We study the structural phase transitions in confined systems of strongly interacting particles. We consider infinite quasi-one-dimensional systems with different pairwise repulsive interactions in the presence of an external confinement following a power law. Within the framework of Landau's theory, we find the necessary conditions to observe continuous transitions and demonstrate that the only allowed continuous transition is between the single-and the double-chain configurations and that it only takes place when the confinement is parabolic. We determine analytically the behavior of the system at the transition point and calculate the critical exponents. Furthermore, we perform Monte Carlo simulations and find a perfect agreement between theory and numerics.
Microfabrication via two-photon absorption polymerization is a technique to design complex microstructures in a simple and fast way. The applications of such structures range from mechanics to photonics to biology, depending on the dopant material and its specific properties. In this paper, we use two-photon absorption polymerization to fabricate optically active microstructures containing the conductive and luminescent polymer poly(2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV). We verify that MEH-PPV retains its optical activity and is distributed throughout the microstructure after fabrication. The microstructures retain the emission characteristics of MEH-PPV and allow waveguiding of locally excited fluorescence when fabricated on top of low refractive index substrates. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3232207]
In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals layers (2D-PCLs) by combining holographic recording and the evaporation of antimony-based glasses. Such materials present high refractive indices that can be tuned from 1.8 to 2.4, depending on the film composition; thus, they are interesting dielectric materials for fabrication of 2D-PCLs. The good quality of the obtained samples allowed the measurement of their PC properties through the well-defined Fano resonances that appear in the transmittance spectrum measurements at different incidence angles. The experimental results are in good agreement with the calculated band diagram for the hexagonal asymmetric structure. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We present an extensive study of the structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the oxyborate Co(3)O(2)BO(3). This is carried out through x-ray diffraction, static and dynamic magnetic susceptibilities, and specific heat experiments in single crystals in a large temperature range. The structure of Co(3)O(2)BO(3) is composed of subunits in the form of three-leg ladders where Co ions with mixed valency are located. The magnetic properties of this Co ludwigite are determined by a competition between superexchange and double-exchange interactions in the low-dimensional subunits. We discuss the observed physical properties in comparison with the only other known homometallic ludwigite, Fe(3)O(2)BO(3). The latter presents a structural distortion in the ladders and two magnetic transitions. Both features are not found in the present study of the Co ludwigite. The reason for these differences in the structural and magnetic behavior of two apparently similar compounds is discussed.
Three new bimetallic oxamato-based magnets with the proligand 4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenebis-(oxamato) (dmopba) were synthesized using water or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as solvents. Single crystal X-ray diffraction provided structures for two of them: [MnCu(dmopba)(H(2)O)(3)]n center dot 4nH(2)O (1) and [MnCu(dmopba)(DMSO)(3)](n center dot)nDMSO (2). The crystalline structures for both 1 and 2 consist of linearly ordered oxamato-bridged Mn(II)Cu(II) bimetallic chains. The magnetic characterization revealed a typical behaviour of ferrimagnetic chains for 1 and 2. Least-squares fits of the experimental magnetic data performed in the 300-20 K temperature range led to J(MnCu) = -27.9 cm(-1), g(Cu) = 2.09 and g(Mn) = 1.98 for 1 and J(MnCu) = -30.5 cm(-1), g(Cu) = 2.09 and g(Mn) = 2.02 for 2 (H = -J(MnCu)Sigma S(Mn, i)(S(Cu, i) + S(Cu, i-1))). The two-dimensional ferrimagnetic system [Me(4)N](2n){Co(2)[Cu(dmopba)](3)}center dot 4nDMSO center dot nH(2)O (3) was prepared by reaction of Co(II) ions and an excess of [Cu(dmopba)](2-) in DMSO. The study of the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility as well as the temperature and field dependences of the magnetization revealed a cluster glass-like behaviour for 3.
The title 2:1 complex of 3-nitrophenol (MNP) and 4,4'-bipyridyl N, N'-dioxide (DPNO), 2C(6)H(5)NO(3)center dot C(10)H(8)N(2)O(2) or 2MNP center dot DPNO, crystallizes as a centrosymmetric three-component adduct with a dihedral angle of 59.40 (8)degrees between the planes of the benzene rings of MNP and DPNO (the DPNO moiety lies across a crystallographic inversion centre located at the mid-point of the C-C bond linking its aromatic rings). The complex owes its formation to O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds [O center dot center dot center dot O = 2.605 (3) angstrom]. Molecules are linked by intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot N interactions forming R(2)(1) (6) and R(2)(2) (10) rings, and R(6)(6) (34) and R(4)(4) (26) macro-rings, all of which are aligned along the [(1) over bar 01] direction, and R(2)(2) (10) and R(2)(1) (7) rings aligned along the [010] direction. The combination of chains of rings along the [(1) over bar 01] and [010] directions generates the three-dimensional structure. A total of 27 systems containing the DNPO molecule and forming molecular complexes of an organic nature were analysed and compared with the structural characteristics of the dioxide reported here. The N-O distance [1.325 (2) angstrom] depends not only on the interactions involving the O atom at the N-O group, but also on the structural ordering and additional three-dimensional interactions in the crystal structure. A density functional theory (DFT) optimized structure at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level is compared with the molecular structure in the solid state.
We present an extensive study of the oxyborate material Co(5)Ti(O(2)BO(3))(2) using x-ray, magnetic, and thermodynamic measurements. This material belongs to a family of oxyborates known as ludwigites which presents low-dimensional subunits in the form of three leg ladders in its structure. Differently from previously investigated ludwigites the present material does not show long-range magnetic order although it goes into a spin-glass state at low temperatures. The different techniques employed in this paper allow for a characterization of the structure, the nature of the low-energy excitations and the magnetic anisotropy of this system. Its unique magnetic behavior is discussed and compared with those of other magnetic ludwigites.
