140 resultados para Ancestral area estimation


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Nontwist systems, common in the dynamical descriptions of fluids and plasmas, possess a shearless curve with a concomitant transport barrier that eliminates or reduces chaotic transport, even after its breakdown. In order to investigate the transport properties of nontwist systems, we analyze the barrier escape time and barrier transmissivity for the standard nontwist map, a paradigm of such systems. We interpret the sensitive dependence of these quantities upon map parameters by investigating chaotic orbit stickiness and the associated role played by the dominant crossing of stable and unstable manifolds. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3247349]


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Finite-size scaling analysis turns out to be a powerful tool to calculate the phase diagram as well as the critical properties of two-dimensional classical statistical mechanics models and quantum Hamiltonians in one dimension. The most used method to locate quantum critical points is the so-called crossing method, where the estimates are obtained by comparing the mass gaps of two distinct lattice sizes. The success of this method is due to its simplicity and the ability to provide accurate results even considering relatively small lattice sizes. In this paper, we introduce an estimator that locates quantum critical points by exploring the known distinct behavior of the entanglement entropy in critical and noncritical systems. As a benchmark test, we use this new estimator to locate the critical point of the quantum Ising chain and the critical line of the spin-1 Blume-Capel quantum chain. The tricritical point of this last model is also obtained. Comparison with the standard crossing method is also presented. The method we propose is simple to implement in practice, particularly in density matrix renormalization group calculations, and provides us, like the crossing method, amazingly accurate results for quite small lattice sizes. Our applications show that the proposed method has several advantages, as compared with the standard crossing method, and we believe it will become popular in future numerical studies.


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The reverse engineering problem addressed in the present research consists of estimating the thicknesses and the optical constants of two thin films deposited on a transparent substrate using only transmittance data through the whole stack. No functional dispersion relation assumptions are made on the complex refractive index. Instead, minimal physical constraints are employed, as in previous works of some of the authors where only one film was considered in the retrieval algorithm. To our knowledge this is the first report on the retrieval of the optical constants and the thickness of multiple film structures using only transmittance data that does not make use of dispersion relations. The same methodology may be used if the available data correspond to normal reflectance. The software used in this work is freely available through the PUMA Project web page (http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/puma/). (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We consider the problem of interaction neighborhood estimation from the partial observation of a finite number of realizations of a random field. We introduce a model selection rule to choose estimators of conditional probabilities among natural candidates. Our main result is an oracle inequality satisfied by the resulting estimator. We use then this selection rule in a two-step procedure to evaluate the interacting neighborhoods. The selection rule selects a small prior set of possible interacting points and a cutting step remove from this prior set the irrelevant points. We also prove that the Ising models satisfy the assumptions of the main theorems, without restrictions on the temperature, on the structure of the interacting graph or on the range of the interactions. It provides therefore a large class of applications for our results. We give a computationally efficient procedure in these models. We finally show the practical efficiency of our approach in a simulation study.


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The main objective of this study was to evaluate dissolved organic and inorganic carbon dynamics along upstream and downstream reaches of the Acre River draining the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, Brazil. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the Acre River were significantly higher during the wet season, ranging from 385 +/- A 160 to 430 +/- A 131 mu M among the stations, with no difference in upstream and downstream concentrations. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) showed an inverse pattern, with higher concentrations in the dry season, ranging from 816 +/- A 215 to 998 +/- A 754 mu M among the stations, as well as no difference in upstream and downstream DIC concentrations. Bicarbonate was the dominant DIC fraction and was mainly observed during the dry season. Due to lower pH values during the wet season, CO(2) partial pressure (pCO(2)) in the Acre River was higher in the wet season, with values ranging from 4,567 +/- A 1,813 to 4,893 +/- A 837 ppm among the stations. Our results indicate that, although the Acre River drains a large city with significant sewage disposal into the river, seasonal hydrological processes are the main driver of dissolved carbon dynamics, even in the downstream study reach directly influenced by urbanization.


