57 resultados para Holocene Transition
Phenothiazines (PTZ) are drugs widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Trifluoperazine, a piperazinic PTZ derivative, has been described as inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). We reported previously the antioxidant activity of thioridazine at relatively low concentrations associated to the inhibition of the MPT (Brit. J. Pharmacol., 2002;136:136-142). In this study, it was investigated the induction of MPT by PTZ derivatives at concentrations higher than 10 mu M focusing on the molecular mechanism involved. PTZ promoted a dose-response mitochondrial swelling accompanied by mitochondrial transmembrane potential dissipation and calcium release, being thioridazine the most potent derivative. PTZ-induced MPT was partially inhibited by CsA or Mg(2+) and completely abolished by the abstraction of calcium. The oxidation of reduced thiol group of mitochondrial membrane proteins by PTZ was upstream the VIP opening and it was not sufficient to promote the opening of PTP that only occurred when calcium was present in the mitochondrial matrix. EPR experiments using DMPO as spin trapping excluded the participation of reactive oxygen species on the PTZ-induced MPT. Since 117 give rise to cation radicals chemically by the action of peroxidases and cyanide inhibited the PTZ-induced swelling, we propose that VIZ bury in the inner mitochondrial membrane and the chemically generated 117 cation radicals modify specific thiol groups that in the presence of Ca(2+) result in MPT associated to cytochrome c release. These findings contribute for the understanding of mechanisms of MET induction and may have implications for the cell death induced by PTZ. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mitochondrial membrane carriers containing proline and cysteine, such as adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), are potential targets of cyclophilin D (CyP-D) and potential Ca(2+)-induced permeability transition pore (PTP) components or regulators; CyP-D, a mitochondrial peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, is the probable target of the PTP inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA). In the present study, the impact of proline isomerization (from trans to cis) on the mitochondrial membrane carriers containing proline and cysteine was addressed using ANT as model. For this purpose, two different approaches were used: (i) Molecular dynamic (MD) analysis of ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility and (ii) light scattering techniques employing rat liver isolated mitochondria to assess both Ca(2+)-induced ANT conformational change and mitochondrial swelling. ANT-Pro(61) isomerization increased ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility and, moreover, desensitized ANT to the prevention of this effect by ADP. In addition, Ca(2+) induced ANT ""c"" conformation and opened PTP; while the first effect was fully inhibited, the second was only attenuated by CsA or ADP. Atractyloside (ATR), in turn, stabilized Ca(2+)-induced ANT ""c"" conformation, rendering the ANT conformational change and PTP opening less sensitive to the inhibition by CsA or ADP. These results suggest that Ca(2+) induces the ANT ""c"" conformation, apparently associated with PTP opening, but requires the CyP-D peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity for sustaining both effects.
