108 resultados para FACTOR-XII GENE
In this study, we analyzed whether transplantation of cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mitigates cardiac dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. First, we observed that the transgene expression lasts longer (45 vs 7 days) when fibroblasts are used as vectors compared with myoblasts. In a preventive protocol, induction of cardiac neovascularization accompanied by reduction in myocardial scar area was observed when cell transplantation was performed 1 week before ischemia/reperfusion and the animals analyzed 3 weeks later. Finally, the therapeutic efficacy of this approach was tested injecting cells in a fibrin biopolymer, to increase cardiac retention, 24 h post-MI. After 4 weeks, an increase in neovascularization and a decrease in myocardial collagen were observed only in rats that received cells expressing VEGF. Basal indirect or direct hemodynamic measurements showed no differences among the groups whereas under pharmacological stress, only the group that received cells expressing VEGF showed a significant reduction in end-diastolic pressure and improvement in stroke volume and cardiac work. These results indicate that transplantation of CFs expressing VEGF using fibrin biopolymer induces neovascularization and attenuates left ventricle fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction in ischemic heart. Gene Therapy (2010) 17, 305-314; doi:10.1038/gt.2009.146; published online 10 December 2009
Members of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) family of transcription factors were originally described in T lymphocytes but later shown to be expressed in several immune and non-immune cell types. NFAT proteins can modulate cellular transformation intrinsically, and NFAT-deficient (NFAT1-/-) mice are indeed more susceptible to transformation than wild-type counterparts. However, the contribution of an NFAT1-/- microenvironment to tumor progression has not been studied. We have addressed this question by inoculating NFAT1-/- mice with B16F10 melanoma cells intravenously, an established model of tumor homing and growth. Surprisingly, NFAT1-/- animals sustained less tumor growth in the lungs after melanoma inoculation than wild-type counterparts. Even though melanoma cells equally colonize NFAT1-/- and wild-type lungs, tumors do not progress in the absence of NFAT1 expression. A massive mononuclear perivascular infiltrate and reduced expression of TGF-beta in the absence of NFAT1 suggested a role for tumor-infiltrating immune cells and the cytokine milieu. However, these processes are independent of an IL-4-induced regulatory tumor microenvironment, since lack of this cytokine does not alter the phenotype in NFAT1-/- animals. Bone marrow chimera experiments meant to differentiate the contributions of stromal and infiltrating cells to tumor progression demonstrated that NFAT1-induced susceptibility to pulmonary tumor growth depends on NFAT1-expressing parenchyma rather than on bone marrow-derived cells. These results suggest an important role for NFAT1 in radio-resistant tumor-associated parenchyma, which is independent of the anti-tumor immune response and Th1 versus Th2 cytokine milieu established by the cancer cells, but able to promote site-specific tumor growth.
Background: Glutamine and proline are metabolized in the liver and may collaborate on its regeneration. Parenteral nutrition (PN) containing either glutamine or proline was given to partially hepatectomized rats. The total RNA content and growth factor gene expression in hepatic remnants was measured, to determine the effects of these amino acid supplementation on the expression of growth factors during liver regeneration. Methods: Wistar rats nourished (HN) and malnourished (HM) were hepatectomized and divided in two groups: 20 receiving PN enriched with Alanyl-Glutamine (HN-Gln and HM-Gln) and 20 PN enriched with proline+alanine (HN-Pro and HM-Pro). The control groups comprised 7 nourished (CN) and 7 malnourished (CM) rats that didn`t undergo surgery. Growth factor and thymidine kinase mRNA levels were measured by RT-PCR. Results: In nourished rats, total hepatic RNA levels were lower in the HN-Gln and HN-Pro groups (0.75 and 0.63 mu g/mg tissue, respectively) than in control group (1.67 mu g/mg tissue) (P<0.05). In malnourished rats, total hepatic RNA content was higher in the HM-Pro group than FIN-Pro, HM-Gln, and CM (3.18 vs. 0.63, 0.93 and 1.10 mu g/mg, respectively; P<0.05). Hepatocyte growth factor mRNA was more abundant in the HM-Gln group when compared to CM (031 vs. 0.23 arbitrary units) and also in HM-Pro in relation to HM-Gln, HN-Pro, and CM (0.46 vs. 033 and 0.23, respectively, P<0.05). Conclusions: Proline or glutamine supplementation in malnourished rats improves total RNA content in the remnant hepatic tissue. Amino acids administration increased HGF gene expression after partial hepatectomy in malnourished rats, with a greater effect of proline than glutamine.
