119 resultados para Skull fracture
Zygomatic arch fractures often occur as part of a zygoma fracture or Le Fort type III fractures of the maxillary. Isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch comprise around 10% of all zygoma fractures. The main etiologic factors are traffic accidents, falls, assaults, and sport accidents. Treatment may involve minimally invasive surgical procedures for slightly dislocated fractures or surgery with more extensive access for large dislocations of bone segments. This article reports the case of a 41-year-old male victim of physical aggression to the face with a steel sickle with an exposed, unstable fracture of the zygomatic arch. The patient underwent general anesthesia, and after the reduction of the fractures, the bone segments were fixed with 2.0-mm screws.
This retrospective study evaluated the epidemiology, treatment and complications of mandibular fracture associated, or not associated, with other facial fractures, when the influence of the surgeon`s skill and preference for ally rigid internal fixation (RIF) system devices was minimized. The files of 700 patients with facial trauma were available, and 126 files were chosen for review. Data were collected regarding gender, age, race, date of trauma, date of surgery, addictions, etiology, signs and symptoms, fracture area, complications, treatment performed, date of hospital discharge.. and medication. 126 patients suffered mandibular fractures associated, or not, with other maxillofacial fractures, and a total of 201 mandibular fractures were found. The incidence of mandibular fractures was more prevalent in males, in Caucasians and during the third decade of life. The most common site was the condyle, followed by the mandibular body. The therapy applied was effective in handling this type of fracture and the Success rates were comparable with other published data.
The purpose of this study was to compare, by mechanical in vitro testing, a 2.0-mm system made with poly-L-DL-lactide acid with an analogue titanium-based system. Mandible replicas were used as a substrate and uniformly sectioned on the left mandibular angle. The 4-hole plates were adapted and stabilized passively in the same site in both groups using four screws, 6.0 mm long. During the resistance-to-load test, the force was applied perpendicular to the occlusal plane at three different points: first molar at the plated side; first molar at the contralateral side; and between the central incisors. At 1 mm of displacement, no statistically significant difference was found. At 2 mm displacement, a statistically significant difference was observed when an unfavourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied in the contralateral first molar and when a favourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied between the central incisors. At the failure displacement, a statistically significant difference was observed only when the favourable fracture was simulated and the load was applied on the first molar at the plated side. In conclusion, despite more failure, the poly-L-DL-lactic acid-based system was effective.
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of resistance-curve behavior and fatigue crack growth in cementitious matrices reinforced with eco-friendly natural fibers obtained from agricultural by-products. The composites include: blast furnace slag cement reinforced with pulped fibers of sisal, banana and bleached eucalyptus pulp, and ordinary Portland cement composites reinforced with bleached eucalyptus pulp. Fracture resistance (R-curve) and fatigue crack growth behavior were studied using single-edge notched bend specimens. The observed stable crack growth behavior was then related to crack/microstructure interactions that were elucidated via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Fracture mechanics models were used to quantify the observed crack-tip shielding due to crack-bridging. The implications of the results are also discussed for the design of natural fiber-reinforced composite materials for affordable housing. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fracture were determined among Brazilian community-dwelling elderly. Vertebral fractures were a common condition in this elderly population, and lower hip bone mineral density was a significant risk factor for vertebral fractures in both genders. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of radiographic vertebral fracture and investigate factors associated with this condition in Brazilian community-dwelling elderly. This cross-sectional study included 943 elderly subjects (561 women and 382 men) living in So Paulo, Brazil. Thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs were obtained, and vertebral fractures were evaluated using Genant`s semiquantitative method. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry, and bone biochemical markers were also evaluated. Female and male subjects were analyzed independently, and each gender was divided into two groups based on whether vertebral fractures were present. The prevalence of vertebral fracture was 27.5% (95% CI 23.8-31.1) in women and 31.8% in men (95% CI 27.1-36.5) (P = 0.116). Cox regression analyses using variables that were significant in the univariate analysis showed that age (prevalence ratio = 1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.06; p = 0.019) and total femur BMD (PR = 0.27, 95% CI 0.08-0.98; p = 0.048) were independent factors in predicting vertebral fracture for the female group. In the male group, Cox regression analyses demonstrated that femoral neck BMD (PR = 0.26, 95% CI 0.07-0.98; p = 0.046) was an independent parameter in predicting vertebral fractures. Our results suggest that radiographic vertebral fractures are common in Brazilian community-dwelling elderly and that a low hip BMD was an important risk factor for this condition in both genders. Age was also significantly correlated with the presence of vertebral fractures in women.