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Question: How can the coexistence of savanna and forest in Amazonian areas with relatively uniform climates be explained? Location: Eastern Marajo Island, northeast Amazonia, Brazil. Methods: The study integrated floristic analysis, terrain morphology, sedimentology and delta(13)C of soil organic matter. Floristic analysis involved rapid ecological assessment of 33 sites, determination of occurrence, specific richness, hierarchical distribution and matrix of floristic similarity between paired vegetation types. Terrain characterization was based on analysis of Landsat images using 4(R), 5(G) and 7(B) composition and digital elevation model (DEM). Sedimentology involved field descriptions of surface and core sediments. Finally, radiocarbon dating and analysis of delta(13)C of soil profile organic matter and natural ecotone forest-savanna was undertaken. Results: Slight tectonic subsidence in eastern Marajo Island favours seasonal flooding, making it unsuitable for forest growth. However, this area displays slightly convex-up, sinuous morphologies related to paleochannels, covered by forest. Terra-firme lowland forests are expanding from west to east, preferentially occupying paleochannels and replacing savanna. Slack, running water during channel abandonment leads to disappearance of varzea/gallery forest at channel margins. Long-abandoned channels sustain continuous terra-firme forests, because of longer times for more species to establish. Recently abandoned channels have had less time to become sites for widespread tree development, and are either not vegetated or covered by savanna. Conclusion: Landforms in eastern Marajo Island reflect changes in the physical environment due to reactivation of tectonic faults during the latest Quaternary. This promoted a dynamic history of channel abandonment, which controlled a set of interrelated parameters (soil type, topography, hydrology) that determined species location. Inclusion of a geological perspective for paleoenvironmental reconstruction can increase understanding of plant distribution in Amazonia.


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Objective. - The aim of this study was to propose a new method that allows for the estimation of critical power (CP) from non-exhaustive tests using ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). Methods. - Twenty-two subjects underwent two practice trials for ergometer and Borg 15-point scale familiarization, and adaptation to severe exhaustive exercise. After then, four exercise bouts were performed on different days for the estimation of CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) by linear work-time equation, and CP(15), CP(17), AWC(15) and AWC(17) were estimated using the work and time to attainment of RPE15 and RPE17 based on the Borg 15-point scale. Results. - The CP, CP(15) and CP(17) (170-177W) were not significantly different (P>0.05). However, AWC, AWC(15) and AWC(17) were all different from each other. The correlations between CP(15) and CP(17), with CP were strong (R=0.871 and 0.911, respectively), but the AWC(15) and AWC(17) were not significantly correlated with AWC. Conclusion. - Sub-maximal. RPE responses can be used for the estimation of CP from non-exhaustive exercise protocols. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated as an analytical too[ for monitoring residual Lignin, kappa number and hexenuronic acids (HexA) content in kraft pulps of Eucalyptus globulus. Sets of pulp samples were prepared under different cooking conditions to obtain a wide range of compound concentrations that were characterised by conventional wet chemistry analytical methods. The sample group was also analysed using FT-NIR spectroscopy in order to establish prediction models for the pulp characteristics. Several models were applied to correlate chemical composition in samples with the NIR spectral data by means of PCR or PLS algorithms. Calibration curves were built by using all the spectral data or selected regions. Best calibration models for the quantification of lignin, kappa and HexA were proposed presenting R-2 values of 0.99. Calibration models were used to predict pulp titers of 20 external samples in a validation set. The lignin concentration and kappa number in the range of 1.4-18% and 8-62, respectively, were predicted fairly accurately (standard error of prediction, SEP 1.1% for lignin and 2.9 for kappa). The HexA concentration (range of 5-71 mmol kg(-1) pulp) was more difficult to predict and the SEP was 7.0 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by an ultraviolet (UV) technique and 6.1 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by anion-exchange chromatography (AEC). Even in wet chemical procedures used for HexA determination, there is no good agreement between methods as demonstrated by the UV and AEC methods described in the present work. NIR spectroscopy did provide a rapid estimate of HexA content in kraft pulps prepared in routine cooking experiments.


