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Herein, we describe a confirmed case of Loxosceles spider bite that illustrates the critical complications seen in loxoscelism, including skin necrosis, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, coagulopathy, acute kidney failure, and electrolyte disorders. Upon initial assessment, laboratory studies revealed the following: the white blood cell count was 29 400 WBCs/mm(3), hemoglobin was 9.2g/dL, and the platelet count was 218000cells/mm(3). Coagulation studies revealed the following: international normalized ratio, 1.83; activated partial-thromboplastin time, 62s; D-dimer, 600 ng/mL (normal range < 500 ng/mL); free protein S, 37% (normal range = 64-114%); protein C, negative; and antithrombin III, negative. Various serum levels were abnormal: urea, 110mg/dL; creatinine, 3.1 mg/dL; indirect bilirubin, 3.8 mg/dL; creatine kinase, 1631 U/L, lactate dehydrogenase, 6591 U/L; potassium 6.2mmol/L. Urine tests were positive for hemoglobin and bilirubin. In addition, concentrations of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were notably elevated in the serum. In conclusion, physicians must be alert to the possibility of loxoscelism when a patient presents with the clinical and laboratory findings described above, especially if the patient resides in an endemic area. Advances in our understanding of multiple pathways and mediators that orchestrate the response to Loxosceles venom might reveal new possibilities for the management of loxoscelism. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Functional brain variability has been scarcely investigated in cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and it is currently debated whether previous findings of regional metabolic variability are artifacts associated with brain atrophy. The primary purpose of this study was to test whether there is regional cerebral age-related hypometabolism specifically in later stages of life. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR imaging and FDG-PET data were acquired from 55 cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and voxel-based linear correlations between age and GM volume or regional cerebral metabolism were conducted by using SPM5 in images with and without correction for PVE. To investigate sex-specific differences in the pattern of brain aging, we repeated the above voxelwise calculations after dividing our sample by sex. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed 2 large clusters of age-related metabolic decrease in the overall sample, 1 in the left orbitofrontal cortex and the other in the right temporolimbic region, encompassing the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus, and the amygdala. The division of our sample by sex revealed significant sex-specific age-related metabolic decrease in the left temporolimbic region of men and in the left dorsolateral frontal cortex of women. When we applied atrophy correction to our PET data, none of the above-mentioned correlations remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that age-related functional brain variability in cognitively healthy elderly individuals is largely secondary to the degree of regional brain atrophy, and the findings provide support to the notion that appropriate PVE correction is a key tool in neuroimaging investigations.
Background: Recurrent 15q13.3 microdeletions were recently identified with identical proximal (BP4) and distal (BP5) breakpoints and associated with mild to moderate mental retardation and epilepsy. Methods: To assess further the clinical implications of this novel 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome, 18 new probands with a deletion were molecularly and clinically characterised. In addition, we evaluated the characteristics of a family with a more proximal deletion between BP3 and BP4. Finally, four patients with a duplication in the BP3-BP4-BP5 region were included in this study to ascertain the clinical significance of duplications in this region. Results: The 15q13.3 microdeletion in our series was associated with a highly variable intra-and inter-familial phenotype. At least 11 of the 18 deletions identified were inherited. Moreover, 7 of 10 siblings from four different families also had this deletion: one had a mild developmental delay, four had only learning problems during childhood, but functioned well in daily life as adults, whereas the other two had no learning problems at all. In contrast to previous findings, seizures were not a common feature in our series (only 2 of 17 living probands). Three patients with deletions had cardiac defects and deletion of the KLF13 gene, located in the critical region, may contribute to these abnormalities. The limited data from the single family with the more proximal BP3-BP4 deletion suggest this deletion may have little clinical significance. Patients with duplications of the BP3-BP4-BP5 region did not share a recognisable phenotype, but psychiatric disease was noted in 2 of 4 patients. Conclusions: Overall, our findings broaden the phenotypic spectrum associated with 15q13.3 deletions and suggest that, in some individuals, deletion of 15q13.3 is not sufficient to cause disease. The existence of microdeletion syndromes, associated with an unpredictable and variable phenotypic outcome, will pose the clinician with diagnostic difficulties and challenge the commonly used paradigm in the diagnostic setting that aberrations inherited from a phenotypically normal parent are usually without clinical consequences.