An organism is built through a series of contingent factors, yet it is determined by historical, physical, and developmental constraints. A constraint should not be understood as an absolute obstacle to evolution, as it may also generate new possibilities for evolutionary change. Modularity is, in this context, an important way of organizing biological information and has been recognized as a central concept in evolutionary biology bridging on developmental, genetics, morphological, biochemical, and physiological studies. In this article, we explore how modularity affects the evolution of a complex system in two mammalian lineages by analyzing correlation, variance/covariance, and residual matrices (without size variation). We use the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the behavior of Eutheria and Metharia skulls in terms of their evolutionary flexibility and constraints. We relate these results to classical approaches based on morphological integration tests based on functional/developmental hypotheses. Eutherians (Neotropical primates) showed smaller magnitudes of integration compared with Metatheria (didelphids) and also skull modules more clearly delimited. Didelphids showed higher magnitudes of integration and their modularity is strongly influenced by within-groups size variation to a degree that evolutionary responses are basically aligned with size variation. Primates still have a good portion of the total variation based on size; however, their enhanced modularization allows a broader spectrum of responses, more similar to the selection gradients applied (enhanced flexibility). Without size variation, both groups become much more similar in terms of modularity patterns and magnitudes and, consequently, in their evolutionary flexibility. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 314B:663-683, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The study of the genetic variance/covariance matrix (G-matrix) is a recent and fruitful approach in evolutionary biology, providing a window of investigating for the evolution of complex characters. Although G-matrix studies were originally conducted for microevolutionary timescales, they could be extrapolated to macroevolution as long as the G-matrix remains relatively constant, or proportional, along the period of interest. A promising approach to investigating the constancy of G-matrices is to compare their phenotypic counterparts (P-matrices) in a large group of related species; if significant similarity is found among several taxa, it is very likely that the underlying G-matrices are also equivalent. Here we study the similarity of covariance and correlation structure in a broad sample of Old World monkeys and apes (Catarrhini). We made phylogenetically structured comparisons of correlation and covariance matrices derived from 39 skull traits, ranging from between species to the superfamily level. We also compared the overall magnitude of integration between skull traits (r(2)) for all Catarrhim genera. Our results show that P-matrices were not strictly constant among catarrhines, but the amount of divergence observed among taxa was generally low. There was significant and positive correlation between the amount of divergence in correlation and covariance patterns among the 30 genera and their phylogenetic distances derived from a recently proposed phylogenetic hypothesis. Our data demonstrate that the P-matrices remained relatively similar along the evolutionary history of catarrhines, and comparisons with the G-matrix available for a New World monkey genus (Saguinus) suggests that the same holds for all anthropoids. The magnitude of integration, in contrast, varied considerably among genera, indicating that evolution of the magnitude, rather than the pattern of inter-trait correlations, might have played an important role in the diversification of the catarrhine skull. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morphological integration refers to the modular structuring of inter-trait relationships in an organism, which could bias the direction and rate of morphological change, either constraining or facilitating evolution along certain dimensions of the morphospace. Therefore, the description of patterns and magnitudes of morphological integration and the analysis of their evolutionary consequences are central to understand the evolution of complex traits. Here we analyze morphological integration in the skull of several mammalian orders, addressing the following questions: are there common patterns of inter-trait relationships? Are these patterns compatible with hypotheses based on shared development and function? Do morphological integration patterns and magnitudes vary in the same way across groups? We digitized more than 3,500 specimens spanning 15 mammalian orders, estimated the correspondent pooled within-group correlation and variance/covariance matrices for 35 skull traits and compared those matrices among the orders. We also compared observed patterns of integration to theoretical expectations based on common development and function. Our results point to a largely shared pattern of inter-trait correlations, implying that mammalian skull diversity has been produced upon a common covariance structure that remained similar for at least 65 million years. Comparisons with a rodent genetic variance/covariance matrix suggest that this broad similarity extends also to the genetic factors underlying phenotypic variation. In contrast to the relative constancy of inter-trait correlation/covariance patterns, magnitudes varied markedly across groups. Several morphological modules hypothesized from shared development and function were detected in the mammalian taxa studied. Our data provide evidence that mammalian skull evolution can be viewed as a history of inter-module parcellation, with the modules themselves being more clearly marked in those lineages with lower overall magnitude of integration. The implication of these findings is that the main evolutionary trend in the mammalian skull was one of decreasing the constraints to evolution by promoting a more modular architecture.
