuit interior and exterior, a 0.2 mu m filter was placed at the reservoir. Pressure and flow were registered downstream of the TE valve. The circuit was filled with culture medium and fitted in a standard 5% CO(2) incubator set at 37 degrees C. Pressure and flow waveforms were similar to those obtained under physiological conditions for the pulmonary circulation. The `cardiomimetic` approach presented here represents a new perspective to conventional biomimetic approaches in TE, with potential advantages. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Joint generalized linear models and double generalized linear models (DGLMs) were designed to model outcomes for which the variability can be explained using factors and/or covariates. When such factors operate, the usual normal regression models, which inherently exhibit constant variance, will under-represent variation in the data and hence may lead to erroneous inferences. For count and proportion data, such noise factors can generate a so-called overdispersion effect, and the use of binomial and Poisson models underestimates the variability and, consequently, incorrectly indicate significant effects. In this manuscript, we propose a DGLM from a Bayesian perspective, focusing on the case of proportion data, where the overdispersion can be modeled using a random effect that depends on some noise factors. The posterior joint density function was sampled using Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms, allowing inferences over the model parameters. An application to a data set on apple tissue culture is presented, for which it is shown that the Bayesian approach is quite feasible, even when limited prior information is available, thereby generating valuable insight for the researcher about its experimental results.
Silicon (Si) accumulation in organs and cells is one of the most prominent characteristics of plants of the family Poaceae. Many species from this family are used as forage plants for animal feeding. The present study investigates in Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu: (1) the dry matter production and Si content in shoot due to soil Si fertilizations; (2) the Si distribution among shoot parts; and (3) the silica deposition and localization in leaves. Plants of B. brizantha cv. Marandu were grown under contrasting Si supplies in soil and nutrient solution. Silica deposition and distribution in grass leaf blades were observed using light microscope and scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDXS). Silicon concentration in the B. brizantha shoot increased according to the Si supply. Silicon in grass leaves decreased following the order: mature leaf blades > recently expanded leaf blades > non-expanded leaf blades. Silicon accumulates mainly on the upper (adaxial) epidermis of the grass leaf blades and, especially, on the bulliform cells. The Si distribution on adaxial leaf blade surface is non uniform and reflects a silica deposition exclusively on the cell wall of bulliform cells.
Rapid alkalinization factor (RALF) is part of a growing family of small peptides with hormone characteristics in plants. Initially isolated from leaves of tobacco plants, RALF peptides can be found throughout the plant kingdom and they are expressed ubiquitously in plants. We took advantage of the small gene family size of RALF genes in sugarcane and the ordered cellular growth of the grass sugarcane leaves to gain information about the function of RALF peptides in plants. Here we report the isolation of two RALF peptides from leaves of sugarcane plants using the alkalinization assay. SacRALF1 was the most abundant and, when added to culture media, inhibited growth of microcalli derived from cell suspension cultures at concentrations as low as 0.1 mu M. Microcalli exposed to exogenous SacRALF1 for 5 days showed a reduced number of elongated cells. Only four copies of SacRALF genes were found in sugarcane plants. All four SacRALF genes are highly expressed in young and expanding leaves and show a low or undetectable level of expression in expanded leaves. In half-emerged leaf blades, SacRALF transcripts were found at high levels at the basal portion of the leaf and at low levels at the apical portion. Gene expression analyzes localize SacRALF genes in elongation zones of roots and leaves. Mature leaves, which are devoid of expanding cells, do not show considerable expression of SacRALF genes. Our findings are consistent with SacRALF genes playing a role in plant development potentially regulating tissue expansion.
