The use of chloroplast DNA markers (cpDNA) helps to elucidate questions related to ecology, evolution and genetic structure. The knowledge of inter-and intra-population genetic structure allows to design effective conservation and management strategies for tropical tree species. With the aim to help the conservation of Hymenaea stigonocarpa of the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in Sao Paulo State, an analysis of the spatial genetic structure (SGS) was conducted in two populations using five universal chloroplast microsatellite loci (cpSSR). The population of 68 trees of H. stigonocarpa in the Ecological Station of Itirapina (ESI) had a single haplotype, indicating a strong founder effect. In turn, the population of 47 trees of H. stigonocarpa in a contiguous area that includes the Ecological Station of Assis and the Assis State Forest (ESA), showed six haplotypes ((n) over cap (h) = 6) with a moderate haplotype diversity ((h) over cap = 0667 + 0094), revealing that it was founded by a small number of maternal lineages. The SGS analysis for the population ESA/ASF, using Moran`s I index, indicated limited seed dispersal. Considering SGS, for ex situ conservation strategies in the population ESA/ASF, seed harvesting should require a minimum distance of 750 m among seed-trees.
The growth of Eucalyptus stands varies several fold across sites, under the influence of resource availability, stand age and stand structure. We describe a series of related studies that aim to understand the mechanisms that drive this great range in stand growth rates. In a seven-year study in Hawaii of Eucalyptus saligna at a site that was not water limited, we showed that nutrient availability differences led to a two-fold difference in stand wood production. Increasing nutrient supply in mid-rotation raised productivity to the level attained in continuously fertilised plots. Fertility affected the age-related decline in wood and foliage production; production in the intensive fertility treatments declined more slowly than in the minimal fertility treatments. The decline in stem production was driven largely by a decline in canopy photosynthesis. Over time, the fraction of canopy photosynthesis partitioned to below-ground allocation increased, as did foliar respiration, further reducing wood production. The reason for the decline in photosynthesis was uncertain, but it was not caused by nutrient limitation, a decline in leaf area or in photosynthetic capacity, or by hydraulic limitation. Most of the increase in carbon stored from conversion of the sugarcane plantation to Eucalyptus plantation was in the above-ground woody biomass. Soil carbon showed no net change. This study and other studies on carbon allocation showed that resource availability changes the fraction of annual photosynthesis used below-ground and for wood production. High resources (nutrition or water) decrease the partitioning below-ground and increase partitioning to wood production. Annual foliage and wood respiration and foliage production as a fraction of annual photosynthesis was remarkably constant across a wide range of fertility treatments and forest age. In the Brazil Eucalyptus Productivity Project, stand structure was manipulated by planting clonal Eucalyptus all at once or in three groups at three-monthly intervals, producing a stand where trees did not segregate into dominants and one that had strong dominance. The uneven stand structure reduced production 10-15% throughout the rotation.
The antioxidant activity of natural and synthetic compounds was evaluated using five in vitro methods: ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydradzyl (DPPH), oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAL), oxidation of an aqueous dispersion of linoleic acid accelerated by azo-initiators (LAOX), and oxidation of a meat homogenate submitted to a thermal treatment (TBARS). All results were expressed as Trolox equivalents. The application of multivariate statistical techniques suggested that the phenolic compounds (caffeic acid, carnosic acid, genistein and resveratrol), beyond their high antioxidant activity measured by the DPPH, FRAP and TBARS methods, showed the highest ability to react with the radicals in the ORAC methodology, compared to the other compounds evaluated in this study (ascorbic acid, erythorbate, tocopherol, BHT, Trolox, tryptophan, citric acid, EDTA, glutathione, lecithin, methionine and tyrosine). This property was significantly correlated with the number of phenolic rings and catecholic structure present in the molecule. Based on a multivariate analysis, it is possible to select compounds from different clusters and explore their antioxidant activity interactions in food products.