Changes in patterns and magnitudes of integration may influence the ability of a species to respond to selection. Consequently, modularity has often been linked to the concept of evolvability, but their relationship has rarely been tested empirically. One possible explanation is the lack of analytical tools to compare patterns and magnitudes of integration among diverse groups that explicitly relate these aspects to the quantitative genetics framework. We apply such framework here using the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the evolutionary behavior of several mammalian orders in terms of their flexibility, evolvability and constraints in the skull. We interpreted these simulation results in light of the integration patterns and magnitudes of the same mammalian groups, described in a companion paper. We found that larger magnitudes of integration were associated with a blur of the modules in the skull and to larger portions of the total variation explained by size variation, which in turn can exert a strong evolutionary constraint, thus decreasing the evolutionary flexibility. Conversely, lower overall magnitudes of integration were associated with distinct modules in the skull, to smaller fraction of the total variation associated with size and, consequently, to weaker constraints and more evolutionary flexibility. Flexibility and constraints are, therefore, two sides of the same coin and we found them to be quite variable among mammals. Neither the overall magnitude of morphological integration, the modularity itself, nor its consequences in terms of constraints and flexibility, were associated with absolute size of the organisms, but were strongly associated with the proportion of the total variation in skull morphology captured by size. Therefore, the history of the mammalian skull is marked by a trade-off between modularity and evolvability. Our data provide evidence that, despite the stasis in integration patterns, the plasticity in the magnitude of integration in the skull had important consequences in terms of evolutionary flexibility of the mammalian lineages.
Meningioma tumor growth involves the subarachnoid space that contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Modeling tumor growth in this microenvironment has been associated with widespread leptomeningeal dissemination, which is uncharacteristic of human meningiomas. Consequently, survival times and tumor properties are varied, limiting their utility in testing experimental therapies. We report the development and characterization of a reproducible orthotopic skull-base meningioma model in athymic mice using the IOMM-Lee cell line. Localized tumor growth was obtained by using optimal cell densities and matrigel as the implantation medium. Survival times were within a narrow range of 17-21 days. The xenografts grew locally compressing surrounding brain tissue. These tumors had histopathologic characteristics of anaplastic meningiomas including high cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism, cellular pattern loss, necrosis and conspicuous mitosis. Similar to human meningiomas, considerable invasion of the dura and skull and some invasion of adjacent brain along perivascular tracts were observed. The pattern of hypoxia was also similar to human malignant meningiomas. We use bioluminescent imaging to non-invasively monitor the growth of the xenografts and determine the survival benefit from temozolomide treatment. Thus, we describe a malignant meningioma model system that will be useful for investigating the biology of meningiomas and for preclinical assessment of therapeutic agents.
This paper reports a rare case of acute severe orbital abscess manifested 2 days after a facial trauma without bone fracture in a 20-year-old Afro-American female. The symptoms worsened within the 24 h prior to hospital admission resulting in visual disturbances such as diplopia and photophobia. The clinical findings at the first consultation included fever, periorbital swelling and redness, ptosis, proptosis and limitation of ocular movements upwards, downwards, to the right and to the left. Computed tomography scan showed proptosis with considerable soft tissue swelling on the left side and no fracture was evidenced in the facial skeleton, including the zygomatic-orbital complex. After hospital admission and antibiotic therapy intravenously the patient was conducted to the operation room and submitted to incision and drainage under general anesthesia. The orbit was approached thorough both eyelids and the maxillary sinus was reached only through the Caldwell-Luc approach. The postoperative period was uneventful and the rapid improvement of symptoms was remarkable. Visual acuity and ocular motility returned to the normal ranges within 2 days after the surgical intervention. After 12 postoperative days, the patient presented with significative improvement in the ptosis and proptosis, and acceptable scars.