The infusion of aerial parts of Ilex paraguariensis is widely consumed. Its antioxidant activity suggests an important role of this plant in the treatment/prevention of oxidative stress related diseases. Plant extract active compounds are frequently found in esterified form that may be poorly absorbed. Hydrolysis of the extract is a possible approach to increase its bioavailability. The aim of this study was to perform a phytochemical analysis and evaluate in rats the plasma concentration and tissue distribution of antioxidant compounds in the hydroethanolic extract of Ilex paraguariensis, before and after enzymatic hydrolysis. Both extracts presented high antioxidant activity and phenolic content. Rats given single or repeated doses of the hydrolyzed extract showed increased plasma antioxidant activity and higher plasma levels of caffeic acid. However, no changes of endogenous antioxidants were observed. In conclusion, hydrolysis of the extract of Ilex paraguariensis is a strategy to improve its bioavailability and in vivo antioxidant activity.
Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is an important public health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. PEM decreases resistance to infection, impairing a number of physiological processes. In unstimulated cells, NF-kappa B is kept from binding to its consensus sequence by the inhibitor I kappa B alpha, which retains NF-kappa B in the cytoplasm. Upon various signals, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), I kappa B alpha is rapidly degraded and NF-kappa B is induced to translocate into the nucleus, where it activates expression of various genes that participate in the inflammatory response, including those involved in the synthesis of TNF-alpha. TRAF-6 is a cytoplasmic adapter protein that links the stimulatory signal from Toll like receptor-4 to NF-kappa B. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of malnutrition on induction of TNF-a by LPS in murine peritoneal macrophages. We evaluated peritoneal cellularity, the expression of MyD88, TRAF-6, IKK, I kappa B alpha and NF-kappa B, NF-kappa B activation and TNF-alpha mRNA and protein synthesis inmacrophages. Two-month-old male BALB/Cmice were submitted to PEM with a low-protein diet that contained 2% protein, compared to 12% protein in the control diet. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of the original body weight, it was used in the subsequent experiments. Malnourished animals presented anemia, leucopenia and severe reduction in peritoneal cavity cellularity. TNF-a mRNA and protein levels of macrophages stimulated with LPS were significantly lower in malnourished animals. PEM also decreased TRAF-6 expression and NF-kappa B activation after LPS stimulation. These results led us to conclude that PEM changes NF-kappa B signalling pathway in macrophages to LPS stimulus.
The aim of this study was to determine the apoptotic pathways and mechanisms involved in electronegative LDL [LDL(-)]-induced apoptosis in RAW 264.7 macrophages and the role of Nrf2 in this process. Incubation of RAW 264 7 macrophages with LDL(-) for 24 11 resulted in dose-dependent cell death. Activated caspases were shown to be involved in the apoptosis induced by LDL(-): incubation with the broad caspase inhibitor z-VAD prevented apoptosis in LDL(-)-treated cells CD95 (Fas), CD95 ligand (FasL). CD36 and the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand Tnfsf10 were overexpressed in LDL(-)-treated cells However, Bax, Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 protein levels remained unchanged after LDL(-) treatment. LDL(-) promoted hyperpolarization of the mitochondrial membrane, elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and translocation of Nrf2 to the nucleus, a process absent in cells treated with native LDL Elicited peritoneal macrophages from Nrf2-deficient mice exhibited an elevated apoptotic response after challenge with LDL(-), together with an increase in the production of ROS in the absence of alterations in CD36 expression These results provide evidence that CD36 expression induced by LDL(-) is Nrf2-dependent. Also, it was demonstrated that Nrf2 acts as a compensatory mechanism of LDL(-)-induced apoptosis in macrophages. (C) 2009 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved
Dendritic cells (DCs) have been described as initiators and modulators of the immune response. Recently we have shown a predominant production of interleukin-10 cytokine, low levels of interferon-gamma and inefficient T cell proliferation in patients with severe forms of chromoblastomycosis. Chromoblastomycosis starts with subcutaneous inoculation of Fonsecaea pedrosoi into tissue where DCs are the first line of defence against this microorganism. In the present study, the interaction of F. pedrosoi and DCs obtained from patients with chromoblastomycosis was investigated. Our results showed that DCs from patients exhibited an increased expression of human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR) and co-stimulatory molecules. In the presence of conidia, the expression of HLA-DR and CD86 was up-regulated by DCs from patients and controls. Finally, we demonstrate the reversal of antigen-specific anergy and a T helper type 1 response mediated by DCs incubated with F. pedrosoi conidea.
