172 resultados para Switzerland, Parliament, Democratization, Professionalization, Comparison


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Determining reference concentrations in rivers and streams is an important tool for environmental management. Reference conditions for eutrophication-related water variables are unavailable for Brazilian freshwaters. We aimed to establish reference baselines for So Paulo State tropical rivers and streams for total phosphorus (TP) and nitrogen (TN), nitrogen-ammonia (NH(4) (+)) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) through the best professional judgment and the trisection methods. Data from 319 sites monitored by the So Paulo State Environmental Company (2005 to 2009) and from the 22 Water Resources Management Units in So Paulo State were assessed (N = 27,131). We verified that data from different management units dominated by similar land cover could be analyzed together (Analysis of Variance, P = 0.504). Cumulative frequency diagrams showed that industrialized management units were characterized by the worst water quality (e.g. average TP of 0.51 mg/L), followed by agricultural watersheds. TN and NH(4) (+) were associated with urban percentages and population density (Spearman Rank Correlation Test, P < 0.05). Best professional judgment and trisection (median of lower third of all sites) methods for determining reference concentrations showed agreement: 0.03 & 0.04 mg/L (TP), 0.31 & 0.34 mg/L (TN), 0.06 & 0.10 mg-N/L (NH(4) (+)) and 2 & 2 mg/L (BOD), respectively. Our reference concentrations were similar to TP and TN reference values proposed for temperate water bodies. These baselines can help with water management in So Paulo State, as well as providing some of the first such information for tropical ecosystems.


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Neodymium doped and undoped aluminum oxide samples were obtained using two different techniques: Pechini and sol-gel. Fine grained powders were produced using both procedures, which were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Thermo-Stimulated Luminescence (TSL). Results showed that neodymium ions incorporation is responsible for the creation of two new TSL peaks (125 and 265 degrees C) and, also, for the enhancement of the intrinsic TSL peak at 190 degrees C. An explanation was proposed for these observations. SEM gave the dimensions of the clusters produced by each method, showing that those obtained by Pechini are smaller than the ones produced by sol-gel; it can also explain the higher emission supplied by the first one. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The compositions of canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of Canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. These data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity although compositional differences would surely affect oxidative stability. Cooling curve analysis showed that similar cooling profiles were obtained for different vegetable oils. Interestingly, no film boiling or transition nucleate boiling was observed with any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by pure nucleate boiling and convection. High-temperature cooling properties of vegetable oils are considerable faster than those observed for petroleum oil-based quenchants. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.


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Four different architectural acrylic paint formulations were tested by exposure to weathering for 7 years in the urban site of Sao Paulo and the coastal site of Ubatuba, South-East Brazil. Surface discolorations and detachment of coatings were assessed and the components of the biofilms were identified by standard microbiological methods. The painted surfaces of the mortar panels were much more discolored in Ubatuba, where major components of the biofilms were the cyanobacteria Gloeocapsa and Scytonema. In two of the four paint films, a pink coloration on the surface at this coastal site, caused mainly by red-pigmented Gloeocapsa, produced high discoloration ratings, but low degradation (as measured by detachment). Biofilms in Sao Paulo contained the same range of phototrophs, but in lesser quantity. However, fungal numbers, as determined by plating, were higher. Detachment ratings in this urban site were only slightly lower than in Ubatuba. The matt paint performed worst of the four, with silk and semi-gloss finishes giving lowest biodeterioration ratings. The matt elastomeric paint performed well at both sites, apart from becoming almost 100% covered by the pink biofilm in Ubatuba. Unpainted mortar panels became intensely discolored with a black biofilm, showing that all the paints had achieved one of their objectives, that of surface protection of the substrate. The value of PVC (pigment volume content) as an indicator of coatings biosusceptibility, is questioned. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper compares the behaviour of two different control structures of automatic voltage regulators of synchronous machines equipped with static excitation systems. These systems have a fully controlled thyristor bridge that supplies DC current to the rotor winding. The rectifier bridge is fed by the stator terminals through a step-down transformer. The first control structure, named ""Direct Control"", has a single proportional-integral (PI) regulator that compares stator voltage setpoint with measured voltage and acts directly on the thyristor bridge`s firing angle. This control structure is usually employed in commercial excitation systems for hydrogenerators. The second structure, named ""Cascade Control"", was inspired on control loops of commercial DC motor drives. Such drives employ two PIs in a cascade arrangement, the external PI deals with the motor speed while the internal one regulates the armature current. In the adaptation proposed, the external PI compares setpoint with the actual stator voltage and produces the setpoint to the internal PI-loop which controls the field current.


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The present analysis takes into account the acceleration term in the differential equation of motion to obtain exact dynamic solutions concerning the groundwater flow towards a well in a confined aquifer. The results show that the error contained in the traditional quasi-static solution is very small in typical situations.


