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Aims. We investigate the time-varying patterns in line profiles, V/R, and radial velocity of the Be star HD 173948 (lambda Pavonis). Methods. Time series analyses of radial velocity, V/R, and line profiles of He I, Fe II, and Si II were performed with the Cleanest algorithm. An estimate of the stellar rotation frequency was derived from the stellar mass and radius in the Roche limit by adopting an aspect angle i derived from the fittings of non-LTE model spectra affected by rotation. The projected rotation velocity, necessary as input for the spectral synthesis procedure, was evaluated from the Fourier transform of the rotation profiles of all neutral helium lines in the optical range. Results. Emission episodes in Balmer and He i lines, as well as V/R cyclic variations, are reported for spectra observed in year 1999, followed by a relatively quiescent phase (2000) and then again a new active epoch (2001). From time series analyses of line profiles, radial velocities, and V/R ratios, four signals with high confidence levels are detected: nu(1) = 0.17 +/- 0.02, nu(2) = 0.49 +/- 0.05, nu(3) = 0.82 +/- 0.03, and nu(4) = 1.63 +/- 0.04 c/d. We interpret nu 4 as a non-radial pulsation g-mode, nu 3 as a signal related to the orbital timescale of ejected material, which is near the theoretical rotation frequency 0.81 c/d inferred from the fitting of the models taken into account for gravity darkening. The signals nu(1) and nu(2) are viewed as aliases of nu(3) and nu(4).


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The excitation of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in rotating laboratory plasmas is investigated. In contrast to astrophysical plasmas, in which gravitation plays an important role, in laboratory plasmas it can be neglected and the plasma rotation is equilibrated by the pressure gradient. The analysis is restricted to the simple model of a magnetic confinement configuration with cylindrical symmetry, in which nonaxisymmetric perturbations are investigated using the local approximation. Starting from the simplest case of an ideal plasma, the corresponding dispersion relations are derived for more complicated models including the physical effects of parallel and perpendicular viscosities. The Friemann-Rotenberg approach used for ideal plasmas is generalized for the viscous model and an analytical expression for the instability boundary is obtained. It is shown that, in addition to the standard effect of radial derivative of the rotation frequency (the Velikhov effect), which can be destabilizing or stabilizing depending on the sign of this derivative in the ideal plasma, there is a destabilizing effect proportional to the fourth power of the rotation frequency, or, what is the same, to the square of the plasma pressure gradient, and to the square of the azimuthal mode number of the perturbations. It is shown that the instability boundary also depends on the product of the plasma pressure and density gradients, which has a destabilizing effect when it is negative. In the case of parallel viscosity, the MRI looks like an ideal instability independent of viscosity, while, in the case of strong perpendicular viscosity, it is a dissipative instability with the growth rate inversely proportional to the characteristic viscous decay rate. We point out, however, that the modes of the continuous range of the magnetohydrodynamics spectrum are not taken into account in this paper, and they can be more dangerous than those that are considered. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The most ordinary finite element formulations for 3D frame analysis do not consider the warping of cross-sections as part of their kinematics. So the stiffness, regarding torsion, should be directly introduced by the user into the computational software and the bar is treated as it is working under no warping hypothesis. This approach does not give good results for general structural elements applied in engineering. Both displacement and stress calculation reveal sensible deficiencies for both linear and non-linear applications. For linear analysis, displacements can be corrected by assuming a stiffness that results in acceptable global displacements of the analyzed structure. However, the stress calculation will be far from reality. For nonlinear analysis the deficiencies are even worse. In the past forty years, some special structural matrix analysis and finite element formulations have been proposed in literature to include warping and the bending-torsion effects for 3D general frame analysis considering both linear and non-linear situations. In this work, using a kinematics improvement technique, the degree of freedom ""warping intensity"" is introduced following a new approach for 3D frame elements. This degree of freedom is associated with the warping basic mode, a geometric characteristic of the cross-section, It does not have a direct relation with the rate of twist rotation along the longitudinal axis, as in existent formulations. Moreover, a linear strain variation mode is provided for the geometric non-linear approach, for which complete 3D constitutive relation (Saint-Venant Kirchhoff) is adopted. The proposed technique allows the consideration of inhomogeneous cross-sections with any geometry. Various examples are shown to demonstrate the accuracy and applicability of the proposed formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with nonlinear geometric plates in the context of von Karman`s theory. The formulation is written such that only the boundary in-plane displacement and deflection integral equations for boundary collocations are required. At internal points, only out-of-plane rotation, curvature and in-plane internal force representations are used. Thus, only integral representations of these values are derived. The nonlinear system of equations is derived by approximating all densities in the domain integrals as single values, which therefore reduces the computational effort needed to evaluate the domain value influences. Hyper-singular equations are avoided by approximating the domain values using only internal nodes. The solution is obtained using a Newton scheme for which a consistent tangent operator was derived. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Following the approach developed for rods in Part 1 of this paper (Pimenta et al. in Comput. Mech. 42:715-732, 2008), this work presents a fully conserving algorithm for the integration of the equations of motion in nonlinear shell dynamics. We begin with a re-parameterization of the rotation field in terms of the so-called Rodrigues rotation vector, allowing for an extremely simple update of the rotational variables within the scheme. The weak form is constructed via non-orthogonal projection, the time-collocation of which ensures exact conservation of momentum and total energy in the absence of external forces. Appealing is the fact that general hyperelastic materials (and not only materials with quadratic potentials) are permitted in a totally consistent way. Spatial discretization is performed using the finite element method and the robust performance of the scheme is demonstrated by means of numerical examples.


