104 resultados para ENCODING OATP1B1


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A phase-only encryption/decryption scheme with the readout based on the zeroth-order phase-contrast technique (ZOPCT), without the use of a phase-changing plate on the Fourier plane of an optical system based on the 4f optical correlator, is proposed. The encryption of a gray-level image is achieved by multiplying the phase distribution obtained directly from the gray-level image by a random phase distribution. The robustness of the encoding is assured by the nonlinearity intrinsic to the proposed phase-contrast method and the random phase distribution used in the encryption process. The experimental system has been implemented with liquid-crystal spatial modulators to generate phase-encrypted masks and a decrypting key. The advantage of this method is the easy scheme to recover the gray-level information from the decrypted phase-only mask applying the ZOPCT. An analysis of this decryption method was performed against brute force attacks. (C) 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3223629]


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Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil


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The characterization of a coffee gene encoding a protein similar to miraculin-like proteins, which are members of the plant Kunitz serine trypsin inhibitor (STI) family of proteinase inhibitors (PIs), is described. PIs are important proteins in plant defence against insects and in the regulation of proteolysis during plant development. This gene has high identity with the Richadella dulcifica taste-modifying protein miraculin and with the tomato protein LeMir; and was named as CoMir (Coffea miraculin). Structural protein modelling indicated that CoMir had structural similarities with the Kunitz STI proteins, but suggested specific folding structures. CoMir was up-regulated after coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffella) oviposition in resistant plants of a progeny derived from crosses between C. racemosa (resistant) and C. arabica (susceptible). Interestingly, this gene was down-regulated during coffee leaf miner herbivory in susceptible plants. CoMir expression was up-regulated after abscisic acid application and wounding stress and was prominent during the early stages of flower and fruit development. In situ hybridization revealed that CoMir transcripts accumulated in the anther tissues that display programmed cell death (tapetum, endothecium and stomium) and in the metaxylem vessels of the petals, stigma and leaves. In addition, the recombinant protein CoMir shows inhibitory activity against trypsin. According to the present results CoMir may act in proteolytic regulation during coffee development and in the defence against L. coffeella. The similarity of CoMir with other Kunitz STI proteins and the role of CoMir in plant development and plant stress are discussed.


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This paper proposes a simple high-level programming language, endowed with resources that help encoding self-modifying programs. With this purpose, a conventional imperative language syntax (not explicitly stated in this paper) is incremented with special commands and statements forming an adaptive layer specially designed with focus on the dynamical changes to be applied to the code at run-time. The resulting language allows programmers to easily specify dynamic changes to their own program`s code. Such a language succeeds to allow programmers to effortless describe the dynamic logic of their adaptive applications. In this paper, we describe the most important aspects of the design and implementation of such a language. A small example is finally presented for illustration purposes.


