90 resultados para RENAL-DISEASE
Glutamine is the most important donor of NH(3) in kidney playing an important role in acid-base buffering system. Besides this effect, glutamine presents many other relevant functions in the whole body, such as a precursor of arginine in adult and neonates. In addition to these effects, some studies have shown that glutamine can potentiate renal disease. In the present study, the effect of short-term treatment (15 days) with glutamine on control and diabetic rats was investigated. Using biochemical, histological and molecular biology analysis from control and diabetic rats we verified that glutamine supplementation increase in pro-inflammatory interleukins (IL)-1 beta and IL-6 content in renal cortex and induce alteration in glomerular characteristics. This study showed that short-term treatment with glutamine in association with increased glucose levels could cause important alterations in glomerular morphology that may result in fast progression of kidney failure.
Amlodipine, an antihypertensive drug, and diclofenac, an anti inflammatory drug, may generally be combined, particularly in elderly patients; therefore, the potential for their interaction is high. We aim to determine if amlodipine interferes with the antimigratory effect of diclofenac. For this, male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) were treated with either diclofenac (1 mg.kg(-1).d(-1), 15 d) alone or combined with amlodipine (10 mg.kg(-1).d(-1), 15 d). Leukocyte rolling, adherence, and migration were studied by intravital microscopy. Diclofenac did not change (180.0 +/- 2.3), whereas amlodipine combined (163.4 +/- 5.1) or not (156.3 +/- 4.3) with diclofienac reduced the blood pressure (BP) levels in SHR (183.1 +/- 4.4). Diclofenac and amlodipine reduced leukocyte adherence, migration, and ICAM-I expression, whereas only diclofenac reduced rolling leukocytes as well. Combined with amlodipine, the effect of the diclofenac was reduced. Neither treatment tested increased the venular shear rate or modified the venular diameters, number of circulating leukocytes, P-selectin, PECAM-1, L-selectin, or CD-18 expressions. No difference could be found in plasma concentrations of both drugs given alone or in association. In conclusion, amlodipine reduces leukocyte migration in SHR, reducing endothelial cell ICAM-1 expression. Amlodipine reduces the effect of the diclofenac, possibly by the same mechanism. A pharmacokinetic interaction as well as an effect on the other adhesion molecules tested could be discarded.
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is one of the most important causes of end-stage renal failure. The bradykinin B1 receptor has been associated with tissue inflammation and renal fibrosis. To test for a role of the bradykinin B1 receptor in podocyte injury, we pharmacologically modulated its activity at different time points in an adriamycin-induced mouse model of FSGS. Estimated albuminuria and urinary protein to creatinine ratios correlated with podocytopathy. Adriamycin injection led to loss of body weight, proteinuria, and upregulation of B1 receptor mRNA. Early treatment with a B1 antagonist reduced albuminuria and glomerulosclerosis, and inhibited the adriamycin-induced downregulation of podocin, nephrin, and alpha-actinin-4 expression. Moreover, delayed treatment with antagonist also induced podocyte protection. Conversely, a B1 agonist aggravated renal dysfunction and even further suppressed the levels of podocyte-related molecules. Thus, we propose that kinin has a crucial role in the pathogenesis of FSGS operating through bradykinin B1 receptor signaling. Kidney International (2011) 79, 1217-1227; doi:10.1038/ki.2011.14; published online 16 March 2011
Iron supplementation in hemodialysis patients is fundamental to erythropoiesis, but may cause harmful effects. We measured oxidative stress using labile plasma iron (LPI) after parenteral iron replacement in chronic hemodialysis patients. Intravenous iron saccharate (100 mg) was administered in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis (N = 20). LPI was measured by an oxidant-sensitive fluorescent probe at the beginning of dialysis session (T0), at 10 min (T1), 20 min (T2), and 30 min (T3) after the infusion of iron and at the subsequent session; P < 0.05 was significant. The LPI values were significantly raised according to the time of administration and were transitory: -0.02 +/- 0.20 mu mol/L at the beginning of the first session, 0.01 +/- 0.26 mu mol/L at T0, 0.03 +/- 0.23 mu mol/L at T1, 0.09 +/- 0.28 mmol/L at T2, 0.18 +/- 0.52 mmol/L at T3, and -0.02 +/- 0.16 mmol/L (P = 0.001 to 0.041) at the beginning of the second session. The LPI level in patients without iron supplementation was -0.06 +/- 0.16 mmol/L. Correlations of LPI according to time were T1, T2, and T3 vs. serum iron (P = 0.01, P = 0.007, and P = 0.0025, respectively), and T2 and T3 vs. transferrin saturation (P = 0.001 and P = 0.0003, respectively). LPI generation after intravenous saccharate administration is time-dependent and transitorily detected during hemodialysis. The LPI increment had a positive correlation to iron and transferrin saturation.