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A fully conserving algorithm is developed in this paper for the integration of the equations of motion in nonlinear rod dynamics. The starting point is a re-parameterization of the rotation field in terms of the so-called Rodrigues rotation vector, which results in an extremely simple update of the rotational variables. The weak form is constructed with a non-orthogonal projection corresponding to the application of the virtual power theorem. Together with an appropriate time-collocation, it ensures exact conservation of momentum and total energy in the absence of external forces. Appealing is the fact that nonlinear hyperelastic materials (and not only materials with quadratic potentials) are permitted without any prejudice on the conservation properties. Spatial discretization is performed via the finite element method and the performance of the scheme is assessed by means of several numerical simulations.


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We examined resource limitations on growth and carbon allocation in a fast-growing, clonal plantation of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla in Brazil by characterizing responses to annual rainfall, and response to irrigation and fertililization for 2 years. Productivity measures included gross primary production (GPP), total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), bole growth, and net ecosystem production (NEP). Replicate plots within a single plantation were established at the midpoint of the rotation (end of year 3), with treatments of no additional fertilization or irrigation, heavy fertilization (to remove any nutrient limitation), irrigation (to remove any water limitation), and irrigation plus fertilization. Rainfall was unusually high in the first year (1769mm) of the experiment, and control plots had high rates of GPP (6.64 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), TBCA (2.14 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), and bole growth (1.81 kg C m(-2) year). Irrigation increased each of these rates by 15-17%. The second year of the experiment had average rainfall (1210 mm), and lower rainfall decreased production in control plots by 46% (GPP), 52% (TBCA), and 40% (bole growth). Fertilization treatments had neglible effects. The response to irrigation was much greater in the drier year, with irrigated plots exceeding the production in control plots by 83% (GPP), 239% (TBCA), and 24% (bole growth). Even though the rate of irrigation ensured no water limitation to tree growth, the high rainfall year showed higher production in irrigated plots for both GPP (38% greater than in drier year) and bole growth (23% greater). Varying humidity and supplies of water led to a range in NEP of 0.8-2.7 kg C m(-2) year. This difference between control and irrigated treatments, combined with differences between drier and wetter years, indicated a strong response of these Eucalyptus trees to both water supply and atmospheric humidity during the dry season. The efficiency of converting light energy into fixed carbon ranged from a low of 0.027 mol C to a high of 0.060 mol C per mol of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and the efficiency of bolewood production ranged from 0.78 to 1.98 g wood per MJ of APAR. Irrigation increased the efficiency of wood production per unit of water used from 2.55 kg wood m(-3) in the rainfed plot to 3.51 kg m(-3) in irrigated plots. Detailed information on the response of C budgets to environmental conditions and resource supplies will be necessary for accurate predictions of plantation yields across years and landscapes. (V) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Disorders of androgen production can occur in all steps of testosterone biosynthesis and secretion carried out by the foetal Leydig cells as well as in the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The differentiation of Leydig cells from mesenchymal cells is the first walk for testosterone production. In 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSDs) due to Leydig cell hypoplasia, there is a failure in intrauterine and postnatal virilisation due to the paucity of interstitial Leydig cells to secrete testosterone. Enzymatic defects which impair the normal synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol and the conversion of testosterone to its active metabolite DHT are other causes of DSD due to impaired androgen production. Mutations in the genes that codify the enzymes acting in the steps from cholesterol to DHT have been identified in affected patients. Patients with 46,XY DSD secondary to defects in androgen production show a variable phenotype, strongly depending of the specific mutated gene. Often, these conditions are detected at birth due to the ambiguity of external genitalia but, in several patients, the extremely undervirilised genitalia postpone the diagnosis until late childhood or even adulthood. These patients should receive long-term care provided by multidisciplinary teams with experience in this clinical management. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction. Sexual satisfaction is linked to life satisfaction, and erectile dysfunction (ED) may lead to an impaired quality of life (QOL). Aim. Our goal was to evaluate the QOL among Brazilian patients with ED, before and after three kinds of treatment. Methods. Men aged 25-55 years, with a diagnosis of psychogenic or mixed ED, according to the Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition, and the Standard Practice in Sexual Medicine, were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: counseling, sildenafil, and sildenafil plus counseling. At baseline each group had 40 patients. Sildenafil was provided in 50 mg that could be adjusted to 100 mg. The patients could initially take one to two tablets per week and the entire treatment lasted for 3 months. Counseling was provided in group sessions that took place once a week. They were evaluated at baseline and after 3 months of treatment with the Male Sexual Quotient (MSQ) and the Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM). Main Outcome Measures. The correlation between the patients` MSQ score and scores on the SHIM. Results. One hundred seventeen patients were enrolled. The three groups were similar according to age, marital status, mean time of ED, and ED severity and etiology. At baseline, MSQ and SHIM total scores were not different among the three groups. MSQ scores increased from 41.2 +/- 15.3, 38.7 +/- 18.0, and 46.8 +/- 17.0 to 48.5 +/- 15.3, 63.8 +/- 21.6, and 70.0 +/- 17.3 after counseling, sildenafil, and sildenafil plus counseling, respectively (P < 0.05). SHIM scores also increased significantly (9.6 +/- 4.1, 9.7 +/- 4.1, and 10.2 +/- 3.9 to 12.1 +/- 3.9, 16.7 +/- 5.6, and 17.7 +/- 4.5 after counseling, sildenafil, and sildenafil plus counseling, respectively) (P < 0.05). There were no serious adverse events related to sildenafil, and no patient was withdrawn from the study because of an adverse event. Conclusions. The three treatments were significantly efficient, and the best treatment was sildenafil associated with counseling.


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Purpose: To evaluate the role of alcohol and drug consumption between sexual offenders against boys and girls. Method: It was an observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study carried out by the Ambulatory for the treatment of sexual disorders of ABC Medical College, Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, Brazil (ABSex). The sample comprised 104 convicts, over 18 years old, sentenced only for sexual crimes against children (below 11 years old). Alcohol and drug consumption, sexual abuse history, sexual impulsivity, and risk of recidivism were evaluated. Results: The sexual offenders against boys showed higher alcohol consumption problems than sexual offenders against girls (chi(2) = 19.76, 1 d.f., p < 0.01). The severity of alcohol consumption was also significantly higher in the sexual offenders against non-related boys than in the sexual offenders against non-related girls (p = 0.037, ANOVA). After adjustment for other variables, such as monthly income before the penalty and alcohol consumption at the moment of the crime, the alcohol consumption severity in sexual offenders against boys was significantly higher than in sexual offenders against girls (OR = 1.05, CI 1.01-1.08, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Alcohol use or abuse is associated with the perpetration of sexual aggression. The role of alcohol consumption seems to be greater in sexual offenders against boys than in girls and this can contribute to criminal recidivism. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Abnormal production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), especially MMP-9, may play a role in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. These alterations may result from functional genetic polymorphisms in the promoter region of MMP-9 gene, which are known to change MMP-9 expression. We examined whether 2 MMP-9 polymorphisms (C(-) (1562) T and (CA)n) and haplotypes are associated with preeclampsia and/or gestational hypertension. Methods: We studied 476 pregnant women: 176 healthy pregnant (HP), 146 pregnant with gestational hypertension (GH), and 154 pregnant with preeclampsia (PE). Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and genotypes for C(- 1562) T and (CA)n polymorphisms were determined by PCR-RFLP. Haplotype frequencies were inferred using the PHASE ver. 2.1 program. Results: For the g.-90(CA)13-25 polymorphism, no significant differences were found in genotype and allele distributions when PE or GH groups were compared with HP group. However, the CT genotype and T allele for g.-1562C>T polymorphism were more commonly found in GH subjects compared with the HP group (both P<0.05). Conversely, we found no differences in genotypes or allele distributions for the g.-1562C>T polymorphism when the PE and the HP groups were compared. No significant differences were found in overall distributions of haplotype frequencies when the GH or the PE group was compared with the HP group. Conclusions: The C(- 1562) T polymorphism in MMP-9 gene is associated with gestational hypertension, but not with preeclampsia. These findings may help to explain the higher plasma MMP-9 levels previously reported in GH compared with HP. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Variations of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene have been associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. We examined whether eNOS polymorphisms affect the therapeutic responses of women with gestational hypertension (GH) or preeclampsia (PE). We studied 304 hypertensive pregnant women (152 GH and 152 PE), who were stratified according to clinical and laboratorial parameters of therapeutic responsiveness. We compared the frequencies of three eNOS genetic polymorphisms (T-786C, Glu298Asp and b/a intron 4) in responsive and nonresponsive PE and GH patients. We found no significant differences in genotype or allele distributions when responsive and nonresponsive groups were compared (both PE or GH; all P > 0.05). However, the eNOS haplotype distribution differed in PE (but not in GH)-responsive and -nonresponsive groups (P = 0.0003). The `C-Glu-a` and `T-Asp-a` hapotypes were associated with responsiveness and nonresponsiveness to therapy, respectively (both P < 0.001), thus suggesting that eNOS haplotypes affect the responsiveness to antihypertensive therapy in PE. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (2010) 10, 40-45; doi: 10.1038/tpj.2009.38; published online 25 August 2009


