186 resultados para Phenological stages
A ferrugem asiática, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, apresenta-se como um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da cultura da soja no Brasil, principalmente por não existirem, até o presente momento, cultivares com níveis de resistência satisfatórios. Objetivou-se estudar a influência da luminosidade e da camada de cera das superfícies foliares na infecção de folhas de soja por P. pachyrhizi. A superfície adaxial ou abaxial de folíolos do primeiro trifólio de plantas da cultivar BRS 154, estádio fenológico V2, foi inoculada com suspensão de 10(5) urediniósporos/mL-1. As plantas foram mantidas por 24 horas em câmara úmida e temperatura de 23ºC, sob luz ou escuro, em delineamento fatorial. Posteriormente, permaneceram 14 dias em fotoperíodo de 12 horas, sendo em seguida avaliada a densidade de lesões e a severidade da doença. Em um segundo experimento, avaliou-se in vitro , no escuro e na luz, a porcentagem de germinação de urediniósporos e de formação de apressórios. As camadas de cera adaxial e abaxial dos folíolos foram analisadas quantitativamente (extrações com clorofórmio) e estruturalmente (microscopia eletrônica de varredura). A densidade de lesões e a severidade foram maiores quando se inoculou a superfície adaxial de plantas incubadas no escuro, sem interação significativa entre os fatores. A germinação dos esporos no escuro (40,7%) foi significativamente superior à germinação na luz (28,5%). O mesmo ocorreu para a formação de apressórios, no escuro (24,7%) e na luz (12,8%). A quantidade e a estrutura das ceras epicuticulares não apresentaram diferenças entre as duas superfícies.
The lianas observed in this study, Abuta convexa (Vell.) Diels, Abuta imene (Mart.) Eichler, and Chondrodendron platiphyllum (A. St.-Hil.) Miers, all have successive cambia in their stems. The terminology applied to stem histology in species with successive cambia is as diverse as the interpretations of the origins of this cambial variant. Therefore, this study specifically investigates the origin of successive cambia through a developmental analysis of the above-mentioned species, including an analysis of the terminology used to describe this cambial variation. For the first time, we have identified several developmental stages giving rise to the origins of successive cambia in this family. First, the pericycle originates in 1-3 layers of conjunctive tissue. After the differentiation of the first ring, the conjunctive tissue undergoes new divisions, developing approximately 10 rows of parenchyma cells. In the middle portion, a layer of sclereids is formed, again subdividing the conjunctive tissue into two parts: internal and external. New cambia originate in the internal part, from which new secondary vascular strands will originate, giving rise to the second successive vascular ring of the stem. The external part remains parenchymatous during the installation of the second ring and will undergo new periclinal division, repeating the entire process. New cambia will originate from the neoformed strands, which will form only rays. In the literature, successive cambia are formed by a meristem called "diffuse lateral meristem."However, based on the species of Menispermaceae studied in this report, it is demonstrated that the diffuse lateral meristem is the pericycle itself.
The γ-aminobutyric acid (Gaba) is a non-protein amino acid found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Its role in plant development has not been fully established. This study reports a quantification of the levels of endogenous Gaba, as well as investigation of its role in different stages of somatic embryogenesis in Acca sellowiana Berg. (Myrtaceae). Zygotic embryos were used as explants and they were inoculated into the culture medium contained different concentrations of Gaba (0,2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 µM). The highest concentrations of endogenous Gaba were detected between the third and nine days after inoculation, reaching the value of 12.77 µmol.g-1FW. High frequency of somatic embryogenesis was observed in response to 10 µM Gaba. This treatment also resulted in a large number of normal embryos, and the lowest percentage of formation of fused somatic embryos, phenotypic characteristic of most deformed embryos in all treatments. Also, all treatments promoted the formation of the somatic embryos with positive characteristics of development resumption, which however did not originate the seedlings.