The title compound, C11H14N2O2S, was synthesized from furoyl isothiocyanate and piperidine in dry acetone. The thiourea group is in the thioamide form. The thiourea group makes a dihedral angle of 53.9 (1)degrees with the furan carbonyl group. In the crystal structure, molecules are linked by intermolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds, forming one-dimensional chains along the c axis. An intramolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond is also present.
The 1,3,4-oxadiazinane ring in the title compound, C(18)H(18)N(2)O(4), is in a twisted boat conformation. The two carbonyl groups are orientated towards the same side of the molecule. The dihedral angle between the planes of the benzene rings is 76.6 (3)degrees. Molecules are sustained in the three-dimensional structure by a combination of C-H center dot center dot center dot O, C-H center dot center dot center dot pi and pi-pi [shortest centroid-centroid distance = 3.672 (6) angstrom] interactions.
The cyclohexanone ring in the title compound, C(13)H(16)O(3)S, is in a distorted chair conformation. The intramolecular S center dot center dot center dot O(carbonyl) distance is 2.814 (2) angstrom. Molecules are connected into a two-dimensional array via C-H center dot center dot center dot O contacts involving the carbonyl and sulfinyl O atoms.
The analysis of one-, two-, and three-dimensional coupled map lattices is here developed under a statistical and dynamical perspective. We show that the three-dimensional CML exhibits low dimensional behavior with long range correlation and the power spectrum follows 1/f noise. This approach leads to an integrated understanding of the most important properties of these universal models of spatiotemporal chaos. We perform a complete time series analysis of the model and investigate the dependence of the signal properties by change of dimension. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Continuing our series of papers on the three-dimensional (3D) structure and accurate distances of planetary nebulae (PNe), we present here the results obtained for PN NGC 40. Using data from different sources and wavelengths, we construct 3D photoionization models and derive the physical quantities of the ionizing source and nebular gas. The procedure, discussed in detail in the previous papers, consists of the use of 3D photoionization codes constrained by observational data to derive the 3D nebular structure, physical and chemical characteristics, and ionizing star parameters of the objects by simultaneously fitting the integrated line intensities, the density map, the temperature map, and the observed morphologies in different emission lines. For this particular case we combined hydrodynamical simulations with the photoionization scheme in order to obtain self-consistent distributions of density and velocity of the nebular material. Combining the velocity field with the emission-line cubes we also obtained the synthetic position-velocity plots that are compared to the observations. Finally, using theoretical evolutionary tracks of intermediate-and low-mass stars, we derive the mass and age of the central star of NGC 40 as (0.567 +/- 0.06) M(circle dot) and (5810 +/- 600) yr, respectively. The distance obtained from the fitting procedure was (1150 +/- 120) pc.
We study a class of lattice field theories in two dimensions that includes gauge theories. We show that in these theories it is possible to implement a broader notion of local symmetry, based on semisimple Hopf algebras. A character expansion is developed for the quasitopological field theories, and partition functions are calculated with this tool. Expected values of generalized Wilson loops are defined and studied with the character expansion.
The objective of this study was to compare the three-dimensional lower extremity running kinematics of young adult runners and elderly runners. Seventeen elderly adults (age 67-73 years) and 17 young adults (age 26-36 years) ran at 3.1ms-1 on a treadmill while the movements of the lower extremity during the stance phase were recorded at 120Hz using three-dimensional video. The three-dimensional kinematics of the lower limb segments and of the ankle and knee joints were determined, and selected variables were calculated to describe the movement. Our results suggest that elderly runners have a different movement pattern of the lower extremity from that of young adults during the stance phase of running. Compared with the young adults, the elderly runners had a substantial decrease in stride length (1.97 vs. 2.23m; P=0.01), an increase in stride frequency (1.58 vs. 1.37Hz; P=0.002), less knee flexion/extension range of motion (26 vs. 33; P=0.002), less tibial internal/external rotation range of motion (9 vs. 12; P0.001), larger external rotation angle of the foot segment (toe-out angle) at the heel strike (-5.8 vs. -1.0; P=0.009), and greater asynchronies between the ankle and knee movements during running. These results may help to explain why elderly individuals could be more susceptible to running-related injuries.
MgB(2) is considered to be an important conductor for applications. Optimizing flux pinning in these conductors can improve their critical currents. Doping can influence flux pinning efficiency and grain connectivity, and also affect the resistivity, upper critical field and critical temperature. This study was designed to attempt the doping of MgB(2) on the Mg sites with metal-diborides using high-energy ball milling. MgB(2) samples were prepared by milling pre-reacted MgB(2) and TaB(2) powders using a Spex 8000M mill with WC jars and balls in a nitrogen-filled glove box. The mixing concentration in (Mg(1-x)Ta(x))B(2) was up to x = 0.10. Samples were removed from the WC jars after milling times up to 4000 minutes and formed into pellets using cold isostatic pressing. The pellets were heat treated in a hot isostatic press (HIP) at 1000 degrees C under a pressure of 30 kpsi for 24 hours. The influence that milling time and TaB(2) addition had on the microstructure and the resulting superconducting properties of TaB(2)-added MgB(2) is discussed. Improvement J(c) of at high magnetic fields and of pinning could be obtained in milled samples with added TaB(2) The sample with added 5at.% TaB(2) and milled for 300 minutes showed values of J(c) similar to 7 x 10(5) A/cm(2) and F(p) similar to 14 GN/m(3) at 2T, 4.2 K. The milled and TaB(2)-mixed samples showed higher values of mu(0)H(irr) than the unmilled-unmixed sample.