Stromal cells from pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) associated with MDS(MDS-AML) present high expression of leukemia inhibitor factor (LIF). We demonstrated using mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) inhibitors that in stromal cells from pediatric MDS and MDS-AML, p38MAPK was critical in serum-induced secretion of LIF. The serum induction of phosphorylated p38MAPK form was observed only in stromal cells from healthy children, whereas in MDS and MDS-AML basal levels were maintained suggesting constitutive p38MAPK activation. Our study suggested the possible importance in pediatric MDS of p38MAPK signaling pathway which may be a future therapeutic target. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The PKC apoptosis WTI regulator gene, also named prostate apoptosis response-4 (PAR-4), encodes a pro-apoptotic protein that sensitizes cells to numerous apoptotic stimuli. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and 17 beta-estradiol (E2), two important factors for breast cancer development and progression, have been shown to down-regulate PAR-4 expression and inhibit apoptosis induced by PAR-4 in neuronal cells. In this study, we sought to investigate the mechanisms of regulation of PAR-4 gene expression in MCF-7 cells treated with E2 or IGF-1. E2 (10 nM) and IGF-1 (12.5 nM) each down-regulated PAR-4 expression in MCF-7 cells after 24 h of treatment. The effect of E2 was dependent on ER activation, as demonstrated by an increase in PAR-4 expression when cells were pretreated for 1 h with 1 mu M ICI-182,780 (ICI) before receiving E2 plus ICI. The effect of IGF-1 was abolished by pre-treatment for 1 h with 30 mu M LY294002 (a specific PI3-K inhibitor), and significantly inhibited by 30 mu M SB202190 (a specific p38MAPK inhibitor). We also demonstrated that E2 acts synergistically with IGF-1, resulting in greater down-regulation of PAR-4 mRNA expression compared with E2 or IGF-1 alone. Our results show for the first time that E2 and IGF-1 inhibit PAR-4 gene expression in MCF-7 cells, suggesting that this down-regulation may provide a selective advantage for breast cancer cell survival.
Purpose: The aversive nature of regenerative milieu is the main problem related to the failure of neuronal restoration in the injured spinal cord which however might be addressed with an adequate repair intervention. We evaluated whether glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may increase the ability of sciatic nerve graft, placed in a gap promoted by complete transections of the spinal cord, to enhance motor recovery and local fiber growth. Methods: Rats received a 4 mm-long gap at low thoracic level and were repaired with a fragment of the sciatic nerve. GDNF was added (NERVE+GDNF) or not to the grafts (NERVE-GDNF). Motor behavior score (BBB) and sensorimotor tests-linked to the combined behavior score (CBS), which indicate the degree of the motor improvement and the percentage of functional deficit, respectively, and also the spontaneous motor behavior in an open field by means of an infrared motion sensor activity monitor were analyzed. At the end of the third month post surgery, the tissue composed by the graft and the adjacent regions of the spinal cord was removed and submitted to the immunohistochemistry of the neurofilament-200 (NF-200), growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43), microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP-2), 5-hidroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). The immunoreactive fibers were quantified at the epicenter of the graft by means of stereological procedures. Results: Higher BBB and lower CBS levels (p < 0.001) were found in NERVE+GDNF rats. GDNF added to the graft increased the levels of individual sensorimotor tests mainly at the third month. Analysis of the spontaneous motor behavior showed decreases in the time and number of small movement events by the third month without changes in time and number of large movement events in the NERVE+GDNF rats. Immunoreactive fibers were encountered inside the grafts and higher amounts of NF-200, GAP-43 and MAP-2 fibers were found in the epicenter of the graft when GDNF was added. A small amount of descending 5-HT fibers was seen reentering in the adjacent caudal levels of the spinal cords which were grafted in the presence of GDNF, event that has not occurred without the neurotrophic factor. GDNF in the graft also led to a large amount of MAP-2 perikarya and fibers in the caudal levels of the cord gray matter, as determined by the microdensitometric image analysis. Conclusions: GDNF added to the nerve graft favored the motor recovery, local neuronal fiber growth and neuroplasticity in the adjacent spinal cord.