The polymetallic [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(BPE)Ru( bpy)(2)Cl](PF(6))(2) complex (bpy = 2,2`-bipyridine, BPE = trans- 1,2-bis(4-pyridil) ethylene and py = pyridine) was assembled by the combination of an electroactive [Ru(3)O] moiety with a [ Ru( bpy) 2( BPE) Cl] photoactive centre, and its structure was determined using positive ion electrospray (ESI-MS) and tandem mass (ESI-MS/MS) spectrometry. The [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(BPE)Ru(bpy)(2)Cl] (2+) doubly charged ion of m/z 732 was mass-selected and subject to 15 eV collision-induced dissociation, leading to a specific dissociation pattern, diagnostic of the complex structure. The electronic spectra display broad bands at 409, 491 and 692 nm ascribed to the [Ru(bpy)(2)(BPE)] charge-transfer bands and to the [Ru(3)O] internal cluster transitions. The cyclic voltammetry shows five reversible waves at - 1.07 V, 0.13 V, 1.17 V, 2.91 V and - 1.29 V (vs SHE) assigned to the [Ru(3)O](-1/0/+ 1/+ 2/+3) and to the bpy (0/-1) redox processes; also a wave is observed at 0.96 V, assigned to the Ru (+2/+ 3) pair. Despite the conjugated BPE bridge, the electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical results indicate only a weak coupling through the pi-system, and preliminary photophysical essays showed the compound decomposes under visible light irradiation.
Pollen transport to a receptive stigma can be facilitated through different pollinators, which submits the pollen to different selection pressures. This study aimed to associate pollen and stigma morphology with zoophily in species of the tribe Phaseoleae. Species of the genera Erythrina, Macroptilium and Mucuna with different pollinators were chosen. Pollen grains and stigmas were examined under light microscopy (anatomy), scanning electronic microscopy (surface analyses) and transmission electronic microscopy (ultrastructure). The three genera differ in terms of pollen wall ornamentation, pollen size, pollen aperture, thickness of the pollen wall, amount of pollenkitt, pollen hydration status and dominant reserves within the pollen grain, while species within each genus are very similar in most studied characteristics. Most of these features lack relationships to pollinator type, especially in Erythrina and Mucuna. Pollen reserves are discussed on a broad scale, according to the occurrence of protein in the pollen of invertebrate- or vertebrate-pollinated species. Some pollen characteristics are more associated to semi-dry stigma requirements. This apical, compact, cuticularised and secretory stigma occurs in all species investigated. We conclude that data on pollen and stigma structure should be included together with those on floral morphology and pollinator behaviour for the establishment of functional pollination classes.
Preparation methods can profoundly affect the structural and electrochemical properties of electrocatalytic coatings. In this investigation, RuO(2)-Ta(2)O(5) thin films containing between 10 and 90 at.% Ru were prepared by the Pechini-Adams method. These coatings were electrochemically and physically characterized by cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The composition and morphology of the oxide were investigated before and after accelerated life tests (ALT) by EDX and SEM. SEM results indicate typical mud-flat-cracking morphology for the majority of the films. High resolution SEMs reveal that pure oxide phases exhibit nanoporosity while binary compositions display a very compact structure. EDX analyses reveal considerable amounts of Ru in the coating even after total deactivation. XRD indicated a rutile-type structure for RuO(2) and orthorhombic structure for Ta(2)O(5). XPS data demonstrate that the binding energy of Ta is affected by Ru addition in the thin films, but the binding energy of Ru is not likewise influenced by Ta. The stability of the electrodes was evaluated by ALT performed at 750 mA cm(-2) in 80 degrees C 0.5 mol dm(-3) H(2)SO(4). The performance of electrodes prepared by the Pechini-Adams method is 100% better than that of electrodes prepared by standard thermal decomposition.
In 2008 the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) started an initiative to systematically develop its capacity and its internal and external policy agenda. This paper sums up achievements that have been made with this ISPRM initiative as well as pending issues and strategies to address them. The paper treats the following: ISPRM`s policy agenda in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), research capacity in functioning and rehabilitation, ISPRM world conferences, relationships with regional societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and ISPRM`s membership and governance structure.
Background This study describes heat- and cold-related mortality in 12 urban populations in low- and middle-income countries, thereby extending knowledge of how diverse populations, in non-OECD countries, respond to temperature extremes. Methods The cities were: Delhi, Monterrey, Mexico City, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Salvador, So Paulo, Santiago, Cape Town, Ljubljana, Bucharest and Sofia. For each city, daily mortality was examined in relation to ambient temperature using autoregressive Poisson models (2- to 5-year series) adjusted for season, relative humidity, air pollution, day of week and public holidays. Results Most cities showed a U-shaped temperature-mortality relationship, with clear evidence of increasing death rates at colder temperatures in all cities except Ljubljana, Salvador and Delhi and with increasing heat in all cities except Chiang Mai and Cape Town. Estimates of the temperature threshold below which cold-related mortality began to increase ranged from 15 degrees C to 29 degrees C; the threshold for heat-related deaths ranged from 16 degrees C to 31C. Heat thresholds were generally higher in cities with warmer climates, while cold thresholds were unrelated to climate. Conclusions Urban populations, in diverse geographic settings, experience increases in mortality due to both high and low temperatures. The effects of heat and cold vary depending on climate and non-climate factors such as the population disease profile and age structure. Although such populations will undergo some adaptation to increasing temperatures, many are likely to have substantial vulnerability to climate change. Additional research is needed to elucidate vulnerability within populations.