This article reports the case of a 55-year-old female patient who presented with unsatisfactory temporary crowns in the right mandibular premolars and molars, and a premolar-to-molar fixed partial denture in the left side. The clinical and radiographic examinations revealed a fracture of the left first premolar that was a retainer of the fixed partial denture and required extraction. Initially, the acrylic resin crowns were replaced by new ones, and a provisional RPD was made using acrylic resin and orthodontic wire clasps to resolve the problem arising from the loss of the fixed partial denture. Considering the patient's high esthetic demands, the treatment options for the definitive prosthetic treatment were discussed with her and rehabilitation with implant-supported dentures was proposed because the clinical conditions of the residual alveolar ridge were suitable for implant installation, and the patient's general health was excellent. However, the patient did not agree because she knew of a failed case of implant-retained denture in a diabetic individual and was concerned. The patient was fully informed that implant installation was the best indication for her case, but the arguments were not sufficient to change her decision. The treatment possibilities were presented and the patient opted for a clasp-retained removable partial denture (RPD) associated with the placement of crowns in the pillar teeth. The temporary RPD was replaced by the definitive RPD constructed subsequently. Although RPD was not the first choice, satisfactory esthetic and functional outcomes were achieved, overcaming the patient's expectations. This case report illustrates that the dentist must be prepared to deal with situations where, for reasons that cannot be managed, the patient does not accept the treatment considered as the most indicated for his/her case. Alternatives must be proposed and the functional and esthetic requirements must be fulfilled in the best possible manner.
This study evaluated the effect of chemical and mechanical surface treatments for cast metal alloys on the bond strength of an indirect composite resin (Artglass) to commercially pure titanium (cpTi). Thirty cylindrical metal rods (3 mm diameter x 60 mm long) were cast in grade-1 cpTi and randomly assigned to 6 groups (n=5) according to the received surface treatment: sandblasting; chemical treatment; mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm beads; mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads; chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm; and chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads. Artglass rings (6.0 mm diameter x 2.0 mm thick) were light cured around the cpTi rods, according manufacturer's specifications. The specimens were invested in hard gypsum and their bond strength (in MPa) to the rods was measured at fracture with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min and 500 kgf load cell. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). The surface treatments differed significantly from each other (p<0.05) regarding the recorded bond strengths. Chemical retention and sandblasting showed statistically similar results to each other (p=0.139) and both had significantly lower bond strengths (p<0.05) than the other treatments. In conclusion, mechanical retention, either associated or not to chemical treatment, provided higher bond strength of the indirect composite resin to cpTi.
Prostaglandins control osteoblastic and osteoclastic function under physiological or pathological conditions and are important modulators of the bone healing process. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) activity and consequently prostaglandins synthesis. Experimental and clinical evidence has indicated a risk for reparative bone formation related to the use of non-selective (COX-1 and COX-2) and COX-2 selective NSAIDs. Ketorolac is a non-selective NSAID which, at low doses, has a preferential COX-1 inhibitory effect and etoricoxib is a new selective COX-2 inhibitor. Although literature data have suggested that ketorolac can interfere negatively with long bone fracture healing, there seems to be no study associating etoricoxib with reparative bone formation. Paracetamol/acetaminophen, one of the first choices for pain control in clinical dentistry, has been considered a weak anti-inflammatory drug, although supposedly capable of inhibiting COX-2 activity in inflammatory sites. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether paracetamol, ketorolac and etoricoxib can hinder alveolar bone formation, taking the filling of rat extraction socket with newly formed bone as experimental model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The degree of new bone formation inside the alveolar socket was estimated two weeks after tooth extraction by a differential point-counting method, using an optical microscopy with a digital camera for image capture and histometry software. Differences between groups were analyzed by ANOVA after confirming a normal distribution of sample data. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Histometric results confirmed that none of the tested drugs had a detrimental effect in the volume fraction of bone trabeculae formed inside the alveolar socket.
Epidemiological studies have suggested that cola beverage consumption may affect bone metabolism and increase bone fracture risk. Experimental evidence linking cola beverage consumption to deleterious effects on bone is lacking. Herein, we investigated whether cola beverage consumption from weaning to early puberty delays the rate of reparative bone formation inside the socket of an extracted tooth in rats. Twenty male Wistar rats received cola beverage (cola group) or tap water (control group) ad libitum from the age of 23 days until tooth extraction at 42 days and euthanasia 2 and 3 weeks later. The neoformed bone volume inside the alveolar socket was estimated in semi-serial longitudinal sections using a quantitative differential point-counting method. Histological examination suggested a decrease in the osteogenic process within the tooth sockets of rats from both cola groups, which had thinner and sparser new bone trabeculae. Histometric data confirmed that alveolar bone healing was significantly delayed in cola-fed rats at three weeks after tooth extraction (ANOVA, p = 0.0006, followed by Tukey's test, p < 0.01). Although the results of studies in rats cannot be extrapolated directly to human clinical dentistry, the present study provides evidence that cola beverage consumption negatively affect maxillary bone formation.