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The study of absorption refrigeration systems has had increasing importance in recent years due to the fact that the primary energy that is used in an absorption system can be heat available from a residual source or even a renewable one. Therefore, these systems not only use energy that would be rejected by the environment, but also they avoid the consumption of expensive fossil or electrical energies. The production cost of the mechanical work necessary to obtain a kW of refrigeration for mechanical compression cycle is normally higher than the cost for recovering the needed heat to obtain the same kW in an absorption cycle. Also, the use of these systems reduces impact on the environment by decreasing the emission of CO(2). We intend to show the performance of a hybrid absorption-ejecto compression chiller compared to conventional double- and single-effect water/lithium bromide systems, by means of an exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of these configurations in order to calculate the exergy-based cost of a final product. The vapor compression refrigeration system is included in the results, as a comparisson to the performance of the absorption refrigeration systems analyzed.


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There are several ways to attempt to model a building and its heat gains from external sources as well as internal ones in order to evaluate a proper operation, audit retrofit actions, and forecast energy consumption. Different techniques, varying from simple regression to models that are based on physical principles, can be used for simulation. A frequent hypothesis for all these models is that the input variables should be based on realistic data when they are available, otherwise the evaluation of energy consumption might be highly under or over estimated. In this paper, a comparison is made between a simple model based on artificial neural network (ANN) and a model that is based on physical principles (EnergyPlus) as an auditing and predicting tool in order to forecast building energy consumption. The Administration Building of the University of Sao Paulo is used as a case study. The building energy consumption profiles are collected as well as the campus meteorological data. Results show that both models are suitable for energy consumption forecast. Additionally, a parametric analysis is carried out for the considered building on EnergyPlus in order to evaluate the influence of several parameters such as the building profile occupation and weather data on such forecasting. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper compares the critical impeller speed results for 6 L Denver and Wemco bench-scale flotation cells with findings from a study by Van der Westhuizen and Deglon [Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2007. Evaluation of solids suspension in a pilot-scale mechanical flotation cell: the critical impeller speed. Minerals Engineering 20,233-240; Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2008. Solids suspension in a pilot scale mechanical flotation cell: a critical impeller speed correlation. Minerals Engineering 21, 621-629] conducted in a 125 L Batequip flotation cell. Understanding solids suspension has become increasingly important due to dramatic increases in flotation cell sizes. The critical impeller speed is commonly used to indicate the effectiveness of solids suspension. The minerals used in this study were apatite, quartz and hematite. The critical impeller speed was found to be strongly dependent on particle size, solids density and air flow rate, with solids concentration having a lesser influence. Liquid viscosity was found to have a negligible effect. The general Zwietering-type critical impeller speed correlation developed by Van der Westhuizen and Deglon [Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2008. Solids suspension in a pilot scale mechanical flotation cell: a critical impeller speed correlation. Minerals Engineering 21, 621-629] was found to be applicable to all three flotation machines. The exponents for particle size, solids concentration and liquid viscosity were equivalent for all three cells. The exponent for solids density was found to be less significant than that obtained by the previous authors, and to be consistent with values reported in the general literature for stirred tanks. Finally, a new dimensionless critical impeller speed correlation is proposed where the particle size is divided by the impeller diameter. This modified equation generally predicts the experimental measurements well, with most predictions within 10% of the experimental. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Welded equipment for cryogenic applications is utilized in chemical, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries. One material suitable for cryogenic application is austenitic stainless steel, which usually doesn`t present ductile/brittle transition temperature, except in the weld metal, where the presence of ferrite and micro inclusions can promote a brittle failure, either by ferrite cleavage or dimple nucleation and growth, respectively. A 25-mm- (1-in.-) thick AISI 304 stainless steel base metal was welded with the SAW process using a 308L solid wire and two kinds of fluxes and constant voltage power sources with two types of electrical outputs: direct current electrode positive and balanced square wave alternating current. The welded joints were analyzed by chemical composition, microstructure characterization, room temperature mechanical properties, and CVN impact test at -100 degrees C (-73 degrees F). Results showed that an increase of chromium and nickel content was observed in all weld beads compared to base metal. The chromium and nickel equivalents ratio for the weld beads were always higher for welding with square wave AC for the two types of fluxes than for direct current. The modification in the Cr(eq)/Ni(eq) ratio changes the delta ferrite morphology and, consequently, modifies the weld bead toughness at lower temperatures. The oxygen content can also affect the toughness in the weld bead. The highest absorbed energy in a CVN impact test was obtained for the welding condition with square wave AC electrical output and neutral flux, followed by DC(+) electrical output and neutral flux, and square wave AC electrical output and alloyed flux.