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Additional neurological features have recently been described in seven families transmitting pathogenic mutations in OPA1, the most common cause of autosomal dominant optic atrophy. However, the frequency of these syndromal `dominant optic atrophy plus` variants and the extent of neurological involvement have not been established. In this large multi-centre study of 104 patients from 45 independent families, including 60 new cases, we show that extra-ocular neurological complications are common in OPA1 disease, and affect up to 20% of all mutational carriers. Bilateral sensorineural deafness beginning in late childhood and early adulthood was a prominent manifestation, followed by a combination of ataxia, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy and progressive external ophthalmoplegia from the third decade of life onwards. We also identified novel clinical presentations with spastic paraparesis mimicking hereditary spastic paraplegia, and a multiple sclerosis-like illness. In contrast to initial reports, multi-system neurological disease was associated with all mutational subtypes, although there was an increased risk with missense mutations [odds ratio = 3.06, 95% confidence interval = 1.44-6.49; P = 0.0027], and mutations located within the guanosine triphosphate-ase region (odds ratio = 2.29, 95% confidence interval = 1.08-4.82; P = 0.0271). Histochemical and molecular characterization of skeletal muscle biopsies revealed the presence of cytochrome c oxidase-deficient fibres and multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in the majority of patients harbouring OPA1 mutations, even in those with isolated optic nerve involvement. However, the cytochrome c oxidase-deficient load was over four times higher in the dominant optic atrophy + group compared to the pure optic neuropathy group, implicating a causal role for these secondary mitochondrial DNA defects in disease pathophysiology. Individuals with dominant optic atrophy plus phenotypes also had significantly worse visual outcomes, and careful surveillance is therefore mandatory to optimize the detection and management of neurological disability in a group of patients who already have significant visual impairment.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is relevant for normal pregnancy, and abnormalities in VEGF functions are associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Because there are few studies on how VEGF genetic polymorphisms affect susceptibility to pre-eclampsia (PE), and no studies on how they affect susceptibility to gestational hypertension (GH), we compared VEGF genotype and haplotype distributions in normotensive and hypertensive pregnancies. Genotypes and haplotypes for VEGF polymorphisms (C-2578A, G-1154A and G-634C) were determined in 303 pregnant women (108 healthy pregnant, HP; 101 with GH and 94 with PE). When white and non-white pregnant women were considered together, no significant differences were found in the distributions of VEGF genotypes or haplotypes (P > 0.05) in the three groups. However, with only white subjects, significant differences were found in genotypes distributions for two (C-2578A and G-634C) VEGF polymorphisms (both P < 0.05) between the HP and the PE groups. Importantly, the haplotype including the variants C-2578, G-1154 and C-634, which is associated with higher VEGF gene expression, was less common in the PE group compared with the HP group (4% versus 16%; P = 0.0047). However, we found no significant differences in VEGF haplotypes distributions when the HP and GH groups were compared (P > 0.05). These findings suggest a protective effect for the `C-2578, G-1154 and C-634` haplotype against the development of PE, but no major effects of VEGF gene variants on susceptibility to GH.


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Aims: Polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene have been inconsistently associated with preeclampsia. We compared genotype and haplotype frequencies of three eNOS gene polymorphisms in normotensive and hypertensive pregnancies. Methods: Genotypes and haplotypes for eNOS polymorphisms (T-786C, Glu298Asp and intron 4 b/a) were determined in 326 pregnant women (1110 healthy pregnancies, 103 gestational hypertensives and 113 preeclamptic). Results: No differences were observed in the frequencies of genotypes and alleles of the three polymorphisms among the groups (all p > 0.05). However, the haplotype `T Glu a` was more common in healthy pregnancies than in gestational hypertensives or preeclamptic (20 vs 6 and 6%, respectively; p < 0.0032). Conversely, the haplotype `C Glu a` was more common in gestational hypertensives and preeclamptic than in healthy pregnancies (117 vs 17 and 5%; p = 0.0061). Conclusion: These findings suggest a contribution of eNOS haplotypes to the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy that is obscured when specific eNOS genotypes alone are considered.