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Brazilian versions of the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and the Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI). The test-retest reliability of the FTND was assessed in a sample of 61 smoking university students, with a 15-day interval between assessments. The interrater reliability was examined in 30 smoking patients of a psychosocial care center for alcohol and drug users (PCC-AD). The reliability coefficient was estimated by the kappa and intraclass correlation coefficients. The predictive validity, internal consistency, and factor structure of the FTND and the HSI were evaluated by factor analysis in 271 smokers treated at an emergency unit and at the PCC-AD. The gold standard was the nicotine dependence criteria of DSM-IV, as assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. The FTND showed high reliability, with correlation coefficients of .92 for test-retest reliability and .99 for interrater reliability. Both the FTND and the HSI presented high levels of sensitivity and specificity. The internal consistency evaluation yielded a Cronbach`s alpha coefficient of .83 for the FTND and of .56 for the HSI. An exploratory factor analysis found 2 factors in the FTND, which were validated by a confirmatory factor analysis. The results obtained in this study confirm the validity and reliability of the Brazilian versions of the FTND and the HSI.
The effects of diets with different starch sources on the total tract apparent digestibility and glucose and insulin responses in cats were investigated. Six experimental diets consisting of 35% starch were extruded, each containing one of the following ingredients: cassava flour, brewers rice, corn, sorghum, peas, or lentils. The experiment was carried out on 36 cats with 6 replications per diet in a completely randomized block design. The brewers rice diet offered greater DM, OM, and GE digestibility than the sorghum, corn, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). For starch digestibility, the brewers rice diet had greater values (98.6%) than the sorghum (93.9%), lentil (95.2%), and pea (96.3%) diets (P < 0.05); however, starch digestibility was > 93% for all the diets, proving that despite the low carbohydrate content of carnivorous diets, cats can efficiently digest this nutrient when it is properly processed into kibble. Mean and maximum glucose concentration and area under the glucose curve were greater for the corn-based diet than the cassava flour, sorghum, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). The corn-based diets led to greater values for the mean glucose incremental concentration (10.2 mg/dL), maximum glucose incremental concentration (24.8 mg/dL), and area under the incremental glucose curve (185.5 mg.dL(-1).h(-1)) than the lentil diet (2.9 mg/dL, 3.1 mg/dL, and -40.4 mg.dL(-1).h(-1), respectively; P < 0.05). When compared with baseline values, only the corn diet stimulated an increase in the glucose response, occurring at 4 and 10 h postmeal (P < 0.05). The corn-based diet resulted in greater values for maximum incremental insulin concentration and area under the incremental insulin curve than the lentil-based diet (P < 0.05). However, plasma insulin concentrations rose in relation to the basal values for cats fed corn, sorghum, pea, and brewers rice diets (P < 0.05). Variations in diet digestibility and postprandial response can be explained by differences in the chemical composition of the starch source, including fiber content and granule structure, and also differences in the chemical compositions of the diets. The data suggest that starch has less of an effect on the cat postprandial glucose and insulin responses than on those of dogs and humans. This can be explained by the metabolic peculiarities of felines, which may slow and prolong starch digestion and absorption, leading to the delayed, less pronounced effects on their blood responses.
Tick-borne zoonoses (TBZ) are emerging diseases worldwide. A large amount of information (e.g. case reports, results of epidemiological surveillance, etc.) is dispersed through various reference sources (ISI and non-ISI journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, etc.). An integrated database-derived from the ICTTD-3 project (http://www.icttd.nl)-was developed in order to gather TBZ records in the (sub-)tropics, collected both by the authors and collaborators worldwide. A dedicated website (http://www.tickbornezoonoses.org) was created to promote collaboration and circulate information. Data collected are made freely available to researchers for analysis by spatial methods, integrating mapped ecological factors for predicting TBZ risk. The authors present the assembly process of the TBZ database: the compilation of an updated list of TBZ relevant for (sub-)tropics, the database design and its structure, the method of bibliographic search, the assessment of spatial precision of geo-referenced records. At the time of writing, 725 records extracted from 337 publications related to 59 countries in the (sub-)tropics, have been entered in the database. TBZ distribution maps were also produced. Imported cases have been also accounted for. The most important datasets with geo-referenced records were those on Spotted Fever Group rickettsiosis in Latin-America and Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Africa. The authors stress the need for international collaboration in data collection to update and improve the database. Supervision of data entered remains always necessary. Means to foster collaboration are discussed. The paper is also intended to describe the challenges encountered to assemble spatial data from various sources and to help develop similar data collections.