Objective: Experimental study idealized to investigate the mechanical properties of deep flexor tendons of rabbits that underwent the tenotomy followed by tenorrhaphy and early application of therapeutic ultrasound with different intensities, in comparison to tendons submitted to tenorrhaphy only. Material and Method: Forty-four rabbits were divided into four experimental groups according to the ultrasound application. They were all submitted to a section of deep flexor tendon in zone 2 and immobilized with an orthosis maintained throughout the experiment. Group A received ultrasonic treatment with an intensity of 1.4 W/cm(2), group B with 0.6 W/cm(2), both in continuous mode, group C with 0.6 W/cm(2) SATA, in pulsated mode at 50% and group D did not receive any ultrasonic treatment. The ultrasonic frequency employed was 1 MHz. After euthanasia, the tendons were dissected and submitted to the mechanical test of traction and qualitative histological analysis. The evaluated mechanical properties were: maximum force, deformation in maximum force and stiffness. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. Conclusion: Therapeutic ultrasound did not improve the mechanical properties of the flexor tendons after repair.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Chagas disease following solid-organ transplantation has occurred in Latin America. This report presents the occurrence of Chagas disease despite negative serological tests in both the donor and the recipient, as well as the effectiveness of treatment. A 21-year-old woman from the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil) underwent cadaveric donor liver transplantation in November 2005, due to cirrhosis of autoimmune etiology. Ten months after liver transplantation, she developed signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association functional class IV). The echocardiogram, which was normal preoperatively, showed dilated cardiac chambers, depressed left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction = 35%) and moderate pulmonary hypertension. Clinical investigation discarded ischemic heart disease and autoimmune and other causes for heart failure. Immuno fluorescence (immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G) and hemagglutination tests for T cruzi were positive, and abundant T cruzi amastigotes were readily identified in myocardial biopsy specimens. Treatment with benznidazole for 2 months yielded an excellent clinical response. At the moment of submission, the patient remains in functional class I. This case highlighted that more appropriate screening for T cruzi infection is mandatory in potential donors and recipients of solid-organ transplants in regions where Chagas disease is prevalent. Moreover, it stressed that this diagnosis should always be considered in recipients who develop cardiac complications, since negative serological tests do not completely discard the possibility of disease transmission and since good results can be achieved with prompt trypanocidal therapy.
Leukostasis is a relatively uncommon but potentially catastrophic complication of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Prompt leukoreduction is considered imperative to reduce the high mortality rate in this condition. Leukapheresis, usually associated with chemotherapy, is an established approach to diminish blast cell counts. We report a single center experience in managing leukostasis with leukapheresis. Fifteen patients with leukostasis of 187 patients with AML (8.02%) followed at our institution were treated with leukapheresis associated with chemotherapy. The procedures were scheduled to be performed on a daily basis until clinical improvement was achieved and WBC counts were significantly reduced. Overall and early mortalities, defined as that occurred in the first 7 days from diagnosis, were reported. A high proportion of our patients with leukostasis (46.66%) had a monocytic subtype AML (M4/M5, according to French-American-British classification). The median overall survival was 10 days, despite a significant WBC reduction after the first apheresis procedure (from 200.7 X 10(9)/L to 150.3 X 10(9)/L). Almost half of patients (7/15) had an early death. Therapeutic leukapheresis, associated or not to chemotherapy, is an effective approach to reduce WBC counts in patients with AML and leukostasis; however, this therapeutic procedure does not appear to change significantly the sombre prognosis observed in the majority of patients with this complication. Other forms of treatment must be found to reduce the high mortality rate related to leukostasis. J. Clin. Apheresis 26:181-185, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a high white blood cell (WBC) count at presentation has been associated with an increased early mortality rate, usually secondary to leukostasis. However, the value of the WBC count at which there is a high risk of early death (ED) and the efficiency of supportive treatments remain unclear. In this report, a series of 187 consecutive adult patients with AML in our institution was reviewed. The outcome of 40 patients with WBC above 50 x 10(9) L(-1) (hyperleukocytosis) was compared to 147 patients with a leukocyte count lower than 50 x 10(9) L(-1). The group with hyperleukocytosis showed a significantly shorter OS (P < 0.0001) and a higher rate of ED (P = 0.0008). Even when the data from ED patients were removed from analysis, we still detected a shorter OS in patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0049), which suggests that high WBC number influences long-term survival, and not only ED. We also observed higher lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum creatinine levels in the group of patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0003 and 0.0406, respectively). Besides considering all the patients with ED, we could observe higher levels of lactic dehydrogenase, a serum creatinine and nitrogen urea (P = 0.0056, P = 0.0008 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Pulmonary involvement was more frequent in patients with ED (P = 0.0277). In conclusion, hyperleukocytosis confers a poorer prognosis in patients with AML.
