52 resultados para Anatomia coronariana
The arterial vascularization of agoutis` penis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) were analysed using ten male adults from `Nucleo de Estudos e Preservacao de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal do Piaui` (FUFPI/IBAMA n degrees 02/99). Among the total number of specimens, six animals had natural death and were members of the research collection of the Laboratory of Anatomy, and four were killed after anaesthesia. Stained bi-centrifugated-Cis-I-4 latex was injected in arterial vessels responsible for penis vascularization throughout the abdominal portion of aorta. The samples were fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution and arteries were dissected. The penile artery is originated as a branch of internal pudendal artery. At the level of ischiatic arch, the penile artery project two branches, the penile dorsal and the deep arteries; those arteries irrigates the penile dorsal surface and the corpus cavernosum penis. The penile dorsal arteries have an independent course up to the glans penis. Based on the conditions of this work a remarkable similarity regarding the distribution of vessels destined to the agouti penis when compared to other domestic, wild and lagomorph rodents as rabbits.
The progress of science in search of new techniques of the nerve regeneration and the functional repair in reinnervated muscle has been the target of many researchers around the world. Consequently, nerves and muscles in different body segments asked for more enlightenment of their morphology, their interrelation with other anatomic structures and their peculiarities. One of the most significant areas that need deeper studies is the region of the head and neck, since they are often affected by important pathologies. In order to offer the researcher`s community a morphological myoneural interaction model, this study elected the levator labii superioris muscle and its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair) not only for its special characteristics, but also its value on the facial expression. The rat was chosen for this investigation for being easy to obtain, to keep, to manipulate and to compare this experiment with many others studies previously published. The techniques used were Mesoscopic (dissection), histoenzymologic and morphometric ones. In the results the muscle proved to have a predominance of fast twich fibers (FG and FOG) and superficial location, with a proximal bone and a distal cutaneous insertion. Its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair), breaks through the muscle belly into its deep face, and comprised a heterogeneous group of myelinic nerve fibers disposed in a regular form in all fascicle. Near the motor point, the nerve showed to be composed of two fascicles with different sizes. Due to the small nerve dimensions, the nerve fibers have a smaller diameter if compared to the motor nerve of pectineus muscle of the cat. Further studies with neural tracers have already had a start in order to provide more information about the distribution and the architecture of these fibers.
The dorsal surface of the tongue of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, has simple columnar epithelium with a few ciliated cells and goblet cells. The entire surface is covered with numerous filiform papillae and few fungiform. Filiform papillae have a simple columnar epithelium with secretory cells, while the fungiform have a sensory disc on their upper surface the lined by a stratified columnar epithelium with basal, peripheral, glandular and receptor cells. Over the dorsal lingual surface there are numerous winding tubular glands, which penetrate deeply into the muscle of the tongue, mingling with the fibers. The gland epithelium is cylindrical with secretory and supporting cells. The first are absolute on the basis of the gland and the latter are rare in the upper third. The ventral surface of the tongue is lined by a stratified epithelium, with the presence of goblet cells, with ciliated cells among them. Morphometrically, lingual glands varies in length, according to their location: shorter in the anterior region of the tongue (330 mu m) than in the posterior region (450 mu m). Secretory cells of the anterior lingual glands are smaller (1457.7 mm(3)) than the posterior ones (2645.9 mu m(3)). The same can be said of the cell nuclei, 130.0 mu m(3) for the anterior glands and 202.3 mu m(3) for the posterior ones. Secretory cells of the lingual glands contain substances rich in protein and neutral mucopolysaccharides, which characterize the seromucous type. Goblet cells of the dorsal and ventral surface epithelia secrete neutral mucopolysaccharides and proteins, and can be characterized as type G1 cells, and the supporting cells of the superficial glands of the fungiform papillae secrete a mucus rich in neutral mucopolysaccharides, sulfomucins and sialomucins.
Effect of Sodium Cyclamate on the Rat Fetal Exocrine Pancreas: a Karyometric and Stereological Study
The cyclamate, a sweetner substance derived from N-cyclo-hexyl-sulfamic acid, is largely utilized as a non-caloric artificial edulcorant in foods and beverages as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate karyometric and stereological alterations in the rat fetal pancreas resulting from the intraperitoneal administration of sodium cyclamate. The exocrine pancreas of ten fetuses of rats were evaluated, five treated and five controls chosen at random, in which five rats that received from the 10th to 14th days of pregnancy an intraperitoneal daily injection of sodium cyclamate at 60 mg/Kg of body weight during 5 days. At the 20th day of gestation, the animals were removed and weighed, as were their placentas; the length of the umbilical cords also were measured. After the laboratory processing, semi-seriated 6mm cuts stained with haematoxyline and cosine were performed. In seven karyometric parameters (major, minor, and medium diameters, volume, area, perimeter, and volume-area ratio), the increase was statistically significant in the treated group when compared with control group. Stereological parameters showed in the treated group a significant increase in the cellular volume and a significant reduction in the numerical cellular density. These results showed that the sodium cyclamate in pregnant rats led to retardation of fetal development and hypertrophy in the exocrine pancreas of the rat fetuses.
Green tea, a product from Camellia sinensis, consists of over 200 componentes. The most known are the catechins, ou polyphenolic compounds, or flavonoids, but it contains also polysacharide conjugates, amino acids, caffeine and vitamins. Studies have suggested that the regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of cancer, protecting agains initial events and progression of the disease, may act as antioxidant, has bactericidal properties, and that green tea consumption may be an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Our experimental study was carried out with male Wistar rats, separated in two groups, experimental and control. The animals in control group were given water ad libitum, and the animals in the experimental group received green tea instead of water. After 2 weeks of experimental period, all the animals, suffered surgical wounds on the dorsum. The animals were sacrificed on I, 3 and 7 days after surgery. Skin samples were used for light microscopy evaluation. Our results allowed us to observe that the experimental group (green tea drinking) presented accelerated epithelial neformation on day 3 after surgery, when epithelial neoformation is in the initial phases. The surgical areas presented 48.20% X 27.32% epithelial neoformation for green tea group and their controls respectivelly at this time. The results of the present study, along with other information about green tea in the literature, strongly suggests that regular use of green tea may be beneficial in surgery situations, when fast epithelial neoformation is desirable.
For the purposes of this report, ""systemic disease"" will be interpreted as conditions that are spread out within the body rather than localized strictly to the tissues of the oral cavity. Since it would take many volumes to review all such conditions, the intent of the authors is to review a few examples of conditions where initial panoramic radiographic findings suggested widespread disease of significance enough to affect the quality of life and longevity of the patient.
Distraction osteogenesis is a technique for induction of new bone formation between two segments of a bone that presents wide possibilities of use in Dentistry. However, the available information on this subject is still scarce. The aim of this article is to review the literature related to bone formation, mechanically induced by distraction osteogenesis, in order to supply subsidies the agreement of this process.