Monocrotaline (MCT) is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in plants of the genus Crotalaria that causes cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in animals and humans. It is well established that the toxicity of MCT results from its hepatic bioactivation to dehydromonocrotaline (DHM), an alkylating agent, but the exact mechanism of action remains unknown. In a previous study, we demonstrated DHM`s inhibition of mitochondrial NADH-dehydrogenase activity at micromolar concentrations, which is an effect associated with a significant reduction in ATP synthesis. As a follow-up study, we have evaluated the ability of DHM to induce mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) and its associated processes in isolated rat liver mitochondria. In the presence of 10 mu M Ca(2+), DHM (50-250 mu M) elicited MPT in a concentration-dependent, but cyclosporine A-independent manner, as assessed by mitochondrial swelling, which is associated with mitochondrial Ca(2+) efflux and cytochrome c release. DHM (50-250 mu M) did not cause hydrogen peroxide accumulation but did deplete endogenous glutathione and NAD(P)H, while oxidizing protein thiol groups. These results potentially indicate the involvement of mitochondria, via apoptosis, in the well-documented cytotoxicity of monocrotaline. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The oxidation of critical cysteines/related thiols of adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is believed to be an important event of the Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), a process mediated by a cyclosporine A/ADP-sensitive permeability transition pores (PTP) opening. We addressed the ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility status resulting from the interaction of ANT/surrounding cardiolipins with Ca(2+) and/or ADP by means of computational chemistry analysis (Molecular Interaction Fields and Molecular Dynamics studies), supported by classic mitochondrial swelling assays. The following events were predicted: (i) Ca(2+) interacts preferentially with the ANT surrounding cardiolipins bound to the H4 helix of translocase, (ii) weakens the cardiolipins/ANT interactions and (iii) destabilizes the initial ANT-Cys(56) residue increasing its relative mobility. The binding of ADP that stabilizes the conformation ""m"" of ANT and/or cardiolipin, respectively to H5 and H4 helices, could stabilize their contacts with the short helix h56 that includes Cys(56), accounting for reducing its relative mobility. The results suggest that Ca(2+) binding to adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT)-surrounding cardiolipins in c-state of the translocase enhances (ANT)-Cys(56) relative mobility and that this may constitute a potential critical step of Ca(2+)-induced PTP opening. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infectious process relies on the initial expression of virulence faactors that are assumed to be controlled by molecular mechanisms through which the conidia and/or mycelial fragments convert to yeast cells. In order to analyze the profile of the thermally-induced dimorphic gene expression, 48 h C-L transition cultures which had been incubated at 36 degrees C were studied. By this time approximately 50% of the conidial population had already reverted to yeast form cells. At this transition time, an EST-Orestes library was constructed and characterized. As a result, 79 sequences were obtained, of which 39 (49.4%) had not been described previously in other libraries of this fungus and which could represent novel exclusive C-Y transition genes. Two of these sequences are, among others, cholestanol delta-isomerase, and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinoneoxidoreductase (ETF-QO). The other 40 (50.6%) sequences were shared with Mycelia (M), Yeast (Y) or Mycelia to yest transition (M-Y) libraries. An important component of this group of sequences is a putative response regulator receiver SKN7, a protein of high importance in stress adaptation and a regulator of virulence in some bacteria and fungi. This is the first report identifying genes expressed during the C-Y transition process, the initial step required to understand the natural history of P brasiliensis conidia induced infection.
We consider a kinetic Ising model which represents a generic agent-based model for various types of socio-economic systems. We study the case of a finite (and not necessarily large) number of agents N as well as the asymptotic case when the number of agents tends to infinity. The main ingredient are individual decision thresholds which are either fixed over time (corresponding to quenched disorder in the Ising model, leading to nonlinear deterministic dynamics which are generically non-ergodic) or which may change randomly over time (corresponding to annealed disorder, leading to ergodic dynamics). We address the question how increasing the strength of annealed disorder relative to quenched disorder drives the system from non-ergodic behavior to ergodicity. Mathematically rigorous analysis provides an explicit and detailed picture for arbitrary realizations of the quenched initial thresholds, revealing an intriguing ""jumpy"" transition from non-ergodicity with many absorbing sets to ergodicity. For large N we find a critical strength of annealed randomness, above which the system becomes asymptotically ergodic. Our theoretical results suggests how to drive a system from an undesired socio-economic equilibrium (e. g. high level of corruption) to a desirable one (low level of corruption).