We study compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, which holds the key to many astrophysical processes, including star formation and cosmic-ray propagation. To account for the variations of the magnetic field in the strongly turbulent fluid, we use wavelet decomposition of the turbulent velocity field into Alfven, slow, and fast modes, which presents an extension of the Cho & Lazarian decomposition approach based on Fourier transforms. The wavelets allow us to follow the variations of the local direction of the magnetic field and therefore improve the quality of the decomposition compared to the Fourier transforms, which are done in the mean field reference frame. For each resulting component, we calculate the spectra and two-point statistics such as longitudinal and transverse structure functions as well as higher order intermittency statistics. In addition, we perform a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of the velocity field into incompressible and compressible parts and analyze these components. We find that the turbulence intermittency is different for different components, and we show that the intermittency statistics depend on whether the phenomenon was studied in the global reference frame related to the mean magnetic field or in the frame defined by the local magnetic field. The dependencies of the measures we obtained are different for different components of the velocity; for instance, we show that while the Alfven mode intermittency changes marginally with the Mach number, the intermittency of the fast mode is substantially affected by the change.
In tetrapod squamates, the diversity of micro-ornamentations of the epidermis of the contact areas of hands and feet is generally associated with constraints and modalities related to locomotion. Polychrus acutirostris is a medium-sized lizard that occurs in open heterogeneous habitats in South America, such as the cerrados, caatingas, and fallow lands. It progresses slowly on branches of various diameters in its arboreal environment. It can also move more rapidly on the ground. The hands and feet are prehensile and may be considered an adaptation for grasping and climbing. Epidermal surfaces from the palmar and plantar areas of the hands and feet of P. acutirostris were prepared for SEM examination, and studied at various magnifications. They show three major levels of complexity: (1) scale types, organized in gradients of size and imbrication, (2) scalar ornamentations, organized by increasing complexity and polarity, and (3) presence of Oberhautchen showing typically iguanian honeycomb micro-ornamentations. The shape and surface structure of the scales with their pattern of micro-ornamental peaks, which improve grip, and the grasping hands and feet indicate that P. acutirostris is morpho-functionally specialized for arboreality. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Siderastrea stellata and S. radians are scleractinian coral species that present a remarkable overlap of diagnostic characteristics and sympatric distribution. Moreover, both are viviparous with similar reproductive strategies and with a gregarious larval behavior. Samples of both species from the Brazilian coast were analyzed using 18 isozymic loci to quantify their genetic variability and populational structure. Results confirmed species identity, high intrapopulational variability and revealed moderate genetic structuring among all samples (S. stellata: F(ST) = 0.070; S. radians: F(ST) = 0.092). Based on genotypic diversity analysis, there was evidence that local recruitment may have a minor role in the populations (mean, G(o) :G(e) = 1.00 +/- 0.0003 SD for S. stellata and 0.99 +/- 0.0023 SD for S. radians). Deviations towards heterozygote deficiencies found in both Siderastrea species could be explained by the Wahlund effect, since there was evidence that populations might be composed of colonies of different ages. In S. radians it is also likely that there is some inbreeding occurring in the studied populations. Despite the brooding pattern and the gregarious larval behavior, our data suggest the occurrence of gene flow along the Brazilian coast. This is the first study on population genetics of Brazilian reef corals.
Individual fitness and the structure of marine communities are strongly affected by spatial competition. Among the most common space holders are the colonial ascidians, which have the ability to monopolize large areas of hard substrate, overgrowing most other competitors. The effects of competition on colony growth and on gonad production of the ascidian Didemnum perlucidum were studied in southeastern Brazil by experimentally removing surrounding competitors. Colonies of D, perlucidum competing for space exhibited a growth rate 9 times less than that of colonies that were competitor free. Among the colonies subject to competition, growth rates were unrelated to the percentage of colony border that was free of competitors. However, the identity of the competitor was important in the outcome of border contacts. At the beginning of the experiment, most border encounters of D. perlucidum were with solitary organisms, which in most cases were overgrown. These were progressively replaced by colonial ascidians and bryozoans, resulting mostly in stand-off interactions. Besides reducing asexual growth, spatial competition also affected female gonad production. Colonies free of competitors had a significantly higher proportion of zooids with ovaries. Thus, our findings show that spatial competition reduces both ascidian colony size and gonad production.