Infants who are breast-fed have been shown to have a lower incidence of certain infectious diseases compared with formula-fed infants. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk and it is essential for the function of immune system cells such as macrophages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glutamine supplementation on the function of peritoneal macrophages and on hemopoiesis in early-weaned mice inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Mice were wearied at 14 d of age and distributed to 2 groups and fed either a glutamine-free diet (n = 16) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+Gln (n = 16). Both diets were isonitrogenous (with addition of a mixture of nonessential amino acids) and isocaloric. At d 21, 2 subgroups of mice (n = 16) were intraperitoneally injected with BCG and all mice were killed at d 28. Plasma, muscle and liver glutamine concentrations and muscle glutamine synthetase activity were not affected by diet or inoculation with BCG. The +GIn diet led to increased leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in the peripheral blood (P < 0.05) and granulocyte and lymphocyte counts in the bone marrow and spleen (P < 0.05). The +GIn diet increased spreading and adhesion capacities, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) syntheses and the phagocytic and fungicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). The interaction between the +GIn diet and BCG inoculation increased the area under the curve of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and TNF alpha syntheses (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the intake of glutamine increases the function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis in early-weaned and BCG-inoculated mice. These data have important implications for the design of breast milk substitutes for human infants.
Bovine pericardium (BP) tissue is widely used in the manufacture of bioprosthetics. The effects of freeze-drying on the BP tissue have been studied by some researchers in order to decrease their cytotoxicity due to preservation in formaldehyde solution, and to increase the lifetime of the product in storage. This study was undertaken in order to study the effect of freeze-drying in the structure of BP. To perform this study BP samples were freeze-dried in two different types of freeze-dryers available in our laboratory: a laboratory freeze-dryer, in which it was not possible to control parameters and a pilot freeze-dryer, wherein all parameters during freezing and drying were controlled. After freeze-drying processes, samples were analyzed by SEM, Raman spectroscopy, tensile strength, water uptake tests and TEM. In summary, it has been demonstrated that damages occur in collagen fibers by the loss of bulk water of collagen structure implicating in a drastic decreasing of BP mechanical properties due to its structural alterations. Moreover, it was proven that the collagen fibrils suffered breakage at some points, which can be attributed to the uncontrolled parameters during drying. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A new method to prepare porous silk fibroin (SF) membranes without dialysis proposed. Silk fibers were degummed to remove sericin and the resultant fibroin was dissolved in a CaCl(2)-CH(3)CH(2)OH-H(2)O ternary solvent. Rather than undergoing dialysis, a fibroin salty solution was diluted in water and then submitted to a mechanical agitation that led to a phase separation through foam formation on the solution surface. This foam was continually collected and then compacted between plates to remove the excess of water. The membranes presented large pores with diameters of greater than 100 pm (as shown by scanning electron microscopy - SEM), porosity of 68% and water content of 91% w/w. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) indicated that the membranes present SF in a beta-sheet structure even before the ethanol treatment. A typical elastic deformation profile and degradation under temperature were observed using calorimetric analysis (DSC), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and mechanical tests. As indicated by the in vitro cytotoxicity tests, these membranes present potential for use as scaffolds. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 114: 617-623, 2009