Croton is the second bigger and more diverse genus in the family Euphorbiaceae, with about 1,200 species distributed in 40 sections, occurring in all tropical areas, most of them in Americas. In South America, Brazil is the country in which a larger number of taxa are found, ca. 356. According to recent classification, the genus belongs to the tribe Crotoneae, and despite the wide and morphological diversity, it would be a monophyletic taxon. However, a phylogenetic analysis using markers of ITS region from nuclear ribosomal DNA, and of trnL-F from plastidial DNA, showed that Croton, like traditionally circumscribed, is not a monophyletic taxon. A taxonomic revision of Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax is presented here. It is a Neotropical group with most of its species occurring from Southeast and South Brazil to southern South America (Uruguay and Argentina). Morphologically, the members of Lamprocroton are characterized as monoecious or dioecious shrubs or subshrubs, with a lepidote indumentum at least in part of foliage, entire leaves with no glands. The staminate flowers have 9 to 16 stamens and the pistillate flowers may have equal or unequal sepals, reduced to absent petals, and styles once or twice bifid. Overall, are recognized 26 species in the group, three of them new to the science. Identification key, morphological descriptions, illustrations, phenological period, as well as data on geographic distribution and general comments of each species are presented. Four taxa were excluded from C. sect. Lamprocroton because they do not show the morphological features that are diagnostics of the section. Four species that are poorly known were not included in the taxonomic treatment.
The reproductive phenology and thallus length of Gracilaria birdiae were studied over a period of 12 months in a natural bed in Northeastern Brazil. Fertile specimens of G. birdiae were observed during the entire study period. Tetrasporophytes were the most common with an annual mean of 80.1±5.6%, followed by cystocarpic plants (9.3±3.4%), male gametophytes (8.3±3.6%) and infertile plants (2.2±3.4%). Only male gametophytes and infertile plants showed a variation in occurrence frequency during the year (p<0.05). With respect to thallus length, a distinct seasonal variation was observed for all reproductive stages (p<0.05), with the highest values recorded during the rainy season (March to August) and the lowest in the dry season (September to February). The results demonstrate that the size of individuals in this population is significantly affected by the periodic changes in the environment caused by rainfall regimes and hydrodynamism.
A new species of the relatively poorly known Neotropical freshwater stingray genus Plesiotrygon Rosa, Castello & Thorson, 1987 is described from the main channel and smaller tributaries (Ríos Itaya and Pachitea) of the upper Amazon basin in Peru. The first specimen to be collected, however, was from much farther east in Rio Solimões in 1996, just down-river from Rio Purus (specimen unavailable for this study). Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is a very distinctive and unusually small species of freshwater stingray (Potamotrygonidae), described here mostly from three specimens representing different size classes and stages of sexual maturity. Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is distinguished from its only congener, P. iwamae Rosa, Castello & Thorson, 1987, by numerous unique features, including: dorsal coloration composed of very fine rosettes or a combination of spots and irregular ocelli; very circular disc and snout; very small and less rhomboidal spiracles; short snout and anterior disc region; narrow mouth and nostrils; denticles on dorsal tail small, scattered, not forming row of enlarged spines; adult and preadult specimens with significantly fewer tooth rows; fewer caudal vertebrae; higher total pectoral radials; very small size, probably not surpassing 250 mm disc length or width, males maturing sexually at around 180 mm disc length and 175 mm disc width; distal coloration of tail posterior to caudal stings usually dark purplish-brown; and features of the ventral lateral-line canals (hyomandibular canal very narrow, infraorbital and supraorbital canals not undulated, supraorbital and infraorbital loops small and narrow, supraorbital loop very short, not extending posteriorly to level of mouth, jugular and posterior infraorbital canals short, not extending caudally to first gill slits, subpleural loop very narrow posteriorly; absence of anterior and posterior subpleural tubules). To provide a foundation for the description of P. nana sp. nov., morphological variation in P. iwamae was examined based on all type specimens as well as newly collected and previously unreported material. Two specimens topotypic with the male paratype of P. nana sp. nov., referred to here as Plesiotrygon cf. iwamae, are also reported. Relationships of the new species to P. iwamae are discussed; further characters indicative of Plesiotrygon monophyly are proposed, but the genus may still not be valid. Plesiotrygon nana sp. nov., is commercialized with some regularity in the international aquarium trade from Iquitos (Peru), an alarming circumstance because nothing is known of its biology or conservation requirements.