Background We validated a strategy for diagnosis of coronary artery disease ( CAD) and prediction of cardiac events in high-risk renal transplant candidates ( at least one of the following: age >= 50 years, diabetes, cardiovascular disease). Methods A diagnosis and risk assessment strategy was used in 228 renal transplant candidates to validate an algorithm. Patients underwent dipyridamole myocardial stress testing and coronary angiography and were followed up until death, renal transplantation, or cardiac events. Results The prevalence of CAD was 47%. Stress testing did not detect significant CAD in 1/3 of patients. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the stress test for detecting CAD were 70, 74, 69, and 71%, respectively. CAD, defined by angiography, was associated with increased probability of cardiac events [log-rank: 0.001; hazard ratio: 1.90, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.29-2.92]. Diabetes (P=0.03; hazard ratio: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.06-2.45) and angiographically defined CAD (P=0.03; hazard ratio: 1.69, 95% CI: 1.08-2.78) were the independent predictors of events. Conclusion The results validate our observations in a smaller number of high-risk transplant candidates and indicate that stress testing is not appropriate for the diagnosis of CAD or prediction of cardiac events in this group of patients. Coronary angiography was correlated with events but, because less than 50% of patients had significant disease, it seems premature to recommend the test to all high-risk renal transplant candidates. The results suggest that angiography is necessary in many high-risk renal transplant candidates and that better noninvasive methods are still lacking to identify with precision patients who will benefit from invasive procedures. Coron Artery Dis 21: 164-167 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background: The best strategy for pre-transplant investigation and treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) is controversial. Methods: We evaluated 167 renal transplant recipients before transplantation to determine the incidence of cardiac events and death. We performed clinical evaluations and myocardial scans in all patients and coronary angiography in select patients. Results: Asymptomatic patients with normal myocardial scans (n = 57) had significantly fewer cardiac events (log-rank = 0.0002) and deaths (log-rank = 0.0005) than did patients with abnormal scans but no angiographic evidence of CAD (n = 76) and individuals with CAD (n = 34) documented angiographically. CAD increased the probability of events (HR = 2.27, % CI 1.007-5.11; p = 0.04). The incidence of cardiac events (log-rank = 0.349) and deaths (log-rank = 0.588) was similar among patients treated medically (n = 23) or by intervention (n = 11). Conclusion: Asymptomatic patients with normal myocardial scans had a better cardiac prognosis than did patients with or without CAD and positive for myocardial ischemia. Patients with altered scan and CAD had the poorer outcome. Guideline-oriented medical treatment is safe and yields results comparable to coronary intervention in renal transplant patients with CAD. The data do not support pre-emptive myocardial revascularization for renal transplant candidates.
A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma alteração neuromuscular caracterizada por contínua necrose muscular e degeneração, com eventual fibrose e infiltração por tecido adiposo. O aumento progressivo da fibrose intersticial no músculo impede a migração das células miogênicas, necessárias para a formação muscular. O modelo canino constitui-se nas melhores fenocópias da doença em humanos, quando comparados com outros modelos animais com distrofia. O tratamento antifibrose de pacientes DMD, tendo como alvo os mediadores da citocina, TGF-beta, e o tratamento com antiinflamatórios, podem limitar a degeneração muscular e contribuir para a melhora do curso da doença. O presente estudo teve como objetivo observar os possíveis efeitos adversos na fisiologia renal, por meio de avaliação bioquímica sanguínea e da pressão arterial, verificando a viabilidade do uso do Losartan (um inibidor de TGF-beta) nos cães afetados pela distrofia muscular. Foram utilizados quatro cães adultos, sendo dois machos e duas fêmeas. Utilizou-se a dose de 50mg de Losartan, administrada via oral, uma vez ao dia. Os exames clínicos, bem como alterações na função renal, o nível do potássio sérico e a pressão arterial não evidenciaram reação adversa durante todo o período do experimento. O uso de Losartan, por um período de 9 semanas, mostrou-se como uma terapia segura para o tratamento antifibrótico em cães adultos, não afetando a função renal ou pressão arterial dos animais.