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process implicated in cancer progression in which the underlying cellular changes have been identified mainly using in vitro models. We determined the expression of some putative EMT biomarkers including E-cadherin, beta-catenin, zinc finger factor Snail (Snail), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1), TGF beta type II receptor (TBRII) and the HGF receptor (c-met) and their possible correlation to progression and overall survival in a series of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC). Biomarkers were immunohistochemically determined in 55 IDC specimens from which 21 had lymph node metastases and in 95 DCIS specimens, 46 of these cases associated to invasive carcinoma, in a tissue microarray (TMA). Positive cytoplasmic staining of TGF beta 1 (78.2%), c-met (43.6%), Snail (34.5%), TBRII (100%), membranous E-cadherin (74.5%) and membranous/cytoplasmic beta-catenin (71%) were detected in the IDC samples. Metastatic lymph node samples displayed similar frequencies. A significant increase of c-met and TGF beta 1 positivity along DCIS to IDC progression was noted but only TGF beta 1 positivity was associated with presence of lymph node metastases and advanced stages in IDC. The evaluation of the other EMT markers in DCIS did not show differences in positivity rate as compared to invasive carcinomas. DCIS either pure or associated to IDC showed similar expression of the analyzed biomarkers. All the carcinomas exhibited positive expression of TBRII. Associations between the markers, determined by Spearman`s correlation coefficient, showed a significant association between TGF beta 1 and respectively E-cadherin, beta-catenin and cmet in DCIS cases, but in invasive carcinomas only cadherin and catenin were positively correlated. Kaplan-Meier survival curves revealed that none of the EMT biomarkers analyzed were correlated with survival, which was significantly determined only by clinical and hormone receptor parameters.
Traditional Periodic Acid Schiff has been extensively used, coupled with immunohistochemistry for epithelia or mesenchymal cells, to highlight renal tubular basement membrane (TBM). We recently tried to perform such technique in a 5/6 nephrectomy model of progressive renal fibrosis to demonstrate TBM disruption as an evidence for epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation. Despite excellent basement membrane staining with traditional fuchsin-Periodic Acid Schiff, the interface between epithelial and mesenchymal cells was frequently blurred when revealed with 3`3 diaminobenzidine tetrachloride-peroxidase. Also, it was inadequate when revealed with alkaline phosphatase-fast red. We devised a triple staining method with Periodic Acid-Thionin Schiff to highlight basement membrane in blue, after double immunostaining for epithelium and mesenchymal cells. Blue basement membrane rendered a brisk contrast and highlighted boundaries between epithelial-mesenchymal interfaces. This method was easy to perform and useful to demonstrate the TBM, yield a clear demonstration of the very focal TBM disruption found in this model of progressive renal fibrosis.
The transition from marine/brackish waters to freshwater habitats constitutes a severe osmotic and ionic challenge, and successful invasion has demanded the selection of morphological, physiological, biochemical and behavioral adaptations. We evaluated short-term (1 to 12 h exposure) and long-term (5 d acclimation), anisosmotic extracellular (osmolality, [Na(+), Cl(-)]) and long-term isosmotic intracellular osmoregulatory capability in Palaemon northropi, a neotropical intertidal shrimp. F northropi survives well and osmo- and ionoregulates strongly during short- and long-term exposure to 5-45 parts per thousand salinity, consistent with its rocky tide pool habitat subject to cyclic salinity fluctuations, Muscle total free amino acid (FAA) concentrations decreased by 63% in shrimp acclimated to 5%. salinity, revealing a role in hypoosmotic cell volume regulation; this decrease is mainly a consequence of diminished glycine, arginine and proline. Total FAA contributed 31% to muscle intracellular osmolality at 20 parts per thousand, an isosmotic salinity, and decreased to 13% after acclimation to 5 parts per thousand. Gill and nerve tissue FAA concentrations remained unaltered. These tissue-specific responses reflect efficient anisosmotic and anisoionic extracellular regulatory mechanisms, and reveal the dependence of muscle tissue on intracellular osmotic effectors. FAA concentration is higher in P. northropi than in diadromous and hololimnetic palaemonids, confirming muscle FAA concentration as a good parameter to evaluate the degree of adaptation to dilute media. The osmoregulatory capability of P. northropi may reflect the potential physiological capacity of ancestral marine palaemonids to penetrate into dilute media, and reveals the importance of evaluating osmoregulatory processes in endeavors to comprehend the invasion of dilute media by ancestral marine crustaceans.