The clingfish Gobiesox barbatulus shows nocturnal feeding activity, spending most part of the day stationary and adhered to the inferior part of stones. To feed, this species uses the sit-and-wait and particulate feeding tactics. It shows a carnivorous feeding habit mostly consuming small benthic crustaceans. It can move in two ways: (1) "stone-by-stone", sliding its ventral sucker disc across each stone and (2) "surf", when it takes advantage of the energy of the ebbing tide to quickly cross a distance up to four times its body length. Its reproductive season occurs between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, during which time it lays about 2,000 adhesive eggs of 1 mm each in a single layer under stones. It has more than one egg-laying session per reproductive season, therefore showing several different developmental stages. It performs fanning, mouthing and guarding of the eggs as forms of parental care. Data shown here also indicates that G. barbatulus has some shelter fidelity, being probably territorial.
Collections were made every two months in Ilha Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro, for 21 months (August/2004-May/2006) to study the gametogenesis of Madracis decactis Lyman, 1859. A total of 1800 polyps were examined using standard histological techniques. Madracis decactis is a hermaphroditic species whose male and female gametes develop within different mesenteries. Oogenesis begins in October, while spermatogenesis begins at the end of February, both reaching maturity at the end of April. The peak of reproductive activity occurred between February and April, when all the polyps were fertile, containing mainly stage III oocytes. Examination of fertile polyps indicated the simultaneous presence of stages I, II and III for oogenesis and I, II, III and IV for spermatogenesis. No embryos or planulae were observed in the histological sections. The gametes or planulae spawning may occur between April and May.
CONTEXTO: Diversas metodologias foram desenvolvidas para validar instrumentos psicométricos. No entanto, na literatura científica, há escassez de instrumentos para avaliar os relacionamentos amorosos. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo validar para o português o conteúdo dos instrumentos autoaplicáveis Love Attitudes Scale (Escala de Atitudes do Amor - Hendrick et al., 1998), Relationship Assessment Scale (Escala de Avaliação do Relacionamento - Hendrick, 1988) e Adult Attachment Types (Tipos de Apego do Adulto - Hazan et al., 1987), levando em consideração o contexto cultural brasileiro e, consequentemente, possibilitando que o estudo do amor patológico seja viável na população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Tal processo envolveu quatro etapas: (1) tradução para o português, (2) retrotradução, (3) apresentação da versão corrigida para profissionais de saúde mental e estudantes universitários e (4) aplicação da versão final em amostra da população-alvo utilizando uma escala analógico-visual. RESULTADOS: As escalas foram facilmente compreendidas e discriminaram significativamente indivíduos com amor patológico de voluntários saudáveis. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostram que a versão brasileira desses instrumentos é válida e pode ser usada em investigações envolvendo relacionamentos amorosos.
The endothelium plays a vital role in maintaining circulatory homeostasis by the release of relaxing and contracting factors. Any change in this balance may result in a process known as endothelial dysfunction that leads to impaired control of vascular tone and contributes to the pathogenesis of some cardiovascular and endocrine/metabolic diseases. Reduced endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and increased production of thromboxane A2, prostaglandin H2 and superoxide anion in conductance and resistance arteries are commonly associated with endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive, diabetic and obese animals, resulting in reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and in increased vasoconstrictor responses. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated the role of enhanced overactivation ofβ-adrenergic receptors inducing vascular cytokine production and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) uncoupling that seem to be the mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction in hypertension, heart failure and in endocrine-metabolic disorders. However, some adaptive mechanisms can occur in the initial stages of hypertension, such as increased NO production by eNOS. The present review focuses on the role of NO bioavailability, eNOS uncoupling, cyclooxygenase-derived products and pro-inflammatory factors on the endothelial dysfunction that occurs in hypertension, sympathetic hyperactivity, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. These are cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases of high incidence and mortality around the world, especially in developing countries and endothelial dysfunction contributes to triggering, maintenance and worsening of these pathological situations.
We examined the distribution, abundance and density of the Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus (Lichtenstein, 1823), at Keller Peninsula on two occasions during the breeding season of 2007-2008 (once for incubation and once for chick stages) and compared our results with previously published data. We present information on the number of eggs, incubation success, and initial development of L. dominicanus chicks in the studied sites. The abundance and density of the species has remained statistically similar in Keller Peninsula over the last 30 years (since 1978-1979). Although the abundance and density were almost unchanged, we recorded alterations in the occupation of the breeding areas by L. dominicanus, mainly the abandonment of breeding sites in the eastern portion of Keller Peninsula. The results of the present study compared with similar previous investigations on the abundance of L. dominicanus indicate that the populations have been in equilibrium over the years.