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This paper presents a small-area CMOS current-steering segmented digital-to-analog converter (DAC) design intended for RF transmitters in 2.45 GHz Bluetooth applications. The current-source design strategy is based on an iterative scheme whose variables are adjusted in a simple way, minimizing the area and the power consumption, and meeting the design specifications. A theoretical analysis of static-dynamic requirements and a new layout strategy to attain a small-area current-steering DAC are included. The DAC was designed and implemented in 0.35 mu m CMOS technology, requiring an active area of just 200 mu m x 200 mu m. Experimental results, with a full-scale output current of 700 mu A and a 3.3 V power supply, showed a spurious-free dynamic range of 58 dB for a 1 MHz output sine wave and sampling frequency of 50 MHz, with differential and integral nonlinearity of 0.3 and 0.37 LSB, respectively.


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The crossflow filtration process differs of the conventional filtration by presenting the circulation flow tangentially to the filtration surface. The conventional mathematical models used to represent the process have some limitations in relation to the identification and generalization of the system behaviour. In this paper, a system based on artificial neural networks is developed to overcome the problems usually found in the conventional mathematical models. More specifically, the developed system uses an artificial neural network that simulates the behaviour of the crossflow filtration process in a robust way. Imprecisions and uncertainties associated with the measurements made on the system are automatically incorporated in the neural approach. Simulation results are presented to justify the validity of the proposed approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the innovation approach is used to estimate the measurement total error associated with power system state estimation. This is required because the power system equations are very much correlated with each other and as a consequence part of the measurements errors is masked. For that purpose an index, innovation index (II), which provides the quantity of new information a measurement contains is proposed. A critical measurement is the limit case of a measurement with low II, it has a zero II index and its error is totally masked. In other words, that measurement does not bring any innovation for the gross error test. Using the II of a measurement, the masked gross error by the state estimation is recovered; then the total gross error of that measurement is composed. Instead of the classical normalised measurement residual amplitude, the corresponding normalised composed measurement residual amplitude is used in the gross error detection and identification test, but with m degrees of freedom. The gross error processing turns out to be very simple to implement, requiring only few adaptations to the existing state estimation software. The IEEE-14 bus system is used to validate the proposed gross error detection and identification test.


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The aim of this study is to quantify the mass transfer velocity using turbulence parameters from simultaneous measurements of oxygen concentration fields and velocity fields. The surface divergence model was considered in more detail, using data obtained for the lower range of beta (surface divergence). It is shown that the existing models that use the divergence concept furnish good predictions for the transfer velocity also for low values of beta, in the range of this study. Additionally, traditional conceptual models, such as the film model, the penetration-renewal model, and the large eddy model, were tested using the simultaneous information of concentration and velocity fields. It is shown that the film and the surface divergence models predicted the mass transfer velocity for all the range of the equipment Reynolds number used here. The velocity measurements showed viscosity effects close to the surface, which indicates that the surface was contaminated with some surfactant. Considering the results, this contamination can be considered slight for the mass transfer predictions. (C) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2005-2017; 2010


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Fault resistance is a critical component of electric power systems operation due to its stochastic nature. If not considered, this parameter may interfere in fault analysis studies. This paper presents an iterative fault analysis algorithm for unbalanced three-phase distribution systems that considers a fault resistance estimate. The proposed algorithm is composed by two sub-routines, namely the fault resistance and the bus impedance. The fault resistance sub-routine, based on local fault records, estimates the fault resistance. The bus impedance sub-routine, based on the previously estimated fault resistance, estimates the system voltages and currents. Numeric simulations on the IEEE 37-bus distribution system demonstrate the algorithm`s robustness and potential for offline applications, providing additional fault information to Distribution Operation Centers and enhancing the system restoration process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers the optimal linear estimates recursion problem for discrete-time linear systems in its more general formulation. The system is allowed to be in descriptor form, rectangular, time-variant, and with the dynamical and measurement noises correlated. We propose a new expression for the filter recursive equations which presents an interesting simple and symmetric structure. Convergence of the associated Riccati recursion and stability properties of the steady-state filter are provided. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new methodology to estimate unbalanced harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The problem solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power quality meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology GPS devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow, what makes the overall power quality monitoring system much less costly. The ES based harmonic estimation model is applied to a 14 bus network to compare its performance to a conventional Monte Carlo approach. It is also applied to a 50 bus subtransmission network in order to compare the three-phase and single-phase approaches as well as the robustness of the proposed method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.