Atualmente os animais silvestres têm despertado o interesse particular na criação domestica. Na medicina de animais selvagens, os exames ultra-sonográficos podem ser considerados como ferramenta para diagnosticar e prevenir doenças. Deste modo, realizou-se um estudo em 20 jibóias (Boa constrictor), a fim de caracterizar a morfologia e aparência ultra-sonográfica das estruturas presentes da cavidade celomática desses animais. Ultra-sonograficamente, o fígado apresentou-se variando de hipoecóica a levemente hiperecogênica, com margens ecogênicas e ecotextura homogênea em toda sua extensão. Os rins mostraram formato elipsóide, com cápsula fina, regular e hiperecóica. Os folículos ovarianos apresentaram formato ovóide, margens finas, regulares e discretamente hiperecóicas. As estruturas do sistema reprodutor do macho não foram evidenciadas com precisão, devido a sua ecogenicidade similar em relação às estruturas adjacentes e pela presença do "corpo gorduroso" localizado nessa região. A ultra-sonografia da cavidade celomática em jibóias demonstrou ser uma técnica rápida e de fácil acesso, permitindo identificar a morfologia, sintopia e aparência ultra-sonográfica de estruturas como o fígado, rins e de folículos vitelogênicos nas fêmeas.
Foi proposta uma revisão das terminologias empregadas para a descrição das alterações renais e também sugerida uma classificação em estágios para a doença renal crônica à semelhança da medicina humana pela IRIS (International Renal Interest Society). Essa classificação considera os estágios da doença de acordo com o tempo de evolução e a presença de marcadores de lesão renal. O objetivo principal é auxiliar no estabelecimento do diagnóstico, do prognóstico e da terapia adequada conforme cada estágio e, assim, retardar a perda da função dos rins e a evolução da doença renal e, dessa forma, propiciar melhor qualidade de vida ao paciente.
The development of cancer is a complex, multistage process during which a normal cell undergoes genetic changes that result in phenotypic alterations and in the acquisition of the ability to invade other sites. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy was used to estimate the contents of Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Pb, and Zn in healthy kidney and renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and significant differences were found for all elements. Along with the progression of the malignant disease, a progressive decrease of Cd and K was observed. In fact, for Cd, the concentration in stage T4 was 263.9 times lower than in stage T1, and for K, the concentration in stage T4 was 1.73 times lower than in stage T1. Progressive accumulation was detected for P, Pb, and Zn in stage T4. For P, the concentration in stage T4 was 11.1 times higher than in stage T1; for Pb, the concentration in stage T4 was 232.7 times higher than in T1; and for Zn, the concentration in T4 was 8.452 times higher than in T1. This study highlights the marked differences in the concentrations of selected trace metals in different malignant tumor stages. These findings indicate that some trace metals may play important roles in the pathogenesis of RCC.
Creatine (CR) supplementation is commonly used by athletes. However, its effects on renal function remain controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of creatine supplementation on renal function in healthy sedentary males (18-35 years old) submitted to exercise training. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. Subjects (n = 18) were randomly allocated to receive treatment with either creatine (CR) (similar to 10 g day(-1) over 3 months) or placebo (PL) (dextrose). All subjects undertook moderate intensity aerobic training, in three 40-min sessions per week, during 3 months. Serum creatinine, serum and urinary sodium and potassium were determined at baseline and at the end of the study. Cystatin C was assessed prior to training (PRE), after 4 (POST 4) and 12 weeks (POST 12). Cystatin C levels (mg L-1) (PRE CR: 0.82 +/- 0.09; PL: 0.88 +/- 0.07 vs. POST 12 CR: 0.71 +/- 0.06; PL: 0.75 +/- 0.09, P = 0.0001) were decreased over time, suggesting an increase in glomerular filtration rate. Serum creatinine decreased with training in PL but was unchanged with training in CR. No significant differences were observed within or between groups in other parameters investigated. The decrease in cystatin C indicates that high-dose creatine supplementation over 3 months does not provoke any renal dysfunction in healthy males undergoing aerobic training. In addition, the results suggest that moderate aerobic training per se may improve renal function.