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of light-curing protocol on degree of conversion (DC), volume contraction (C), elastic modulus (E), and glass transition temperature (T(g)) as measured on a model polymer. It was a further aim to correlate the measured values with each other. Methods. Different light-curing protocols were used in order to investigate the influence of energy density (ED), power density (PD), and mode of cure on the properties. The modes of cure were continuous, pulse-delay, and stepped irradiation. DC was measured by Raman micro-spectroscopy. C was determined by pycnometry and a density column. E was measured by a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA), and T(g) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Data were submitted to two-and three-way ANOVA, and linear regression analyses. Results. ED, PD, and mode of cure influenced DC, C, E, and T(g) of the polymer. A significant positive correlation was found between ED and DC (r = 0.58), ED and E (r = 0.51), and ED and T(g) (r = 0.44). Taken together, ED and PD were significantly related to DC and E. The regression coefficient was positive for ED and negative for PD. Significant positive correlations were detected between DC and C (r = 0.54), DC and E (r = 0.61), and DC and T(g) (r = 0.53). Comparisons between continuous and pulse-delay modes of cure showed significant influence of mode of cure: pulse-delay curing resulted in decreased DC, decreased C, and decreased T(g). Influence of mode of cure, when comparing continuous and step modes of cure, was more ambiguous. A complex relationship exists between curing protocol, microstructure of the resin and the investigated properties. The overall performance of a composite is thus indirectly affected by the curing protocol adopted, and the desired reduction of C may be in fact a consequence of the decrease in DC. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this paper is to summarise epidemiological information about the distribution of dental caries among Indigenous peoples in Brazil. The authors also present a case study of a specific group of Xavante Indians, one of the most numerous of Brazil`s Indigenous peoples, describing how their oral health has deteriorated over recent decades, and showing how an oral health programme is attempting to reverse the present trend of increase in caries. The programme at Etenheritipa Xavante village incorporated three principal components: educational, preventive, and clinical. From the beginning, the programme included epidemiological record keeping for monitoring the level of caries in the population. Transversal studies of the condition of oral health among the Xavante of Etenheritipa were undertaken in 1999, 2004, and 2007. In the period from 2004 to 2007 the DMFS values in the 11-15 age cohort had a significant reduction in caries experience. The mean DMFS score fell from 4.95 in 2004 to 2.39 in 2007 (p<0.01). An increase in the percent of individuals who were free from caries was also noted: in 1999, 20% of adolescents 11-15 had no caries; in 2007, the proportion had risen to 47%. The Xavante case is a prime example of the transition in oral health that is taking place among the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, and it highlights the importance of oral health promotion through preventive measures such as access to fluoridation and basic care in reducing the inequality between Indians and non-Indians.
The landfall of Cyclone Catarina on the Brazilian coast in March 2004 became known as the first documented hurricane in the South Atlantic Ocean, promoting a new view oil how large-scale features can contribute to tropical transition. The aim of this paper is to put the large-scale circulation associated with Catarina`s transition in climate perspective. This is discussed in the light of a robust pattern of spatial correlations between thermodynamic and dynamic variables of importance for hurricane formation. A discussion on how transition mechanisms respond to the present-day circulation is presented. These associations help in understanding why Catarina was formed in a region previously thought to be hurricane-free. Catarina developed over a large-scale area of thermodynamically favourable air/sea temperature contrast. This aspect explains the paradox that such a rare system developed when the sea surface temperature was slightly below average. But, although thermodynamics played an important role, it is apparent that Catarina would not have formed without the key dynamic interplay triggered by a high latitude blocking. The blocking was associated with an extreme positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) both hemispherically and locally, and the nearby area where Catarina developed is found to be more cyclonic during the positive phase of the SAM. A conceptual model is developed and a `South Atlantic index` is introduced as a useful diagnostic of potential conditions leading to tropical transition in the area, where large-scale indices indicate trends towards more favourable atmospheric conditions for tropical cyclone formation. Copyright (c) 2008 Royal Meteorological Society