The activity of the antineoplastic drug tamoxifen was evaluated against Trypanosoma cruzi. In vitro activity was determined against epimastigote, trypomastigote and amastigote forms of CL14, Y and Y benznidazole resistant T. cruzi strains. Regardless of the strain used, the drug was active against all life-cycle stages of the parasite with a half maximal effective concentration ranging from 0.7-17.9 µM. Two experimental models of acute Chagas disease were used to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of treatment with tamoxifen. No differences in parasitemia and mortality were observed between control mock-treated and tamoxifen-treated mice.
FUNDAMENTOS: Os carcinomas espinocelulares da pele da cabeça têm como opção terapêutica mais segura a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs, que apresenta os menores índices de recidiva e a máxima preservação tecidual. Características dos carcinomas espinocelulares podem estar relacionadas a maior número de estádios cirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Definir características dos carcinomas espinocelulares que sejam preditoras de maior número de estádios na cirurgia de Mohs. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 51 carcinomas espinocelulares da cabeça tratados pela cirurgia de Mohs para determinar fatores de risco de maior número de estádios. Foram analisados limites clínicos, morfologia, recidiva, histologia e tamanho, relacionando-os ao número de estádios cirúrgicos. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste exato de Fisher e regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Os carcinomas recidivados tiveram tendência a maior número de estádios (p=0,081). Os tumores com limites imprecisos apresentaram três vezes mais possibilidades de maior número de fases na análise da razão de chances. Esse achado foi compatível com dados da literatura, apesar de não ter sido estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÃO: Características pré-operatórias dos carcinomas espinocelulares, como recidiva e limites imprecisos, apesar de não preditivas, indicaram tendência a maior número de estádios na cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs.
In order to verify the influence of chronic and acute ambient oxygen levels from egg to adult stage of the zebrafish, in vivo oxygen consumption (MO2), critical tensions of oxygen (Pcrit), heart rate (fH) and total body lactate concentration (Lc) were determined for Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) raised at 28 °C under normoxic (7.5 mgO2.L-1 or 80 mm.Hg-1) and hypoxic conditions (4.3 mgO2.L-1) and exposed to acute hypoxia during different developmental stages. Our findings confirmed that very early stages do not respond effectively to ambient acute hypoxia. However, after the stage corresponding to the age of 30 days, D. rerio was able to respond to acute hypoxia through effective physiological mechanisms involving aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Such responses were more efficient for the fishes reared under hypoxia which showed that D. rerio survival capability increased during acclimation to mild hypoxia. Measurements of body mass and length showed that moderate hypoxia did not affect growth significantly until the fish reached the stage of 60 days. Moreover, a growth delay was verified for the hypoxic-reared animals. Also, the D. rerio eggs-to-larvae survival varied from 87.7 to 62.4% in animals reared under normoxia and mild hypoxia, respectively. However, the surviving animals raised under moderated hypoxia showed a better aptitude to regulate aerobic and anaerobic capacities when exposed to acute hypoxia.
This work aims at the geochemical study of Pitinga cryolite mineralization through REE and Y analyses in disseminated and massive cryolite ore deposits, as well as in fluorite occurrences. REE signatures in fluorite and cryolite are similar to those in the Madeira albite granite. The highest ΣREE values are found in magmatic cryolite (677 to 1345 ppm); ΣREE is lower in massive cryolite. Average values for the different cryolite types are 10.3 ppm, 6.66 ppm and 8.38 ppm (for nucleated, caramel and white types, respectively). Disseminated fluorite displays higher ΣREE values (1708 and 1526ppm) than fluorite in late veins(34.81ppm). Yttrium concentration is higher in disseminated fluorite and in magmatic cryolite. The evolution of several parameters (REEtotal, LREE/HREE, Y) was followed throughout successive stages of evolution in albite granites and associated mineralization. At the end of the process, late cryolite was formed with low REEtotal content. REE data indicate that the MCD was formed by, and the disseminated ore enriched by (additional formation of hydrothermal disseminated cryolite), hydrothermal fluids, residual from albite granite. The presence of tetrads is poorly defined, although nucleated, caramel and white cryolite types show evidence for tetrad effect.