We have observed in previous studies that 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions in the nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) system promote increases of the astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2, bFGF) synthesis in the ascending DA pathways, event that could be modified by adrenosteroid hormones. Here, we first evaluated the changes of microglial reactivity in relation to the FGF-2-mediated trophic responses in the lesioned nigrostriatal DA system. 6-OHDA was injected into the left side of the rat substantia nigra. The OX42 immunohistochemistry combined with stereology showed the time course of the microglial activation. The OX42 immunoreactivity (IR) was already increased in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) 2 h after the 6-OHDA injection, peaked on day 7, and remained increased on the 14th day time-interval. In the neostriatum, OX42 immunoreactive (ir) microglial profiles increased at 24 h, peaked at 72 h, was still increased at 7 days but not 14 days after the 6-OHDA injection. Two-colour immunofluorescence analysis of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and OX42 IRs revealed the presence of small patches of TH IR within the activated microglia. A decreased FGF-2 IR was seen in the cytoplasm of DA neurons of the SNc and VTA as soon as 2 h after 6-OHDA injection. The majority of the DA FGF-2 ir cells of these regions had disappeared 72 h after neurotoxin. The astroglial FGF-2 IR increased in the SNc and VTA, which peaked on day 7. Two-colour immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase analyses of the FGF-2 and OX42 IRs revealed no FGF-2 IR within the reactive or resting microglia. Second, we have evaluated in a series of biochemical experiments whether adrenocortical manipulation can interfere with the nigral lesion and the state of local astroglial reaction, looking at the TH and GFAP levels respectively. Rats were adrenalectomized (ADX) and received a nigral 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection 2 days later and sacrificed up to 3 weeks after the DA lesion. Western blot analysis showed time-dependent decrease and elevation of TH and GFAP levels, respectively, in the lesioned versus contralateral midbrain sides, events potentiated by ADX and worsened by corticosterone replacement. ADX decreased the levels of FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform) in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain compared contralaterally. The results indicate that reactive astroglia, but not reactive microglia, showed an increased FGF-2 IR in the process of DA cell degeneration induced by 6-OHDA. However, interactions between these glial cells may be relevant to the mechanisms which trigger the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis and thus may be related to the trophic state of DA neurons and the repair processes following DA lesion. The findings also gave further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate astroglial-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned DA system that may be relevant to the progression of Parkinson`s disease.
The present study investigated the effects of bilateral adrenalectomy (ADX) on the synthesis of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) mRNA and on the expression of its FGF receptor subtype-2 (FGFR2) mRNA after a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesion of nigrostriatal dopamine system. In previous papers we have demonstrated that corticosterone increases FGF-2 immunoreactivity mainly in the astrocytes of the substantia nigra [Chadi, G., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Tinner, B., Zoli, M., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1993b. Corticosterone increases FGF-2 (bFGF) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra of the rat. Neuroreport 4, 783-786.] and that 6-OHDA injected in the ventral midbrain upregulates FGF-2 synthesis in reactive astrocytes in the ascending dopamine pathways [Chadi, G., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1994. Temporal and spatial increase of astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor synthesis after 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. Neuroscience 61, 891-910.]. Rats were adrenalectomized and received a 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection in the ventral midbrain 2 days later. Seven days after the dopamine lesion, Western blot analysis showed a decreased level of tyrosine hydroxylase in the lesioned side of the midbrain, an event that was not altered by ADX or corticosterone replacement. Moreover, the degeneration of nigral dopamine neurons, which was confirmed by the disappearance of acidic FGF (FGF-1) mRNA and the decrement of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA labeled nigral neurons, was not altered by ADX. The FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform but not 21 kDa fraction) levels increased in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain. This elevation was counteracted by ADX, an effect that was fully reversed by corticosterone replacement. In situ hybridization revealed that ADX counteracted the elevated FGF-2 mRNA levels in putative glial cells of the ipsilateral pars compacta of the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area. The ADX also counteracted the increased density and intensity of the astroglial FGF-2 immunoreactive profiles within the lesioned pars compacta of the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area as determined by stereology. The stereotaxical mechanical needle insertion triggered the expression of FGFR2 mRNA in putative glial cells, spreading to the entire ipsilateral ventral midbrain from the region of needle track, an occurrence that was partially reversed by ADX. In