Aim of the study: Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. 82 Endl.) H. Robinson, Asteraceae] is an Andean species that has traditionally been used as an anti-diabetic herb in several countries around the world, including Brazil. Its hypoglycaemic action has recently been demonstrated in normal and diabetic rats. However, studies about the safety of prolonged oral consumption of yacon leaf extracts are lacking. Thus, this work was undertaken to evaluate the repeated-dose toxicity of three extracts from yacon leaves: the aqueous extract (AE) prepared as a tea infusion; the leaf-rinse extract (LRE), which is rich in sesquiterpene lactones (STLs); and a polar extract from leaves without trichomes, or polar extract (PE), which lacks STLs but is rich in chlorogenic acids (CGAs). Materials and methods: The major classes of the compounds were confirmed in each extract by IR spectra and HPLC-UV-DAD profiling as well as comparison to standard compounds. The toxicity of each extract was evaluated in a repeated-dose toxicity study in Wistar rats for 90 days. Results: The PE was rich in CGAs, but we did not detect any STLs. The AE and LEE showed the presence of STLs. The polar extract caused alterations in some biochemical parameters, but the animals did not show signs of behavioural toxicity or serious lesions in organs. Alterations of specific biochemical parameters in the blood (creatinine 7.0 mg/dL, glucose 212.0 mg/dL, albumin 2.8 g/dL) of rats treated with AE (10,50 and 100 mg/kg) and LRE (10 and 100 mg/kg) pointed to renal damage, which was confirmed by histological analysis of the kidneys. Conclusions: The renal damage was associated with increased blood glucose levels after prolonged oral administration of the AE. This observation suggested that the hypoglycaemic effect observed after treatment for 30 days in an earlier study is reversible and was likely the result of renal injury caused by the toxicity of yacon. Because STLs were detected in both AE and LRE, there is strong evidence that these terpenoids are the main toxic compounds in the leaves of the yacon. Based on our results, we do not recommend the oral use of yacon leaves to treat diabetes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suppression of the renin-angiotensin system during lactation causes irreversible renal structural changes. In this study we investigated 1) the time course and the mechanisms underlying the chronic kidney disease caused by administration of the AT(1) receptor blocker losartan during lactation, and 2) whether this untoward effect can be used to engender a new model of chronic kidney disease. Male Munich-Wistar pups were divided into two groups: C, whose mothers were untreated, and L(Lact), whose mothers received oral losartan (250 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) during the first 20 days after delivery. At 3 mo of life, both nephron number and the glomerular filtration rate were reduced in L(Lact) rats, whereas glomerular pressure was elevated. Unselective proteinuria and decreased expression of the zonula occludens-1 protein were also observed, along with modest glomerulosclerosis, significant interstitial expansion and inflammation, and wide glomerular volume variation, with a stable subpopulation of exceedingly small glomeruli. In addition, the urine osmolality was persistently lower in L(Lact) rats. At 10 mo of age, L(Lact) rats exhibited systemic hypertension, heavy albuminuria, substantial glomerulosclerosis, severe renal interstitial expansion and inflammation, and creatinine retention. Conclusions are that 1) oral losartan during lactation can be used as a simple and easily reproducible model of chronic kidney disease in adult life, associated with low mortality and no arterial hypertension until advanced stages; and 2) the mechanisms involved in the progression of renal injury in this model include glomerular hypertension, glomerular hypertrophy, podocyte injury, and interstitial inflammation.
The guidelines proposed by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) suggested that intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) should be maintained in a target range between 150 and 300 pg ml(-1) for patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Our study sought to verify the effectiveness of that range in preventing bone remodeling problems in hemodialysis patients. We measured serum ionized calcium and phosphorus while iPTH was measured by a second-generation assay. Transiliac bone biopsies were performed at the onset of the study and after completing 1 year follow-up. The PTH levels decreased within the target range in about one-fourth of the patients at baseline and at the end of the study. The bone biopsies of two-thirds of the patients were classified as showing low turnover and a one-fourth showed high turnover, the remainder having normal turnover. In the group achieving the target levels of iPTH 88% had low turnover. Intact PTH levels less than 150 pg ml(-1) for identifying low turnover and greater than 300 pg ml(-1) for high turnover presented a positive predictive value of 83 and 62%, respectively. Our study suggests that the iPTH target recommended by the K/DOQI guidelines was associated with a high incidence of low-turnover bone disease, suggesting that other biochemical markers may be required to accurately measure bone-remodeling status in hemodialysis patients.
Arteriovenous fistula involving renal artery and inferior vena cava are rare. We report the case of a 47-year-old woman with a chronic arteriovenous fistula between right renal artery and inferior vena cava due to a penetrating trauma. Another finding was a vena cava aneurysm caused by the fistula. The patient was successfully treated with a covered stent in the renal artery. Diagnosis and postoperative control have been documented with CT scan. Endovascular techniques may be effective and minimally invasive option for treatment and renal preservation in renal-cava arteriovenous fistulae.