We investigated whether there is an association between anxiety disorders and mitral valve prolapse. We compared mitral valve prolapse prevalence in individuals with panic disorder (n=41), social anxiety disorder (n=89) and in healthy controls (n=102) in an attempt to overcome the biases of previous studies. Our results show no associations between panic disorder or social anxiety disorder and mitral valve prolapse, regardless of the diagnostic criteria employed, and that the relationship between these conditions seems not to be clinically relevant.
The mechanism of isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage is unknown, but a mismatch of oxygen supply vs. demand following coronary hypotension and myocardial hyperactivity is the best explanation for the complex morphological alterations observed. Severe alterations in the structural integrity of the sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes have been demonstrated to be caused by isoproterenol. Taking into account that the sarcolemmal integrity is stabilized by the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) that connects actin and laminin in contractile machinery and extracellular matrix and by integrins, this study tests the hypothesis that isoproterenol affects sarcolemmal stability through changes in the DGC and integrins. We found different sensitivity of the DGC and integrin to isoproterenol subcutaneous administration. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that dystrophin is the most sensitive among the structures connecting the actin in the cardiomyocyte cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. The sarcomeric actin dissolution occurred after the reduction or loss of dystrophin. Subsequently, after lysis of myofilaments, gamma-sarcoglycan, beta-dystroglycan, beta 1-integrin, and laminin alpha-2 expressions were reduced followed by their breakdown, as epiphenomena of the myocytolytic process. In conclusion, administration of isoproterenol to rats results in primary loss of dystrophin, the most sensitive among the structural proteins that form the DGC that connects the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton in cardiomyocyte. These changes, related to ischaemic injury, explain the severe alterations in the structural integrity of the sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes and hence severe and irreversible injury induced by isoproterenol.
Background: Although the influence of respiration on ventricular filling, as evaluated by Doppler technique, and the evaluation of diastolic velocities of mitral valve annulus (MVA), as measured by Doppler tissue imaging (DTI), can provide valuable information for the study of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function, the concomitant effects of aging, tidal volume (TV), and respiratory rate (RR) on these velocities have not been quantitatively investigated. Methods: We evaluated 12 normal male volunteers (Group I) aged 20-26 years (mean: 22.8) and 8 normal subjects aged 41 to 54 years old (mean: 45.9) (Group II). Using DTI we measured peak early (E-a) and late (A(a)) velocities of longitudinal axis expansion at lateral and medial MVA. Doppler mitral and tricuspid flow velocities were measured: peak early (E) and late (A) inflow velocity, early (E-i) and late (A(i)) flow integral, and deceleration time of peak early mitral flow velocity (DT). Respiratory cycles were simultaneously recorded at RR of 9, 12, 15, and 18 cycles/min and TV of 600 and 900 mL during respiration (RESP). Results and conclusions: (1) E, A, and A(i) in MV had negligible change during respiration, but E-i was significantly reduced during inspiration; (2) DT reduced slightly with inspiration, but the change was significant only with TV of 900 mL; (3) an important increase of E in right ventricular flow was observed during inspiration; (4) variations of RR and TV did not significantly influence right and left ventricular inflow in normal subjects, in the conditions of this investigation; (5) a significant increase of E-a at medial MVA was documented during inspiration only in young subjects; (6) a significant decrease of A(a) at medial MVA was observed during inspiration in both groups of volunteers; (7) RR and TV did not influence MVA velocities in young and adult subjects; (8) a consistent reduction in E-a and a significant increase in A(a) were observed with increasing age; (9) these changes were more conspicuous and consistent than those documented in ventricular filling when young and middle-age men are compared, suggesting that the DTI is more sensitive to detect changes in diastolic function; and (10) in addition, these data suggest that, for evaluation of diastolic function, in clinical context, it is not necessary to control rigorously RR or TV.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze electrocardiographic alterations during dental implant surgeries when local anesthetic agents were used. Materials and Methods: Twenty implants were placed in 18 healthy patients. An electrocardiogram and Wincardio software were used to gather recordings from 12 static leads every 2 minutes, continuously record coronary artery (D2) derivations, and automatically measure the following electrocardiographic parameters: heart rate, duration and amplitude of the P wave, PR segment duration, ST segment deviation, QRS complex duration, and duration of the RR, QT, and corrected QT (QTc) intervals. Results: Analysis of variance of the values obtained at the different stages showed significant differences (P < .05) for the heart rate and for the duration of the RR and QT intervals. The heart rate increased during the anesthesia, incision, and bone drilling stages, reaching a peak during drilling. Duration of the RR and QT intervals decreased during the incision and drilling stages. Among the electrocardiographic parameters individually assessed, several altered values were found for the duration of the P wave, the QRS complex, and the QT and QTc intervals. Sinusal tachycardia and bradycardia, sinusal arrhythmia, supraventricular extrasystole, ventricular extrasystole, and T-wave inversion were detected. Conclusion: Dental implant placement surgery may induce electrocardiographic alterations. The most frequently found arrhythmias were extrasystole and sinusal tachycardia. The anesthesia, incision, and bone drilling stages exhibited the highest heart rate values and the shortest durations of the RR and QT intervals. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:412-418
Mandibular second molar impactions can be difficult to correct and might require surgery. A young man with an impacted mandibular right second molar was treated with a miniplate, which provided anchorage to upright the tooth. Although other devices are available, this technique appears to be predictable and quick, and has few side effects.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a 10% carbamide peroxide-containing bleaching agent on brushing abrasion of esthetic restorative materials. Methods: Using a randomized complete block design, 150 specimens (n = 15) measuring 3 x 3 x 2 mm were fabricated into acrylic resin cylinders, using one of the restorative materials: a microfilled resin composite (At), a hybrid resin composite (Ch), a flowable resin composite (Wa), a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Fj) and a polyacid-modified resin composite (Dy). The bleaching agent or artificial saliva (control) was applied for 2 hours/day. After that, 120 brushing strokes were simulated automatically and the samples were kept in artificial saliva. Such bleaching/brushing cycle was performed daily for 21 days. Wear depth was assessed using profilometry. Results: Bleaching did not show significant effect on wear depth. There was a significant difference among the restorative materials. Tukey`s test showed that (Al=Ch) < (Wa) < (Fj) and that Dy was only different from Fj. (Am J Dent 2009;22:171-174).
Objectives: This triple-blind, 2 x 2 crossover in situ study, was undertaken to verify whether the wear resistance of enamel and root dentine would be affected by bleaching with a 10% carbamide peroxide agent and a placebo agent. Methods: Thirty slabs of each. substrate (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) were selected for each phase, after flattening and polishing procedures and microhardness test. After a 7-day lead-in period, one specimen of each substrate was randomly bonded on the facial surface of each one of 30 subject`s upper second premolars. The volunteers received instructions on how to perform toothbrushing and application of gel in the tray. Fifteen volunteers bleached their maxillary arch with a 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching agent for a 2-week period, while the remainders used a placebo agent. After a 1-week washout period, a new set of enamel and root dentine slabs were bonded to the premolars and volunteers were crossed over to the alternate agent for 14 days. The resistance of enamel and root dentine to wear following bleaching, toothbrushing and intraoral exposure was measured with a profilometer, using reference areas. Results: For enamel, ANOVA did not demonstrate significant difference between wear provided by placebo and bleaching agent (p = 0.3713), but higher wear depth was observed for bleached root dentine (p = 0.0346). Conclusions: While overnight bleaching caused no alteration in wear resistance of enamel, root dentine showed increased tissue loss. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To evaluate the effect of low and highly concentrated bleaching agents on microhardness and surface roughness of bovine enamel and root dentin. According to a randomized complete block design, 100 specimens of each substrate were assigned into five groups to be treated with bleaching agents containing carbamide peroxide (CP) at 10% (CP10); hydrogen peroxide (HP) at 7.5% (HP7.5) or 38% (HP38), or the combination of 18% of HP and 22% of CP (HP18/CP22), for 3 weeks. The control group was left untreated. Specimens were immersed in artificial saliva between bleaching treatments. Knoop surface microhardness (SMH) and average surface roughness (Ra) were measured at baseline and post-bleaching conditions. For enamel, there were differences between bleaching treatments for both SMH and Ra measurements (p = 0.4009 and p = 0.7650, respectively). SMH significantly increased (p < 0.0001), whereas Ra decreased (p = 0.0207) from baseline to post-bleaching condition. For root dentin, the group treated with CP10 exhibited the significantly highest SMH value differing from those groups bleached with HP18/CP22, HP7.5, which did not differ from each other. Application of HP38 resulted in intermediate SMH values. No significant differences were found for Ra (p = 0.5975). Comparing the baseline and post-bleaching conditions, a decrease was observed in SMH (p < 0.0001) and an increase in Ra (p = 0.0063). Bleaching agents with varying concentrations of CP and/or HP are capable of causing mineral loss in root dentin. Enamel does not perform in such bleaching agent-dependent fashion when one considers either hardness or surface roughness evaluations. Bleaching did not alter the enamel microhardness and surface roughness, but in root dentin, microhardness seems to be dependent on the bleaching agent used.