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S2 cell populations (S2AcRVGP2K and S2MtRVGP-Hy) were selected after transfection of gene expression vectors carrying the cDNA encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene under the control of the constitutive (actin) or inductive (metallothionein) promoters. These cell populations were cultivated in a 1 L bioreactor mimicking a large scale bioprocess. Cell cultures were carried out at 90 rpm and monitored/controlled for temperature (28 degrees C) and dissolved oxygen (10 or 50% air saturation). Cell growth attained similar to 1.5-3 x 10(7) cells/mL after 3-4 clays of cultivation. The constitutive synthesis of RVGP in S2AcRVGP2K cells led to values of 0.76 mu g/10(7) cells at day 4 of culture. The RVGP synthesis in S2MtRVGP-Hy cell fraction increased upon CuSO(4) induction attaining specific productivities of 1.5-2 mu g/10(7) cells at clays 4-5. RVGP values in supernatant as a result of cell lysis were always very low (<0.2 mu g/mL) indicating good integrity of cells in culture. Overall the RVGP productivity was of 1.5-3 mg/L. Our data showed an important influence of dissolved oxygen on RVGP synthesis allowing a higher and sustained productivity by S2MtRVGP-Hy cells when cultivated with a DO of 10% air saturation. The RVGP productivity in bioreactors shown here mirrors those previously observed for T-flasks and shaker bottles and allow the preparation of the large RVGP quantities required for studies of structure and function. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Activation of the cephalosporin side-chain precursor to the corresponding CoA-thioester is an essential step for its incorporation into the P-lactam backbone. To identify an acyl-CoA ligase involved in activation of adipate, we searched in the genome database of Penicillium chrysogenum for putative structural genes encoding acyl-CoA ligases. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis was used to identify the one presenting the highest expression level when cells were grown in the presence of adipate. Deletion of the gene renamed aclA, led to a 32% decreased specific rate of adipate consumption and a threefold reduction of adipoyl-6-aminopenicillanic acid levels, but did not affect penicillin V production. After overexpression in Escherichia coli, the purified protein was shown to have a broad substrate range including adipate. Finally, protein-fusion with cyan-fluorescent protein showed co-localization with microbody-borne acyl-transferase. Identification and functional characterization of aclA may aid in developing future metabolic engineering strategies for improving the production of different cephalosporins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are widely used in applications related to control systems and telecommunication networks. Here we show that a single-chain master-slave network of third-order PLLs can exhibit stationary, periodic and chaotic behaviors, when the value of a single parameter is varied. Hopf, period-doubling and saddle-saddle bifurcations are found. Chaos appears in dissipative and non-dissipative conditions. Thus, chaotic behaviors with distinct dynamical features can be generated. A way of encoding binary messages using such a chaos-based communication system is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fruit-set in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) depends on gibberellins and auxins (GAs). Here, we show, using the cv MicroTom, that application of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA; an inhibitor of auxin transport) to unpollinated ovaries induced parthenocarpic fruit-set, associated with an increase of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content, and that this effect was negated by paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis). NPA-induced ovaries contained higher content of GA(1) (an active GA) and transcripts of GA biosynthetic genes (SlCPS, SlGA20ox1, and -2). Interestingly, application of NPA to pollinated ovaries prevented their growth, potentially due to supraoptimal IAA accumulation. Plant decapitation and inhibition of auxin transport by NPA from the apical shoot also induced parthenocarpic fruit growth of unpollinated ovaries. Application of IAA to the severed stump negated the plant decapitation effect, indicating that the apical shoot prevents unpollinated ovary growth through IAA transport. Parthenocarpic fruit growth induced by plant decapitation was associated with high levels of GA(1) and was counteracted by paclobutrazol treatment. Plant decapitation also produced changes in transcript levels of genes encoding enzymes of GA biosynthesis (SlCPS and SlGA20ox1) in the ovary, quite similar to those found in NPA-induced fruits. All these results suggest that auxin can have opposing effects on fruit-set, either inducing (when accumulated in the ovary) or repressing (when transported from the apical shoot) that process, and that GAs act as mediators in both cases. The effect of NPA application and decapitation on fruit-set induction was also observed in MicroTom lines bearing introgressed DWARF and SELF-PRUNING wild-type alleles.


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Ocotea catharinensis is a rare tree species indigenous to the Atlantic rainforest of South America. In spite of its value as a hardwood species, it is in danger of extinction. The species erratically produces seeds showing irregular flowering and slow growth. Therefore, plants are not easily replaced. Tissue culture-based techniques are commonly used for obtaining living material for tree propagation and in vitro preservation. Therefore, a high-frequency somatic embryogenic system was developed for the species. In the present work, the genetic fidelity of cell aggregates and somatic embryos at various stages of in vitro development of O. catharinensis was investigated using RAPD and AFLP markers. Both analyses confirmed the absence of genetic variation in all developmental stages of O. catharinensis embryogenic cultures, verifying that the in vitro system is genetically stable. The cultures were also analyzed for their methylation profiles at 5`-CCGG-3` sites by identifying methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphisms. Some of these markers differentiated cell aggregates from embryo bodies. The sequencing of ten MSAP markers revealed that four sequences showed significant similarity to genes encoding plant proteins. Particularly, the predicted amino acid sequence of the fragment designated as OcEaggHMttc155 was similar to the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO), which is involved in the biosynthesis of ethylene, and its expression was reported to occur from the beginning to the intermediate stages of plant embryo development. Here, we suggest that this enzyme is possibly involved in the control of the earliest stages of somatic embryogenesis of O. catharinensis, and an approach to study ACO expression during somatic embryogenesis is proposed.