We previously demonstrated that conidia from Aspergillus fumigatus incubated with menadione and paraquat increases activity and expression of cyanide-insensitive alternative oxidase (AOX). Here, we employed the RNA silencing technique in A. fumigatus using the vector pALB1/aoxAf in order to down-regulate the aox gene. Positive transformants for aox gene silencing of A. fumigatus were more susceptible both to an imposed in vitro oxidative stress condition and to macrophages killing, suggesting that AOX is required for the A. fumigatus pathogenicity, mainly for the survival of the fungus conidia during host infection and resistance to reactive oxygen species generated by macrophages.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the control of the vascular tone and the most often employed NO donors have limitations due to their harmful side-effects. In this context, new NO donors have been prepared, in order to minimize such undesirable effects. cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)(py)NO(2)](PF(6)) (RuBPY) is a new nitrite complex synthesized in our laboratory that releases NO in the presence of the vascular tissue only. In this work the vasorelaxation induced by this NO donor has been studied and compared to that obtained with the well known NO donor SNP. The relaxation induced by RuBPY is concentration-dependent in denuded rat aortas pre-contracted with phenylephrine (EC(50)). This new compound induced relaxation with efficacy similar to that of SNP, although its potency is lower. The time elapsed until maximum relaxation is achieved (E(max) = 240 s) is similar to measured for SNP (210 s). Vascular reactivity experiments demonstrated that aortic relaxation by RuBPY is inhibited by the soluble guanylyl-cyclase inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiozolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one (ODQ 1 mu M). In a similar way, 1 mu M ODQ also reduces NO release from the complex as measured with DAF-2 DA by confocal microscopy. These findings suggest that this new complex RuBPY that has nitrite in its structure releases NO inside the vascular smooth muscle cell. This ruthenium complex releases significant amounts of NO only in the presence of the aortic tissue. Reduction of nitrite to NO is most probably dependent on the soluble guanylyl-cyclase enzyme, since NO release is inhibited by ODQ. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The reduction of parasitism tissue upon treatment with two lignano lactones, namely (-)- cubebin (CUB) and (-)-hinokinin (HNK), was evaluated in the chronic phase of Chagas` disease by quantifying the enzyme beta-galactosidase expressed by the CL B5 clone strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Tissue karyometry was also performed. Treatment with the assessed lignans led to a larger reduction in parasitism tissue in all evaluated organs, compared with benznidazole (BZN). Oral treatment with CUB or HNK was more effective. Karyometry results demonstrated that the infected control animals had increased nuclear area compared with uninfected controls, indicating cellular hypertrophy. Results also revealed that use of CUB or HNK was able to significantly prevent this increase, and a slight decrease in the nuclear area was observed, compared with mice treated with BZN. Taken together, these data demonstrate that CUB and HNK could be considered as potential compounds for the development of new drugs for treatment of Chagas` disease.
Topical delivery of lycopene is a convenient way to supplement cutaneous levels of antioxidants. In this study, lycopene was incorporated (0.05%, w/w) in two microemulsions containing BRIJ-propylene glycol (2:1, w/w, surfactant blend) but different oil phases: mono/diglycerides of capric and caprylic acids (MG) or triglycerides of the same fatty acids (TG). Microemulsions containing MG and TG were isotropic, fluid, and clear, with internal phase diameters of 27 and 52 nm, respectively. Both MG- or TG-containing microemulsions markedly increased lycopene penetration in the stratum corneum, (6- and 3.6-fold, respectively) and in viable layers of porcine ear skin 2 (from undetected to 172.6 +/- 41.1 and 103.1 +/- 7.2 ng/cm(2), respectively) compared to a control solution. To assure that lycopene delivered to the skin was active, the antioxidant activity of skin treated with MG-containing microemulsion was determined by CUPRAC assay, and found to be 10-fold higher than untreated skin. The cytotoxicity of MG-containing microemulsion in cultured fibroblasts was similar to propylene glycol (considered safe) and significantly less than of sodium lauryl sulfate (a moderate-to-severe irritant) at 1-50 mu g/mL. These results demonstrate that the MG-containing microemulsion is an efficient and safe system to increase lycopene delivery to the skin and the antioxidant activity in the tissue. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99:1346-1357, 2010