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Thin films obtained by plasma polymerization of ethyl ether, methyl or ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, acetone and 2-propanol were compared. Infrared spectroscopy (FFIR), resistance to chemicals, contact angle measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) were carried out. For all films FTIR showed high intensity for polar bonds yet the films are not resistant to polar solvents. Contact angle measurements revealed hydrophilic and organophilic surfaces and XPS pointed out a high proportion of oxygenated bonds. All films showed good step coverage and peeling was significant only with acetone and 2-propanol. All films are adsorbent for organic compounds in a large scale of polarity but acetaldehyde and 2-propanol act like a selective membrane. Also, deposition of these films on hydrophobic substrates leads to island formation. A possible model to explain the results must consider the hydrogen bridge formation on 2-propanol and acetaldehyde films. Ethyl ether, ethyl and methyl acetate showed good characteristics for development of sensor and sample pretreatment using miniaturized devices. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eight different models to represent the effect of friction in control valves are presented: four models based on physical principles and four empirical ones. The physical models, both static and dynamic, have the same structure. The models are implemented in Simulink/Matlab (R) and compared, using different friction coefficients and input signals. Three of the models were able to reproduce the stick-slip phenomenon and passed all the tests, which were applied following ISA standards. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an important technique to obtain series of soil water content measurements in the field. Diode-segmented probes represent an improvement in TDR applicability, allowing measurements of the soil water content profile with a single probe. In this paper we explore an extensive soil water content dataset obtained by tensiometry and TDR from internal drainage experiments in two consecutive years in a tropical soil in Brazil. Comparisons between the variation patterns of the water content estimated by both methods exhibited evidences of deterioration of the TDR system during this two year period at field conditions. The results showed consistency in the variation pattern for the tensiometry data, whereas TDR estimates were inconsistent, with sensitivity decreasing over time. This suggests that difficulties may arise for the long-term use of this TDR system under tropical field conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The well established rat hepatocarcinogen N-nitrosopytrolidine (NPYR, 1) requires metabolic activation to DNA adducts to express its carcinogenic activity. Among the NPYR-DNA adducts that have been identified, the cyclic 7,8-butanoguanine adduct 2-amino-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-9-hydroxypyrido[2,1-f]purine-4(3H)-one (6) has been quantified using moderately sensitive methods, but its levels have never been compared to those of other DNA adducts of NPYR in rat hepatic DNA. Therefore, in this study, we developed a sensitive new LC-ESI-MS/MS-SRM method for the quantitation of adduct 6 and compared its levels to those of several other NPYR-DNA adducts formed by different mechanisms. The new method was shown to be accurate and precise, with good recoveries and low fmol detection limits. Rats were treated with NPYR by gavage at doses of 46, 92, or 184 mg/kg body weight and sacrificed 16 h later. Hepatic DNA was isolated and analyzed for NPYR-DNA adducts. Adduct 6 was by far the most prevalent, with levels ranging from about 900-3000 mu mol/mol Gua and responsive to dose. Levels of adducts formed from crotonaldehyde, a metabolite of NPYR, were about 0.2-0.9 mu mol/mol dGuo, while those of adducts resulting from reaction with DNA of tetrahydrofuranyl-like intermediates were in the range of 0.01-4 mu mol/mol deoxyribonucleoside. The results of this study demonstrate that, among typical NPYR-DNA adducts, adduct 6 is easily the most abundant in hepatic DNA. Since previous studies have shown that it can be detected in the urine of NPYR-treated rats, the results suggest that it is a potential candidate as a biomarker for assessing human exposure to and metabolic activation of NPYR.


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The USP General Chapter < 2040 > Disintegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supplements introduced a rupture test as a performance test of soft-shell capsules. Traditionally, the disintegration test was used for determining the disintegration time of all solid oral dosage forms. The aim of this investigation was to investigate differences between the rupture test and the disintegration test using soft-shell capsules. Five different soft-shell capsule products were chosen based on their filling contents and treated to simulate a production deficiency. The study design compared capsules as received with capsules that were treated by coating them with the liquid contents of another capsule. The capsules were incubated at room temperature and at 40 degrees C. The tests were repeated after two weeks, and at each time point, twelve capsules of each product were tested using the rupture and the disintegration tests. Six capsules were tested untreated, while the other six capsules were treated. Rupture and disintegration times were recorded as dependent variables in each experiment. Thedata were analyzed using ANOVA. According to the USP definition for disintegration, the rupture of a soft-shell capsule can be seen as fulfilling the disintegration criterion if the capsule contents is a semisolid or liquid. Statistical analysis showed no advantage of the rupture test over the disintegration test. On a product-by-product basis, both tests were sensitive to certain investigated parameters. A noticeable difference between both tests was that in most cases, the rupture test reached the defined endpoint faster than the disintegration test. Soft-shell capsules that are subject to a Quality by Design approach should be tested with both methods to determine which performance test is the most appropriate test for a specific product.