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Pyrrolnitrin (PRN) is a tryptophan-derived secondary metabolite produced by a narrow range of Gram-negative bacteria. The PRN biosynthesis by rhizobacteria presumably has a key role in their life strategies and in the biocontrol of plant diseases. The biosynthetic operon that encodes the pathway that converts tryptophan to PRN is composed of four genes, prnA through D, whose diversity, genomic context and spread over bacterial genomes are poorly understood. Therefore, we launched an endeavour aimed at retrieving, by in vitro and in silico means, diverse bacteria carrying the prnABCD biosynthetic loci in their genomes. Analysis of polymorphisms of the prnD gene sequences revealed a high level of conservation between Burkholderia, Pseudomonas and Serratia spp. derived sequences. Whole-operon- and prnD-based phylogeny resulted in tree topologies that are incongruent with the taxonomic status of the evaluated strains as predicted by 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. The genomic composition of c. 20 kb DNA fragments containg the PRN operon varied in different strains. Highly conserved and distinct transposase-encoding genes surrounding the PRN biosynthetic operons of Burkholderia pseudomallei strains were found. A prnABCD-deprived genomic region in B. pseudomallei strain K96243 contained the same gene composition as, and shared high homology with, the flanking regions of the PRN operon in B. pseudomallei strains 668, 1106a and 1710b. Our results strongly suggest that the PRN biosynthetic operon is mobile. The extent, frequency and promiscuity of this mobility remain to be understood.


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Farnesol (FOH) is a non-sterol isoprenoid produced by dephosphorylation of farnesyl pyrophosphate, a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. These isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis. It has been shown previously that FOH triggers morphological features characteristic of apoptosis in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Here, we investigate which pathways are influenced through FOH by examining the transcriptional profile of A. nidulans exposed to this isoprenoid. We observed decreased mRNA abundance of several genes involved in RNA processing and modification, transcription, translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis, amino acid transport and metabolism, and ergosterol biosynthesis. We also observed increased mRNA expression of genes encoding a number of mitochondrial proteins and characterized in detail one of them, the aifA, encoding the Apoptosis-Inducing Factor (AIF)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase. The Delta aifA mutant is more sensitive to FOH (about 8.0% and 0% survival when exposed to 10 and 100 mu M FOH respectively) than the wild type (about 97% and 3% survival when exposed to 10 and 100 mu M FOH respectively). These results suggest that AifA is possibly important for decreasing the effects of FOH and reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, we showed an involvement of autophagy and protein kinase C in A. nidulans FOH-induced apoptosis.


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The protein phosphatase calcineurin is an important mediator connecting calcium-dependent signalling to various cellular responses in multiple organisms. In fungi calcineurin acts largely through regulating Crz1p-like transcription factors. Here we characterize an Aspergillus fumigatus CRZ1 homologue, CrzA and demonstrate its mediation of cellular tolerance to increased concentrations of calcium and manganese. In addition to acute sensitivitiy to these ions, and decreased conidiation, the crzA null mutant suffers altered expression of calcium transporter mRNAs under high concentrations of calcium, and loss of virulence when compared with the corresponding complemented and wild-type strains. We use multiple expression analyses to probe the transcriptional basis of A. fumigatus calcium tolerance identifying several genes having calA and/or crzA dependent mRNA accumulation patterns. We also demonstrate that contrary to previous findings, the gene encoding the Aspergillus nidulans calcineurin subunit homologue, cnaA, is not essential and that the cnaA deletion mutant shares the morphological phenotypes observed in the corresponding A. fumigatus mutant, Delta calA. Exploiting the A. nidulans model system, we have linked calcineurin activity with asexual developmental induction, finding that CrzA supports appropriate developmental induction in a calcineurin and brlA-dependent manner in both species.