conclusion, bilateral ADX counteracted the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis in the dopamine regions of the ventral midbrain following a 6-OHDA-induced local lesion and interfered with FGF receptor regulation around injury. These findings give further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate the astroglial FGF-2-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned central nervous system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To describe a new FOXL2 gene mutation in a woman with sporadic blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Design: Case report. Setting: University medical center. Patient(s): A 28-year-old woman. Intervention(s): Clinical evaluation, hormone assays, gene mutation research. Main Outcome Measure(s): FOXL2 gene mutation. Result(s): The patient with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism was diagnosed with BPES due to a new FOXL2 gene mutation. Conclusion(s): Blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome is a rare disorder associated with premature ovarian failure (POF). The syndrome is an autosomal dominant trait that causes eyelid malformations and POF in affected women. Mutations in FOXL2 gene, located in chromosome 3, are related to the development of BPES with POF (BPES type I) or without POF (BPES type II). This report demonstrates a previously undescribed de novo mutation in the FOXL2 gene-a thymidine deletion, c. 627delT (g. 864delT)-in a woman with a sporadic case of BPES and POF. This mutation leads to truncated protein production that is related to a BPES type I phenotype. This report shows the importance of family history and genetic analysis in the evaluation of patients with POF and corroborates the relationship between mutations on the FOXL2 gene and ovarian insufficiency. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 93: 1006.e3-e6. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Objective: To analyze vascular density and immunolocalization of angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor Flk-1 in the proliferative and secretory eutopic human endometrium. and in three different sites of endometriosis: the ovary, bladder, and rectum. Design: Prospective study. Setting: University hospital. Patient(s): Thirty women with endometriosis (10 ovarian, 1.0 bladder, 10 rectal) and 32 control women (10 proliferative endometrium, 10 secretory endometrium, 4 normal ovary, 4 normal bladder, 4 normal rectum). Intervention(s): Normal endometrial samples were obtained from women during laparoscopic ablation of subserous myoma, and biopsy specimens of endometriosis were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Normal tissues of ovary, bladder, and rectum were obtained from these organs beside the lesions of endometriosis. Main Outcome Measure(S): Blood vessels were quantified according to the number of von Willebrand factor-positive endothelial cells. The VEGF and Flk-1 distribution were evaluated semiquantitatively by immunohistochemical staining. Result(s): More blood vessels were found in cases of endometriosis, particularly rectal endometriosis, compared with the respective control samples and with the eutopic endometrium, and they were localized in endometrial stroma around the glands. The VEGF and Flk-1 expression levels were also higher in cases of endometriosis, especially rectal endometriosis. Conclusion(s): Vascularization and VEGF and Flk-1 expression are significantly higher in deeply infiltrating endometriosis affecting the rectum, reinforcing the hypothesis that antiangiogenesis therapy may constitute a new modality of treatment, especially in cases of deep endometriosis involving the rectum.
Objective: To investigate a possible association between a 3`UTR VNTR polymorphism of the dopamine transporter gene (SLC6A3) and ADHD in a Brazilian sample of adult patients. Method: Study Case-control with 102 ADHD adult outpatients (DSM-IV criteria) and 479 healthy controls. The primers` sequence used were: 3`UTR-Forward: 5`TGT GGT GAT GGG AAC GGC CTG AG 3` and 3`UTR-Reverse: 5`CTT CCT GGA GGT CAC GGC TCA AGG 3`. Alleles of the 3`UTR were coded according to their number of repeats: 6- repeat 320 bp (allele 6), 8- repeat 400 bp (allele 8), 9-repeat 480 bp (allele 9), 10- repeat 480 bp (allele 10), and 11- repeat 520 bp (allele 11). Results: There were no allelic (chi(2) = 2.67, 5df, p = .75) and genotypic (chi(2) = 7.20, 1df, p = .61) association between adult ADHD and VNTR 3`UTR polymorphism of SLC6A3. Conclusion: Our findings do not support SLC6A3 as marker genetic susceptibility factor in adult ADHD. More comprehensive polymorphism coverage within the SLC6A3 region should be conducted in larger samples, including comparisons in clinical subgroups, and in samples with different ethnic backgrounds. (J. of Att. Dis. 2011; 15(4) 305-309)
Context: Abnormal FGFR4 expression has been detected in pituitary tumors, especially in larger and invasive adenomas. In addition, the FGFR4 functional polymorphism G388R has been associated with poor outcome in several human malignancies. Then, we hypothesized that FGFR4 expression and genotype could be markers of adverse outcome of Cushing`s disease after transsphenoidal surgery. Objectives: The objective was to investigate whether there is an association between the postoperative outcome of Cushing`s disease (remission/recurrence) and the FGFR4 G388R genotype or the FGFR4 expression in corticotrophinomas. Design and Patients: Clinical, hormonal, and pathological data of 76 patients who underwent the first transsphenoidal surgery were retrospectively reviewed. All patients were genotyped for G388R polymorphism. FGFR4 expression was assessed by real-time PCR in 18 corticotrophinomas. Main Outcome Measures: The outcome measures included the FGFR4 G388R genotype and FGFR4 expression in postoperative remission and recurrence of Cushing`s disease. Results: Homozygosis for FGFR4 glycine (Gly(388)) allele was associated with reduced disease-free survival, in the univariate analysis (hazard ratio of 6.91; 95% confidence interval of 1.14-11.26; P = 0.028). Male gender (P = 0.036), lack of pathology confirmation (P = 0.009), and cortisol levels more than 2 mu g/dl in the early postoperative period (P < 0.001) were also significant predictors of Cushing`s disease recurrence in the univariate analysis. FGFR4 overexpression was found in 44% of the corticotrophinomas, and it was associated with lower postoperative remission rate (P = 0.009). Conclusions: Our data suggest that homozygosis for FGFR4 Gly(388) allele and FGFR4 overexpression are associated with higher frequency of postoperative recurrence and persistence of Cushing`s disease, respectively. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: E271-E279, 2010)
While conventional antidepressants benefit many patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), as much as eight to 12 weeks can elapse before significant improvements in depressive symptoms are seen. Treatments that act more rapidly in MDD are urgently needed. Sleep deprivation (SD) has been shown to produce a rapid antidepressant response within one day in 50-60% of patients with MDD; thus, identifying its antidepressant mechanism may contribute to the development of antidepressants that act more rapidly. The present study evaluated the effects of 39 h of SD on mood, as well as on plasma levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with MDD. After a drug-free period of at least two weeks, 11 patients (6 males, 5 females; ages 25-62) who met DSM-IV criteria for MDD underwent total SD. Plasma samples for BDNF and VEGF assays were collected on Days 1 (baseline) and 2. The six-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-6) was the primary outcome measure. HAMD-6 scores decreased significantly after SD (Day 2). SD was negatively correlated with change in HAMD-6 score and change in VEGF levels, indicating that as depression scores decreased following SD, VEGF plasma levels increased. In contrast, SD did not alter plasma BDNF concentrations, nor was an association found between BDNF levels and clinical improvement on the HAMD-6. These results suggest that SD is associated with mood-related changes in plasma VEGF levels, but not plasma BDNF levels. Further studies using larger sample sizes are needed to confirm these preliminary findings. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Nonsense Mutations in FGF8 Gene Causing Different Degrees of Human Gonadotropin-Releasing Deficiency
Context: FGFR1 mutations cause isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) with or without olfactory abnormalities, Kallmann syndrome, and normosmic IHH respectively. Recently, missense mutations in FGF8, a key ligand for fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 1 in the ontogenesis of GnRH, were identified in IHH patients, thus establishing FGF8 as a novel locus for human GnRH deficiency. Objective: Our objective was to analyze the clinical, hormonal, and molecular findings of two familial IHH patients due to FGF8 gene mutations. Methods and Patients: The entire coding region of the FGF8 gene was amplified and sequenced in two well-phenotyped IHH probands and their relatives. Results: Two unique heterozygous nonsense mutations in FGF8(p.R127X and p.R129X) were identified in two unrelated IHH probands, which were absent in 150 control individuals. These two mutations, mapped to the core domain of FGF8, impact all four human FGF8 isoforms, and lead to the deletion of a large portion of the protein, generating nonfunctional FGF8 ligands. The p.R127X mutation was identified in an 18-yr-old Kallmann syndrome female. Her four affected siblings with normosmic IHH or delayed puberty also carried the p.R127X mutation. Additional developmental anomalies, including cleft lip and palate and neurosensorial deafness, were also present in this family. The p.R129X mutation was identified in a 30-yr-old man with familial normosmic IHH and severe GnRH deficiency. Conclusions: We identified the first nonsense mutations in the FGF8 gene in familial IHH with variable degrees of GnRH deficiency and olfactory phenotypes, confirming that loss-of-function mutations in FGF8 cause human GnRH deficiency. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 3491-3496, 2010)
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or Kala-azar is a serious protozoan infectious disease caused by an obligate intracellular parasite. Cytokines have a major role in determining progression and severity of clinical manifestations in VL. We investigated polymorphisms in the TGFB1 and IL8 genes, which are cytokines known to have a role in onset and severity of the disease. Polymorphisms at TGFB1 -509 C/T and +869 T/C, and IL8 -251 A/T were analyzed by a PCR-RFLP technique, in 198 patients with VL, 98 individuals with asymptomatic infection positive for a delayed-type hypersensitivity test (DTH+) and in 101 individuals with no evidence of infection (DTH-). The presence of the T allele in position -509 of the TGFB1 gene conferred a two-fold risk to develop infection both when including those with clinical symptoms (DTH+ and VL, grouped) or when considering DTH+ only, respectively p = 0.007, OR = 1.9 [1.19-3.02] and p = 0.012, OR = 2.01 [1.17-3.79], when compared with DTH- individuals. In addition, occurrence of hemorrhage was associated with TGFB1 -509 T allele. We suggest that the -509 T allele of the TGFB1 gene, a cytokine with a biologically relevant role in the natural history of the disease, may contribute to overall susceptibility to infection by Leishmania and to severity of the clinical disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.