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Farnesol (FOH) is a nonsterol isoprenold produced by dephosphorylanon of farnesyl pyrophosphate a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway These isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis Here we show that Aspergillus nidulans MA encoding the apoptosis-Inducing factor (AIF)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase plays a role in the function of the mitochondrial Complex I Additionally we demonstrated that ndeA B and ndiA encode external and internal alternative NADH dehydrogenases respectively that have a function in FOH resistance When exposed to FOH the Delta aifA and Delta ndeA strains have increased ROS production while Delta ndeB Delta ndeA Delta ndeB and Andul mutant strains showed the same ROS accumulation than in the absence of FOH We observed several compensatory mechanisms affecting the differential survival of these mutants to FOH (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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Mercury (Hg) exposure is associated with disease conditions, including cardiovascular problems. Although the mechanisms implicated in these complications have not been precisely defined yet, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may be involved. The gene encoding MMP-2 presents genetic polymorphisms which affect the expression and activity level of this enzyme. A common polymorphism of MMP-2 gene is the C(-1306)T (rs 243865), which is known to disrupt a Sp1-type promoter site (CCACC box), thus leading to lower promoter activity associated with the T allele. This study aimed at examining how this polymorphism affects the circulating MMP-2 levels and its endogenous inhibitor, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) in 210 subjects environmentally exposed to Hg. Total blood and plasma Hg concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). MMP-2 and TIMP-2 concentrations were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography and ELISA, respectively. Genotypes for the C(-1306)T polymorphism were determined by Taqman (R) Allele Discrimination assay. We found a positive association (p = 0.0057) between plasma Hg concentrations and MMP-2/TIMP-2 (an index of net MMP-2 activity). The C(-1306)T polymorphism modified MMP-2 concentrations (p = 0.0465) and MMP-2/TIMP-2 ratio (p = 0.0060) in subjects exposed to Hg, with higher MMP-2 levels been found in subjects carrying the C allele. These findings suggest a significant interaction between the C(-1306)T polymorphism and Hg exposure, possibly increasing the risk of developing diseases in subjects with the C allele. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mercury (Hg) exposure causes health problems including cardiovascular diseases. Although precise mechanisms have not been precisely defined yet, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may be involved. The gene encoding MMP-9 presents genetic polymorphisms which affect the expression and activity level of this enzyme. Two polymorphisms in the promoter region [C(-1562)T and (CA)(n)] are functionally relevant, and are implicated in several diseases. This study aimed at examining how these polymorphisms affect the circulating MMP-9 levels and its endogenous inhibitor, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in 266 subjects environmentally exposed to Hg. Blood and plasma Hg concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). MMP-9 and TIMP-1 concentrations were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography and ELISA, respectively. Genotypes for the C(-1562)T and the microsatellite (CA)(n) polymorphisms were determined. We found a positive association (P<0.05) between plasma Hg concentrations and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio (an index of net MMP-9 activity). When the subjects were divided into tertiles with basis on their plasma Hg concentrations, we found that the (CA)(n) polymorphism modified MMP-9 concentrations and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in subjects with the lowest Hg concentrations (first tertile), with the highest MMP-9 levels being found in subjects with genotypes including alleles with 21 or more CA repeats (H alleles) (P<0.05). Conversely, this polymorphism had no effects on subjects with intermediate or high plasma Hg levels (second and third tertiles, respectively). The C(-1562)T polymorphism had no effects on MMP-9 levels. These findings suggest a significant interaction between the (CA)(n) polymorphism and low levels of Hg exposure, possibly increasing the risk of developing diseases in subjects with H alleles. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.